The Importance of Active Management for Today by Amundi at Funds Society’s Investment Summit 2021

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Foto cedidaAlec Murray, Senior Vice President Head of Equity Client Portfolio Managers at Amundi . Foto cedida

Alec Murray, Senior Vice President Head of Equity Client Portfolio Managers at Amundi will make his presentation on management today at the seventh edition of the Funds Society Investment Summit & Golf.

Alec Murray leads a team of client portfolio managers that are responsible for representing the investment philosophy, process and performance of the firm’s equity strategies, and providing updates on financial market trends and the firm’s economic outlook to clients and their advisors.

The expert will speak during the event that will take place on October 14th and 15th at the Ritz Carlton Golf Resort in Naples.

For more information and/or to register for the Investments Summit 2021, follow this link.

Nuveen Enhances its Real Assets Platform with the Launch of Two New Business Units

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Pixabay CC0 Public Domain. Nuveen amplía su plataforma Real Asset con dos nuevas unidades de negocio: Nuveen Natural Capital y Nuveen Infrastructure

Nuveen has announced the strengthening of its Real Assets platform, by bringing together its private real asset capabilities and launching two new business units. Its goal is to create a more streamlined proposition as investors seek to increase exposure to real assets and alternatives.

In fact, according to research conducted by the firm, over two thirds of institutional investors are planning to increase allocation to infrastructure, natural resources investments and other alternative assets, as they seek to reduce climate-related financial risk exposure and align portfolios with the transition to a sustainable low-carbon economy.

The newly structured Nuveen Real Assets platform will consist of capabilities in real estate, farmland, infrastructure, timberland, agribusiness, and commodities; which will be organized under three core pillars, including two newly launched units: Nuveen Natural Capital and Nuveen Infrastructure. These two will sit alongside Nuveen Real Estate and will be enhanced by targeted and complementary capabilities across Nuveen’s Private Impact and Commodities segments.

“We’re hugely excited to be enhancing our Real Assets proposition, which will include bringing expertise together to create the newly launched businesses. Investor demand for real assets is increasing at an extraordinary pace and by bringing together our unrivalled expertise in alternatives, we will be better positioned to respond to meet growing global investor demand for long-term sustainably managed investments. The strengthening of the platform represents the next step in our evolution in becoming the leading land-based asset manager, investing in a sustainable way for the enduring benefit of our clients and society”, commented Nuveen’s CEO of Real Assets, Mike Sales.

The company has highlighted that its sustainable investment philosophy will underpin the entire Real Asset platform’s approach, “offering investors access to alpha driven strategies that are deployed via a responsible investing lens“. Under the leadership of Mike Sales, the enhanced platform will launch in January 2022.

The three core pillars

Regarding the new offering, the company has revealed that Nuveen Natural Capital will combine Westchester Group Investment Management, Nuveen’s farmland investment business with over $7.7bn of farmland assets under management, with GreenWood Resources, which specialises in the acquisition and stewardship of forestry assets and currently manages $1.5bn of timberland assets across over 760,000 acres. Martin Davies, current CEO of Westchester Group, will lead this business unit.

As for Nuveen Infrastructure, it will combine private equity and equity-like strategies through Glennmont Partners, one of Europe’s largest renewable energy fund managers with over $2bn in assets under management, alongside Nuveen’s existing diversified private infrastructure platform and its agribusiness platform- AGR Partners. Following a 16-year period at Nuveen, Biff Ourso, will be the Global Head.

Meanwhile, Nuveen Real Estate is one of the largest real estate managers globally, with over $133bn of assets under management, and will remain under the leadership of Chris McGibbon. The business consists of six core business lines across the retail, office, logistics, housing, debt & alternatives sectors

BNY Mellon IM Appoints Kristina Church as New Head of Responsible Strategy

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BNY Mellon IM nombramiento
Foto cedidaKristina Church, Head of Responsible Strategy de BNY Mellon IM.. BNY Mellon IM nombra a Kristina Church nueva Head of Responsible Strategy

BNY Mellon Investment Management has announced the appointment of Kristina Church as Head of Responsible Strategy. In her new role, she will collaborate with its investment firms, as well as its parent company BNY Mellon, in relation to their responsible and sustainable investment strategies and approaches.

In a press release, the asset manager revealed that Church will help drive BNY Mellon IM’s positioning relating to responsible investment as a provider of investment solutions, engage with clients, input on product development, contribute to public policy and related initiatives, and advise on data and reporting. Based in London, she will report to Gerald Rehn, Head of International Product and Governance at the firm.

Church joins from Lombard Odier Investment Managers where she was most recently Head of Sustainable Solutions and earlier, Senior Investment Strategist and Deputy Head of Sustainability. Prior to this, she spent a decade at Barclays Capital, latterly in its sustainable and thematic research team and formerly as Head of European Automotive Equity Research. She began her career as an accountant at Deloitte and later an automotive equity analyst in Citigroup.

“I am delighted to welcome Kristina to BNY Mellon Investment Management. She has a wealth of experience gained in different parts of the investment industry and a very strong understanding of the evolving trends in responsible and sustainable investment across various asset classes”, said Hanneke Smits, Chief Executive Officer.

She also pointed out that BNY Mellon IM’s multi-investment firm model provides clients with a “unique and relevant” range of responsible investment solutions. “Kristina will play an integral role in further positioning and articulating our approaches to responsible investment with our clients globally”, she concluded.

“Quality or Nothing” will be Vontobel’s Focus at the Funds Society Investment Summit 2021

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Foto cedidaBen Falcone, CFA, Head of Client Portfolio Manager Team Quality Growth Boutique. Foto cedida

Vontobel will focus his dissertation on the importance of quality assets when seeking investments at the seventh edition of the Investment Summit & Golf of the Funds Society.

During the event, which will take place on October 14th and 15th at the Ritz Carlton Golf Resort in Naples, Ben Falcone, CFA, Head of Client Portfolio Manager Team Quality Growth Boutique, will be presenting “Quality or Nothing”. 

Ben Falcone joined Vontobel Asset Management in March 2015 as a Client Portfolio Manager for the firm’s Quality Growth Boutique. He is responsible for communicating the firm’s philosophy, process, performance, portfolio positioning and risk management.

For more information and/or to register for the Investments Summit 2021, follow this link.

High Yields in a Reflation Context will be the Focus of M&G at Funds Society’s Investment Summit 2021

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Captura de Pantalla 2021-10-05 a la(s) 13
Foto cedidaJames Tomlins, fund manager at M&G Investments. Foto cedida

M&G Investments will discuss the benefits, market valuations and opportunities of floating rate high yields at the upcoming Funds Society Investment Summit & Golf in Naples.

During the event, to be held October 14th and 15th at the Ritz Carlton Golf Resort in Naples, James Tomlins, manager of M&G (Lux) Global Floating Rate High Yield Fund, will discuss the opportunities that high yield can offer in a reflationary pressures scenario.

Tomlins has more than a decade of experience in high yield credit, joined M&G in June 2011 and started managing fixed income portfolios in January 2014. He manages Global High Yield Bond, the Global Floating Rate High Yield and the Global High Yield ESG Bond strategies.

For more information and/or to register for the Investments Summit 2021, follow this link.




RWC will present at the Funds Society’s Investment Summit 2021 with its emerging fund

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John Malloy
Foto cedidaJohn M. Malloy Jr, Portfolio Manager de RWC Emerging and Frontier Market . Pexels

The seventh edition of the Funds Society Investment Summit & Golf 2021 will have John M. Malloy Jr from RWC as one of its speakers, who will be presenting the company’s Emerging and Frontier Markets offer.

At the event, which will take place on October 14th and 15th at the Ritz Carlton Golf Resort in Naples, the RWC portfolio manager will comment on the fund which is managed by a team of 21 people.

The RWC Emerging and Frontier Markets strategies are managed by John Malloy, Emerging Markets and James Johnstone, Smaller Emerging and Frontier Markets. A 21-strong team, prioritising face-to-face research to inform idea generation. This provides on-the-ground knowledge and ability to seek out a wide range of opportunities across the emerging and frontier markets spectrum. The investment team brings together the economic and cultural perspectives of 14 nationalities, speaking 17 languages and drawing on business experience having worked together around the world for over twenty years, according to the company’s information.

For more information and/or to register for the Investments Summit 2021, follow this link.

Water and Artificial Intelligence: Among Allianz GI’s Investment Bets for the Future

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evento 1
Foto cedidaDe izquierda a derecha, Alicia Jiménez de la Riva, socia ejecutiva y directora de Funds Society, y Alberto D´Avenia, responsable de ventas en US NRB (Non-Resident Business) y Latinoamérica y director general de Allianz GIobal Investors.. Agua e inteligencia artificial: entre las apuestas de inversión de Allianz GI para el futuro

Water scarcity and the development of artificial intelligence, or the so-called fourth industrial revolution, are two of the main challenges facing societies, but also investors. At the latest Funds Society Virtual Investment Summit, Allianz Global Investors’ artificial intelligence portfolio manager James Chen and AllianzGI’s product specialist for the firm’s Global Water strategy Alexandra Russo discussed the potential investment prospects in both sectors together with Alberto D’Avenia, who heads the firm’s U.S. non-resident and Latin America distribution efforts. This event can be viewed again at this link (password VIS_AliianzGI_09/28).

Titled, “From water to artificial intelligence: investing in next-generation infrastructure”, AllianzGI analysed the role of infrastructure in the development of both themes. In the case of water infrastructure, we are at a key moment for investment in the United States, where the Biden administration is planning massive infrastructure stimulus to prepare the country for an increasingly digital and environmentally sustainable world as well as the challenge of climate change.

With a new plan for billions of dollars of investment, a commitment to renewing water infrastructure has a major role to play. But while the United States is taking a leadership role in its commitment to development and innovation, governments around the world have begun to upgrade their water infrastructure on their own, creating an opportunity for investors to achieve attractive investment returns while advancing the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

Alexandra Russo, AllianzGI’s Product Specialist for Global Water, explained that the opportunity for investment in water infrastructure in the medium to long term is due to the water scarcity affecting the entire planet. Given that with today’s population there is already a problem of water scarcity in a world where water is needed not only for human consumption, but to produce almost every good we use and consume, from clothing to technology, it is to be expected that as the population grows, governments and businesses will increasingly focus on providing smart water-saving and water-management solutions.

“Given that there is no alternative to fresh water, companies that offer solutions to real challenges, whether it’s improving our infrastructure, or helping us do more with less… are well positioned to capitalise on a long-term resilient growth opportunity,” she said.

Some of the factors that will drive investment in water infrastructure are, in addition to population growth, urbanisation, rising living standards, electrification and a preference for water-intensive foods such as meat, she said. For example, the growing increase in the population living in cities will lead to investment in infrastructures to be supply water and treat it properly, and increasing living standards will lead to a greater demand for clean, quality water for domestic use, while in developing countries, progressive industrialisation will increase water consumption. For example, in an industrialised country such as the United States, industrial use accounts for almost 50% of water use.

Furthermore, investing in water is a sustainable investment in line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, No. 6 of which is “universal access to safe and affordable drinking water for all by 2030”. According to Russo, beyond investing in distribution companies, it is possible to direct capital towards those that are producing solutions to the challenges we face. She said opportunities include, “companies that are helping to preserve and protect our existing water supplies, or companies that are creating the technology to do more with less water supply, such as in agriculture. Also in companies that help us treat our water and filter it so that we can then drink it and know it’s safe,” all of which would be in line with that goal.

In terms of the approach to investing in this sector, Russo said active asset management can be helpful to identify “those companies that are developing technology and providing solutions” to the world’s water problems. Special attention should be given to companies which have a significant portion of their profits tied to water. “Water scarcity is not something that is going to be solved, so the companies that are providing the solutions are well positioned to offer far-reaching investment support and also serve to generate a positive environmental impact,” she said.

Artificial intelligence: a bet on multi-sectoral productivity

On the other hand, the AllianzGI experts explained that investing in companies developing products and services that leverage artificial intelligence is shaping up to be a potentially great opportunity to profit in the short to medium term in the context of what many are already calling the “fourth industrial revolution”. For James Chen, artificial intelligence portfolio manager at Allianz Global Investors, artificial intelligence is a “transformative force that is going to bring about profound change in the economy”.

In fact, AI-based technology has already moved beyond the digital industry and is being deployed in many other sectors, such as agriculture and healthcare, he said. Asked about the potential of AI to improve the water problem, Chen said that the construction of water infrastructure will provide a lot of accumulated data that could be more effectively managed by this new technology.

Although, according to Chen, the development of AI is at an early stage and it will take decades for computers to be able to operate as effectively as, or even exceed, the capacity of a human, in the next 10-20 years AI-based technology will drive an increase in productivity, making it a safe investment value. “In particular, artificial intelligence could be worth up to 15.7 trillion euros by 2030, which is more than the GDP of China and India combined,” Chen explained, citing PwC research.

However, the Chen said, it is worth bearing in mind that there are going to be many waves of innovation and investment and that, while investment in AI has the potential to produce a return on investment faster than other sectors, there may be periods of stagnation and growth. Nevertheless, in the long term, the economy and industry should benefit greatly from the transformation that artificial intelligence could drive, he said.

Moreover, for Chen, this “fourth industrial revolution” that will be led by the development of AI is compatible with ESG parameters. For example, he explained, in the field of agriculture, the ability to eliminate the use of pesticides and increase water savings could allow for more eco-friendly crops. In general, according to Chen, AI can serve to enhance ESG aspects in industry, although in each sector and each company the applications of this new technology are very different and there is no universal approach to link artificial intelligence and ESG.

Karin Van Baardwijk to Become CEO of Robeco in Replacement of Gilbert Van Hassel

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Foto mejor
Foto cedidaKarin van Baardwijk, actualmente CEO y directora de operaciones de Robeco.. Karin van Baardwijk será nombrada consejera delegada de Robeco en sustitución de Gilbert Van Hasse

Robeco has announced the appointment of Karin van Baardwijk as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) as of 1 January 2022. Currently deputy CEO and COO, she will succeed Gilbert Van Hassel who has served as the firm’s CEO since September 2016.

In a press release, the asset manager has revealed that Van Hassel will stay on as CEO until 31 December 2021 “in order to ensure a smooth handover”, after which he will re-locate back to the United States where he will assume a senior role for ORIX Group based in New York.

Van Baardwijk joined Robeco in 2006 and has held various positions ranging from Head of Operational Risk Management to Chief Information Officer. Having been part of its Executive Committee since 2015, she has played an important role in developing and executing the corporate strategy for 2021–2025 and has been responsible for leading several “successful transitions”.

“It is an honor to be appointed CEO. I am very excited to lead Robeco and proud to add to its long history that goes back for 90 years of serving clients. Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do and I personally stand for. I look forward to further driving the strategic 2021-2025 agenda, to build on the momentum we have and to accelerate growth in all our key strengths”, Van Baardwijk said.

Meanwhile, Maarten Slendebroek, Chair of the Supervisory board, highlighted that she has shown “strong, inclusive leadership and management skills” in her current role as Chief Operating Officer (COO) and deputy CEO. In his view, her strengths in operations, technology, sustainability, relationship building, and her extensive experience within Robeco will “undoubtedly” enable her to be an “effective and respected” CEO.

“On behalf of the Supervisory Board, we thank Gilbert for laying a strong foundation, accelerating Robeco’s growth globally and for guiding Robeco to leading global positions in Sustainable Investing, Quant, Credits, Trends & Thematic and Global & Emerging Market Equities. We wish him all the best in his new role with ORIX Group”, he added.

As for Van Hassel, he claimed to be very grateful for his tenure at Robeco and to have had the opportunity to lead “such an incredibly skilled organization with so many bright and talented people”.

“Robeco is in a great place and with Karin, I have the utmost confidence that its clients are in good hands. To be able to fill this position from our own ranks underlines the strength of our organization. I am thankful for the position that ORIX Group has offered me to share my experience and to further build its global business. I also look forward to being reunited with my family”, he concluded.

Franklin Templeton Acquires O’Shaughnessy AM, a Custom Indexing Provider

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CEO Franklin
Foto cedidaJenny Johnson, presidenta y CEO de Franklin Templeton.. Franklin Templeton adquiere O'Shaughnessy AM, proveedor de índices personalizados

Franklin Templeton has announced that it will acquire O’Shaughnessy Asset Management, a custom index provider and quantitative asset management firm. The transaction is still subject to customary closing conditions and expected to close in the fourth quarter of 2021.

In a press release, the asset manager has explained that through this acquisition, it adds to its offerings in the high growth separately managed account (SMA) industry, where it is already one of the largest providers with 130 billion dollars in assets under management as of August 31, 2021. In its view, OSAM’s capabilities, both as a factor-based investment manager and as a Custom Indexing solution via its flagship Canvas® platform, “will serve as an important expansion and enhancement of Franklin Templeton’s existing strengths in SMA and custom solutions capabilities”.

The platform was launched in late 2019 and has seen strong growth since its inception, now representing 1.8 billion dollars of OSAM’s total 6.4 billion in assets under management as of August 31, 2021.

Technological advances are reshaping how financial solutions are delivered, and we continue to invest in innovative technology to enhance client outcomes and their experience. Custom Indexing is aligned with our commitment to bringing sophisticated customization to a broader investment audience, and I’m excited to welcome the OSAM team to Franklin Templeton”, said Jenny Johnson, President and CEO of the asset manager

Franklin Templeton believes that the transaction will bring “compelling benefits” to the clients that both companies serve across multiple channels. “Custom Indexing represents a significant area of growth in asset management today, and Canvas allows financial advisors to build and manage Custom Indexes in SMAs that are individually tailored to the client’s specific needs, preferences, and objectives”, points out the press release.

Besides, they highlight that advisors can create investment templates, access factor investing strategies, utilize passive strategies, and apply ESG investing and SRI screens to adhere specifically to the client’s personal beliefs. Canvas also provides the opportunity for advisors to efficiently plan, set tax budgets, identify realized and unrealized gains and losses, and systematically sell certain positions to create offsets. OSAM is also regarded as a pioneer in factor-based investing with a long history of delivering its investment strategies through SMA and mutual fund solutions.

Patrick O’Shaughnessy, CFA, Chief Executive Officer of OSAM said that Custom Indexing represents the next progression of investing through Indexing, ETFs, and Direct Indexing. “As part of Franklin Templeton, we’ll have the opportunity to accelerate client growth at Canvas and continue to add to existing OSAM offerings. We’re excited by the incredible potential this acquisition creates and look forward to getting started”, he added.

Through this transaction, OSAM’s more than 40 team members are expected to join Franklin Templeton along with all of the necessary intellectual property, investment management processes, and principal business assets necessary to evolve and grow the business within the Franklin Templeton Product Solutions group.

Roger Paradiso, Head of Franklin Templeton Product Solutions claimed that they “firmly believe” winning solutions will need to combine a quantitative skillset, active investment management expertise, and a great digital user experience. “This partnership will further enhance Franklin Templeton’s ability to deliver compelling individualized SMA solutions to clients, advisors and firms while continuously innovating to advance and shape the managed accounts industry”, he concluded.

Pictet Asset Management: No Time to Buy?

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Luca Paolini Pictet AM

Expectations for tighter monetary policy are intensifying.

Central banks continue to lay the groundwork for a withdrawal of pandemic-era monetary stimulus in the face of rising inflation.

But higher interest rates are not the only concern for equity markets. Events in China are also worrying. Its strong recovery from the pandemic is now at risk as Beijing battles to avoid the collapse of its most indebted property company Evergrande.

We have reduced our forecasts for China’s economic growth by 1 percentage point for 2021-22 to 8.6 per cent as we expect the fallout from Evergrande debacle to spread throughout real estate sector. The country’s leading indicator is falling at a 5 per cent annualised rate, the same pace seen at the height of the Covid crisis in March 2020.

That shouldn’t come as a surprise considering real estate and related industries account for up to 30 per cent of Chinese GDP and property makes up more than two thirds of household wealth. Tighter monetary policy has led us to downgrade bonds to underweight while China’s troubles have convinced us to increase exposure to defensive equity sectors and upgrade cash to overweight.

Pictet AM



Business cycle analysis shows world economic activity is cooling. Our global leading indicators contracted in August for the first time since the start of the post-pandemic recovery. We cut our global GDP growth estimates for the third month in a row to 6.2 per cent for 2021 from 6.4 per cent last month, led by downgrades of the US and China.

While slowing, growth in the US is still significantly above potential and we expect the world’s biggest economy to remain firm as job gains and wage increases boost consumer spending in the coming quarters.

Labour and raw material shortages and a spike in oil and gas prices are keeping inflationary pressures high, although the pace of consumer price rises has slowed in the most recent month.

Europe remains a bright spot as the region’s leading index rose for the fourth month in a row, supported by a weaker euro, the European Central Bank’s generous monetary stimulus and a successful vaccine rollout.

Our liquidity analysis shows central banks are still providing ample stimulus for now, but at a slower rate.

The world’s five major central banks are pumping in just USD500 billion of liquidity on a three-month basis, the lowest in 18 months and compared with USD1.5 trillion during the peak of the pandemic.

That said, our calculations show the US Federal Reserve’s monetary tightening trajectory remains well behind the curve. The central bank’s “shadow rate”, adjusted for the effect of asset purchases, is about 500 basis points below its equilibrium levels.

That is despite Fed officials having taken a clear hawkish turn in their communications, suggesting a faster withdrawal of the central bank’s USD120 billion monthly bond buying and a more aggressive interest rate hike campaign that could start as early as end-2022.

Liquidity conditions in the euro zone remain the loosest in the world and the European Central Bank should continue to provide stimulus in excess of GDP next year – the only monetary authority to do so among major economies.

China’s central bank has stepped up net cash injections in response to a funding squeeze among real estate developers. We expect liquidity conditions to gradually loosen across the country in the coming months; the People’s Bank of China may cut its reserve requirement ratio for banks for the second time this year when its medium-term loans mature.


Pictet AM

Our valuation model supports our downgrade of bonds and neutral equity stance.

Despite a recent rise in yields, bonds remain below fair value and we expect a further correction in prices.

Equities have suffered their first weekly outflow of this year, of more than USD 24 billion (see Fig. 2).

Rising bond yields are likely to weigh on equity earnings multiples given the asset class’ expensive valuation. Another red flag is corporate profits.

Earnings momentum has peaked, with 12-month forward earning per share now rising at 20 per cent for MSCI All-Country World Index, compared with 60 per cent in June.

Our models suggest earnings growth will continue to decelerate significantly in the coming quarters as the pace of economic expansion slows.

Our technical indicators paint a positive picture for riskier assets, supported by seasonal factors as well as moderate investor sentiment.


Opinion written by Luca PaoliniPictet Asset Management’s Chief Strategist


Discover Pictet Asset Management’s macro and asset allocation views.


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