The secondary debt market Debitos is to cooperate with the DDC Financial Group from Prague, which focuses on markets in the CEE region. Among other activities, the service company organises Forums across Europe & USA on the subject of buying and selling distressed investments.
By working with this new strategic partner the Frankfurt-based fintech company intends to focus more closely on other European countries. «We are looking forward to doing business with the DDC Financial Group. This partnership helps us to bridge the gap between the capital needed in the CEE region and specialised investors from US/UK markets. We were particularly impressed by DDC’s innovative online and multimedia offering and its Forum format. This is an important step for us to establish our business model in other countries», said Timur Peters, managing director of Debitos GmbH. Already around one in ten of the 390 investors registered on the online portal come from outside Germany – mostly of them from English-speaking countries.
In the USA there is already an established market for distressed investments and this alternative asset class now plays an important role there in corporate turnarounds. Distressed investments are also gaining traction in Europe: DDC Financial Group helps its customers to open up new markets in this area and also supports them with market research.