Europa se lleva la peor parte de la caída en el sentimiento de los gestores mientras los emergentes repuntan

Encuesta BofA Merrill Lynch


Europe Bears Brunt of Falling Sentiment but Emerging Markets Thrive
CC-BY-SA-2.0, FlickrFoto: Visentico, Flickr, Creative Commons. Europa se lleva la peor parte de la caída en el sentimiento de los gestores mientras los emergentes repuntan

Autor: Alicia Miguel

Sentiment towards Europe has fallen significantly – the earnings outlook for the region suffered its greatest monthly fall since the survey started

Investors turning to cash -to two-year highs- as geopolitics and interest rate rise fears bite

The number of survey respondents hedging against a sharp fall in equity markets in the coming three months has reached its highest level since October 2008

GEM has shown the greatest momentum, with the proportion of asset allocators overweight the region rising to a net 17 percent from a net 5 percent in July