What Does 2015 Tell Us About 2016?

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¿Qué nos cuenta 2015 sobre 2016?
Photo: Gabriel de Andrade Fernandes . What Does 2015 Tell Us About 2016?

In reviewing 2015, I am reminded of the issues that dominated multifamily investment discussion.

Let’s start with the funds. Blackstone Group LP, the world’s biggest alternative-asset manager, has closed on $15.8 billion for its global real estate fund. As of June, 2015, it was overseeing $93 billion in real estate assets. Goldman Sachs is oversubscribed for its $5.3 billion real estate fund.

What does this mean?  These are smart people – and they have chosen real estate as their investment class. We all know that real estate provides a stable diversification to the volatility of the equity markets, and it has outperformed those markets for many, many years. But the enormity of these funds is concrete affirmation of its global favor.

Then consider the Millennials:  25 million classic apartment renters are still living at home.  And it will be a while before they can afford—or want –to purchase a home:  student debt; flexibility to move for job opportunities; later marriages and children, etc.  And recently FHA has ruled that potential home buyers who carry student debt will have to include that debt (even deferred) in their debt-to-income calculations. So it will be even harder to qualify for a mortgage.   They (25 million) will need rental housing.  That’s a lot of apartments.

And the Baby Boomers (born between mid-40s and mid-60s) are also looking to rent.  There will be 76 million baby boomers retiring en masse in coming years.  Some reports anticipate that in the next fifteen years, renters 65 and older will grow in number to 12.2 million. (Gloria Stilwell, Bloomberg News)  Other reports suggest that Boomers may be slower to downsize as the housing bubble peaks, but add that this situation is temporary. Boomers currently occupy 32 million homes, but as circumstances inevitably change, “their actions will reverberate through the housing market.” (Kenneth Harney, Washington Report to Miami Herald.  12/6/15.)  That’s even more demand for rental apartments.

That brings us to the housing bubble. With the rise in housing prices, the “US housing market across the board is moving toward rent territory,” Ken Johnson, Ph.D.  Especially in Dallas, Houston, and Denver, in terms of wealth creation, data suggest renting as opposed to buying.

Finally – senior housing:  It’s not your grandma’s “old folks” home. No more rocking chairs; no more flowered wallpaper, antique credenzas and calico curtains; no reference to “retirees.”  By federal law, 55 is the minimum age for “senior housing,” but who at 55 wants to be considered “senior”? (My wife has refused senior discounts because “It sounds so old.”)

Our Baby Boomer renters want a continuation of their active and social lifestyles –but without the headaches. They want modern, show-house furnishings, designer finishes. They want a carefree, luxury lifestyle. They want rental apartments.

Put these all together, and the future of multifamily investment is very exciting.  We are going to be busy.  The problem is that everybody is jumping on the bandwagon, and there are some crazy deals going down.  Good investments are out there, but they are really hard to find.  That’s why the firm has local presence in each of our markets that scout the area for off-market opportunities.

For 2016, multifamily will continue as the darling of the real estate investment industry.  But we must be careful.  I predict a cap rate compression unlike anything we have seen before. And that will create other issues. (But I’ll discuss those in another message.)

In the meantime, we aggressively look for solid B and C properties in B and B+ neighborhoods, properties with steady cash flow that show opportunity for improvement.  It takes hours and hours of looking and a lot of hard work, but we expect 2016 to be even better than 2015.

Opinion by Chris Finlay, Chairman/CEO, Lloyd Jones Capital


Selectivity Needed in Emerging Markets

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Seleccionar con calma sigue siendo la estrategia más idónea para los emergentes
CC-BY-SA-2.0, FlickrPhoto: Rodolfo Araiza. Selectivity Needed in Emerging Markets

At a high level, emerging markets are caught between the twin economic powerhouses of the US and China. While it has been this way for many years, the exact nature of those influences has changed through time. Many emerging markets, particularly commodity exporters, have been hit by the sharp fall in demand for basic materials and commodities from China. As the People’s Republic rebalances its economy to favour services over heavy industry and infrastructure, fixed-asset investment and property have slowed from 25% year-on-year growth to 15% today.

Investec consider that these rates are likely to slow gradually over the medium term, rather than declining precipitously, as China works through capacity overhangs in many industries. Nonetheless, for countries that relied on extracting natural resources and selling them to China for their economic growth, this slowdown has come as a distinct economic shock and continues to hold back growth.

For many emerging markets, the US has shifted from being a strong demand and export driver through its consumption of their products, to a monetary driver as they import its ultra-low, quantitative- easing driven interest-rate policy. In some cases, notably in Asia, this cheap money- fuelled excess credit growth has allowed companies much freer access to global capital markets. “If, as we expect, interest rates begin to rise in the US, those economies with high debt loads will be vulnerable over the coming year. To combat the impact of the US rate rise and maintain competitiveness, these countries are likely to let their currency weaken against the US dollar and cut interest rates”, pointed out Investec.

Different pressures

However, noted the firm, not all countries face the same pressures. Countries that have substantial current account deficits such as, Brazil and Colombia, and which were the primary beneficiaries of quantitative easing between 2009 and 2013 are the most exposed to the impact of rising interest rates. Banking systems with high loan-to- deposit ratios and open capital accounts will also likely come under strain. The key risk for 2016 is, therefore, related to the financial cycle, particularly in Asia, where debt build-up is leading to the instability of the financial system and its attendant risks, even though the risk of global recession remains very low.

“Our favoured markets are those of countries that continue to adopt market- friendly growth strategies, remove obstacles to doing business effectively, tame inflation and gain credibility”, added.

Natural extensions

Investec also favour economies that are natural extensions of developed markets, such as Mexico of the US and Hungary of the EU. Both of these countries benefit from their neighbours’ recovery in growth and activity. The relatively robust US economy, propelled by an increasingly confident consumer, provides a potential broader benefit to Mexico. The previous stage of US growth, powered by manufacturing and the shale oil boom, by its very nature did not pass through demand to emerging markets.

However, a more typical recovery with consumers assisted by easier lending standards and a buoyant housing market could see a stronger source of demand.

Fundamentally, however, those countries that were reliant on natural resource revenues, which couldn’t mine it fast enough, and then couldn’t stop mining it fast enough, are distinctly out of favour with investors. Some of these commodity producers may now be fair to good value. However, even then we have to differentiate between those economies that have exhibited the deep political problems associated with a struggling economy, Brazil for example, and those that are simply adjusting to a slower growth path.

Divergence brings back value

“It is easy to be pessimistic about this challenging macro scenario – indeed our central case remains another year of growth disappointments – but value has come back as relative and absolute valuations now more accurately reflect growth prospects”, said the firm. With 150 countries, US$7 trillion in market capitalisation for the MSCI Emerging Market Index and $3.25 trillion of investible debt, according to JP Morgan in March 2015, the emerging market universe is significant and its divergence, in terms of what is on offer, is huge.

Assets invested in emerging markets have proved sticky as institutional investors continue to make strategic allocations and to rebalance fixed-income mandates.

“The breadth of opportunities offered by the divergent bottom-up trends offers great scope to look for attractive returns and for value among the still fundamental challenges. The investor’s challenge is to discriminate between the value and the value traps”, concluded.


European Smart Beta ETF Market Flows Were Sustained in 2015

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El dinero hacia ETFs de smart beta se concentró en 2015 en los que invierten por fundamentales, volatilidad mínima y multifactor
CC-BY-SA-2.0, FlickrPhoto: Jose Antonio Cotallo López . European Smart Beta ETF Market Flows Were Sustained in 2015

European Smart beta ETF market flows were sustained in 2015 but were still impacted by Q2 trend inflection. Net new assets (NNA) for the full year 2015 amounted to EUR4.1bn, close to the EUR4.4 record level of 2014 NNA. Total Assets under Management are up 49% vs. the end of 2014, reaching EUR 15.1 billion. In 2015, Smart Beta ETF flows were mainly focused around Fundamental, Minimum volatility and Multifactor ETFs, with the latter two respectively benefitting from increasingly volatile markets and investors’ search for return enhancement, according to the last Lyxor European Smart Beta ETF Market Trends.

Smart beta are rules-based investment strategies that do not rely on market capitalization. To classify all the products that are included in this category Lyxor has used 3 sub segments. First, risk based strategies based on volatilities, and other quantitative methods. Secondly, fundamental strategies based on the economic footprint of a firm – through accountant ratios – or of a state – through macro-economic measures. Then factor strategies including homogeneous ranges of single factor products, and multifactor products designed purposely for factor allocation.

Q4 2015 flows were relatively limited for Smart beta ETF sat EUR737M, far from Q1 record of EUR2bn, the report says. Yet December 2015 marked a rebound vs the limited flows of November. This is still in contrast with the overall European ETF market where November flows were limited while December flows were close to January record highs.

Factor allocation ETFs saw the highest growth over the year with NNA of EUR1.5bn more than twice the 2014 NNA as investors sought new ways to enhance return. Increasing volatility expectations due to the Fed interest rate increase following end of QE and uncertainties on China growth have led to sustained flows on minimum volatility ETFs gathering a quarter of European Smart beta ETF inflows over the year. Flows on fundamental ETFs driven by high income, high dividend products continued to be signficant at EUR1.6bn due to global yield scarcity and appetite to capture structural reform in Japan, concludes the report.


Facing Up to the Bear

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Encarando los mercados bajistas
CC-BY-SA-2.0, FlickrPhoto: Ian D. Kaeting. Facing Up to the Bear

Widespread fears over ongoing stock market and currency weakness in China, the falling oil price, geopolitical tensions, overvalued assets and an end to fiscal stimuli have led to stock markets plunging around the world. The bear appears to have his claws out and investors with shorter memories may well be spooked.

Oil prices have once again played a key part in this fresh round of market sell-offs, with Brent crude slumping to a little over $27.5/barrel on 20 January – down 75% from its June 2014 high of $112/barrel and 39% off the $45/barrel price we saw as recently as November 2015. Indeed, there are fears that the rock-bottom oil price may even put some oil companies out of business.

Bear markets are typically defined by a broad range of indices falling by 20% or more from their most recent peaks. At the time of writing, at 5,673 the FTSE 100 index is 20.3% off its April 2015 peak of 7,122, while the Dow and the MSCI AC World indices are not far behind. If a bear market is also defined as one where investors should expect further sell-offs, then we may well be in the bear’s claws.

Ironically, the drivers of this bear market may be found in economic policies aimed at stabilising global economies. Volatility has been artificially low in recent years due largely to quantitative easing (QE), with markets settling into a pattern of reassurance that modest earnings growth would continue all the while asset prices were being boosted by QE.

I’ve previously referred to this as markets ‘resting easy as they drank from the punchbowl of QE’, but recent events indicate that markets have perhaps had their fill and, even if the QE bowl is not yet empty, it might as well be.

This should not have come as a shock to investors

The recovery of financial asset prices from the nadir of the last financial crisis has been dramatic; indeed, it has been one of history’s most fruitful periods for investors. The six years ending March 31 2015, for example, stand at the apex of historical six-year returns for the US stock market.

The Greek debt crisis made markets sit up and take notice – reminding them that bull runs do not last forever – while in December the US Federal Reserve embarked on a tightening of policy which eliminated one of the financial markets’ greatest tailwinds. The era of asset price reflation, fueled by both post-crisis undervaluation and aggressive central bank easing, is over and we cannot rely on our returns being flattered by QE or other valuation recovery dynamics.

At a global level, expected earnings are lower than they have been for five years while prices are much higher even if, while volatility is high and rising, it is not in territory that typically marks capitulation and is some way off the levels of volatility we saw in 2008.

China, of course, remains a key driver of volatility. Its economy is slowing as it desperately tries to rebalance (even if the recent rate of decline is not as bad as many feared – for example, its recent quarterly GDP figure indicated growth of 6.9%, marginally better than many analysts expected). This slowdown has already resulted in currency depreciation and stock market woes, which have spilled over into other Asian markets and across the world.

Yet fears over China are also not new and we have warned for some time that the ongoing slowdown in the country would pose challenges not only for Asian and emerging markets investors but for financial markets globally.

Now is not the time to throw in the towel

Dollar strength, liquidity, credit spreads and Brexit also remain key concerns. Yet this is not the time for investors to throw in the towel, as some pugilistic analysts and doom-mongers have suggested.

Investors should be aware that 2016 will be a low growth, low return world, with corporate margins pressured by weak end demand and overcapacity in a number of industries.

The outlook for emerging markets (EM) remains challenging, particularly for those countries that have built their economies to serve Chinese demand for commodities. The outlook for these countries is downbeat, and weaker currencies may not help to lift demand for EM exports where consumer and corporate demand is subdued. A world where the US tightens policy but other central banks retain an accommodative stance should mean a stronger dollar, all else being equal. That is likely to be a further headwind for EMs, as there is a strong inverse correlation between the dollar and emerging markets.

Active managers using multi-asset allocation strategies are well-placed to ride out short-term shocks in markets. The rising tide of global QE that had lifted all boats will begin to ebb, and in that environment it will make sense to differentiate within and across asset classes. In this world, a focus on valuations and fundamentals – ‘old school’ investing if you like – should be more important than it has been in recent years, when markets were backstopped by abundant and growing liquidity.

Longer-term investors know that what can feel like an emergency in the short-term may not hold as much significance some years down the line, so a focus on old school investing values makes particular sense in such a volatile world.

Tackle the bear

But if we are to tackle the bear, we would ideally like to see some markers of stability. If China and its investors could accept the country’s need to rebalance its economy, we might see a smoother stock market ride. Oil price stability would also help, but the situation in the Middle East is difficult to fathom, defined by Saudi Arabia’s continued willingness to pump oil even at current prices and its squabbles with Iran. With demand falling, partly as a result of US shale oil flooding the market, oversupply remains a key issue and it remains to be seen how the geopolitical factors in play will pan out.

Even if the prospect of further interest rate rises have been pushed a little further towards the horizon, they arguably remain one of the key threats. The macro and company indicators that we are seeing at the moment – subdued growth and inflation, soft final demand and a deteriorating outlook for corporate earnings – are not the kind of the things that one would expect to see when the world’s most important central bank, the US Federal Reserve, is starting an interest-rate tightening cycle.

It is clear that the Fed is very keen to start normalising interest rates, but if one simply looked at the data in isolation, it is hard to come to the conclusion that the Fed needs to raise rates quickly or aggressively. The recent US jobs data releases have been strong, but they need to be set in context – labour participation rates in the US are still at 40-year lows. Markets do expect the Fed to act, and we expect the FOMC to do so in a controlled and sensible manner. If the Fed loses control of its own narrative and policymakers are seen to ‘flip-flop’, markets could react strongly.

What does all this mean from an asset allocation perspective? In terms of valuations, we still regard equities as more attractive than bonds and expect to retain that positioning for now in our asset allocation portfolios, although with less conviction than we have done for some time. However, compared to their longer-term history, equities still offer better value than bonds.

Mark Burgess is CIO EMEA and Global Head of Equities at Columbia Threadneedle Investments.


Time for a Conservative Equity Approach

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La volatilidad en las bolsas está asegurada para todo 2016: es hora de ponerse conservador
CC-BY-SA-2.0, FlickrPhoto: OTA Photos. Time for a Conservative Equity Approach

For the past seven years, explained Charles Gaffney, Equity Portfolio Manager at Eaton Vance, equity markets have been nothing short of exceptional. A consistent combination of strong stock returns, relatively low volatility, and a periodic dose of monetary medicine has kept the bears comfortably sleeping. In fact, points out the expert, history suggests this may be one of the best bull market runs on record with seven consecutive years of positive returns in the S&P 500 index.

However, 2016 has gotten off to a rough start with the market down nearly 9% at its lowest point, representing one of the worst starts in recent history. An analysis of economic data arguably suggests the global economy is facing some headwinds, including a slowdown in China, heightened volatility in energy markets, slower growth, and a cautious consumer. As a result, investors should be prepared for increased volatility throughout the year, said Gaffney.

“In this environment, establishing a high-quality, modestly conservative equity approach that can withstand the potential of heightened market volatility while seeking to protect the gains of previous years is a good starting point worth consideration”, resume the Portfolio Manager at Eaton Vance.


Playboy Mansion Still Listed For $200 Million

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A la venta la mansión de Playboy por 200 millones de dólares
Photo: Youtube. Playboy Mansion Still Listed For $200 Million

One of America’s most famous addresses, known for legendary parties and lavish lifestyle, The Playboy Mansion, has been listed for $200 million, The Agency and Hilton & Hyland announced.

This is the right time to seek a buyer for this incredible property who understands the role the Mansion has played for our brand and enables us to continue to reinvest in the transformation of our business,” said Playboy Enterprises CEO, Scott Flanders. “The Playboy Mansion has been a creative center for Hef as his residence and workplace for the past 40 years, as it will continue to be if the property is sold.” 

The crown jewel of L.A.’s “Platinum Triangle” situated on 5 picturesque acres in Holmby Hills, The Playboy Mansion is a nearly 20,000 square foot residence that is both an ultra-private retreat and the ultimate setting for large-scale entertaining. The Mansion features 29 rooms and every amenity imaginable, including a catering kitchen, wine cellar, home theater, separate game house, gym, tennis court and freeform swimming pool with a large, cave-like grotto. The property also features a four-bedroom guest house.  In addition, it is one of a select few private residences in L.A. with a zoo license.

The principal agents are Drew Fentonand Gary Gold of Hilton & Hyland and Mauricio Umansky of The Agency. “The Agency couldn’t be prouder to represent one of the most well-known estates in the country,” said Mauricio Umansky. “With its iconic style and immaculate grounds, the Mansion has inspired so many properties throughout Southern California.”

Transparency is Differentiator When HNW Investors Seek New Advisor

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Los inversores HNW consideran la transparencia de los advisors un elemento clave
CC-BY-SA-2.0, FlickrPhoto: sergio nevado . Transparency is Differentiator When HNW Investors Seek New Advisor

According to new research from Cerulli Associates, high-net-worth (HNW) investors most frequently cite transparency as a very important differentiating factor in an advice provider.

“The first step in entering the HNW financial services market is understanding what characteristics these households desire in an advice provider,” states Scott Smith, director at Cerulli. “When asked specifically about the elements they would seek in a new advisor relationship, across age tiers, HNW investors most frequently cite transparency as a very important differentiating feature.”

“Helping investors understand the full extent of an advisor’s potential revenue streams has been a persistent challenge for both advice providers and advisors, and has become even more complicated with the ongoing evolution of integrated wealth management conglomerates,” Smith explains.

The financial industry was built around the premise that investors understand the fees they pay and sign documents affirming their awareness,” Smith continues. “The research indicates that investors who truly comprehend the entirety of their costs are more the exception than the rule. The overall expenses of pooled investment vehicles, including management fees and other embedded fees such as 12b-1s, are essentially nonexistent to many investors-if they do not see a line item deduction from their accounts, they do not recognize a transfer of wealth from themselves to their advisor or provider.”

While these fees and expenses are well documented within the agreements and disclosures that investors sign, few take the time and effort to fully consider the cost of their arrangements.


Despite an Over 40% Correction, the Chinese A-Share Market is Still Over-valued

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According to a presentation by Rahul Chadha, co-director of Mirae Asset Global Investments Investments, despite the over 40% correction seen in recent months, the A-share market in China is still overvalued. However investors should not panic because “valuations in Asia are still very attractive with a price over book value of 1.25x. At these levels, investors have historically achieved positive returns in 12 months” Chadha writes.

The presentation notes that 85% of the A-shares market is held by retail investors, of which 81% operate at least once a month, whereas in the US, 53% of retail investors operate monthly. One important thing to note is that according to Chadha, more than two thirds of new retail investors did not attend or finish High School.

For Portfolio Positioning, Chadha identifies key differences in between what he considers Good China vs. Bad China. Under Good China he highlights industries that are Under-penetrated, less capital intensive, with sustainable economic moats, such as healthcare, insurance, clean energy, internet / e-commerce, travel & tourism. While on the Bad China side we can find Well-penetrated industries that are capital intensive, have low barriers to entry and weak pricing power such as steel, cement, capital goods and banks.

You can find the document in the attachment.


Mark Rogers Becomes Vice Chairman at Northstar

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Mark Rogers Becomes Vice Chairman at Northstar
. Mark Rogers Becomes Vice Chairman at Northstar

Northstar Financial Services Limited, a Bermuda based financial solutions firm announced that Mark Rogers is due to play a more prominent role going forwards and that the firm is to begin operations in the Middle East and Africa.

Mark joined Northstar as a Director in July 2015 but, in his new position as Vice Chairman, he will be more actively involved in the global activities of the company and will spearhead the Middle East and Africa initiative. Northstar is in the final stages of establishing its office for the Middle East and Africa in the DIFC and is set to make an announcement regarding the Key Representative to be based in the region imminently.

Northstar’s Head of Distribution, Alejandro Moreno commented: “Having enjoyed such a successful relationship as colleagues at our previous firm, I am thrilled to be working so closely alongside Mark again. His vast experience and global network of relationships should prove to be invaluable as we continue to enhance our product range and expand into new territories. The Middle East and Africa in particular represent a significant opportunity for Northstar and I look forward to working with Mark in those regions.”

Mark Rogers commented: “I couldn’t resist the opportunity to play a more central role at Northstar. With a robust operating history stretching back 17 years, a compelling range of products and a highly experienced team, Northstar is perfectly positioned to support the growing demand for international investment products.”

“Longer Term, The Ability of Central Bankers to Normalise Policy Is Constrained by Powerful Deflationary Forces”

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Foto cedidaJulian DIpp se une a Jupiter AM.. dipp

Ariel Bezalel, fund manager of Jupiter Dynamic Bond Fund, explains in this interview with Funds Society the opportunities he sees in the Fixed Income space.

In the current low yield scenario and bearing in mind the US rates hikes we are starting to see, do you believe fixed income still offers value?

We do not believe that the US Federal Reserve will hike rates aggressively this year. Nevertheless, our portfolio is defensively positioned and our allocation to high yield is the lowest it has been in a while. We see pockets of value in fixed income.

Are there more risks than opportunities in the bonds markets?

Policy mistakes by the US Fed, a China hard-landing and the broader emerging markets’ crisis are some of the risks in the bond markets at the moment. Opportunities persist and one of our top picks at the moment is local currency Indian sovereign bonds.

Is it harder than ever to be a fixed income manager?

We may be in a more challenging environment for bonds but the advantage of a strategic bond fund like ours is that we can move in and out of different fixed-income asset classes, helping us to steer clear of riskier areas.

Some managers in charge of mixed funds used to see the fixed income as a source of protection and returns. Do you believe that this asset plays now a much more limited role?

Fixed income can still provide protection for investors – default rates are far from recent highs.

Where can you find investment opportunities in fixed income right now (high yield, investment grade, public, private, senior loans…)? Any particular market or sector?

We are running a bar-bell strategy in the funds – in which we have a large allocation to low risk, highly rated government bonds and a balancing exposure to select higher-yielding opportunities. We like legacy bank capital and pub securitizations within the UK. Within EM, we like local currency Indian sovereign bonds, Russian hard currency corporate debt and Cypriot government bonds.

What is going to be the effect of the US interest rates hike we saw last week? Which will be the next steps of the Fed in 2016?  Will we see a decoupling between the US and the European yields?

It will be several months before we can assess the impact of the Fed’s move on the US economy. However, a number of leading indicators suggest to us that the US economic recovery is less secure than is commonly believed. The Evercore ISI Company Surveys, a weekly sentiment gauge of American companies, has weakened this year and is currently hovering around 45, suggesting steady but not spectacular levels of output. The Atlanta Fed’s ‘nowcast’ model indicates underlying economic growth of 1.9% on an annualised basis in the fourth quarter, a level consistent with what many believe is a ‘new normal’ rate of US growth of between 1.5% and 2%.

More worryingly, the slowdown in global trade now appears to be affecting US manufacturing. The global economy is suffering from acute oversupply, not just in commodities but across a range of sectors, and industrial output in the US is now starting to roll over. In this climate, there is a genuine risk that the Fed will end up doing ‘one and done’. In some ways, it seems that the Fed is looking to atone for its failure to begin normalizing monetary policy earlier in the cycle, before the imbalances in the global financial system became so pronounced.

Longer term, the ability of central bankers to normalise policy is constrained by powerful deflationary forces, including aging demographics, high debt levels and the impact of disruptive technology and robotics, a reason why we are comfortable maintaining an above- consensus duration of over 5 years.

What are the forecasts for the emerging debt in 2016? Do you see a positive outlook for the bonds of any emerging country?

We have adopted a cautious stance towards emerging markets (EMs) recently at a time when many developing countries have been experiencing economic and financial headwinds. Currencies and bond markets in countries such as Brazil, Turkey and South Africa have been uncomfortable places for investors to be over the past 12 months as the strengthening US dollar, lower commodities prices and high dollar debt burdens have proved to be a toxic combination.

We have benefited though from situations where indiscriminate selling has left opportunities, and we have found a couple of stories that we really like.

In Russia, we have been investing selectively in short-dated names in the energy and resource sectors including Gazprom and Lukoil. Russian credit sold off last year as the conflict in Ukraine, the country’s involvement in Syria and the oil price sell-off caused the rouble to depreciate. Investor aversion towards Russia has meant we have been able to find companies with what we believe are double A and single A rated balance sheets whose bonds trade on a yield typically more appropriate for double B or single B credits.

India is another emerging market story we like. Monetary policy has become more prudent and consistent. Inflation has fallen from a peak of 11.2% in November 2013, aided by lower oil prices which has supported the rupee against major currencies. Our approach has therefore been to seek longer-duration local currency bonds. We rely on rigorous credit analysis to select what we believe are the right names, particularly as the quality of corporate governance remains low in India.

Will emerging currencies keep depreciating vs the US dollar?

With the US Fed raising rates in December and economic weakness persisting in emerging markets, we believe the trend will be for gradual depreciation of emerging currencies.

Which are the main risks for the fixed income market these days?

US Fed policy mistake, China hard-landing, emerging markets crisis.

We have seen a notorious crisis in the high yield market in the last weeks. What is exactly happening? Does the lack of liquidity concerns you?

Much was written at the end of last year concerning certain US funds that have frozen redemptions. In addition to this we have seen material outflows from US high yield mutual funds. We have been concerned about US high yield for some time, and have limited exposure to this market. Furthermore, the other concern we have had for a while is some sort of contagion to European credit as credit in emerging markets and US credit have continued to come under pressure. For this reason we have been reducing our European high yield exposure and within our high yield bucket we have been improving the quality and also preferring shorter dated paper.

Yes, liquidity has been the other big risk for the credit market. Due to regulatory reasons investment banks simply cannot support the markets as well as they did in the past. At this late stage of the credit cycle, and with the Fed tightening policy even further (the combination of a strong dollar and quantitative easing coming to an end in the US is a tightening of economic conditions in our opinion) caution is warranted.

What are the prospects for inflation in Europe? Do you see value in the inflation-linked bonds?

We think inflation will remain low in Europe driven by stagnating economic growth and lower oil prices. One of the key measures of inflation expectations, the 5y5y forward swap, demonstrates that investors do not expect inflation to increase materially.