Las cifras de desempleo en EE.UU. presentan un panorama sombrío para la renta variable

Más de 36 millones en paro


0Annotation 2020-05-14 084820
CC-BY-SA-2.0, Flickrtimetrax23 . Peakpx CC0

Autor: Gabriela Huerta

22.4% of the March labor force has claimed unemployment

"The most bizarre figures for April concerns wages, showing very strong, positive (!), average growth rates... However, looking ahead, it is highly likely that consumer behaviour could become rather cautious"

"Today’s data is merely confirming what markets, governments, and central banks have been bracing for since at least March: a global recession of unprecedented suddenness and depth"

"Avoiding this scenario will require the Federal Reserve to adopt new tools like helicopter money"

"Will equity investors still want to pay over 22x earnings for growth that still looks recessionary by any historical standard?"