Michael Power (Investec AM): “USA Blames China for its Economic Problems, But Could the Real Culprit be Closer to Home?”

Investec Global Insights 2018


Autor: Meritxell Sedo

Michael Power, strategist at Investec Asset Management, participated at the Investec Global Insights 2018, held in Cape Town, South Africa

“What is happening now is that China is starting to use its immense brain. The volume of research and development that it is taking place in China means that China no longer needs to be a copycat economy”

“The United States run a 14 billion dollar of current account surplus with the Eurozone and it also runs a 14 billion current account surplus with Canada”

“United States hold current account deficits with Japan, China and Mexico and ultimately the reason for that is that US corporations have not created enough big markets in these three zones to counteract the trade deficit that it runs with those regions”