Market Myopia

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Pixabay CC0 Public Domain. Un mercado miope

Markets are never at a standstill. However, since bottoming out last year, they have been pretty much on auto-pilot. The reason is simple, the pandemic has been ravaging the economy, but wartime fiscal and monetary stimuli have provided enough oxygen to avoid collapse and buy time until the long-awaited vaccines began to arrive. With them, the countdown to normalization began, but also the return of anxiety to the markets.

In normal times, markets constantly assess the health of the economy by looking at a myriad of macroeconomic indicators; but doing this today is pointless. We are almost certain that, by the summer, a tsunami of pent-up demand will give a once-in-a-century boost to the economy.

The situation is so unusual that it seems impossible to see beyond that point. We are in the early stages of a new economic cycle; one that will start with growth rates not seen in decades, and whose outcome is unpredictable. In a way, we are suffering from macroeconomic myopia.

However, market participants do not give up trying to see what comes next, since investing is, after all, an anticipation game. The most obvious danger that one can conceive of today is an acceleration of inflation; since supply will surely struggle to cope with a surge in demand (this year you better book your holidays well in advance). This is how inflation expectations have taken hold, roiling bond markets and threatening to derail the equity bull market.

This way of thinking is very short-sighted. After the bonfire is lit, we will surely see a red-hot economy, but combustible material will progressively decline as the fiscal stimulus (probably not the monetary one) is phased out. Inflation will go from flames to smoke, and the market will inevitably become concerned about whether the fire can be sustained, or whether it will be extinguished in a recession. Or in other words, the market will go back to its normal calibration mode.

Financial markets are a complex dynamic system with many interrelated variables. It is very hard to grasp how (and to what extent) one variable influences another at any given time, or if causality is reversed. But we are human beings and we try to make sense of it all by compartmentalizing the system and building narratives around the parts.

The current storyline is more or less the following: it is widely accepted that, of all variables, interest rates are the most important; since they are the key to valuing any cash flow-producing asset, from bonds to stocks to real estate. On the other hand, interest rates are a function of inflation, which in turn depends on the growth of the economy.

So far, bond markets seem to be following this train of thought. Plentiful stimulus and consumers with savings in their pockets, implies runaway growth; ergo inflation will accelerate and interest rates will have to rise.

This way of thinking assumes that it is the economy that determines the performance of financial markets. But the reality is much more complex. The direction of causality can quickly be reversed: higher rates can cause asset prices to tumble as well as financing costs to increase, that dents the wealth of households (particularly if it affects real estate prices) and the ability of corporates to borrow, threatening to bring the economy into a recession. The latter, lowers inflation expectations, and with it so decline interest rates; voilà!

The market is a kind of huge voting machine, where its participants constantly calibrate the different probabilities of the manifold variations of these two basic narratives. But the fact is that, after four decades with inflation and interest rates falling, thereby contributing to inflating asset prices, there is now enormous interdependence in the system. Therefore, a sudden big change in interest rates seems almost impossible. 

Inflation has dimmed due to a combination of structural factors: demographics, excess debt, globalization and digitization. And the pandemic will only accentuate this trend. The only conceivable way to experience a sustained rise in inflation would be a sharp swing in taxation. One that causes a redistribution of wealth from capital to workers, as happened during the 70s. That episode coincided with another redistribution, from oil-importing countries to oil-exporting ones. It is highly unlikely that something like this will happen again, as the context has radically changed since then.

Inflación y efecto riqueza


Communism collapsed spectacularly and globalization took off, thereby evaporating the bargaining power of workers. The market economy has been so dominant that even the Chinese economic miracle is explained by adopting it. No one can seriously argue today that the public sector can be the engine of growth. And when it comes to oil prices, renewable energies bring us ever closer to a scenario of full abundance.

Only very bad policies can drive the system into a higher inflation regime. But the deflationary forces are so strong that we would need much more than gargantuan budget deficits. We would have to see the United States becoming Venezuela. Or just as likely, discover that an asteroid is on a collision route with Earth in a few years, and we set out to spend everything we have.

If the current status-quo holds however, it is almost certain that the economy will keep growing, technology will continue transforming our daily lives, and market forces will prevail over political experiments. In this environment, we think that a combination of quality stocks to capture growth, and US Treasuries to protect us from the occasional recession, are currently the best possible combination.

However, if the current status quo is maintained, the economy will almost certainly continue to grow, technology will continue to transform (and cheapen) our daily lives, and market forces will prevail over political experiments. In this environment, we believe that a combination of quality stocks to capture growth and Treasuries to protect us from the occasional recession is currently the best possible combination.


An article by Fernando de Frutos, Chief Investment Officer at Boreal Capital Management

Emerging Markets Sovereign Bonds: Local or Hard Currency Debt?

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Captura de pantalla 2021-03-03 a las 14
Pixabay CC0 Public Domain. ,,

Colchester believes that local currency EM government debt is particularly attractive today for both strategic asset allocation (in terms of capital preservation, liquidity and return), and tactical reasons (it offers attractive valuations at this juncture). Whilst hard currency EM sovereign debt has historically generated attractive returns, its characteristics are less conducive to the objectives of safety (i.e. capital preservation) and liquidity, given the lower credit ratings and poorer liquidity in this space. In the following analysis, they show that current valuations of the hard currency EM debt asset class are less attractive than those prevailing in local currency space:

Our analysis suggests that the US dollar remains fundamentally overvalued in real terms against many developed and emerging market currencies. The recent relative weakness in the US dollar may be the beginning of a significant depreciation, and if this is the case, historically such a backdrop has been a positive environment for EM assets. Such a depreciation would also benefit non-USD EM assets. With US interest rates depressed, and monetary policy unlikely to shift gears any time soon, the incentive to deploy capital in EM is strong, in the absence of significant negative shocks.

Our stance on the relative attractiveness of EM currencies is further underpinned by the strength of the external position of many economies compared to history. A vulnerability to external shocks and capital outflows has historically been a characteristic of EM economies, but at present we believe that such vulnerabilities are low – at least in the major issuers of local currency EM government debt

In our opinion, local currency EM debt offers structurally higher liquidity and lower credit risk. The diversification benefits are also somewhat better. Global factors tend to have more of an influence on hard currency debt markets while domestic drivers tend to impact more on local currency debt markets. Lastly, the cyclical outlook favours local currency assets given (i) the relative undervaluation of the currency component, as the US dollar remains fundamentally overvalued against most global currencies; and (ii) the accommodative stance of monetary policy in developed markets continues to act as a “push factor” for capital to seek higher returns in emerging markets.

Historical Returns and Correlations

Historically both EM hard and local currency debt (unhedged) have generated meaningfully higher returns than traditional defensive fixed income assets such as US Treasuries, albeit with higher volatility. The local currency asset class has comfortably outperformed US Treasuries, global developed market government debt, and US corporate debt since the inception of the standard index for local currency EM debt at the end of 2002. Hard currency debt has performed even better over this time period, generating similar returns to that of high yield corporate debt. Unhedged local currency EM debt has historically generated more volatile returns than hard currency EM debt. This is a function of exchange rate movements.



Furthermore, the diversification merits offered by local currency EM debt appear to be superior to that offered by hard currency EM debt, given its historically lower correlation to US Treasuries, investment grade corporate, and high yield corporate debt. Hard currency bonds are typically held by global investors and are valued and priced by the market as a credit spread relative to the US Treasury curve (as USD-denominated debt comprises the majority of this asset class). Local currency EM bond markets on the other hand, are typically dominated by domestic investors, and are therefore less sensitive to changes in global financial conditions and more sensitive to domestic economic conditions.

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Relative Valuations

Both USD- denominated EM hard currency debt and US corporate debt are priced as a spread relative to US Treasuries. As US Treasury yields are close to historical lows and offering deeply negative real yields at present, and the yield on the standard EM hard currency index is also, not surprisingly, close to its historical lows. It is also questionable whether a nominal yield of around 4.5% sufficiently compensates for the underlying credit risk in the hard currency EM debt asset class.

Hard currency EM debt spreads widened meaningfully in early 2020 but have already retraced most of the maximum deviation from the average credit rating spread, with the “gap” relative to US Treasuries down to a relatively modest 60bps. This needs to be weighed against the increased default risk that has also risen materially over 2020. A number of issuers have already defaulted, and around 5% of the index by market value was trading at distressed levels at the end of 2020 i.e. with spreads of over 1,000bps. This suggests that the apparent attractiveness of the spread should be discounted by this changed default and stressed environment.

A closer look at the spread on the investment grade (BBB- and higher) segment of the index in isolation provides an insight into this effect. Instructively, the current level of spread is below the average of the past five and ten years, and is close to the lows observed in 2012, 2017 and 2019. This suggests that the relatively less risky segment of the index (i.e. with lower probability of default) is currently not offering compelling value. It also suggests that the spread on the index itself is being boosted by the lower-rated more speculative credits – hinting at a case of “spread illusion”.

Similarly, the nominal yield on the index itself, at 4.55% as at 31st December 2020, is somewhat boosted by the high spreads and the higher yields in these more distressed markets. The yield on the investment grade segment, which makes up over 50% of the total index, was only 2.72% as at the end of 2020. 

Turning to local currency EM debt, Colchester values local bond markets in terms of their relative prospective real (i.e. inflation adjusted) yield, and currencies in terms of their real exchange rates. The bond element is simply the weighted average prospective real yield. In other words, the nominal yields in each market adjusted for Colchester’s forecast of future inflation. The currency element is the index weighted percentage over- or under-valuation in real terms relative to the US dollar, divided by -5. The over- or under-valuation is estimated by calculating the real exchange rate for the currency and comparing that to a measure of long-term equilibrium or “fair value”.

Combining today’s bond and currency valuations suggests that local currency EM debt is attractively valued compared to history. Whilst not at its widest observed valuation points, the intrinsic real value compares favourably to history.

Colchester 3

This is largely due to EM currencies being generally undervalued in real terms today. By Colchester’s estimates the weighted average real exchange rate of the local currency index is 11% undervalued against the US dollar. Whilst currency valuation gains may be the largest potential contributor to potential returns today, potential bond returns are also making a meaningful contribution.

Capital Preservation and Liquidity

  • Default Probability

Local currency debt has a lower default rate across the board. Intuitively we would have expected this. Sovereign issuers typically have the unique ability to create (“print”) the currency of denomination of the bond, as well as an ability to raise taxes from their domestic economies to meet financing and servicing needs. Governments also face pressure from their local population, who vote, or implicitly have the power to remove those in government. It is therefore not surprising that, as most local currency EM debt is held domestically, there is a greater willingness to default on foreign rather than domestic creditors at a point of stress.

Colchester 4


  • Credit Rating


Given the higher default probability on hard currency EM debt, asset allocators need to be aware of the different rating profiles of both EM fixed income sectors when comparing the two. Not only is the probability of default lower in local currency debt, the credit rating of the standard local currency EM index (JP Morgan GBI-EM Global Diversified) has a demonstrably higher rating profile than its hard currency counterpart (JP Morgan EMBI Global Diversified). The higher credit rating enjoyed by local currency debt is not surprising as economies with more stable currencies and inflation, as well as deeper domestic capital markets, tend to issue more debt in local rather than hard currency. Many of those countries included in the local currency index issue around 90% of their debt in local currency.

  • Liquidity

Liquidity is the final characteristic asset allocators need to consider. When we compare the depth and liquidity of each market, we observe that the local currency universe is significantly larger and more liquid. Currently, the market value of EM local currency government debt is estimated by the Institute of International Finance, to be around USD 14 trn, whereas the stock of hard currency debt is estimated at only USD 1.3 trn.  This large and widening discrepancy is not surprising, as countries have an incentive to reduce their external vulnerability by developing local capital markets and issuing in domestic currency. This reduces their exposure to external shocks, a flight of capital, and a potential shortage of foreign currency to meet funding needs. The three largest issuers of government debt within the EM universe – China, India and Brazil – each issue more than 90% of their government’s debt in local currency.

The depth and liquidity of the local currency EM government bond universe has been significantly enhanced by the opening of the Chinese local bond market to foreign investors in recent years. Local Chinese renminbi (yuan) denominated government bonds offer liquidity (the market is over USD 7 trn in size), a relatively high credit rating, and a negative correlation to risk assets.

Additionally, the opening of the domestic Indian government bond market to foreign investors is also accelerating. It too offers lower correlations with other global bond markets and asset prices. India is expected to be admitted to various EM bond indices in the not too distant future, further enhancing potential return and diversification characteristics of the local currency EM debt asset class.


This article should not be relied on as investment advice. Colchester Global Investors Limited is regulated by the UK Financial Conduct Authority, and only deals with professional clients. for more information and disclaimers.


Morgan Stanley Closes the Acquisition of Eaton Vance

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Foto cedida. Morgan Stanley completa la compra de Eaton Vance

Morgan Stanley has completed this week the acquisition of Eaton Vance, a stock and cash transaction announced last August for an equity value of approximately 7 billion dollars.

In a press release, the firm revealed that Eaton Vance common stockholders were offered 0.5833 Morgan Stanley common shares and 28.25 dollars per share in cash for each Eaton Vance common share, and had the opportunity to elect to receive the merger consideration all in cash or all in stock, subject to proration and adjustment. As provided under the merger agreement, Eaton Vance shareholders also received a special dividend of 4.25 dollars per share, which was paid last December 18 to shareholders of record on December 4.

“This acquisition further advances our strategic transformation by continuing to add more fee-based revenues to complement our world-class, integrated investment bank. With the addition of Eaton Vance, Morgan Stanley will oversee 5.4 trillion dollars of client assets across its Wealth Management and Investment Management segments. The Morgan Stanley Investment Management and Eaton Vance businesses are delivering strong growth and their complementary investment and distribution capabilities will deliver significant incremental value to our investment management clients,” said James P. Gorman, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the company.

Thomas E. Faust, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Eaton Vance, will become Chairman of Morgan Stanley Investment Management and will join the Morgan Stanley Management Committee. “We are pleased to join Morgan Stanley to begin the work of building the world’s premier asset management organization. On a combined basis, Morgan Stanley Investment Management and Eaton Vance have unrivaled investment capabilities, distribution reach and client relationships around the globe“, he commented.

Lastly, Dan Simkowitz, Head of Morgan Stanley Investment Management, claimed to be excited to welcome Eaton Vance: “Our combined organization is exceptionally well positioned to deliver differentiated value to our clients and growth opportunities for our employees”.

Mediolanum International Funds Seeds New Equity Mandates for SGA and NZS Capital

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Pixabay CC0 Public Domain. Mediolanum International Funds otorga a SGA y NZS Capital sendos mandatos de renta variable

Mediolanum International Funds (MIFL) has announced two new equity mandates with SGA and NZS Capital as the firm looks to expand its footprint with boutiques in the United States.

In a press release, the European asset management platform revealed that the agreement with SGA, a Connecticut based independent investment boutique, will see MIFL providing capital of 80 million to seed the SGA Emerging Markets equity strategy, which adopts the same investment approach that made the firm known for the quality of their flagship global equity strategy. The initial investment is expected to grow over the next 5 years.

“We are very excited to work with Mediolanum International Funds and offer our Emerging Market Growth portfolio to European investors at a time when many are seeking EM exposure in a bid to participate in the wealth creation of growing middle classes. This partnership will give us privileged and timely access to European distribution across different countries through MIFL’s local ties to distribution networks in Italy and Spain, and strong partnerships in Germany within the IFA business”, Rob Rohn, Founding Principal at SGA, commented.

MIFL will also back NZS Capital’s Technology strategy, with a 300 million euros mandate. Based in Denver, the investment boutique has a unique philosophy known as Complex Investing which identifies companies that best adapt to unpredictable outcomes. It is minority owned by Jupiter Asset Management which acts as the firm’s exclusive global distribution partner and introduced MIFL to the investment opportunity.

Brinton Johns, Co-Founder of NZS Capital, said that partnering with Mediolanum International Funds is a great step in the firm’s evolution: “This Sub advisory mandate offers European clients access to a portfolio of companies that we believe is best equipped to handle the accelerating pace of change in the global economy. The focus on innovation and disruption is a long-term trend an investment perspective, and one that is especially relevant in today’s environment”.

A 5-year plan

MIFL highlighted that its multi manager approach, which combines funds and mandates, is the engine of several mutual funds and customised investment solutions and services for insurance products and banking services distributed across Italy, Spain, and Germany. “We are delighted to have both SGA and NZS Capital LLC on board. Both managers have proven to generate great value over the time for their investors and by partnering with them in these new strategies we expect our clients to benefit as well”, pointed out Furio Pietribiasi, CEO of the platform.

He also revealed that their objective in the next 5 years is to invest at least one third of all their equity and fixed income assets externally managed in partnership with boutiques with strong track record by seeding new strategies or investing in existing ones. In his view, the evolution of the industry globally is offering “a unique opportunity” and they believe they are well positioned to take advantage due to their entrepreneurial culture and 23 years plus experience in multi management.

“We are looking to collaborate with boutiques where we can add value to their overall business. We think that the AUM in breadth of strategies we have, plus our flexibility and unique entrepreneurial culture is fundamental to success We already have a proven track record in helping start-ups or small asset managers to grow, it is now time to scale it up”, he concluded.

PIMCO Names Giovanni Onate Senior Vice President and Kimberley Stafford Global Head of the Product Strategy Group

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Foto cedidaKimberley Stafford, nueva directora global del Grupo de Estrategia de Producto de PIMCO.. PIMCO nombra a Kimberley Stafford directora global del Grupo de Estrategia de Producto y a Alec Kersman director de Asia-Pacífico

In the last few days, PIMCO has announced numerous changes in its executive positions. As it confirmed this week to Funds Society, Giovanni Onate will be joining them in Miami in the position of Senior Vice President. Also, in a press release, the asset manager revealed that Kimberley Stafford, currently Head of Asia-Pacific, will become Global Head of its Product Strategy Group. 

Onate will be leading business development efforts in Mexico as the firm continues to expand its presence in Latin America and the Caribbean. He will report directly to Barbara Clancy, Executive Vice President and Head of Latin America and the Caribbean for PIMCO. Onate had been leading BlackRock’s Mexico institutional client business for more than a decade and will now be replaced by Horacio Gil, who joined the firm in 2019.

Stafford will return to PIMCO’s Newport Beach office in the middle of this year to take up the new role, overseeing traditional strategies and alternatives, which include PIMCO’s private strategies and hedge funds. Consequently, Alec Kersman, currently Head of Strategic Accounts in U.S. Global Wealth Management, will become the new Head of Asia-Pacific. Both will report to Emmanuel Roman, Managing Director and PIMCO’s Chief Executive Officer.

Stafford has been a member of PIMCO’s Executive Committee for five years and will also serve as a Trustee on the Board of PIMCO Funds, alongside Peter Strelow, Co-Chief Operating Officer and Chairman of PIMCO Funds. Stafford has led the Asia-Pacific region since 2017 and, during her 21 years at the asset manager, she has held various positions including Head of the Consultant Relations Group, oversight of U.S. institutional sales and alternatives marketing teams, Head of Human Resources and Talent Management and Head of Global Sustainability Initiatives and Account Manager in the Consultant Relations Group.

“Kim has served in almost every facet of our business during her two decades working for PIMCO. She is a strategic thinker and a natural leader who motivates, mentors and develops employees. Her expertise in managing client relationships will be invaluable as we continue to evolve our products and strategies for investors in traditional and private strategies”, said Roman.

Regarding Kersman, the firm highlights that he drove the growth of the Latin America business over more than a decade and, more recently, has played a major role in bringing his client relationship expertise to U.S. GWM: “With his deep understanding of the regulatory environment and proven strategic leadership, Alec will build on the excellent work that Kim and the team have delivered over the past four years driving our expansion in Asia-Pacific,” added Roman.

Kersman will be supported in Asia-Pacific by PIMCO’s regional leadership team and deep bench of investment professionals. In addition, John Studzinski, Vice Chairman of PIMCO’s Executive Office, will continue playing a key role in broadening relationships in Asia-Pacific with leaders in business, finance, government and NGOs.

Other appointments

The firm also announced other key leadership roles: David Fisher, currently Head of Traditional Product Strategies, will become Co-Head of U.S. GWM Strategic Accounts alongside Eric Sutherland, President of PIMCO Investments LLC. Fisher, who has spent 13 years as a leader in the Product Strategy Group and also serves as a trustee of PIMCO Closed End Funds, will relocate to the New York office. He and Sutherland will report to Gregory Hall, Head of U.S. GWM. Ryan Korinke, Head of Hedge Fund and Quantitative Strategies, based in Hong Kong, will join PIMCO’s Executive Office in Newport Beach, where he will report to Roman.

Commenting on Korinke’s role in the Executive Office, Roman pointed out that his understanding of hedge fund strategies and the role they play for clients, together with his “detail-oriented and thoughtful approach” have helped deepen many of their relationships with hedge fund investors around the world. “He is a creative and analytical thinker and widely admired by PIMCO colleagues as an executive who embodies PIMCO’s culture”, he concluded.

Standard Life Aberdeen Simplifies and Extends its Strategic Partnership With Phoenix Group

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Aberdeen anuncio
Foto cedidaStephen Bird, director general de Standard Life Aberdeen.. Standard Life Aberdeen cambia su nombre a Abrdn

A few weeks ago, there were rumors that Standard Life Aberdeen might change its name after selling its brand to Phoenix Group. Finally, this week the asset manager announced in a statement that it has decided to simplify and expand its partnership with Phoenix Group, shedding light on the future of its brand. 

This strategic partnership started in 2018, when Standard Life Aberdeen sold its UK and European life insurance business to Phoenix Group for 3.24 billion pounds. The transaction created a complex network of commercial and operational services between the groups, including the shared use of the “Standard Life” brand.  

The agreements announced this week simplify the partnership focusing it on the provision of Standard Life Aberdeen’s high-quality asset management services to Phoenix Group and its insurance and workplace pension customers.

Now, the strategic asset management partnership, under which Standard Life Aberdeen currently manages 147.4 billion pounds of Phoenix Group assets, will be extended until at least 2031 (in the original agreement, it was up to 2028). Also, the asset manager will pay upfront 62.5 million pounds for the purchase of the Wrap SIPP, onshore bond and TIP businesses from Phoenix, which represent 36 billion pounds in assets under management.

The agreement also establishes that Standard Life Aberdeen will pay 32 million pounds to Phoenix Group for bearing the cost of some transferring colleagues going forward after selling its brand and will no longer provide marketing services. Lastly, the resolution of legacy matters will not materially impact on Standard Life Aberdeen’s 2020 financial performance, as it will receive a net cash inflow of 34 million pounds this February.

Standard Life Aberdeen will sell its brand to Phoenix Group during the course of 2021, a transaction that they don’t expect to impact materially on their results. The asset manager also revealed that it has initiated a branding review, the outcome of which it will announce later this year. 

A recognized brand

“The most successful partnerships in business tend to be formed on clear and simple terms. What we are announcing today is an agreement that simplifies the relationships between Standard Life Aberdeen and our strategic partner Phoenix Group in a way that will allow us to work together constructively as partners for at least the next ten years. Both businesses will be able to play to their respective strengths in the partnership”, said Stephen Bird, CEO of Standard Life Aberdeen.

He also pointed out that the “Standard Life” brand has an important heritage: “In the UK, it has strong recognition as a life insurance and workplace pensions brand. This is closely aligned with Phoenix’s strategy and customer base. This is much less the case with the business we are building at Standard Life Aberdeen which is focused on global asset management, our market-leading platforms offerings to UK financial advisers and their customers, and our UK savings and wealth businesses. That’s why I am excited about the work we are doing on our own brand, which we look forward to sharing later this year”.

Lastly, Andy Briggs, CEO of Phoenix Group, claimed to be delighted with the extension of the strategic asset management partnership until at least 2031: “This recognizes the global expertise and excellent service that Aberdeen Standard Investments delivers to Phoenix Group and our customers as our preferred asset management partner. The simplification of the Standard Life brand, sales and marketing will be a key enabler of Phoenix’s growth strategy, which in turn should lead to greater asset flows to ASI.”

Large European Firms Take the Lead over US Competitors when Aligning with the Paris Agreement

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Pixabay CC0 Public Domain. Las gestoras europeas lideran el compromiso con el Acuerdo de París frente a las estadounidenses y las asiáticas

The portfolios of the world’s 30 largest fund managers, which collectively hold 50 trillion dollars in assets, continue to be misaligned with the goals of the Paris Agreement, with US firms lagging behind their European competitors. That’s why the latest research by InfluenceMap finds that “urgent action” is required to drive change in key climate-risk sectors.

The Asset Managers and Climate Change 2021 report scores companies based on three criteria: engagement with investee companies, support for climate-related shareholder resolutions, and portfolio analysis. It shows mixed results when it comes to engagement with investee companies to speed up the transition of business models and lobbying practices, with large US companies significantly behind European players.

InfluenceMap believes forceful engagement is needed in the automotive, fossil fuel production and utility sectors where stranded asset risk is prominent for investors, as those firms continue to lobby against Paris-aligned climate policy. Given “the huge influence” these asset managers have over the global economy, it is vital they take action to ensure the world can meet the climate goals of the Paris Agreement. However, this latest report shows most are still moving too slowly when it comes to using their clout to drive change in investee companies.

“Once again, we see European asset managers taking the lead over their US competitors. This report highlights the need for giant US asset managers to step up and take stronger action, especially given their market dominance and unique ability to send a clear signal to the rest of the economy”, insists Dylan Tanner, Executive Director at InfluenceMap.

In addition, even for those asset managers who lead on stewardship, the ultimate test will be real-world improvements on climate change by problematic companies. “This needs to be demonstrated sooner rather than later if high climate-risk companies are to remain in portfolios”, he adds.

Between those European asset managers which top the chart when it comes to engagement with investee companies on climate, Legal & General Investment Management and the asset management arms of BNP Paribas and UBS all scored within the A grade. Meanwhile, global market leader BlackRock has recorded an improvement in its engagement score (B, up from C+ a year ago), which puts it ahead of its next biggest US competitors Vanguard (C), Fidelity Investments (D), and State Street Global Advisors (B-).

The research shows that in Asia, Japanese Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Asset Management scores a B+ on engagement with companies on climate change. For InfluenceMap, this leadership “is needed” in Japan, where the TOPIX 1600+ companies remain the most Paris-misaligned of major indexes globally, primarily due to a focus by Japanese power utilities on thermal coal.

Also, overall support for climate-related resolutions increased during the 2020 proxy season (62%) compared with 2018 (56%) and 2019 (39%) levels. However, many US firms continue to rely on their European competitors to do the heavy lifting in this area.


“There is a clear trend towards investors requiring more information from companies than just operational emissions data. More and more, we are seeing investors wanting to know that corporate lobbying practices and business models are aligning with Paris targets,” Tanner says.

InfluenceMap highlights as “a promising development” during the past year the decision by BlackRock, State Street Global Advisors, and JP Morgan Asset Management to join the Climate Action 100+ process, which is prioritizing the transformation of corporate business models and lobbying on climate. In its opinion, an acceleration of this trend sends a further signal to the corporate sector that shareholders are serious about climate governance and the energy transition.

Lastly, at a fund level, the portfolio analysis indicates that there are significant differences between individual funds’ alignments depending on their geographical and thematic investment strategy. However, asset managers’ overall portfolios continue to be overweight in companies deploying brown technologies and underweight in those deploying green technologies. “Forceful engagement with the companies in these sectors is needed to hasten their transition to low carbon technologies. This must occur if the finance sector wishes to align its portfolios with Paris climate goals and reduce this risk of stranded assets”, the report notes.

Paris alingments


Jupiter Commits to Net Zero Emissions and Announces Alignment with UN Global Compact

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Pixabay CC0 Public Domain. Jupiter se compromete a alcanzar las cero emisiones netas y anuncia su adhesión a iniciativas clave de inversión sostenible

Jupiter Fund Management has announced its commitment to achieving net zero emissions by 2050 across its full range of investments and operations, in line with the Paris Agreement, that stablishes the need to limit global warming to less than 1.5°C.

In a press release, the asset manager has revealed that, by the end of this year, it will have defined a detailed roadmap including milestones and targets for achieving this ambition across its 61.4 billion euros investment range, including interim targets for 2030. At the same time, it is aligning with the UN Global Compact (UNGC).

“In line with the Compact, all our investment decision-making and engagement will be guided by the principles of the UNGC and all investee companies will be expected to abide by the Compact’s Ten Principles, committing to meeting fundamental responsibilities in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption”, Jupiter said.

The company has also become a member of the Good Work Coalition. Consequently, across its flagship UK equities business, it will encourage all investee companies to pay a living wage to their employees and will push for better working conditions and reduced workplace inequality, in partnership with ShareAction and other members of the Coalition. “This move reflects Jupiter’s responsibilities as a UK company, its strong stewardship and governance framework and deep investment reach across its home market”, they insisted. To demonstrate this commitment, they will also accredit as a Living Wage Employer.

At its corporate level, Jupiter has already made significant progress in planning for achieving its net zero emissions target. As part of this plan, it has also announced its partnership with Forest Carbon, a not-for-profit scheme providing woodland carbon capture projects in the UK. By investing in woodland creation in the UK, the company is not only removing carbon emissions but also facilitating flood alleviation, habitat creation, employment, public access and cleaner air, benefiting wider society in line with its corporate purpose.

In addition, over the course of the year, the asset manager will further enhance its disclosure on the total Scope 1,2 and 3 emissions produced by its operations and will set operational emissions targets consistent with its net zero objective.

A commitment with sustainability

“Today’s raft of announcement builds on Jupiter’s position as a long-standing supporter of sustainable and responsible investing. We believe that the future is better served by sustainable companies with strong environmental credentials, and it is imperative that we work together as a company, an industry, and a society to tackle climate change. I am pleased at the progress Jupiter is making towards this at both an investment and company level”, Andrew Formica, CEO, said.

In this sense, he pointed out that as a high conviction and active manager, they have a responsibility and an opportunity to do all they can to influence the companies they invest in to adopt more sustainable businesses. “The transition to net zero carbon emissions is imperative but improving wider societal and governance standards is also crucial. Along with net zero commitments, initiatives that align with the wider sustainability agenda, such as the UNGC principles and Good Work Coalition, will result in long term gains for all stakeholders”, he added.

Last month, Jupiter announced a number of senior appointments within its sustainability suite, reinforcing its commitment to this strategically important client proposition which offers clients a range of differentiated investment options with a shared goal of generating attractive returns through long-term sustainable investing.

Should Investors Consider a Stand-Alone All-China Equity Allocation?

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Pixabay CC0 Public Domain. ¿Deberían los inversionistas considerar una asignación independiente a la renta variable china?

As China’s weight within global equity indices increases and its markets mature, should investors consider a dedicated All-China allocation or continue gaining their Chinese equities exposure via international or emerging market (EM) allocations? Our research suggests that despite the growing opportunity, investors are typically under-exposed to Chinese equity. 

Our analysis and history also suggest that concerns about US-China tensions—a key reason many investors are cautious on China—are on balance a manageable long-term risk that should not preclude investors from embracing this opportunity.

Chinese equity markets are rapidly changing. Whereas historically China’s economy was powered by State Owned Enterprises (SOEs), the modern economy is increasingly driven by small- and mid-size private companies, foreign investment, increasing capital supply and investment in biotech, artificial intelligence, 5G and other innovative sectors.

Five reasons for China optimism

As a result, we contend that All-China equity is the best way to take advantage of these trends. The market, from Hong Kong to A-share exchanges and the new Nasdaq-like STAR market, has matured and is evolving in five constructive ways:

1. China’s economy is no longer dominated by SOEs: SOEs have significantly reformed and the combination of the growing number of SOE privatizations and IPOs has overhauled the composition of Chinese equity indices (Exhibit 1), making markets more dynamic and efficient.

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2. Corporate governance has improved: The reduced dominance of SOEs (often used as tools of government policy) and regulatory reforms that better align corporate interests with those of shareholders have changed the governance landscape.

3. Capital markets have developed: The development of China’s markets is illustrated by the number and market capitalization of listings in Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and US-listed American Depositary Receipts (ADRs)— 5,333 companies worth $14.1 trillion at the end of June (Exhibit 2). That compares to the $7.8 trillion market capitalization of euro area equities.

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4. China’s benchmark weightings are rising: China’s increasing weight in key benchmarks,
such as the MSCI EM Index and the MSCI All Country World Index, is accelerating the institutionalization of its markets. At the same time, the still relatively high proportion of trading conducted by local individual investors (often funded by margin debt) creates inefficiencies that can be exploited by savvy investors to derive potential alpha.

5. China’s new consumer buys domestic: China’s middle-and upper-income consumers increasingly buy domestic products, eschewing once-favored global brands. The dynamic nature of China’s corporate universe is seen in the fact that China is the “youngest” market regionally in terms of listing years of index constituents (Exhibit 3).

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China is investing heavily in innovation

Beijing is also investing heavily in “new infrastructure”—technologies in which it wants to reduce its foreign reliance; artificial intelligence, 5G, cybersecurity, alternative energy, electric vehicles and semiconductors. Beijing is encouraging a startup culture it hopes can rival Silicon Valley while also attracting international investors. For example, China has filed one third of the world’s 5G patents (Exhibit 4).

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Index tracking is a flawed approach to China investing

We believe that allocating to China by index tracking is the wrong approach because, among other reasons, MSCI ACWI weightings heavily favor large-cap firms with negligible exposure to faster-growing, domestic Chinese firms. In addition, MSCI’s EM Index (Exhibit 5) is similarly weighted toward offshore China at the expense of A-shares. So, allocating to China by tracking benchmarks is akin to gaining US equity exposure by overweighting mega-caps at the expense of everything else. An All-China equities allocation offers a more balanced approach and enhances the odds of capturing potential future returns.

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Finally, investors should consider the alpha opportunity in Chinese equity markets, which still have inefficiencies that can exploited: Over the past decade, the median China A-shares strategy outperformed the MSCI China A Onshore index by 8.4%, annualized (Exhibit 6, see next page). Meanwhile, in global EM equities, the median manager only marginally outperformed while the median S&P 500 manager underperformed. So, for long-only equity investors, China offers a rare source of meaningful, sustainable alpha potential.

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While the specific All-China allocation for any specific investor depends on such factors such as risk appetite, we believe that typical current allocations to China do not reflect the country’s bright prospects and that investors should consider an All-China allocation beyond current benchmark levels, now 5.1% of the MSCI ACWI Index. Less benchmark-sensitive investors that share our strong conviction in China’s improving outlook could consider an even larger allocation.

Column by Anthony Wong, CFA,  Portfolio Manager Hong Kong and China Equity; William Russell, Global Head of Product Specialists; and Christian McCormick, CFA, Senior Product Specialist in China Equity in Allianz Global Investors.

Wells Fargo Sells its Asset Management Business to GTCR LLC and Reverence Capital Partners

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Wells Fargo
Foto cedida. Wells Fargo vende su negocio de gestión de activos a GTCR LLC y Reverence Capital Partners

The news that has been rumored for months is confirmed: Wells Fargo has announced a definitive agreement to sell Wells Fargo Asset Management (WFAM) for 2.1 billion dollars to GTCR LLC and Reverence Capital Partners, L.P., both private equity firms. 

The firm has explained in a statement that WFAM is the trade name used by the asset management businesses of Wells Fargo and includes Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC, the investment advisor to the funds, Wells Capital Management Incorporated and Wells Fargo Asset Management (International) Limited, both registered investment advisors providing subadvisory services to certain funds.

As part of the transaction, Wells Fargo will own a 9.9% equity interest and will continue to serve as an important client and distribution partner. WFAM currently has 603 billion dollars in assets under management and specialized investment teams supported by more than 450 investment professionals.

The agreement is in line with the decisions made by Charles Scharf, former BNY Mellon CEO, who joined the bank in 2019 following a sales practices scandal. The clearest precedent is that the bank agreed in January to sell its Canadian direct equipment finance business to Toronto-Dominion Bank. The deal is expected to be fully closed by the second half of 2021. 

Nico Marais, CEO of Wells Fargo AM since June 2019, will remain in his position and together with his team will continue to oversee the business. Joseph A. Sullivan, former chairman and CEO of Legg Mason, will be named executive chairman of the board of the new company following the closing of the transaction