Fondos en Europa: ¿existe un desajuste entre las tendencias de desarrollo de producto y las demandas reales de los selectores?

Senior Fund Sales Survey 2016


There is a Clear Mismatch between Product Development Trends and Real Demand from Large Fund Selectors in Europe
Foto: riccardoPalazzani, Flickr, Creative Commons. Fondos en Europa: ¿existe un desajuste entre las tendencias de desarrollo de producto y las demandas reales de los selectores?

Autor: Alicia Miguel

Providers keep developing Smart beta an Muti strategy funds while fund selectors address this strategies very selectively

“The question is not active versus passive, it is both”

Many asset managers roll out new products on a regular basis to ensure further asset gathering, while most fund selectors want asset managers to focus on what they are best in. So, this is creating a conflict of interest for some fund sales staff

"Europe is overcrowded in terms of the number of fund promoters and funds available"

“The asset management industry has over-promised and under-delivered too often”

67% of the survey respondents expect a good, but challenging year ahead