Luca Paolini (Pictet Asset Management): “Estamos sobreponderando la renta variable europea y suiza, así como la deuda emergente en divisa local”

Perspectivas de mercado


Luca Paolini Pictet AM_0
Luca Paolini, Pictet Asset Management. Luca Paolini, Pictet Asset Management

Autor: Meritxell Sedo

The evolution of the pandemic has been a succession of bad news, with new Coronavirus cases and a loss of momentum in real time indicators

The trend seen in the last three years, where the US has outperformed almost every market, is going to change dramatically, as the US market is now expensive

Overall, the trend could be said to be positive. Real interest rates are negative and central banks continue to inject liquidity into an economy that shows better signs of recovery than three months ago