With a history dating back to 1924, Eaton Vance Management has managed investment portfolios following time-tested principles of investing that emphasize risk management and the pursuit of long-term returns. Our capabilities encompass a broad range of equity, fixed and floating-rate income, and alternative strategies. Each strategy is based on a well-reasoned investment philosophy and the consistent application of a disciplined, repeatable investment process. In-depth fundamental analysis is the primary basis for our investment decision making. We employ career research analysts who seek to add value to client portfolios by developing comparative advantages in terms of knowledge and information about the market sectors they follow, as well as through application of investment judgment. We manage risk through detailed securities analysis and careful portfolio construction. In managing portfolios, we adhere to established investment disciplines and maintain a consistent focus on risk management and, where appropriate, tax management. The soundness of our investment approach and the capability of our investment teams are reflected in the performance results we have achieved for clients over the long term.
Eaton Vance