Jorge Sánchez Tello

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Jorge Sánchez Tello es economista e investigador asociado en FUNDEF. Editorialista en diferentes diarios de circulación nacional, con la columna “Paradigma Económico”. Colaborador en diferentes programas de radio y televisión.

Tanguy Le Saout

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Tanguy Le Saout is Head of European Fixed Income and  Executive Vice President at Pioneer Investments. Tanguy oversees all European Fixed Income portfolio management as well as European credit research. He is also the Lead Portfolio Manager of several fixed income portfolios.

Prior to this, Tanguy was Head of Government Bonds and VaR Portfolios and later Head of Fixed Income Investment Grade, roles to which he was appointed in 2004 and 2010 respectively. He joined Pioneer Investments in October 1999 from Dresdner in Paris where he worked as an Arbitrageur on Equity Options. Tanguy first joined Dresdner in 1992 as an Arbitrage Researcher. In 1994 he took up the role of Primary Dealer on French Government Bonds. Tanguy has been specialising in Fixed Income and Total Return products since joining Pioneer Investments.

James Tomlins

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James Tomlins is a fixed income Fund Manager. He joined M&G in June 2011 and was appointed fund manager of the M&G European High Yield Bond Fund later that year. In January 2014, he became co-manager of the M&G Global High Yield Bond Fund after two years as deputy manager on the fund. James has also managed the M&G Global Floating Rate High Yield Fund since its launch in September 2014. James is a specialist in high yield credit with more than 10 years’ experience in this sector. He was previously an analyst and then a fund manager at Cazenove Capital Management. Before Cazenove, James was at KBC Alternative Investment Management; in the three years prior to that, he worked at Merrill Lynch Investment Managers. James is a CFA charterholder. He graduated with an MA in history and PgDip in economics from the University of Cambridge.

James Tomlins

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James Tomlins is a fixed income Fund Manager. He joined M&G in June 2011 and was appointed fund manager of the M&G European High Yield Bond Fund later that year. In January 2014, he became co-manager of the M&G Global High Yield Bond Fund after two years as deputy manager on the fund. James has also managed the M&G Global Floating Rate High Yield Fund since its launch in September 2014. James is a specialist in high yield credit with more than 10 years’ experience in this sector. He was previously an analyst and then a fund manager at Cazenove Capital Management. Before Cazenove, James was at KBC Alternative Investment Management; in the three years prior to that, he worked at Merrill Lynch Investment Managers. James is a CFA charterholder. He graduated with an MA in history and PgDip in economics from the University of Cambridge.

James Barrineau

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James Barrineau, also known as Jim, has been the Head of Latin American Fixed Income, Co-Head of Emerging Market Debt Relative, and Portfolio Manager at Schroders Investment Management North America, since May 2012. Prior to this, he was employed at Ice Canyon, a California-based global investment management firm specialising in emerging markets and global credit investment strategies. Previously, Barrineau worked at Alliance Bernstein sharing responsibility for managing more than $15bn in EMD relative return strategies.

Gerold Permoser

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Gerold Permoser has been Chief Investment Officer at Erste Asset Management / ERSTE-SPARINVEST since early April 2013. He is responsible for all asset management activities and investment strategies for all investment funds held by the Erste Asset Management Group in Austria, Germany, Croatia, Romania, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Hungary. Before joining the company, he served this function at Macquarie Investment Management Austria KAG. Permoser has gathered experience in investments since 1997.

He began his career as a fixed-income analyst at the Creditanstalt in Vienna. He moved to asset management at Innovest KAG in 2000. He made significant contributions in the investment field there and advanced to CIO (director of asset allocation and research). Gerold Permoser studied at the University of Innsbruck and is a CFA charter holder. He offers training at the University of Vienna and at various post-graduate institutions for analysts and portfolio managers (i.e., at VÖIG, the Association of Austrian Investment Fund Companies).

Dieter Hein

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Dieter is Director at BLI – Banque de Luxembourg Investments. He has a degree in mathematics from the University of Karlsruhe and a Master of Science in Banking and Finance from the Luxembourg School of Finance. Dieter started his career in the insurance sector before moving to Banque de Luxembourg in 1996 to manage bond funds.

Arturo Hanono

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Arturo Hanono is Senior Advisor in Mexico at Alpine Capital Advisors, firm specialized in global private equity advisory. With over 35 years of asset management experience in Mexico, Hanono supports all of Alpine’s fundraising and investor relations efforts in Mexico. Prior to joining Alpine, he held the CIO position at various Mexican pension funds. Hanono is currently an investment committee member of several companies. He holds a degree in Economics from Universidad Anahuac. He won first place in the National Securities Market Prize organized by the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV) with his professional thesis in 1985.

You can find him at

Martin Naor

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Martin Naor is the CEO of Bankingly, a company specialized in providing digital channels, allowing small banks and credit unions throughout Latin America and the Caribbean to offer first class digital services to its customers, with the agility and security currently demanded, all for a variable and reasonable cost.