Risk Taking will Require Active Management to Control the Periods of Volatility Which May Arise

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"Si no asumes riesgo, no tendrás retorno, pero eso requerirá de una gestión activa para controlar los periodos de volatilidad”
Neil Dwane, courtesy photo. Risk Taking will Require Active Management to Control the Periods of Volatility Which May Arise

For the second half of the year, with global growth dull, and interest rates staying low for longer, Beta returns will remain low and thus clients should remain confident that active management can deliver good returns that meet the needs for income and capital gain according to Neil Dwane, Global Strategist with Allianz Global Investors, in his latest interview with Funds Society.

What is your vision/forecast for the markets in the second half of the year? Will there be volatility or will calm predominate, as in these last months?

In general we see little upside in many asset classes after a strong H1. The US equity market is now expensively valued with little dividend support and is desperate for Trump tax reform and fiscal stimulus. Also, the US is seeing dull economic growth and faces a Federal Reserve intent on raising rates.

Asia offers more growth opportunities as India and Indonesia capitalise on their modernising new Governments whilst we expect China to be stable ahead of the Party Congress in November. Longer term, Asia offers the opportunity of 4bn new consumers for whom the “American Dream” is alive and well.

Europe looks attractively valued as the political risks following Brexit fade and the new positive momentum from Macron could energise the “journey to the United States of Europe” in 2018, though actual policies seem unclear as yet. With interest rates likely to stay very low, Euro investors face the continuing conundrum of holding return-free bonds or switching into equities which offer either an attractive dividend or good industry exposure to the world’s opportunities.

“If you take no risk, you will earn no return” remains our mantra and thus taking some risk will require active management to control the periods of volatility which may arise.

What will be the main sources of uncertainty?

For many global investors, the key generator of uncertainty remains the policy directions from President Trump who may yet become trade protectionist with Asia and NAFTA and may or may not actually achieve any tax reforms which can sustain the US economy.

Geopolitics in the Middle East and other areas related to the energy sector may also continue to unnerve investors as an oil supply shock is not priced into the current price of oil. Clearly this would hurt most oil importing economies and tax global activity.

More difficult to assess, is the troubling situation with North Korea where pressure from the US and China is not yet showing any substantial progress but which could be easily inflamed by a diplomatic mistake or misinterpretation.

At geopolitical level, the negotiations of the Brexit will begin … how do you foresee that they will develop and what impact will there be on the markets, especially in Europe? Will the UK shares and the pound be the only ones harmed?

Brexit presents a period of great uncertainty, made worse by the recent result of the June UK elections. We think it very unlikely that a deal can be negotiated by 2019 and transition arrangements will be necessary. All European companies will hope that economic and business sense prevails and that the broad regulatory and trade processes used today are maintained. The UK will endure a significant period of economic uncertainty and weakness now, which may weaken Sterling further, whilst the EU may make better progress as Macron rejuvenates policy.

Both the Euro and Sterling are undervalued against the US Dollar, and we would expect Euro to strengthen from here first and further.

Also at the geopolitical level, there will be elections in September in Germany. After what happened in Holland and France, could it be said that populism has been banished in Europe or do we still have to wait?

For now it would seem that populism has peaked after the Brexit vote. However, it should still be noted that anti-EU parties received 40% of votes in recent elections and possibly, even in France, only half the electorate voted for Macron. Shorter term, Italy becomes the last fault line of significant political risk for Europe as nearly 60% currently favour anti-EU parties but at least we have until May 2018 to assess progress further. Thus, populism may slumber and awaken in the next electoral cycle if Europe’s policies do not share its wealth, growth and opportunities better.

Do you see political risks in markets like Italy or even Spain?

Italy is of concern as above. Spain seems to us to offer little political risk to Europe given its short history as a democracy and the Catalan question may be addressed through further local economic empowerment in due course.

On monetary policies: Do you see a clear distinction between the US and Europe? What do you expect from the Fed?

Yes, we have entered a period of monetary policy divergence with the ECB remaining accommodative and the Fed now raising rates and considering how to reduce its balance sheet. Financial conditions in the US remain quite loose so we expect the Fed to continue to raise rates in H2. Global monetary accommodation is peaking and the consequences for many asset classes from QE will now beginning to manifest themselves, especially in the overvaluation of sovereign bonds.

When will the ECB act? In this sense, how can monetary policies impact global equity markets and investor flows?

We expect the ECB to finish tapering QE in 2018 and to then raise rates albeit slowly in 2019, dependent on the strength of the economy then. This should support the mid-cycle economic expansion we see today.

Regulation, such as MIFID II: impact on industry and markets

We expect MIFID 2 to offer better transparency and thus better investment solutions to clients as it will force all managers and distributors / advisers to explain what services they are providing to their clients and at what costs. This could be very disruptive. It will thus force new business models and new relationships to be forged with clients but it will change the current financial services landscape. Brexit too, will shake up the industry as it remains unclear if being equivalent will mean the same as it does now for many European banks and insurers.

At the market level … what assets do you see more opportunities for the second half of the year and why?

Taking risk to earn a return, and managing client nervousness to headline shocks and uncertainty, leaves us with high conviction over the “hunt for income” where clients can find attractive levels of yield from US High Yield and Emerging Market Debt as well as European equities. With global growth dull, interest rates staying low for longer, Beta returns will remain low and thus clients should remain confident that active management can deliver good returns that meet the needs for income and capital gain.

Koesterich: There are Very Few Bargains Across Major Asset Classes. In Order to Find Value, One Must Get More Creative

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Koesterich: "Hay muy pocas gangas en las principales clases de activos y para encontrar valor uno debe volverse más creativo"
Russ Koesterich. Koesterich: There are Very Few Bargains Across Major Asset Classes. In Order to Find Value, One Must Get More Creative

It’s been over a year since Russ Koesterich, Portofolio Manager of BlackRock‘s BGF Global Allocation Fund joined the Global Allocation team. In this interview he talks about his investment process, asset allocation, the market, reflation, factor investing, volatility, and the key economic data points that his team is monitoring.

Tell us about the work that you and the team have been doing to evolve the investment process.

Since the inception of the strategy in 1989, Global Allocation has been a story of evolution as the investment opportunity set has grown, technology has improved and team resources have expanded. We have continued that evolution and made some enhancements to the investment process which we believe harness the competitive advantages of the Global Allocation platform. These include: a greater dedication of risk budget to our higher conviction ideas from our bottom-up security selectors, position sizing by the portfolio managers and the adoption of more robust portfolio optimisation tools that allow us to better calibrate our top-down asset allocation decisions.

What has not changed about Global Allocation is our mission to deliver returns competitive with global stocks, over a full market cycle, at a lower level of volatility. We also remain keenly focused on managing risk, maintaining flexibility, and being value-oriented in our investment decisions. We do, however, expect recent enhancements to allow for more deliberate risk taking in the portfolio and believe that they provide a competitive advantage relative to other multi-asset funds given our focus on both bottom-up security selection and top-down asset allocation. While it is still early days since initiating these enhancements, we are encouraged by the improvement in relative performance and in particular would note the contributions to performance that we have seen from both security selection and asset allocation.

You talk about the ability for Global Allocation to deliver a higher breadth investment solution at a time when there are few cheap traditional asset classes. What do you mean by that?

Higher breadth refers to a portfolio that is well diversified, with lots of relatively small, uncorrelated bets. Having the opportunity to work on the BGF Global Allocation Fund with its flexible mandate and a highly experienced, fundamentally driven, multi-asset investment team was very compelling to me. It is uncommon for multi-asset funds to have both bottom- up and top-down expertise within one captive team. This depth of expertise allows for multiple ways to generate alpha relative to a standard 60/40 benchmark and allows for more differentiation versus a portfolio of all ETFs.

Looking at valuations, the challenge for many investors is that broad betas are generally expensive. That is certainly the case in developed market government bonds and US equities. In fact, US equities and US bonds have never both been as expensive at the same time as they are today. In short, there are very few bargains when looking across at major asset classes. In order to find value, one has to look a little deeper, beneath the surface of the index, and get more creative in order to isolate opportunities.

This is where we can build a portfolio of more bespoke ideas. This includes the work we are doing to focus more of our risk budget on the idiosyncratic ideas derived by our fundamental investors. In addition, we have capabilities to build customised baskets of securities that seek to capitalise on a particular theme that we feel strongly about, such as dividends in emerging markets or low-volatility stocks that possess less interest rate sensitivity. The fund’s ability to utilise derivatives such as options, also allows us to move opportunistically when we identify an attractive opportunity and build an asymmetric payout into the portfolio. This was on display last summer when we bought long-dated, out-of-the-money call options on US financial stocks shortly after the UK referendum. It is flexibility like this that allows for more varied ways to generate alpha at a time when broad betas have enjoyed a phenomenal market rally.

The ‘reflation rally’ that began in mid- 2016 stalled out in the first quarter of 2017. What do you think is driving this change in asset class performance and how has the fund performed as a result?

The exact cause of the change in asset class performance is tough to pinpoint, but it is likely to be a combination of investors adjusting their views on global growth in the short-term and asset price movements. On the latter point, the asset classes most likely to benefit from a period of reflation moved a good deal from the summer of 2016 as global growth expectations improved. In many respects, it is not unusual to see these market trends reverse, even if for only a brief period, as investors seek to rebalance their portfolios. Within the BGF Global Allocation Fund, we too made a number of rebalancing decisions in Q1 in response to this change in asset prices. These included: reducing the fund’s financials weighting; adding to US dollar (USD) duration as yields backed up; reducing the fund’s USD weighting and adding to gold-related securities. These rebalancing decisions, along with a few others, have allowed the Fund to maintain a strong start to the year despite shifts in asset class leadership.

What are the key economic data points that your team is monitoring and do you believe that the world economy has shifted into a higher-growth, higher-inflation regime? How is the portfolio positioned in light of this?

While there has undoubtedly been an improvement in the global economy since early 2016, the jury is still out on whether we have shifted into a higher-growth, higher-inflation regime. Like many investors, we are very focused on the divergence between the consumer and business survey data (i.e. soft data) and the transactional data such as GDP, retail sales and things like auto sales (i.e. hard data). In short, the global economy is not performing as well as the survey data would suggest. We have seen episodes like these in the post-financial crisis era, whereby risk assets have appreciated given expectations for monetary and/or fiscal stimulus; when those expectations prove to be too optimistic or when the stimulus starts to fade, risk assets can become vulnerable to the downside. In the near-term, we need to see firmer evidence, especially in the US, that confidence is translating into activity.

Therefore, I would characterise the portfolio as still constructive on the economic outlook over the intermediate term and as a result, still constructive on equities, especially in Japan and Europe vis-à-vis the US. We have, however, made a number of small adjustments to the fund’s sector positioning, fixed income duration, gold exposure and currency positioning as potential hedges in the event that global growth expectations start to deteriorate more rapidly.

Equity market volatility is at a historical low despite policy uncertainty and geopolitical risks increasing. How do you guard against the possibility of increases in market volatility while still pursuing your high conviction views?

This is the essence of portfolio construction and something that I think we do well and that we have been able to evolve over the past year. The possibility that equity market volatility could increase should not prevent us from pursuing our higher conviction views. Rather, it should cause us to think about what we want to own in conjunction with those higher conviction ideas in order to effectively manage our risk, both in absolute and relative terms. Unfortunately, what we see from many end investors over time is a tendency to construct a portfolio based purely on their best ideas without any thoughtful consideration to correlations and how things interrelate. The risk is that the investor ends up with a portfolio of correlated ideas at the wrong time in a market cycle.

We have the ability to look at the fund through multiple prisms, which allows us to understand not only sector or regional exposures, but also something like our factor exposures. To what extent are we more exposed to quality or momentum and how can we manage that if we believe volatility could spike? We can also look at recent asset class correlations and then change our correlation assumptions in order to stress test the portfolio under a different market regime. To what extent is gold helping to diversify equity risk today versus previous years? The answers to these questions can provide us with important insights so that we persist with our high conviction ideas, remain well diversified in the event of a change in volatility and seek to deliver a return that is competitive with global stocks over a full market cycle at a lower level of volatility.

Dubreuil: “The ECB Should Lag the Fed in Hiking Interest Rates by at Least Another Year”

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Dubreuil: “El BCE se retrasará al menos un año con respecto a la Fed en comenzar su ciclo de subida de tipos”
Photo: Pascal Dubreuil, Portfolio Manager, at H2O Asset Management, an affiliate of Natixis Global Asset Management / Courtesy. Dubreuil: “The ECB Should Lag the Fed in Hiking Interest Rates by at Least Another Year”

Almost two years ago, after a long career in the asset management industry, Pascal Dubreuil joined the global fixed income and currency team, as Portfolio Manager, at H2O Asset Management, an affiliate of Natixis Global Asset Management, which specializes in Global macro management and alternative strategies of fixed income.

Since then, Dubreuil has been the main investment decision maker of the H2O Multi Aggregate fund, a flexible global fixed income fund actively embracing all debt and currency markets. It can invest globally, with a high degree of granularity, in the widest possible set of liquid fixed income securities ranging from all the investment grade securities featuring in its benchmark, the Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate index (BBGA), to high yield securities, issued both by governments and corporations. The currency exposure of the fund is also actively managed according to directional and relative value strategies designed to optimally translate their macroeconomic scenario into global asset allocation.

The Base Scenario in Macroeconomic Terms

According to Dubreuil, the business cycle of developed countries has further to go, as private leverage is not extended enough yet. “Within this group, the US is leading the Eurozone by one to two years, while the UK is beginning to feel the economic cost of Brexit. In contrast with most developed countries, growth in emerging countries is structurally impaired. Commodity producers (most of Latin America and the Middle East) have barely recovered from their recession and are pulled down by bloated balance sheets inherited from the past,” he said.

Furthermore, he believes that growth of manufacturing exporters, mostly from the Asian region, has fared better, but it has over-extended through an increasing and unsustainable leverage. “Growth in emerging countries is either poor in quantity or in quality. Like in the late 90s, the global business cycle is not synchronized across regions. To express these macroeconomic views in H2O Multi Aggregate, we inter alia use currencies, e.g. implementing a long USD position versus a short exposure to Asian and commodity currencies like AUD and NZD.”

Dubreuil maintains that, the excess leverage of manufactured products’ exporting countries has resulted in core inflation in the US becoming the other main macro risk. “The tightness of the US labor market should increase further as the business cycle continues. Pressure on wages and inflation should eventually recover from the recent soft patch. When it does, dollar funding would get tighter which would present a key challenge to de facto dollar-zone countries, some of which also exhibit excessive leverage (e.g. China, Northern Asia, Canada, and Australia). Fixed income markets would not perform well in this rising US core inflation scenario, but the extent depends on how prepared investors are for a rising yield environment.”

How is the portfolio positioned?

The H2O Multi Aggregate strategy’s investment process is designed to implement relative value strategies across the main Sovereign Developed debt markets in order to benefit from rising divergences in monetary policies. “We also slice and dice the H2O Multi Aggregate’s benchmark, the BBGA, and implement strategies aiming at exploiting its strengths and weaknesses. To benefit from the normalization of interest rates initiated by the Fed, we underweight the duration of the fund in the US compared to the benchmark, with a particular emphasis on the 5-year segment of the US curve, as we expect the US interest curve to continue to flatten between the 5-year and 30-year pillars,” Dubreuil commented.

He also believes that the valuation of government bonds issued by European peripheral countries compelling: “The core and the periphery are converging economically; political risk is receding, while the ECB should lag the Fed in hiking interest rates by at least another year.”

Moreover, valuations of Emerging Debt Markets are less attractive since the sharp rally they have experienced since early 2016. “China’s cyclical recovery is likely to fade out, leading to headwinds for commodities, which are key for Emerging Markets. Therefore, we have a selective allocation, focused on core value trades like Mexican local sovereign bonds, offering a high yield and a clear disinflation path ahead. We also see opportunities in frontier markets like Iraq and Zambia, both benefiting from their carry and IMF’s involvement that anchors both policies and investors’ expectations.”

As regards corporate credit exposure, the team at H20 favors subordinated bonds from European financials and non-financial issuers exhibiting strong fundamentals. “They still offer attractive credit spreads and benefit from strong technical factors as the volume of new issuance of the credit markets we favor, is expected to remain moderate in the coming months.”

To conclude, Dubreuil sums-up H2O Multi Aggregate’s directional strategies by asset class, “The fund is underweighted in duration and overweighted in credit versus the benchmark, and long USD versus other currencies. The main relative value strategies as far as rates, currencies, and credit are concerned, are respectively: underweight in US duration versus the EMU duration; long MXN vs. Asian currencies; overweight European credit vs. US credit.

WisdomTree Investments’ Steinberg Wants to Triple Their Mexican AUM With a New Launch

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Steinberg de WisdomTree Investments: "Vamos a entre duplicar y triplicar los activos en México"
Foto cedidaPhoto: BMV. WisdomTree Investments' Steinberg Wants to Triple Their Mexican AUM With a New Launch

As part of WisdomTree‘s 7th anniversary in Mexico, and the launch of its first ETF designed exclusively for Mexican investors, Jonathan Steinberg, CEO of WisdomTree, Jose Ignacio Armendariz, partner and CEO of Compass Group Mexico, in partnership with WisdomTree, and Ivan Ramil, Director of Institutional Clients at Compass Group Mexico, spoke with Funds Society about their expectations and plans for the Mexican ETF market, which Steinberg says is “growing rapidly” and is key to expanding their presence in Latin America.

WisdomTree currently has approximately 45.1 billion dollars in assets under management (AUM) worldwide, of which 650 million come from the nearly 40 funds available in the Mexican market. With the launch of their newest ETF, the WisdomTree Global ex-Mexico Equity (XMX), the manager expects to double and maybe triple its AUM in Mexico. “This is the first time we have created a specific fund for the Mexican market. I hope it’s the biggest fund in Mexico… We have been very successful with funds with exposure to Europe and Japan but I feel this will be bigger than all of them combined,” said Steinberg. Armendariz mentioned that the index that the ETF replicates was created with the Afores (Mexican pension funds) investment regime in mind, in order not to exclude them, but that, in addition to the Afores, it is also directed to other institutional and retail investors. “It is an ETF with great liquidity, low commission and that provides exposure to the world in a single instrument” he mentions. Ramil added that they are “very excited about the product. We just finished a roadshow and feel it will be a great product for the Mexican market.”

The XMX, which is traded on the Mexcan Stock Exchange’s Global Market platform (SIC), replicates a market capitalization weighted index covering 90% of the elegible shares in the global market, excluding Mexico, and that meet the eligibility requirements of The CONSAR (Afore’s regulator). The Index is calculated in US dollars, capturing 23 developed markets and 21 emerging markets, with more than 50% exposure to the United States. The most overweight sectors of the fund are financial, IT and discretionary consumption. The ETF is rebalanced every October, and includes minimum requirements for market capitalization and liquidity. It also sets sectoral limits to increase diversification.

Investec Invites Robert O’Neill, the Soldier Who Shot Bin Laden, to Its Inspirational Event for Financial Advisors

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Investec invita a Robert O’Neill, el soldado que disparó a Bin Laden, a su evento para asesores financieros
Photos: Robert O'Neill, former Navy SEAL, at the Investec Inspirational Event / Courtesy photo. Investec Invites Robert O'Neill, the Soldier Who Shot Bin Laden, to Its Inspirational Event for Financial Advisors

Investec Asset Management has many reasons to celebrate. Last month, one of its flagship strategies, the Investec Global Franchise fund, celebrated its tenth anniversary with an excellent performance history, exceeding the MSCI All Companies World Index by 2.9% annually over the last 10 years. Added to this success, is the asset management firm’s extraordinary track record in Miami; and in appreciation, the company will try to hold an annual inspirational event for financial industry professionals.

The first “Investec Inspirational Event” took place in Miami last Thursday, June 15th featuring Robert O’Neill, the Navy SEAL soldier who shot and killed Bin Laden in May 2011. O’Neill, with over 400 missions, 52 medals and 17 years of service in the US military, shared his experiences, and the lessons arising thereof that can be applied in daily life, with a hundred financial advisors.

During his speech, he pointed out the strenuous selection process that he had to overcome to become part of the Navy SEALs: “It is an intensive training, very hard, in which it is very easy to quit, and which even encourages quitting, because there is the option to resign at any time. The army is always trying to increase the number of soldiers entering the Navy SEALs admission tests, but regardless of how many people enroll for this process, 85% don’t make it through.”

According to O’Neill, the main reason why the system works is obviously that each of the instructors is a Navy SEAL and has undergone the same training, which he describes as “not impossible, but very hard, followed by something even more difficult, which is immediately followed by something even harder, day after day, for 8 months.” However, he doesn’t recommend facing a challenge with that mentality, as the key to achieving a long-term goal is to focus on little victories. So, for months, he followed the advice of his first instructor: “Just think of waking up in time, making the bed properly, brushing your teeth and being on time for the 5 am training; afterwards, just worry about getting to breakfast, after that about making it to lunch time, and then about making it to dinner. After dinner, just worry about getting to a perfectly made bed. If the bed is made the right way, no matter how bad the day was, you will only think of the next day. And when you think of quitting, something that will pass through your head, think, ‘I will not abandon now, I will quit tomorrow’. All I am asking you is to do one thing, no matter what, never quit and you will be fine.”

Another important lesson that the Navy SEALs learn by simulating different extreme situations, is that panic will not help them, so they train in keeping calm by negative reinforcement. “All the stress we experience in life is in our head, it is self-induced. It’s a choice we make; it’s a burden we choose to carry. In combat, bravery is not the absence of fear, it is the ability to recognize fear, put it aside, and act. No one has ever achieved anything positive by panicking. Fear is natural, it makes you think with greater clarity, but there is a line that should not be crossed, because panic is contagious. Portray calm, and calm will be contagious.”

Once he became part of this elite army corps, he was deployed to several worldwide destinations until the September 11th attacks in New York. Then everything changed. He decided to enroll in a special unit within the Navy SEALs, where he would have to spend another 9 months in exhaustive training, this time competing against other seasoned Navy SEALs, knowing that 50% of the participants don’t succeed.

Then the secret missions, the truly dangerous ones, began; those in which he went from being a soldier to not existing, and to having to communicate with his children using fake e-mail addresses when entering combat.
At that level, O’Neill points out the need to move from taught tactics to invented tactics, to being creative, to anticpating what the opponent is doing. It is at that moment that the usefulness of micromanagement is questioned, since each member of the team must know how to perform their task. This is achieved by training, adjusting tactics, and learning the best way to communicate effectively.

The Mission that Ended Osama Bin Laden’s Life

The mission was carried out by an incredible intelligence team, led by four women, who after years of searching managed to locate Bin Laden in Pakistan. O’Neill reveals that President Obama was not convinced that this was Bin Laden’s whereabouts, and that the mission was initially set up to check that information and return.

One of the most stressful moments of this operation was the 90-minute flight from the base in Afghanistan to bin Laden’s hideout, during which they could have been hit at any moment for invading the country’s airspace. “Ninety minutes during which your head doesn’t stop thinking: ‘everything can explode now’. Worrying about things you can’t control only adds to pressure. So what do you do? At that point, I started counting from 0 to 1,000 and then in the reverse, from 1,000 to 0, to keep my head free from distractions, speeding up the counting or slowing it down, in order to just not think.

Once they arrived at the destination, one of the helicopters fell without casualties, and the rest of the soldiers entered the house identified as Bin Laden’s hideout. He was able to witness the first steps of the operation from the front line, the rest of the team dispersed to check the rooms. On the last set of stairs, he sensed a movement behind a curtain which he thought could be Osama Bin Laden’s last protective barrier, expecting to find suicide bombers in explosive vests. “At that moment I remember thinking that it was not a matter of bravery, but the tiredness of constantly thinking that I could explode at any moment. I moved the curtain, and there I found him. In front of me was Osama Bin Laden, as tall as I expected, a little thinner, with a somewhat grayer beard.”
O’Neill fired twice and felt paralyzed for a few seconds, and then more officers entered the room, asking if he was okay. Then O’Neill asked what the next step was, to which they responded “to go through the computer systems, we have rehearsed it a thousand times”.

On the return flight, another tense ninety minutes during which no one speaks until their arrival in Afghanistan, at which point the pilot jokes that it is probably the only time they will celebrate being in this country.

To conclude, O’Neill’s suggestion to his audience was: “The next time you feel overwhelmed by the stress at work, when nothing is working out as it should, or when you are at home and feel like the ceiling is falling on your head, breathe deeply and think of all those people who are fighting, defending and preserving freedom. Push yourself forward, never quit, and you will be fine.”

Why, According to Aberdeen AM, Diversification is the Key to Creating Robust Multi-Asset Portfolios in the Long Term

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Por qué la diversificación es la clave para crear carteras multiactivo robustas a largo plazo, según Aberdeen AM
Foto cedidaSimon Fox, courtesy photo. Why, According to Aberdeen AM, Diversification is the Key to Creating Robust Multi-Asset Portfolios in the Long Term

For many years now, asset managers have been responding to financial challenges through multi-asset strategies that seek to adapt to different market contexts, and they always seek the most appropriate sources of profitability and protection for portfolios. But the current environment is different from the past, and the challenges it poses are more acute, so it’s necessary to seek more creative solutions and go beyond traditional portfolios – which move within a framework composed of 60% fixed income and 40% equities. For Simon Fox, Senior Investment Specialist at Aberdeen Asset Management, these strategies “will no longer serve to build robust portfolios in the future,” he explained in a recent interview with Funds Society.

The motives? Investors will not only have to face a much more volatile environment, (marked by short-term problems such as Brexit, and long-term, with structural problems for growth such as demography, adjustment in China or de-globalization) but will also be faced with the fact that traditional assets, such as fixed income and equities, will offer much lower returns than in the past, within a framework of lower global growth. “Investors will have to face strong short-term volatility, but there are also structural hurdles: stock markets will no longer provide returns as high as at other times in history, and bonds, which have also provided strong returns in portfolios in the last decades, have much lower yields,” he explains. And in many cases, the latter do not even offer protection. In conclusion, with the traditional mix between equities and fixed income, future returns will be reduced inexorably.

In order to deal with this situation there is no other option than to look for creative solutions. Some opt for more active management that regulates the exposure to equity and debt based on the market situation, that is, they choose to do market timing. For Fox, this solution is very difficult, because “the markets are very difficult to predict.” On the other hand, there are also professionals who, in order to navigate this environment, are opting for strategies based on the use of derivatives to boost returns and increase hedging, but which may be more complex to implement and highly dependent on the capabilities of asset managers and the success of their bets. Faced with these alternatives, Fox has no doubts and opts for diversification.

Therefore, the search for opportunities in new market segments, and research into new assets capable of enriching portfolios, is AberdeenAM’s commitment to its multi-asset flagship strategies (one focused on growth, Aberdeen Global-Multi Asset Growth Fund, and another in dividends, Aberdeen Global-Multi Asset Income Fund). The portfolios, which were traditionally positioned one-third in equities, another third in fixed income and the remaining third in diversifying assets, have evolved over time to a situation which, since the end of 2014, is much more diversified and with alternatives to those assets in which the asset managers do not see value.

For example, there is no exposure to public debt or investment-grade credit, because asset managers believe that they currently offer neither return nor hedging. Instead, these assets have been replaced by other segments of the universe of fixed income with more possibilities (emerging market debt, asset backed securities, loans, high yield…) and also with real assets. Therefore, segments such as private equity, real estate, and especially infrastructures, have gained strong positions in the portfolio, in an environment where traditional assets yield less, including equities, with positions of around 25%.

In total, the portfolios have hundreds of positions, implemented, in the case of equities. from a quantitative perspective and focused on low volatility. And it has been shown that the most diversified portfolios can provide value: they offer greater protection in case of problems and, as a result, better results than their comparable ones.

Long Term Vision

The idea of building these portfolios is not based on market timing or short-term analysis: According to Fox, their construction is based on a long-term global vision (5-10 years) carried out by a group of analysts who make forecasts with this horizon, and with whom the multi-asset management team works very closely within the management company. Therefore, the positions do not change overnight depending on the markets, but they work to find diversifying solutions that bring added value.

For example, the vision is that inflation will end up rising, but it will not do so abruptly in the coming months: hence the inclusion in the portfolio of assets such as floating rate bonds and, above all, the infrastructures to play this story of price hikes – while eliminating the risk of duration by renouncing to public debt in the portfolios.

New Assets

Creativity is key in this context, and at Aberdeen AM they point out some of the latest additions and newest strategies, or the assets with the biggest appeal to offer returns. “There are now many more opportunities than in the past,” Fox says, and that leads us to talk about not multi-assets, but multi-multi assets.

As examples in this regard, Fox points out the bonds in India with high investment grade calification (which can offer annual returns above 7% and is a market that benefits from the improvement in fundamentals – in fact, the asset management company has a fund focused on this asset-), or access to equity through a smart beta perspective (focusing on low volatility or earning income, something they apply to funds). The alternative spectrum also opens up new opportunities, such as aircraft leasing (which can offer returns of close to 10%),insurance-linked securities, or royalties on health companies, options which are available to the asset management company thanks to its global character and its size. At the moment, they do not use ETFs, although they could do so.

All of this, at a time when the traditional barriers to diversification (such as transparency, illiquidity, regulation, commissions…) are dissolving, therefore “currently, diversification is easier thanks to the size and globality gained by asset managers and by the greater exposure and access to different assets,” explains Fox.

Solutions for Retirement

These types of solutions are suitable for retirement because they offer a low risk profile and provide benefits of diversification, returns and profitability, so that demand is very strong in both Europe and Latin America, as well as in the US offshore market.









Sara Shores: Over the Long Run I Love All My Children and Factors Equally but Over the Short Run One Might be Having a Better Day

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Smart Beta is a growing strategy that according to Sara Shores, CFA, Global Head of Smart Beta at BlackRock, has captured investor’s attention and interest for three main reasons: returns, diversification and fees. In an interview with Funds Society, she also explains how they do factor investing, a strategy that accounts for over 170 billion of their assets under management and expects double digit growth.
Shores explains that the main reason for the strategy’s popularity is that the return environment has been getting more and more challenging with equity returns in the 5% range, as expected by BlackRock’s capital markets assumptions for the next five years which “is not enough for most investors to meet their retirement goals.” So by focusing on factors, the broad, historically persistent drivers of return, and doing so with Smart Beta vehicles, one has the potential of incremental returns, with a significant lower fee than traditional active management.
Regarding diversification, which has been proven elusive via traditional allocations, she mentions that most the factors they look at in equities are also present in fixed income, currencies, commodities “and that then opens up a whole new range of diversification because momentum in equity is not particularly correlated with momentum in commodities or currencies, so by investing across asset classes we can really take full advantage of the opportunity set for factor investing.” So despite having equity factor investing as the largest Smart Beta asset class and continue to “see a tremendous growth in equities there are great opportunities in other asset classes.”
The BlackRock executive believes that there are five persistently rewarding factors in equity markets are: Value, Quality, Size, Low Vol, and Momentum and while “over the long run I love all my children equally and I love all my factors equally but over the short run your son or your daughter might be having a better day, and it is the same for factors, so one of the things the team has been working on is to see what factors are better poised based on the current market.” They are overweight in US equity markets with Momentum, and just recently moved to an overweight in minimum volatility given US growth is strong but grow at a modestly slower pace than in recent months, which could translate into investor caution.
About their operation, she mentions that at BlackRock they want to marry quantitative research with a really strong economic understanding on what drives markets and what drives risk and return. “Humans are made better by data, data is made better by humans, we like data and models but we also want to rely on our intuition. Our philosophy on factor investing is to always start with the economic grounding of asking why, what is the economic justification that suggest a factor will continue to earn a return in the future and only with that economic just we go and look at the date to see if it actually works over time over a wide range of assets and geographies, so we want to inject the human judgment as well.”
With over 170 billion in AUM for their factor-based strategies, both the index driven smart beta strategies and the non index ‘enhanced’ factor strategies, they are always mindful of liquidity and capacity to make sure that any of their strategies don’t move the market in an unexpected way. Most of their assets are in their smart beta ETF type strategies, whose markets are so large and liquid that liquidity is generally not a problem. However, in their enhanced strategies, where they have 12.5 billion in AUM they are “very mindful of liquidity, our strategies are not of a size were we are worried of moving markets yet, but we do think of how big can we be, we manage that by making sure we don’t have too much risk deployed in any individual factor/instrument to make sure we can trade the portfolio with a reasonable liquidity should something change unexpectedly. So we keep a very watchful eye on that capacity question.” She concludes. 

Pioneer Investments: “Earnings Growth Will Be the Dominant Driver of Returns for European Equities”

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Pioneer Investments: “En renta variable europea la clave ahora es estar atentos a los beneficios empresariales ya que si crecen, las bolsas continuarán subiendo”
Fiona English, courtesy photo. Pioneer Investments: “Earnings Growth Will Be the Dominant Driver of Returns for European Equities"

The arrival of capital flows into European equities coincided with the reduction of political risk in the Old Continent after the first round of French presidential elections. But with the German and Italian elections on the horizon, the question is whether the fundamentals will continue to support the upturn. Fiona English, client portfolio manager at Pioneer Investments, talks with Funds Society about het outlook for European Equities.

Europe has received a big amount of inflows in the last quarter, but is it sustainable? Are the fundamentals supporting this performance?

Indeed flows coincided with the reduction in political risk following Round 1 of the French presidential Election as investors believe the chances of fragmentation within the Eurozone has subsided. That said, in reality there are 4 main drivers of European Equities which combined suggest that the performance of the European market can continue– 1) better economic growth, 2) better earnings growth 3) reduced political risk and 4)flows into the asset class

We are experiencing quite synchronized global growth at this moment and with 50% of earnings for European companies lying outside the Eurozone, this clearly provides a support to earnings potential for European companies. Within this, European GDP Growth is likely to strengthen this year with our Economists forecasting 1.8% for FY 2017. The key here is for companies to translate the more supportive economic backdrop into earnings growth and we are witnessing signs of this. In Q1 on aggregate, 46% of companies beat consensus estimates by 5% or more, while just 22% missed, pointing to the strongest quarter since the Q2 2007. 

This and the reduction in political risk within the Eurozone has given investors the confidence they needed to return to the asset class with 18bn of inflows in the last 2 months alone.

In our view, for the market trajectory to be sustainable – we need to see confirmation of earnings growth continuing as we move through Q2 and Q3 this year. 

Have investors lost the train in European equities after the rally seen in April and May?

While the rally was swift, we still believe there is more to go if earnings growth proves sustainable. The asset class remains underowned with many international investors now beginning to consider European equities “investable” again.

In fact despite the rally, European Equities have seen a slight reversal of this trend since mid-May with the market moving sidewards at best and underperforming the US market. There is probably an element of seasonality at play and the market is likely seeking another catalyst to move higher from here. We believe this will come in the form of a confirmation of further earnings growth. Any further weakness may provide a good buying opportunity as we move into the second half of the year.   

Where are you finding the most attractive opportunities and what areas are you avoiding?

Given we believe that earnings growth will be the dominant driver of returns from here and in line with our investment process, we believe the most consistent way to generate performance will be through good stock selection. We do not believe that earnings growth will happen across the market as a whole but rather you must look for the companies which have a strategic competitive advantage and the ability to capitalize on better economic trends and convert it into better earnings growth. In this environment, stock selection will be key to performance.

How have you positioned your portfolio to take advantage from the rally?

We have looked to keep quite balanced portfolios not favouring any one area of the market but looking for idiosyncratic/stock stories which we believe have the potential to deliver medium term outperformance. For example, most of our portfolios are overweight Industrials at this moment due to the number of individual compelling investment cases we find there. The sector offers a number of different business models which will benefit from the more positive macroeconomic tone but also strong companies which have a strategic advantage that allows them to translate this into earnings growth. Finally valuation is clearly always important and we look to seek the correct entry point which should allow us upside potential from a valuation standpoint.

Is it the right moment to invest in more risky assets within equity or should we be more cautious?

The key for the equity market is to see greater earnings growth – if this happens we believe the market can move higher. 

Do small-caps look attractive versus large-caps?

We see opportunities in all areas of the market. Finding value should be less focused on market capitalization but more on individual companies and their ability to deliver. 



Bright Future for Big-Cap Tech

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Un futuro prometedor para las grandes tecnologías
Pixabay CC0 Public DomainLoboStudioHamburg. Bright Future for Big-Cap Tech

Equity investors have enjoyed a solid continuation of the bull market in the first half of 2017. It is notable, though, that a handful of large-cap stocks have clearly driven the market. Journalists and analysts have been playing around with different acronyms to select and describe the current tech high-flyers. For the first time in 2013, CNBC’s “Mad Money” host Jim Cramer propagated the term FANG, which stands for Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and Google (now Alphabet). Recently, reporters included another “A” to include Apple and an “M” to include Microsoft in the acronym, sometimes replacing the Netflix’ “N”, depending whether the story’s focus is “growth” or “dominance”. 

Currently, an impressive headline is that FAAMG (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft and Google) comprise 12% of the S&P 500 Index and have contributed 28% of the index’s year-to-date returns with a market-cap weighted combined return of 25%. If we look at the NASDAQ 100, FAAMG has accounted for more than 50% of the return in 2017. What is more, until recently, the trend has been remarkably solid with a very low volatility. However, on Friday June 9, the tech started to sell off without any fundamental reason. The following Monday morning, the NASDAQ showed a loss of 4.5% from the Friday high, driven by heavy losses of the FANG and FAAMG groups wiping out a market capitalization more than 200 billion in these six companies. Suddenly, the financial press started to draw analogies between today and the dotcom bubble. Obviously, this comparison is far-fetched. 

The most important difference is valuation. In the first months of 2000, the S&P 500 Technology Index reached a 12-month forward Price/Earnings Ratio of 60, which was more than twice the valuation of the S&P 500. Today, the tech sector is trading at a multiple of around 19, just narrowly above the market’s valuation. It is true that the valuation has gone up in the last years and the valuation is not cheap anymore, but it is certainly not in bubble territory. 

More importantly, today’s tech giants have much stronger fundamentals with solid growth prospects. They still sit on a $ 700 billion cash pile, but started to invest huge amount of cash in their infrastructures and new growth areas. Today, the FAAMG companies have leading positions in at 

least one of the most promising investment trends, such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence & machine learning, virtual reality & augmented reality and big data. They all benefit from a secular shift to online spending. For example, Amazon Web Services (AWS) accounts for more than one third of the global cloud infrastructure market generating $ 12 billion a year from nothing five years ago. This segment is expected to grow more than 15% annually. Amazon’s scale and leading IT and logistics infrastructure is highly disruptive for traditional retailers, especially as it enters the traditional bricks-and-mortar retail segment (best illustrated by the announced Whole Foods acquisition). Facebook has increased its monthly active users from 1.4 to an impressive 1.9 billion and more than doubled its revenues in the last two years. The company is ramping up its investments in research & development including video content and augmented reality, which should help to main profit growth north of 20% for several years. Alphabet has consolidated its leadership in mobile search ads and strengthened its positioning in video (YouTube), the cloud and Google Play. There might be interesting start-ups in these high-growth areas, but the difference in scale and resources compared to the leaders has never been so vast. 

So if valuations are reasonable and fundamentals strong, what has caused the mini sell-off? Most analysts are pointing to an increasing dependence of algorithmic trading. JPMorgan estimates that only 10% of US stock trading comes from traditional traders. The machines are taking over. Before the correction, the positioning in the FAAMG stocks was extreme. Fund managers were overweight and the machines were long, following the strong momentum of growth stocks. Also the untypical low volatile of these stocks attracted the machines. The trigger for the sell-off is not really clear. Many point to a cautious Goldman Sachs research report published on Friday, June 9 that might have caused some selling pressure. Once the short-term trend was broken and the volatility spoke up, the machines took over and continued liquidating positions. The good news is that the sell-off stopped after only two days and that the pressures from quantitative traders has probably played out. The bad news is that investors that want to benefit from the strong long-term prospects of these tech companies should get used to higher volatility again. But the tech leadership is most likely here to stay. 

Column by Crèdit Andorrà Financial Group’s Pascal Rohner

Entrepreneurship and VC Investing in Florida – Ready for Lift-Off

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Inversores y venture capital en Florida, listos para despegar
CC-BY-SA-2.0, FlickrPhoto: Grempz . Entrepreneurship and VC Investing in Florida – Ready for Lift-Off

Florida is one of the most exciting stories on the U.S. venture capital scene right now, with the state being the third fastest growing startup state overall and Miami the number one fastest growing U.S. metro area for new startups. And yet Florida still receives less than 1% of global venture capital dollars. Why? And what will change this?

The key role of entrepreneurs is to bring together resources for success. The fundamental ingredients of a successful startup are experienced entrepreneurs with new ideas, great people to join the team, investment capital, support from mentors and peers, and strong team of advisors – sophisticated lawyers and accountants are essential.  In addition to creating high-growth businesses and new jobs, a flourishing entrepreneurial ecosystem has an exponential effect on the local economy.

Florida has many of these ingredients in abundance already. By any measure, the Sunshine State is filled with smart capable people and a tremendous amount of capital. Record numbers of people are moving to Florida from major tech industry hubs like New York, California and Boston. There is growing awareness of angel investing thanks to local groups like AGP Miami, New World Angels, Florida Angel Nexus and the Tamiami Angel Fund. Members of these groups are pouring millions in investment into new startup companies every year. The local startup community is growing rapidly and becoming better organized. According to 2017 edition of the Kauffman Foundation Index of Startup Activity, Miami is the number one fastest growing U.S. metro area for new startups being created, with Florida being the third fastest growing startup state overall.

However, that same Kauffman Foundation report goes on to say that Miami is also second-to-last in the U.S. for scaling startups, defined as growing beyond 50 employees and $2 million in revenue within 10 years. Other Florida metros fare a bit better, with Jacksonville, Tampa, and Orlando all placing higher on the list. The reason for this discrepancy is obvious when you ask any entrepreneur – there are not enough professional investors at each funding stage to support a high-growth business in Florida.  While Florida has done an excellent job in creating an environment that encourages entrepreneurial ideas to germinate, much remains to be done in creating a genuine ecosystem that will encourage more of these startups to reach their full potential.

Breaking into the Major League

So far, Florida has yet to seriously capture the eye of venture capitalists. The state receives less than 1% of global venture capital dollars. To large investors in Silicon Valley and elsewhere, Florida is still the “farm team” compared to the “major leagues” of California. Some new companies are bucking this trend. Most notably, companies like Magic Leap, Modernizing Medicine, and others are drawing in marquee investors and hundreds of millions in investment – but not from Florida investors.

One of the principal factors that led us to start Las Olas Venture Capital in Florida was the lack of professionally-run venture funds based in the state. All Florida entrepreneurs quickly realize that while there is plenty of angel investment money to get them off the ground, there is almost nowhere local to turn for their next round. Companies face a hard choice of trying to raise funding outside of the state or scrape together enough small angel checks to stay afloat. Without several more funds, focusing on each stage of a company’s life cycle, Florida will remain a tough place to successfully scale a company. To date there are not enough local success stories – companies achieving large exits and realized returns for their investors – that truly attract more companies, talent, and investment dollars. Dania Beach-based Chewy.com’s sale to PetsMart for $3.3B is a big step in the right direction, and an emerging sign that tech companies can be successful locally.

There are many emerging startup companies in Florida that we are excited about. For example, our portfolio company CarePredict, based in Plantation, is revolutionizing the elder care market with their Tempo platform. ReloQuest, another LOVC portfolio company based in Weston, is now the go-to technology solution for corporate relocation managers. We at Las Olas VC are seeing tremendous opportunities in the Florida market and believe that with proper infrastructure and support, the market will only continue to improve.

Good Times Ahead

The missing piece of the puzzle for Florida’s entrepreneurs is finding the “glue” that brings these startup ingredients together. The “glue” is strong investors, advisors, mentors, and peers to share experiences that bring founders together and enable their success.

Often times the quality of advice founders get is mixed at best. Most investors and advisors have good intentions, but their lack of experience in early stage investing can be a challenge. At LOVC we strongly encourage founders to do exhaustive due diligence on their prospective investors and advisors — as the ecosystem develops, participants that do not meet the rising level of professionalism will be winnowed. We believe in promoting a culture of candor and transparency and pushing our startup community in Florida to new and greater heights. 

The good news is that the environment is improving with the recent growth in the number of professional investors – run by experienced entrepreneurs, operators and financial experts.  At the same time, we are seeing more professional service providers who bring invaluable expertise and experience to the table.  A great example is our administrator Trident Trust, a globally recognized name, which established a dedicated South Florida desk in Miami last year in response to the rapidly growing demand in the state.

All these factors are driving the opportunity for LOVC to play a major role in an emerging and growing technology startup ecosystem. Being an early mover in a large underserved market allows us to work with great entrepreneurs at mutually favorable terms. We’re entrepreneurs at heart, and we’re building LOVC as such. Our ultimate goal is to make Florida a viable place to scale technology startups. Timing is good, and we’re making progress together.

Column by Mark Volchek, Founding Partner, Las Olas Venture Capital