Borja Mateo

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Borja Mateo has been Business Development Director at RBC BlueBay since March 2007. Previously, he worked at BNP Paribas, where he created the equity derivatives franchise for listed structured products for Germany and Austria. He also worked for four years at Landesbank Baden-Württemberg in wholesale risk management. Borja holds a degree in Business Administration, Law and Modern Languages ​​from the University of Deusto.

Felipe Vargas Dominguez

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Vargas is a Chilean lawyer who has been working in the alternative investment funds area of Arendt & Medernach since April 2022. He mainly advises clients on the structuring, raising and development of investment funds in Luxembourg, distributed and invested at European and global level. Before joining the firm in Luxembourg, Mr. Medernach worked for seven years in Santiago as a lawyer at Aninat Schwencke & Cia, in various corporate and commercial matters such as M&A, national and international contracts, financing and capital markets, real estate law and alternative investment funds. He has studies at Duke University School of Law and an LLM in European commercial law from the University Paris 1 Panthèon-Sorbonne.

David Schäfer

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David Schäfer is a founding member and Managing Director of Munich Private Equity Partners (MPEP). He is responsible for portfolio management and business development as well as ser­ving on MPEP’s investment committee.

David has studied financial management and international business and holds a Masters’ degree in Business Administration (“Diplom-Kaufmann”) as well as a Private Equity Advisor Certi­fi­cate from the European Business School. He has more than 20 years of expe­­ri­en­ce in the private equity industry.