ESMA pone bajo consulta las guías de remuneración que traerá UCITS V, basadas en AIMFD



ESMA Consults on UCITS Remuneration Guidelines
CC-BY-SA-2.0, FlickrFoto: Nicolo caranti, Flickr, Creative Commons. ESMA pone bajo consulta las guías de remuneración que traerá UCITS V, basadas en AIMFD

Autor: Alicia Miguel

The final Guidelines will apply to UCITS management companies and national competent authorities

The draft Guidelines are based on those already issued on remuneration under the AIFMD

The key elements of the guidelines include management companies as part of a group, definition of performance fees, application of different sectoral rules, application of the rules to delegates and payment in instruments

The Consultation Paper also proposes a revision of the AIFMD Remuneration Guidelines

ESMA will consider the feedback received to the consultation and will aim to finalise and publish the UCITS Remuneration Guidelines and a final report by Q1 2016 ahead of the transposition deadline for UCITS V Directive (18 March 2016)