Kepler Launches New UCITS Platform with A Global Equity Beta Neutral Fund Advised by Zebra Capital

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Kepler Partners lanza un fondo de bolsa global sin exposición a beta de la mano de Zebra Capital
CC-BY-SA-2.0, FlickrRoger Ibbotson set up Zebra Capital in 2001.. Kepler Launches New UCITS Platform with A Global Equity Beta Neutral Fund Advised by Zebra Capital

Kepler Partners LLP has raised $81m via its new UCITS platform, Kepler Liquid Strategies (KLS), for a global equity beta neutral fund. This is the first sub-fund of the KLS ICAV, which is a Dublin domiciled UCITS structure designed to give investors access to high quality managers selected by the team at Kepler Partners.

The fund, KLS Zebra Global Equity Beta Neutral, began trading on June 30th and saw significant interest from investors across Europe, despite the chaos in financial markets around the Brexit referendum.

Kepler has appointed Connecticut based Zebra Capital Management LLC as investment advisor on the fund, who will manage the portfolio based on their established investment process and philosophy. The KLS Zebra Global Equity Beta Neutral fund mirrors a strategy run by Zebra Capital in an existing offshore hedge fund. As a beta neutral strategy, it is designed to avoid the kind of volatility which markets have been experiencing in recent weeks. The new fund targets a net return of 7-8% per annum over a market cycle with a volatility of 5-6% per annum.

The underlying strategy is typically made up of 650 long and 450 short equity positions and uses a unique ‘popularity factor’ developed by the Zebra team which includes former Yale Professor Roger Ibbotson, who set up Zebra Capital in 2001. The core theory revolves around the idea that fundamentally strong but unpopular stocks tend to outperform fundamentally weak but popular companies. Ibbotson was described by the FT this year as the ‘pioneering analyst of the equity risk premium’ and the ‘godfather of smart beta’.

Georg Reutter, head of research at Kepler Partners, said: “Given the current uncertainty in global markets, we feel it is a good moment to be bringing a beta neutral strategy to the market. We are very pleased that our research based approach has led us to partnering with Zebra Capital as the first fund on the KLS platform.”

Laurie Robathan, head of sales, added: “Kepler has raised $1.3bn for UCITS fund clients since 2010 and, after biding our time for some years, it is exciting to have now made the logical step into this space by launching our own dedicated UCITS platform”. “We are very pleased to be working with a group of Zebra’s calibre and their total commitment as a firm to this project has been clear from the outset. Given the turmoil of recent weeks, the success of this launch is a clear signal from the market that this is the right fund at the right time.”

KLS Zebra Global Equity Beta Neutral Fund has an annual fee of 1% and a performance fee of 10%.

GAM announces acquisition of Cantab Capital Partners and launches GAM Systematic investment platform

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GAM adquiere la firma Cantab Capital Partners y lanza una plataforma de activos alternativos
CC-BY-SA-2.0, FlickrPhoto: Intv Gene. GAM announces acquisition of Cantab Capital Partners and launches GAM Systematic investment platform

GAM announced the acquisition of Cantab Capital Partners (Cantab), an industry-leading, multi-strategy systematic manager based in Cambridge, UK. Cantab manages USD 4.0 billion in assets for institutional clients worldwide.

Purchase price consists of an upfront cash payment of USD 217 million, funded from GAM’s existing cash resources, and deferred consideration based on future management fee revenues. GAM is the industry’s third-biggest provider of liquid alternative UCITS funds.

At the same time, GAM launches GAM Systematic, a new investment platform dedicated to systematic products and solutions across liquid alternatives and long-only traditional asset classes including equities, debt and multi asset. Cantab will form the cornerstone of GAM Systematic.

By moving into the growing segment of scalable systematic investing, GAM takes an important step to deliver on its long-term objective to expand and diversify its active asset management business. Leading systematic strategies are attracting substantial allocations from investors globally due to their compelling returns and their rigorous, disciplined investment processes.

GAM Systematic will complement GAM’s successful active discretionary investment offering. It will also serve as the Group’s innovation hub for the development of new technologies, investment ideas and approaches for systematic strategies and products.

Alexander S. Friedman, Group Chief Executive Officer of GAM, said: “We have been evaluating how best to enter the systematic space for the past 18 months because we believe it represents an important capability for an active investment firm in the current environment and in the decades to come. GAM Systematic will offer our clients a compelling range of unique products complementary to our strong discretionary product range at a time when the investment industry is challenged to provide cost-efficient, liquid and diversified sources of returns.”

Michael Baldinger To Leave RobecoSAM, Reto Schwager To Be Appointed CEO Ad Interim

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Michael Baldinger dejará su cargo como CEO de RobecoSAM
CC-BY-SA-2.0, FlickrPhoto: Michael Baldinger. Michael Baldinger To Leave RobecoSAM, Reto Schwager To Be Appointed CEO Ad Interim

RobecoSAM, the investment specialist focused exclusively on Sustainability Investing (SI), today announced that Michael Baldinger, RobecoSAM CEO since 2011 and Member of the Executive Committee (ExCo) since 2009, has decided to leave the firm. He will join the asset management division of an international bank as Global Head of Sustainable & Impact Investing, and will be based in New York.

Reto Schwager, Head of Private Equity at RobecoSAM and Member of the Company’s ExCo since January 2015, will be appointed CEO ad interim per August 15, 2016, subject to FINMA approval. Michael Baldinger will leave the Company once a smooth handover to the CEO ad interim has been completed. A search process for a permanent replacement of Michael Baldinger has already begun. Both internal and external candidates will be considered.

Michael Baldinger joined RobecoSAM in July 2009 as Global Head of Distribution & Marketing and ExCo Member. In January 2011, he was appointed CEO.

Albert Gnägi, PhD, Chairman of the RobecoSAM Board of Directors: “The Board of Directors regrets Michael Baldinger’s decision and thanks him for his contributions over the last years. Michael Baldinger, his ExCo colleagues, and all the dedicated specialists at RobecoSAM have built the world’s foremost platform for SI, upon which the firm will continue to build and grow. We wish Michael all the best for his personal and professional future.”

Michael Baldinger, departing CEO of RobecoSAM: “I am proud of having built, together with my colleagues, the world’s leading platform for SI. After more than seven years with the firm, it is the right time for me to take the next step in my career. I want to thank everyone at RobecoSAM for their dedication and passion to SI and for having given me the opportunity to lead such a wonderful firm.”

Assessing Brexit And The Impact On The Recovery In Europe

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Assessing Brexit And The Impact On The Recovery In Europe
CC-BY-SA-2.0, FlickrPhoto: Dave Humphreys. Assessing Brexit And The Impact On The Recovery In Europe

Over a week has passed since the UK electorate narrowly voted to leave the European Union (EU). The MSCI Europe Index fell 10% in the subsequent two days and then bounced back to recover most of that drawdown. On the currency front, sterling fell 10% when compared to pre-referendum levels.

Interestingly, Investec notes that changes in credit spreads and sovereign bond yields in Europe have remained muted indicating stability in that part of the financial market. But for Ken Hsia, portfolio manager European Equity Fund at the firm, this is quite different from the reaction to concerns of a slowdown in 2011/12.

According to the Investec expert, the UK’s decision to leave the EU has resulted in more short-term uncertainty, there is arguably now an opportunity for dialogue and a re-casting of policy to refresh relationships across Europe on a footing that is more aligned with current thinking about the role and purpose of the EU.

How these discussions evolve should interest those outside the region as some themes have global resonance. With government bond yields largely underpinned, Investec believes the relative attractiveness of equities remains intact, especially when corporate balance sheets are the healthiest they have been for many years. Naturally, the pace of recovery in corporate earnings once again comes into question. However, the firm continues to see good bottom-up investment opportunities within the region as identified by our 4Factor process.

What are the opportunities and risks posed by Brexit for European equities?

It is clear that the prevailing uncertainty will be a drag on economic growth, however, we are seeing some new steers from our 4Factor process. We believe, capital projects with long payback periods will be shelved until there is more certainty. However, we believe, projects with shorter paybacks should not be affected, especially those projects which boost productivity.

In the Investec European Equity Fund, we have reduced exposure to companies that are affected by weakening domestic consumption, but we are happy with our holdings in exporters, as they should see some tailwinds from the weaker sterling.

We are considering further investment in the mining sector, where again the supply/demand dynamic after several years of oversupply is now showing some signs of better balance. We note that European companies in the global energy (Total, BP, Royal Dutch Shell) and mining (BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto) sectors are world-class companies.

How is the Investec European Equity Fund currently positioned to UK equities?

At present, the Investec European Equity Fund is approximately 3% underweight the UK, with a combination of domestic companies (Bovis, BT, National Grid, Just Eat) and some multi-nationals (Shire, BP, Imperial Brands, Paysafe Group). Of these, we believe, Bovis and Just Eat are the most exposed to changes in the UK economy. However, for multi-national companies the UK is typically less than 10% of revenue. The portfolio’s greatest overweights by country are France and the Netherlands.

As well as the direct impact from revenue exposure there may be further effects, but many of these will take some time to come to fruition. For issues such as regulatory change, tourism or trade negotiations, it is too early to assess the impact. In aggregate though, we expect performance to be driven by individual stock price moves rather than portfolio positioning. The beta of the portfolio is 0.98, with market risk therefore a minimal component of tracking error.

Brexit aside, where are we seeing signs of recovery in Europe?

To answer this question, we need to take a closer look at the current state of economic recovery in Europe. Speci cally, we will look at two cyclical (economically-sensitive) industries which have been leading indicators on our sector steers, the automotive industry and the cement industry, to re ect on current demand trends and reasons for the sluggish pace of recovery.

What are the risks to our investment case on European equities?

Though the near term may be dominated by mixed headlines, stock markets normally embed a longer-term perspective. We continue to see a recovery in European corporate earnings, albeit the pace can be frustrating. Also, we observe more companies adopting self-help strategies to enhance corporate returns which, if successful, could lead to enhanced shareholder returns. Corporate balance sheets are the healthiest they have been since before the global  financial crisis. In this regard, the potential value created through any re-leveraging – for example; M&A activity and share buybacks – has yet to be realised for Europe, which is not necessarily the case for the US.

Dividends are growing due to improving cash flow and strengthening balance sheets, which have not seen the re-leveraging that often occurs at the end of stock-market cycles. To put things into perspective, the historical price chart for the Eurostoxx 50 Index below (covering 50 ‘blue chip’ stocks from 12 euro-zone countries) suggests the market is trading back in line with long-term trends. Analysis shows recent cycle troughs in 2009, 2011 and 2012, when headlines had a notable impact on market dynamics.

Brexit: Outlook for Global Fixed Income & Credit

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Brexit: Perspectivas para la renta fija global y el crédito
CC-BY-SA-2.0, FlickrPhoto: Rob Brewer. Brexit: Outlook for Global Fixed Income & Credit

Following the initial shock of the Brexit, the critical issues for markets will now be the path that the UK will choose for exit and how the vote will affect the political backdrop in other European countries. We expect to see a continued ‘flight to quality’ in the fixed income market while uncertainty prevails. Risk premiums will likely remain high while the uncertainty of leadership in the UK remains an overhang. In the shorter term, emerging market debt seems relatively insulated; however, there are concerns over the potential for longer term problems. Global credit markets have reacted negatively, as might be expected, but this may provide investors with attractive buying opportunities.

UK growth likely to weaken, with interest rate cuts expected

In terms of the UK economy, until there is confidence in the UK’s position, there will be a drag on business confidence. This will see business investment and employment slow, which will inevitably be a drag on UK growth. As a result, we expect economic data in the UK to weaken in coming quarters. The Bank of England could react to this by reducing interest rates from 0.50% to possibly as low as 0%, but it will likely need some concrete evidence that the economy is being negatively affected before acting.

Most forecasters are still in the process of reassessing their outlooks, but Bank of America now expects the UK to have a mild contraction lasting three quarters, reducing its forecasts for UK growth to 1.4% in 2016 and 0.2% in 2017. Inflation will be affected by the move in British pound sterling, but further falls would be needed to increase inflation to a level where the Bank of England would potentially worry given the very low current levels.

Flight to quality in developed fixed income markets

We expect the uncertainty premium to persist for some time as the exit process will be negotiated over an indeterminate period. Overall, we have observed an initial flight to quality, with Gilts leading the bond market on an over 30 basis point (bp) rally in yields, while US Treasuries were a close second, rallying over 20 bps on the day after the vote. Gilts have continued to rally despite the indication that S&P will likely downgrade the UK’s credit rating. The European periphery was the hardest hit on the news, with Spanish and Italian government bonds selling off more than 15 bps.

A July rate hike for the US Federal Reserve (Fed) now seems very unlikely, with market implied expectations of a rate cut now exceeding the probability of a rise. The Bank of England will likely remain on the sidelines until the dust settles, but remains in play with increased market implied expectations for a rate cut within the next several meetings.

In currency markets, the British pound fell over 7% as of mid-day trading on June 24, and is off more than 3% mid-day on June 25, while the broader foreign exchange (FX) market sold off versus the US dollar. The Yen remained the top performer on the day, up over 3.5%.

Emerging market debt relatively insulated 

The impact on external debt has been limited so far. Spreads are 30 bps wider but US Treasuries are 20 bps tighter and overall the JP Morgan Emerging Markets Bond Global Diversified Index lost only 0.6% on 24 June. Local rates were 10 bps tighter in Asia and 10 to 20 bps wider in Latin America and Central & Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa (CEEMEA).

Most of the initial risk aversion shock was felt in the FX market and EM currencies are on average 2.75% weaker versus the US dollar.

Overall, as an asset class, emerging market debt has been relatively insulated from the initial Brexit surprise. However, in the long term, Brexit could have an impact on EM fundamentals through other channels, particularly for central and eastern European countries. Indeed, the UK is a significant trading partner and foreign direct investor in the region. Romania is the most exposed when we consider exports to the UK, while Russia, Poland, Czech Republic and Romania are exposed in terms of imports from the UK.

Beyond trade and financial considerations, we can also envision a rise of political risk in the region. Poland and Slovakia are already openly criticising the EU and the anti-EU rhetoric is likely to increase further. The Euro adoption process will likely be stalled as well. Ultimately, increased political risk may further delay the absorption of EU funds and Poland, Hungary and Romania are the biggest net beneficiaries from the EU budget.

Global credit has reacted negatively, but could provide opportunities for investors

Credit markets reacted negatively to the UK’s decision to leave the EU. It started with Asian credit, but European markets soon followed suit, with credit default swaps (CDS) as well as cash and bonds trading down. Sterling credit issuers were most affected, while price effects for Euro credit were more muted, given the ECB’s bond buying programme. The basic resource sector and banks suffered heavily. We expect trading in US credit to take its lead from European markets. In our view, the correction in valuations and market volatility could provide buying opportunities in some fundamentally strong credits.

Andre Severino is Co-Head of Global Fixed Income at Nikko AM.

Commerzbank International in Luxembourg Becomes Julius Baer

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Julius Baer completa la adquisición de Commerzbank Luxembourg
. Commerzbank International in Luxembourg Becomes Julius Baer

The acquisition of Commerzbank International Luxembourg, announced in December 2015, was closed successfully on July 4th, 2016. Going forward, the acquired entity will operate under the name of Bank Julius Baer Luxembourg. The acquisition significantly strengthens Julius Baer’s presence in Luxembourg and provides further strategic flexibility for the Group’s European business.

At closing, CISAL reported approx. EUR 2.5 billion of assets under management and about 150 employees. Going forward, CISAL will operate under the name of Bank Julius Baer Luxembourg S.A., headed by CISAL’s former CEO Falk Fischer. Thomas Fehr, former Branch & Country Manager Luxembourg at Commerzbank AG, becomes COO and Member of the Executive Board of the Bank in Luxembourg.

The total consideration of EUR 78 million, which includes EUR 35 million of regulatory capital transferred as part of the transaction, was paid in cash. Total restructuring and integration costs are estimated to amount to approximately EUR 20 million.

According to a press release, an additional benefit of the transaction is CISAL’s banking platform which runs on the same system as Julius Baer’s target platform. “The acquired Temenos T24 platform and the related IT expertise will add relevant experience to Julius Baer’s currently ongoing worldwide platform renewal project. At the same time, the newly acquired booking centre will present Julius Baer with further strategic flexibility for servicing its European clients.”

Gian A. Rossi, Member of the Executive Board of Bank Julius Baer and Head Northern, Central and Eastern Europe, said: “I very much look forward to welcoming the new clients and colleagues to Julius Baer. CISAL is a high-quality franchise, which will enable us to further expand our footprint in this important financial centre. Additionally, the Luxembourg banking licence and CISAL’s T24 platform and expertise offer clear benefits for the Group as a whole.”

Falk Fischer, said: “My colleagues and I are excited to join Julius Baer. Thanks to the Group’s position as the leading Swiss private bank with a global reach and the great cooperation with the colleagues of the existing local franchise in Luxembourg, I am convinced that our clients will benefit from the unique investment knowledge, exceptional client focus and the enhanced offering the combined businesses will be able to provide.”

Will China’s Debt Bubble Burst?

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¿Explotará la deuda china?
CC-BY-SA-2.0, FlickrFoto: Carlos ZGZ. Will China's Debt Bubble Burst?

China is the second-largest economy in the world, with growth more than twice most others, facilitated by its willingness to lever up while others were deleveraging. Last year, China abruptly pulled back its credit-fueled growth, inadvertently slowing its economy far more than desired. The resulting ripples inexplicably weakened economies everywhere. From fall 2015 until March 2016, China reversed course and revived its lending growth to get back into its comfort zone. Can it be sustained?

China’s all-inclusive debt/GDP has now risen tremendously to 250%, equal to that of the US. No warning flag there, yet its interest rates are far higher so its debt service is also higher and rising. Most others have lower and falling debt service ratios. China’s is now at a level where some countries, but not all, have run into sustainability issues. Those who did had large foreign ownership of their debt; foreign investors can be fickle. China’s foreign ownership is tiny. Outside of China, market participants are worried about the quality of China’s outstanding debt, which has overwhelmingly taken the form of bank loans instead of bonds. Nonperforming loans and the number of bond defaults are both rising. While China’s borrowing probably hasn’t gone too far yet, we believe a restructuring lies ahead to keep it that way.

Policy will push a terming-out of loans into bonds, in our view. Extending duration will lower debt service, resulting in a much larger debt market and smaller loan market. When your interest rates are higher than the rest of the world’s, and policy actions connect your bond market to the outside, your interest rates are prone to coming down. The mutual recognition of Hong Kong and Shanghai registered funds will enable such connectivity. For those who can get comfortable with the yuan’s stability versus a basket of currencies, in today’s yield-starved world, inflows into China’s bond market should lower its rates as well as its debt service. If China’s bond indices become recognized in global indices (a current lobbying effort), this too will help connect its bond market. State-owned enterprises will also be encouraged to issue equity in Hong Kong and bring back those funds to pay down debt. The country cannot maintain rapid debt growth forever – but it can for several more years.

One also needs to consider whether debt is being incurred for consumption or to enable investments: If you generate a return on those investments above the cost of debt, your debt is inherently more sustainable than consumption-driven debt binges. Today, China is trying to bridge its old economy to carry enough growth until its newer economy becomes large enough to pick up the baton. We think the new consumer, services, and higher-technology industries will be strong enough three to five years down the road to do just that. In our eyes, China is building a bridge to a pier, not a bridge to a cliff.

Michael J. Kelly, is Managing Director, Global Head of Multi-Asset at PineBridge Investments.

This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to serve as investment advice. This is not an offer to sell or solicitation of an offer to purchase any investment product or security. Any opinions provided should not be relied upon for investment decisions. Any opinions, projections, forecasts and forward-looking statements are speculative in nature; valid only as of the date hereof and are subject to change. PineBridge Investments is not soliciting or recommending any action based on this information.

How do I Maximize the Consistency of my Return?

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¿Qué podemos esperar de los mercados en los próximos meses?
Photo: Colin Moore, director global de Inversiones de Columbia Threadneedle Investments.. How do I Maximize the Consistency of my Return?

Colin Moore, Global Chief Investment at Columbia Threadneedle Investments, discusses what was behind the volatile first quarter, where he sees opportunities and risks for the remainder of the year, and why he thinks investors should focus on maximizing consistency of returns.

What is your outlook for financial markets for the remainder of the year?

I wouldn’t say there can’t be positive returns in equities, but I don’t think the return relative to the volatility is going to be a particularly good trade-off. Investors need to understand that just getting a positive return isn’t enough if they have to take on too much uncertainty to get there. When there is volatility in the markets, investors often don’t behave well. They sell at the wrong point and buy at the wrong point, which is driven by their emotional response. Similarly, a lot of areas in fixed income don’t look particularly cheap to me. You will probably get the coupon in a number of areas, which is not particularly exciting, but at least the volatility will probably be less. In this challenging environment, I think the question investors should be asking is “How do I maximize the consistency of my return?” rather than “How do I maximize my return?”

What are some strategies that investors can use to maximize consistency of their returns?

Diversification is the standard strategy, but the mistake many investors make is assuming that if they own a lot of things, they’re diversified. What we’ve learned, particularly through the last crisis, is that a lot of things are diversified when you don’t need them to be, and when you need them to be diversified, i.e. in a crisis, they’re not. They act together.
With more study and analysis of how to get proper diversification, investors can pursue opportunities beyond conventional asset classes. These may include alternative investments and accessing the futures market to hedge exposure to conventional asset classes. With help from their financial advisor, investors can implement strategies designed to generate reasonable returns while reducing overall portfolio volatility. I strongly recommend that we focus on ensuring that our clients are properly diversified.

What impact did the US Federal Reserve have on financial markets?

The Fed has been involved in extraordinary monetary policy for some time. I believe the first rounds of quantitative easing were necessary for reducing risk and stabilizing the financial system. However, I would argue that some of the subsequent elements of Fed policy were unnecessary and, in isolation, relatively ineffective in stimulating growth. The problem is that we did not see the appropriate response on the fiscal side of the economy, and, certainly, politicians failed to come forward with a comprehensive plan. That left the Fed trying more and more extraordinary measures with less and less impact. Last December’s rate hike shocked people, but I think it was the right thing to do, and I hope they raise rates at least one more time this year. Normalizing monetary policy will send the message that we no longer need extraordinary measures. Lower rates won’t make you spend money if you think there’s a crisis going on. But if you think the economy is relatively normal, then low rates may encourage you to spend on your business or yourself.

After a dismal start to the year, financial markets made a tremendous comeback, with US equities ending the quarter higher. How did we get there?

When there’s a lot of negative volatility in the marketplace, it’s usually because there’s a lot of fear. Expectations of growth were too high, and disappointing news caused investors to rethink those expectations. Then they became overly fearful that the world is going to melt down. As that fear is removed, markets bounce back. We believe that we will continue to see the modest economic growth rate we’ve been predicting for many years. In today’s low, slow growth environment, we’re going to have periods of over- expectation and over-fear. We’re going to have to learn to cope with that.

Do you think the market’s reaction to a slowing Chinese economy was correct?

It was good that the market began to realize that the transition of the Chinese economy would take longer and probably be less even than some had forecast. China is making a big transition from an investment, project-led economy to a better balance between that and the consumer. Like a supertanker turning around, the transition will take time, and it’s unlikely that both components will move evenly. But the market reaction to China, at times, has been exaggerated, partly because we’ve become overly reliant on China as an engine for world economic growth. Japan and Europe are barely growing, and the US looks to be on its current 2% growth trend for a long time.

We saw more central banks pursue a negative interest rate policy in Q1. What do you think of this trend?

I believe the negative interest rate regime is dangerous, and I don’t think it creates the right behaviours. While a negative interest rate policy should encourage banks to lend more, it does nothing to increase demand for money. In fact, the messaging around negative interest rates is that the economy could be facing a crisis. So while the amount of money available may increase, I don’t think the demand for money will change, materially. I think, ultimately, it fails. In the interim the policy is bad for savers and for financial institutions such as insurers.

Why haven’t low energy prices delivered a bigger boost to growth?

It’s been something of a conundrum for me. While I believe low energy prices are, on balance, a positive for the global and US economies, it’s not all good news. In my observation, consumers want to see if low energy prices persist before they change their spending patterns. Now that these low prices have been with us for a while, we hope to see people spending that extra money as they feel more confident that they can rely on it.

The world seems to be getting more dangerous by the day. What are the implications for markets around the world?

Geopolitical risk is ever-present, and it certainly looks like it is escalating. However, there is a major difference between how markets react and how human beings react to geopolitical tension. As investors, we need to differentiate between geopolitical risks that create short-term volatility versus those that change the direction of markets
if it’s determined that one or more of those three factors is involved.

Jean-Pierre Mustier, is Appointed New CEO at UniCredit

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UniCredit designa a Jean Pierre Mustier como nuevo consejero delegado
CC-BY-SA-2.0, FlickrPhoto: m.krema . Jean-Pierre Mustier, is Appointed New CEO at UniCredit

On June 30th, the Board of Directors of UniCredit SpA has co-opted Jean Pierre Mustier and unanimously approved that, starting from next 12 July, he will take on the position of CEO in replacement of Federico Ghizzoni.

One of his most important tasks in his new role will be to decide and execute on the fusion of Pioneer Investments with Santander Asset Management. Operation which, according to Reuters, will no longer happen once Ghizzoni left. The merger would create one of Europe’s leading asset managers with over 400 billion euros in AUM.

According to a press release, the Board Chose Mustier because of his international profile, the high quality of his professional skills as well as the excellent understanding of international financial services and the accrued deep knowledge of the Group structure he has.

Mustier, 55, began his career at Société Générale where he held various positions, primarily within the Corporate & Investment Banking from 1987 to 2009. In 2003 he was appointed as Head of the Société Générale’s Corporate & Investment Banking Division and member of the bank’s Executive Committee. Afterwards, from 2011 to 2014, he joined UniCredit Group as Deputy General Manager and Head of Corporate & Investment Banking Division. Currently he is partner at Tikehau Capital, an investment management company and member of the Board of Directors of Alitalia.

In compliance with applicable regulations, the appointment of Mustier as CEO shall be assessed by the ECB.

Introducing Colony NorthStar, Equity REIT With $58 Billion of Assets Under Management

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El REIT Colony NorthStar nace con 58.000 millones de dólares en activos, de la fusión de NorthStar AMG, Colony Capital y NorthStar Realty Finance
CC-BY-SA-2.0, FlickrPhoto: Guilhem Vellut . Introducing Colony NorthStar, Equity REIT With $58 Billion of Assets Under Management

NorthStar Asset Management Group, Colony Capital, and NorthStar Realty Finance have announced that they have entered into a definitive merger agreement under which the companies will combine in an all-stock merger of equals transaction to create a real estate and investment management platform.

The combined company will be named “Colony NorthStar, Inc.” The transaction is expected to close during the first quarter of 2017, subject to customary closing conditions, including regulatory approvals, and approval by the NSAM, Colony and NRF shareholders.

Upon completion of the transaction, NSAM shareholders will own approximately 32.85%, Colony shareholders will own approximately 33.25% and NRF shareholders will own approximately 33.90% of the combined company on a fully diluted basis. NSAM shareholders will also receive, in addition to its regular quarterly dividend, a special cash dividend equal to $128 million, which represents a one-time distribution of excess NSAM taxable earnings and profits.

Upon closing of the transaction, Thomas J. Barrack Jr. will be Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors of Colony NorthStar, David Hamamoto will be Executive Vice Chairman, and Richard B. Saltzman will be Chief Executive Officer.

The transaction creates a global, diversified equity REIT with $58 billion of assets under management, led by a seasoned management team with access to proprietary deal sourcing and a significant track record as a global investor, operator and asset manager.

The portfolio has a concentration in scaled verticals across geographies, property types and capital stack positions, consisting primarily of owned real estate.

The companies have estimated an approximately $115 million in total annual cost synergies, consisting of approximately $80 million of cash savings and approximately $35 million of stock based compensation savings, expected to be realized post-closing.