Deuda de mercados frontera, micro-finanzas y retorno absoluto, activos en el radar de Capital Strategies

Representación de gestoras


Capital Strategies Seeking Talent in Frontier Fixed Income, Micro-Finance, Absolute Return
CC-BY-SA-2.0, FlickrDaniel Rubio, cofundador de Capital Strategies. Deuda de mercados frontera, micro-finanzas y retorno absoluto, activos en el radar de Capital Strategies

Autor: Fórmate a Fondo

Capital Strategies represents asset management companies in new markets and takes care of fund distribution through private banks and intermediaries

IIt has €4bn AUM mainly in Southern Europe and Latin America, and has spread its presence also to Switzerland and Germany

Capital Strategies has several boutique each of them specialized in single asset classes

Next growth for CSP will be in frontier fixed income, asset class they actually cover through the Danish boutique Global Evolution

LatAm (headed by Nicolas Lasarte who joined as third partner in 2005) is an increasingly important region for the company