The Factor Box: A New Lens

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La caja de factores, un nuevo lente para mirar el mercado
Photo: PXhere CC0. The Factor Box: A New Lens

Join us on May 1st at BlackRock’s Factors virtual conference to learn more about the new lens for investing. Register here!

Movies moved from black and white to color, showing the richness of the world in its true form. Shouldn’t the way we build portfolios and evaluate managers also evolve?

Casablanca. It’s a Wonderful Life. Citizen Kane. Rebecca. Roman Holiday.

I understand that these classics are beloved by many. But I have a different take. They’re in black and white and I prefer color. The world is in color, and I like my movies to reflect the full spectrum of color I see outside the movie theater.

Investments, like movies, also evolve with data and technology. Just as color and other technological developments revolutionized the movie experience, I believe the lens offered by the Factor Box can dramatically change how we construct and manage a portfolio of investments by offering a more complete picture of the underlying factors that affect a portfolio’s investment performance.

Lights! Setting the scene

In 1992, Morningstar introduced the style box, a simple and intuitive method for constructing a portfolio. The equity style box was a 3×3 grid dividing funds into nine boxes, using value and size factors — broad persistent drivers of returns—in today’s language of investing. The ease of choosing funds across styles in various boxes helped millions of investors to construct diversified equity portfolios, and provided an objective way to compare managers to their peers with similar investment styles.

The style box, circa 1992

Camera! Glaring style box limitations

While the style box has served investors well for almost 30 years, our knowledge about investments has significantly increased. We know that more factors than just size and value have been historically associated with long-run excess returns. A large body of academic work has shown that quality, momentum and minimum volatility also have empirically enhanced returns or reduced risk relative to market-capitalization index benchmarks.

The way we view investments should reflect the advances made in data and technology. With a new lens, we can make more informed investment decisions and more efficiently benchmark active managers.

Ready for a close-up: Introducing the Factor Box

The Factor Box transforms the style box concept, incorporating a more complete view of the dominant drivers of returns within equity markets. The Factor Box pushes from two factors to a full color array of factors. In my last article, I discussed how value, quality, momentum, size and low volatility have historically beat the market on a risk-adjusted basis and have strong economic intuition. The Factor Box also adds yield — a measurement of high and persistent dividend yields — because income considerations are important for many investors, especially for those in retirement.

The Factor Box shows exposures across six factors

The Factor Box displays the relative factor exposure of a stock or a group of stocks versus a comparative universe, such as the broad market. Factor exposures may change over time. For illustrative purposes only. The Factor Box should not be interpreted as a recommendation of any security or investment strategy.

Action! Using the Factor Box

We can use the Factor Box in a similar way to the style box, but with more depth and richness. We can:

  • Assess portfolio diversification. Do we have all, not just two, factors? If a portfolio lacks exposure to quality, for example, and has too much momentum, we can take appropriate action.
  • Evaluate fund exposures. Perhaps the factor exposures in a traditional actively managed fund can be obtained in a more efficient way with lower-cost, fully transparent, smart beta ETFs. The Factor Box can help find the most appropriate smart beta factor exposure.
  • Conduct due diligence. The Factor Box can analyze factor exposures for each security. This provides a transparent view of a fund’s actual exposures based on underlying holdings, not just the exposures the managers claim to be targeting. This can help when choosing between funds to fill an allocation.
  • Tilt dynamically. The snapshot provided by the Factor Box could help investors position factor exposures through the business cycle. Tactical investors who believe the economy is signaling for value to outperform, for example, could use the exposure insights of the Factor Box to reallocate within their existing holdings to implement a short-term tilt.

And … Cut!

We believe factors have the potential to revolutionize the investment landscape. Join us on May 1st at BlackRock’s Factors virtual conference to learn more about the new lens for investing. Register here!

Column by BlackRock, written by Andrew Ang

Carefully consider the Funds’ investment objectives, risk factors, and charges and expenses before investing. This and other information can be found in the Funds’ prospectuses or, if available, the summary prospectuses, which may be obtained by visiting the iShares Fund and BlackRock Fund prospectus pages. Read the prospectus carefully before investing.

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There can be no assurance that performance will be enhanced or risk will be reduced for funds that seek to provide exposure to certain quantitative investment characteristics (“factors”). Exposure to such investment factors may detract from performance in some market environments, perhaps for extended periods. In such circumstances, a fund may seek to maintain exposure to the targeted investment factors and not adjust to target different factors, which could result in losses.

The strategies discussed are strictly for illustrative and educational purposes and should not be construed as a recommendation to purchase or sell, or an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any security. There is no guarantee that any strategies discussed will be effective.

The examples presented do not take into consideration commissions, tax implications, or other transactions costs, which may significantly affect the economic consequences of a given strategy or investment decision.

This material represents an assessment of the market environment at a specific time and is not intended to be a forecast of future events or a guarantee of future results. This information should not be relied upon by the reader as research or investment advice regarding the funds or any security in particular.

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UBS Wealth Management’s International Unit Fuels Mexican Offering by Hiring Five Senior Advisors

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#10YChallenge for the Mexican Pension Funds' AUM
Pixabay CC0 Public DomainFoto cedida. El #10YChallenge de los activos bajo administración de las Afores

Miguel Barbosa, Alfonso Barros, Juan Calderón , Ricardo Mendez, and Carlos Rodriguez-Aspirichaga have joined UBS Wealth Management’s international unit in a push to strengthen the firm’s business in Mexico.

The experienced ultra-high-net worth advisors used to work at JP Morgan Private Bank, and will be based out of UBS’ New York, Miami and Houston offices.

Sources familiar with the matter told Funds Society that this is a very good example of UBS’ appeal to UHNW advisors. “We recently aligned our wealth management business to be unified under a global wealth management umbrella…  and one aspect of that too is to establish a much more aligned and direct focus on Latin America under the leadership of Sylvia Coutinho in Brazil.” Adding that the team of new hires “is a very talented team with an impressive client roster in Mexico. They represent some of the most sophisticated and wealthy investors in Mexico and that’s a very good fit for UBS. I think they will find this a very good move for them and their clients.”

UBS private banking and wealth advisors serve clients in 65 markets and work with approximately half of all billionaires in the world.

UniónCapital AFAP Becomes First Pension Fund in South America to Comply with the CFA Code

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UniónCapital AFAP se convierte en el primer fondo de pensiones de Sudamérica en adoptar el código CFA
María Dolores Benavente, and Bjorn Forfagn. UniónCapital AFAP Becomes First Pension Fund in South America to Comply with the CFA Code

CFA Institute, the global association of investment professionals that sets the standard for professional excellence, has added UnionCapital AFAP to the growing list of asset owners that claim compliance with its Asset Manager Code (AMC). UnionCapital AFAP, a pension fund in Uruguay with $2.7 billion in assets under management – equating to 5% of the GDP of Uruguay – is now one of the more than 1,400 companies around the world that claim compliance with the code.

The AMC clearly outlines the ethical and professional responsibilities of pension funds or firms that manage assets on behalf of their clients. For investors, the code provides a benchmark for the behavior that should be expected from asset managers and offers a higher level of confidence in the firms that adopt the code.

UnionCapital is the first firm in Uruguay to comply with the code and shows leadership commitment to strengthening the capital markets and investment industry in the country by upholding investor-centric values and behaviors. It is also the first pension fund in South America and the second one in Latin America to comply with the code.

“Our investors expect and deserve the best governance and management practices when it comes to their retirement savings,” said Ignacio Azpiroz, CFA, CIO of UnionCapital AFAP. “UnionCapital is recognized in the industry for our high standards, ethics and professionalism, and we’re proud to reinforce this through our adoption of the Asset Manager Code.”

The Asset Manager Code is grounded in the ethical principles of CFA Institute and the CFA® Program, and requires that managers commit to the following professional standards:

  • To act in a professional and ethical manner at all times
  • To act for the benefit of clients
  • To act with independence and objectivity
  • To act with skill, competence, and diligence
  • To communicate with clients in a timely and accurate manner
  • To uphold the rules governing capital markets

“Building trust in the investment profession is at the core of the CFA Institute mission, as well as strengthening and ensuring the future vitality of the global financial system,” said Bjorn Forfang, deputy CEO at CFA Institute. “Compliance with the Asset Manager Code demonstrates dedication to raising standards in the financial system in Latin America, and we commend Union Capital, and all firms that have adopted the code, for displaying a resolute and tangible commitment to professional ethics and helping to build a better world for investors.”

UnionCapital serves 293,000 clients across Uruguay, and joins more than 1,400 other firms around the world claiming compliance with the Code. The pension fund also complies with the CFA Institute Pension Trustee Code of Conduct.

Schroders’ John Mensack Will Discuss EM Debt Today at the Investments & Golf Summit 2018

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La deuda emergente tendrá su hueco en el Investments & Golf Summit 2018 de la mano de John Mensack, senior investment director de Schroders
Pixabay CC0 Public DomainJohn Mensack, courtesy photo. Schroders' John Mensack Will Discuss EM Debt Today at the Investments & Golf Summit 2018

On April 12th and 13th Funds Society will host its fifth Investments & Golf Summit 2018. Sponsors include Janus Henderson Investors, RWC Partners, Thornburg Investment Management, Vontobel Asset Management, GAM Investments and AXA Investment Managers. The event will take place at the Blue Monster in Trump National Doral Club Golf, host of the prestigious PGA TOUR events for the past 55 years.

Today, at the Investment day, sponsored also by Schroders Investment Management, Columbia Threadneedle Investments and MFS Investment Management, participants will be able to take the opportunity to discuss about Global Markets as well as the latest portfolio management strategies and investment ideas from top-performing Asset Managers from the nine sponsors, such as Schroders’ John Mensack.

 Emerging Market Debt

John Mensack is a Senior Investment Director – Emerging Markets for the Schroder Emerging Market Debt Relative (NY) and the Emerging Market Equity teams. On today’s event, he will discuss about opportunities in emerging Market Debt. “We believe that value exists across the emerging market debt (“EMD”) opportunity set in every market cycle and episode of structural change and can be identified through fundamental research and time-tested investment tools. It makes no sense to structurally overweight any one sub-segment of this asset class. We advocate an integrated, dynamic asset allocation approach utilizing the entire EMD opportunity set as the best way to balance risk and return and optimize exposure to this asset class.” He mentions.

Mensack is embedded within both EM teams, and serves as a client portfolio manager. He joined Schroders in 2011. Prior to joining Schroders, John was Head of Institutional Distribution at Peachtree Asset Management, an insurance-linked asset management firm. From 2004 to 2009, he was a Managing Director of Hamilton Lane Advisors, where, among other duties, he was CEO of the hedge fund of funds unit. He also was Head of Institutional Sales for Hawthorne, the nation’s largest independent multi-family office, from 2001 to 2004. Mensack was also Senior Vice President of the Nationwide/Gartmore group of companies from 1999 to 2002.  From 1987 to 1999, John worked in a series of senior roles for SEI Investments, rising to Head of Non-US Marketing for the Investment Management division. His research report The Case for Long/Short Equity as a Tool in Traditional Asset Class Construction was published in The Journal of Wealth Management in Spring 2003. Mensacks holds an MBA in Finance from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, and a BA in Finance/Economics (dual major) from Temple University.

For more information on the strategy contact Gonzalo Binello or Maria Elena Isaza. For more information on Funds Society’s Investments & Golf Summit 2018, follow this link.


MFS Investment Management’s Gary C. Hampton will Discuss Multi-Asset Investing at the Investments & Golf Summit 2018

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Los multiactivo siguen muy vivos: Gary C. Hampton, de MFS, explicará en el Investments & Golf Summit 2018 las ventajas de estas estrategias
Pixabay CC0 Public DomainPhoto: Gary C. Hampton, de MFS. MFS Investment Management's Gary C. Hampton will Discuss Multi-Asset Investing at the Investments & Golf Summit 2018

On April 12th and 13th Funds Society will host its fifth Investments & Golf Summit 2018. Sponsors include Janus Henderson Investors, RWC Partners, Thornburg Investment Management, Vontobel Asset Management, GAM Investments and AXA Investment Managers. The event will take place at the Blue Monster in Trump National Doral Club Golf, host of the prestigious PGA TOUR events for the past 55 years.

On April 12th, at the Investment day, sponsored also by Schroders Investment Management, Columbia Threadneedle Investments and MFS Investment Management, participants will be able to take the opportunity to discuss about Global Markets as well as the latest portfolio management strategies and investment ideas from top-performing Asset Managers from the nine sponsors, such as MFS Investment Management’s Gary C. Hampton.

Multi-Asset Investing

Gary C. Hampton, CFA, investment product specialist with MFS Investment Management will talk about how a to combine equity, bonds, and cash to meet client objectives. “Investors have frequently sold assets in markets about to rise and bought into markets about to fall, in effect allowing emotions to guide short-term decisions at the expense of longer-term investment performance. Combining stocks and bonds in a multi-asset portfolios offers investors diversification and the opportunity to achieve improved risk-adjusted performance.” He explains.

In his role at MFS, Hampton communicates investment policy, strategy and tactics, performs portfolio analysis and leads product development for several of the rm’s value and core equity strategies.

He joined MFS in 1996 and has held a number of roles during his tenure at the rm. He spent more than ten years in the rm’s retirement/DC plan division, working with plan sponsor clients on compliance and new business implementation projects. He joined the MFS Global Product team as an investment product analyst in 2007 and was appointed to his current role in 2013.

For more information on Funds Society’s Investments & Golf Summit 2018, follow this link.

AXA IM’s Robert Schumacher Will Talk About Dynamic High Yield at the Investments & Golf Summit 2018

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¿Deuda high yield dinámica?: Robert Schumacher, de AXA IM, repasará en el Investments & Golf Summit 2018 el potencial de estas estrategias
Pixabay CC0 Public DomainPhoto: Robert Schumacher, de AXA IM. AXA IM's Robert Schumacher Will Talk About Dynamic High Yield at the Investments & Golf Summit 2018

On April 12th and 13th Funds Society will host its fifth Investments & Golf Summit 2018. Sponsors include Janus Henderson Investors, RWC Partners, Thornburg Investment Management, Vontobel Asset Management, GAM Investments and AXA Investment Managers. The event will take place at the Blue Monster in Trump National Doral Club Golf, host of the prestigious PGA TOUR events for the past 55 years.

On April 12th, at the Investment day, sponsored also by Schroders Investment Management, Columbia Threadneedle Investments and MFS Investment Management, participants will be able to take the opportunity to discuss about Global Markets as well as the latest portfolio management strategies and investment ideas from top-performing Asset Managers from the nine sponsors, such as AXA Investment Managers’ Robert Schumacher.

Dynamic High Yield

Robert Schumacher, Chief US Strategist and Client Portfolio Manager de Fixed Income at AXA Investment Managers, will discuss about dynamic high yield opportunities on the first day of the event.

“AXA IM’s U.S. Dynamic High Yield Bond fund offers a flexible exposure to the broad US high yield market and reflects the investment team’s top-down views through a tactical approach with a higher beta than our traditional core high yield strategy.” He mentions.

In his opinion, the higher risk tolerance of the strategy results in more concentrated positions in his high conviction investments. The portfolio is mostly invested in high yield cash bonds issued by companies that they believe to have solid business fundamentals and improving credit characteristics. “We aim to invest in specific credits where we believe that our credit research process creates an informational advantage and where we believe
securities are mispriced. Additional alpha is targeted through the leverage provided by an overlay of single name credit default swaps (CDS) positions.”

Robert Schumacher is the Chief US Strategist and a Client Portfolio Manager for Fixed Income at AXA Investment Managers (AXA IM). He has over 30 years of industry experience in sales, trading, management and marketing across both retail and institutional asset management. His primary responsibility is to provide in-depth analysis of emerging financial and economic developments with specific orientation toward actionable investment themes within US dollar-denominated credit portfolios. Prior to joining AXA IM, he was with Van Kampen Investments, where he worked on developing investment trusts and later as the Chief Investment Strategist providing insight, perspective and solutions to the firm’s clients.

For more information on Funds Society’s Investments & Golf Summit 2018, follow this link.

RWC Partners’ Davide Basile Will Discuss Convertible Bonds at the Investments & Golf Summit 2018

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On April 12th and 13th Funds Society will host its fifth Investments & Golf Summit 2018. Sponsors include Janus Henderson Investors, RWC Partners, Thornburg Investment Management, Vontobel Asset Management, GAM Investments and AXA Investment Managers. The event will take place at the Blue Monster in Trump National Doral Club Golf, host of the prestigious PGA TOUR events for the past 55 years.

On April 12th, at the Investment day, sponsored also by Schroders Investment Management, Columbia Threadneedle Investments and MFS Investment Management, participants will be able to take the opportunity to discuss about Global Markets as well as the latest portfolio management strategies and investment ideas from top-performing Asset Managers from the nine sponsors, such as RWC Partners’ Davide Basile.

Convertible Bonds

“Convertible Bonds offer conservative equity participation whilst providing capital preservation which we believe is ideally suited for this market environment.  Characteristics such as; inherent low duration, ability to benefit from a rising volatility environment, conservative equity exposure, contained valuations and recovery of the primary market all make for a compelling investment case today. Convertible bonds tend to outperform many asset classes in times of rising rates and increased volatility, and our fund is aimed at providing long only convertible exposure preserving the asset class’ asymmetry of returns to maximise the asset class’ long-term benefits.” Says Davide, Head of the Team and lead portfolio manager for the RWC Convertible Bond strategies.

The RWC Global Convertibles Fund, since its inception, invests purely in physical convertible bonds and does not use synthetic instruments or other investments which may dilute away the core benefits of the asset class.

Davide joined RWC in January 2010 to lead the team and he brought with him a long history in convertible bonds having worked at Morgan Stanley since 2001.  At Morgan Stanley Davide worked with in both the Private Wealth and Investment Management divisions, and most recently held the Head of Convertible Bonds position. Davide graduated from Imperial College London with a degree in Material Science Engineering.

For more information on Funds Society’s Investments & Golf Summit 2018, follow this link.

TwentyFour’s Mark Holman (of Vontobel AM) will Talk About Fixed Income at the Investments & Golf Summit 2018

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Mark Holman, CEO y portfolio manager de TwentyFour, boutique de Vontobel AM, asistirá al Investments & Golf Summit 2018
Pixabay CC0 Public DomainMark Holman, courtesy photo. TwentyFour's Mark Holman (of Vontobel AM) will Talk About Fixed Income at the Investments & Golf Summit 2018

On April 12th and 13th Funds Society will host its fifth Investments & Golf Summit 2018. Sponsors include Janus Henderson Investors, RWC Partners, Thornburg Investment Management, Vontobel Asset Management, GAM Investments and AXA Investment Managers. The event will take place at the Blue Monster in Trump National Doral Club Golf, host of the prestigious PGA TOUR events for the past 55 years.

On April 12th, at the Investment day, sponsored also by Schroders Investment Management, Columbia Threadneedle Investments and MFS Investment Management, participants will be able to take the opportunity to discuss about Global Markets as well as the latest portfolio management strategies and investment ideas from top-performing Asset Managers from the nine sponsors, such as TwentyFour’s Mark Holman.

Fixed Income

Holman, CEO and portfolio manager at TwentyFour, a Vontobel AM’s boutique, will talk about fixed income and its Strategic Income Strategy, which aims to provide an attractive level of income with an opportunity for capital growth. “The fund combines the best sources of fixed income risk from around the globe in one portfolio. It uses unconstrained, no leverage, long only bond funds, managed independent of market indices.” He explains.

The strategy may invest in, or otherwise obtain exposure to, debt instruments from the whole range of fixed income assets including investment grade bonds, high yield bonds, government bonds, asset-backed securities and other bonds as determined by TwentyFour’s view on risk and reward over time.

Mark is one of the founding partners of TwentyFour and serves as the firm’s Chief Executive Officer. He has 29 years of experience in fixed income markets gained across a variety of senior roles Asset Management and investment banking, including positions at Barclays Capital, Lehman Brothers and Morgan Stanley.

For more information about Funds Society’s Investments & Golf Summit 2018 follow this link.

Old Mutual Sold 100% of its LatAm Operations to CMIG International

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Old Mutual vende el 100% de sus operaciones en Latinoamérica a CMIG International
Foto cedidaCourtesy photo. Old Mutual Sold 100% of its LatAm Operations to CMIG International

CMIG International, a Singapore-based holding company, has signed a contract with the South African group Old Mutual to acquire 100% of its business in Latin America. The operation, which is still pending approval by the corresponding authorities, would include, as it has transpired, the companies Old Mutual Mexico, Old Mutual Colombia and the Latin American investment adviser Aiva. It is also speculated if Old Mutual plans to sell its business in China.

The buyer, China Minsheng Investment Group International (CMIG), is a private investment holding company founded in August 2014 with 59 companies and with a registered capital of 50,000 million yuan. CMIG focuses on emerging sectors and actively promotes industrial modernization and economic transformation. The price of the transaction was not disclosed but according to international media, CMIG would have paid close to 400 million dollars in this operation.

The executive president of CMIG International, Kevin E. Lee, wanted to emphasize that “Old Mutual Latin America is a well-managed company with constant and sustained growth. It has always prioritized the interests of its clients, which is aligned with our values as a company. At CMIG International, we have a long-term commitment to strengthen and grow the company in the region. The acquisition of Old Mutual Latin America is an excellent platform for CMIG International and its entry into the regional market, which has great potential.”

In this regard, Lee added that, after carefully analyzing Old Mutual Latin America, “we are very excited about the prospect of becoming its shareholders. Our investment thesis is to find good assets, managed by exceptional teams, in such a way that we can guarantee the continuity of the business.”

According to the firm, Old Mutual’s decision to sell its business in Latin America follows a strategic review of its business, which concluded with the decision to concentrate on its operations in Africa. The presence of the firm in Latin America dates back to 1959 in Mexico, where it began to operate as a reinsurer under the Skandia brand. Subsequently, the company was established as an insurer and an operator and distributor of investment funds under the same Skandia brand; which had a very important growth in Mexico. Now this brand, recognized in the institutional field, will come back to represent the business in the region.

David Buenfil, CEO of Old Mutual for Latin America and Asia, said that “we are very proud to have an international investor of the stature of CMIG International, who believes in the growth potential of our region. This is a well-known company in Asia, and with a very good reputation. We are also very excited to know that they value our much-loved Skandia brand, and that they plan to return it to the market once the transaction is closed.”

Old Mutual Latin America includes pensions, life insurance, mutual funds, a broker-dealer, and an investment advisory with assets under management of over 13.5 billion dollars.

According to Julio César Méndez Ávalos, CEO of Old Mutual Mexico, “this is great news for all our clients, employees, advisors and strategic allies. CMIG International is a company that has valued our great potential and is committed to a continuity of our business model, as well as our human capital and management team, all our clients can rest assured with their investments and products because they will continue under the professional management that has distinguished us in these almost 25 years that we have participated in the Mexican market.”

On Trump and Tariffs

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Trump y los aranceles
Courtesy photo. On Trump and Tariffs

In late February, President Trump promoted trade policy adviser Peter Navarro to assistant to the President. As a trade policy adviser, Mr. Navarro reported directly to White House Economic Adviser Gary Cohn. It is well known that Mr. Navarro (a Harvard-trained economist who wrote a book titled Death by China) has very protectionist ideals in regards to trade, while Mr. Cohn (the former President of Goldman Sachs) is a proponent of free trade. Effectively, Mr. Cohn served as a buffer between Mr. Navarro and President Trump. However, once Mr. Navarro was placed in a position where he could advise the President directly, we felt that some more extreme trade policies were on the horizon.  

In less than a month, Mr. Navarro’s influence on President Trump was plain for all to see. Furthermore, Mr. Cohn resigned from his position following his futile attempt to convince President Trump not to go through with the tariffs. The equity markets suffered an immediate pullback on the announcement of Mr. Cohn’s resignation due to fears that the US would become even more protectionist without the influence of his globalist views. Fortunately for the market, Mr. Cohn’s replacement is CNBC commentator Larry Kudlow. Before embarking on a television career, Mr. Kudlow had been the chief economist at Bear Stearns and is known for having a very globalist view on trade. We believe the market will draw comfort from the appointment of Mr. Kudlow as Economic Adviser rather than Mr. Navarro. 

This has happened before

In 2002, the administration of George W. Bush placed tariffs on steel products ranging from 15 to 30% in an effort to save the US steel industry. Back then, several steel producers had declared bankruptcy amidst a surge in steel imports. The government decided it needed to protect the companies of the steel industry for a period of three years to give time to restructure and emerge as more competitive players. Just like now, Canada and Mexico (thanks to NAFTA) were excluded from the tariffs of 2002.

Almost immediately, the European Union imposed tariffs and filed a case with the WTO. Several other countries filed similar cases and the WTO eventually ruled against the US. Following the international backlash and disappointing results for the economy, President Bush rescinded the tariffs only 18 months after their implementation.

“I don’t think it was smart policy to do it…The results were not what we anticipated in terms of its impact on the economy or jobs.”
Andrew Card Jr., White House Chief of Staff under George W. Bush

Back in 2002, one of the actions considered by the EU was to place tariffs on oranges from Florida. For those not familiar with US regional politics, Florida is considered to be a swing state and President Bush won the state (and the overall election) by the narrowest of margins in 2000. The EU does not blindly select products on which to place tariffs; it wisely chooses products produced in politically sensitive states. 

This time around, the EU is targeting Harley Davidson, which has manufacturing plants in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, states that were important to Trump’s victory. Furthermore, Wisconsin is the home state of Speaker of the House Paul Ryan. Another product being targeted is Kentucky Bourbon which is made in the home state of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.  
The immediate economic impact seems mild but might only be the tip of the iceberg.

To be fair, steel and aluminum represent less than 2% of the country’s imports. Considering solely these two products, the overall impact to global trade should be modest. Unfortunately, these tariffs are not occurring in a vacuum and they might only be the tip of the iceberg as we await the outcome of the pending Section 301 investigation.

The investigation is focused on determining whether China’s actions relating to intellectual property and the forced transfer of technology discriminate against the US. The White House has signaled that there could be an announcement in regards to the investigation within a few weeks. Media reports are already speculating that the White House is considering imposing several new tariffs on $60 billion of Chinese products due to disagreements on intellectual property rights. 

In fact, indirect actions against China may have already started. President Trump recently ordered Broadcom to “immediately and permanently abandon” the acquisition of Qualcomm for reasons of national security. The government did not disclose the details of why it is in the interest of national security for Qualcomm to stay independent, but Wall Street analysts are speculating that there was a fear that Broadcom would cut the R&D budget at Qualcomm, allowing Chinese telecommunication equipment company Huawei take the lead in the development of 5G wireless technology.  

Column by Charles Castillo, Senior Portfolio Manager at Beta Capital Wealth Management. Crèdit Andorrà Financial Group Research.