Greece: Will It All End in Drachma?

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Greece: Will It All End in Drachma?

Thanks to the Greek finance minister’s background as an academic of game theory, everyone is trying to figure out what game the Greek governing party, Syriza, is trying to play. As it looks like Greece is hurtling headlong towards disaster, the most commonly used example is the game of chicken, where two drivers race towards a cliff and the loser is the one who swerves away first (see Economist Insights, 21 May 2012). Unfortunately, the game of chicken all too often ends with both drivers plunging over the cliff to their doom, say Joshua McCallum, Head of Fixed Income Economics, and Gianluca Moretti, Fixed Income Economist, UBS Global Asset Management in an Economist Insigth.

At first this sounds like a great analogy, but there is a big problem with the comparison. While Greece would end up in intensive care if it goes over the cliff, the rest of the Eurozone would probably just come out feeling bruised. The market clearly thinks so: while spreads on Greek government bonds have risen, those on other periphery countries moved only marginally.

If the risks are so unbalanced –say the economists- why is Syriza playing such a risky game? One reason is that Syriza is not only interested in the other driver, but is also paying a lot of attention to the spectators. Syriza had promised Greek voters that they could both keep Greece in the Eurozone and also roll back the austerity and reform measures as well as reduce Greece’s level of debt. Unfortunately for Syriza this dual mandate is turning out to be mutually exclusive. Yet a failure to achieve either of these objectives could lead to a political crisis and even cause the government to fall.

The best survival strategy for Syriza is thus to wait until the last minute to swerve. Swerving too early would be seen as failure, but by swerving only at the last minute they can blame the rest of the Eurozone for being too uncompromising. And there is always the hope that the Eurozone capitulates and swerves first. But most important are the internal politics: even if Prime Minister Tsipras strikes a deal with other Eurozone leaders today, he will need to put it through the Greek parliament. And this means getting it past the far left wing of the Syriza party. This wing of the party has taken a much harder stance against the Eurozone, and would likely have been after Mr Tsipras’ blood if he had struck a compromise deal too early, UBS Global Asset Management experts note.

For Mr Tsipras to strike a deal and still survive politically, he needs to do it at the last minute. In short, he needs to do what he has just successfully done: bring about a ‘take-it-or-leave-it’ ultimatum from the Eurozone. That way he can present the deal as the best that he can get, and effectively he can turn the parliamentary vote on the deal into a referendum on continued membership of the Eurozone. To vote against the deal, the left wing of Syrzia would effectively be voting to leave the single currency. Yet the general public still strongly supports continued membership of the euro, and this way Mr Tsipras can make the electorate, and his party, understand that the dual mandate they presented him with is now mutually exclusive.

The people of Greece are becoming ever more worried about the possibility of ‘Grexit’-they add-. They are withdrawing money from bank accounts in ever greater amounts, to avoid both capital controls and the re-denomination risk of having their euros forcibly converted into a new Greek drachma. Between December and April, more than EUR 25 billion of deposits were withdrawn from Greek banks (see chart), equivalent to more than 15% of the total. And the pace of outflows has increased in the last couple of months.

Not only have Greek banks had to cope with deposit withdrawals, but their lines of credit with other banks in the Eurozone are also being withdrawn. That leaves the Greek banks almost entirely reliant on the European Central Bank (ECB) to provide them with Emergency Liquidity Assistance (ELA). Under this programme, the Bank of Greece is authorized by the ECB to provide cash to Greek banks as long as they post collateral. But this still means that the Bank of Greece (and indirectly the ECB) is taking on a lot of risk. If no deal is reached, and Greece cannot make its payments due later this month, then the ECB may be forced to withdraw emergency liquidity. That would probably force the Greek banks to shut down for as long as the situation drags on.

If Greece is forced to impose capital controls, it will probably be because the ECB has suspended ELA assistance to the Greek banks. So the banks might not even have enough cash available to meet the limited withdrawals allowed. The banks would run out of money very quickly and would likely have to shut, leaving the population without access to their deposits. The immediate consequences for the economy would be catastrophic.

A new currency might quickly improve Greek competitiveness as it would depreciate rapidly, but it is not clear that it would solve all of Greece’s problems. Even if Greece decides that it wants to default on its debt, this is not for Greece to decide on its own. Most of Greece’s debt is in the form of bilateral loans, not bonds, and there is no default without the agreement of the creditor. The IMF, for one, will not forgive the debt: Greece will simply be seen to be in arrears, and will accrue interest. The rest of the Eurozone may demand payment as well, limiting Greece’s ability to engage in trade or interaction with the rest of the world for fear of having its assets seized. And if Greece is now earning in a foreign currency, it will be even harder to pay off its debts.

The ECB could be facing the greatest losses. The ECB holds EUR 27 billion of Greek debt, and it is further exposed through the bank funding (around EUR 120 billion).

Although recently it is the Bank of Greece that loaned money to the Greek banks through the ELA, the Bank of Greece still owes money to the ECB.

The authors of the document ask themselves: How can the Eurozone stop the contagion from Greece to other Eurozone countries? If Greece goes, will the market simply target Portugal, Spain or even Italy? That was the fear in 2011, which is why Greece got so much support. But this time there are numerous programmes in place: the Outright Monetary Transactions that allow the ECB to buy bonds that are under ‘unwarranted’ market stress, as well as the ECB’s quantitative easing programme. There has long been a rule in the market: ‘don’t fight the Fed’. That rule applies here as well: ‘don’t fight the ECB’. If the ECB decides that Portugal, Spain or Italy needs to remain in the Eurozone, then it is a foolhardy investor who will take the other side of that trade.

However, even if sovereign bonds are relatively insulated, there is the risk that the market could become worried about periphery banks. This could lead to much higher borrowing costs, if not episodes where banks are completely cut off from market funding.

The rest of the Eurozone would not escape unscathed, but they would survive. If anything, a Greek exit will likely push the rest of the Eurozone closer together.The rest would renew their commitment to the remaining periphery countries. The game of chicken for both Greece and the rest of the Eurozone will probably conclude this week as both racers approach the cliff edge. The market’s hope is that the Greek government will realise the danger and swerve first. If not, it may well end up in the drama of the drachma.

Over-Confidence: Retail Investors Globally Expect a Return of 12% Over the Next Year

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Over-Confidence: Retail Investors Globally Expect a Return of 12% Over the Next Year
Foto: Got Credit. Exceso de confianza: los inversores particulares de todo el mundo esperan retornos del 12% el próximo año

Over half (54%) of retail investors globally feel more confident about investment opportunities in the next 12 months than they did a year ago, according to the Schroders Global Investment Trends Survey 2015.

Nine-in-ten (91%) investors across the globe expect to see their investments grow over the next 12 months. Globally, retail investors are expecting a challenging average return of 12% over this period. 

Increased appetite for investments

The study, commissioned by Schroders amongst over 20,000 retail investors in 28 countries, shows an increasing appetite for financial investments compared to previous years. Half (50%) of those questioned intend to increase the amount they save or invest in the coming 12 months, compared to just 43% of those questioned in 2014 and 38% of those polled in 2013. On average, investors plan to increase the amount they save or invest by 8.5% over the next year.

Overall, 87% of investors worldwide are looking to generate an income from their investments. 

Disconnect between expected returns and attitude to risk

Almost nine-in-ten (88%) retail investors said they made a profit from their investments in the past 12 months, with average gains of 10%, and 5% reported a loss. In comparison, investors polled two years ago reported making an average loss of 4.6% since the recession. 
However, despite the high levels of confidence being reported this year and optimistic expectations of double-digit returns in the next 12 months, the Schroders survey reveals a 
significant disconnect between expected returns and the appetite that investors have for risk, with many favoring shorter-term and lower risk investments.

Typically, retail investors are looking to place only around 21% of their investment portfolio in higher risk / higher return assets such as equities, with 45% of investors’ funds going to low risk / low return assets such as cash and around a third (35%) being placed in medium risk assets such as bonds. The data shows a bias towards short-term investing, with almost half (46%) preferring outcomes within one to two years.

Despite this disconnect, less than a quarter (23%) of retail investors polled will change their strategy by seeking professional financial advice, with more than a third (34%) of global investors intending to invest as they have done in previous years.

Massimo Tosato, Executive Vice Chairman, Schroders plc said: “It’s overwhelmingly clear that the demand for income is prevalent as retail investors seek to meet various objectives such as financing their children’s education, purchasing a first home, setting up new businesses, or supplementing their existing income in retirement. The necessity and challenge to generate income from investments is strong, particularly given the global low interest rate environment.

“However, our survey highlights a clear disconnect globally between retail investors’ return expectations and their attitudes to risk. Expecting double digit returns within the next 12 months, while only placing less than a quarter (21%) of their investment portfolio in higher risk assets suggests that investors are not taking a realistic approach to investing. It’s imperative that investors shape their portfolios to balance the risk profile with the returns they are seeking, and in most cases, that will require a level of professional advice.”

Thirst for income

Globally Asian, UAE, South American and South African retail investors are the most focused on income investing, with more than 90% of each planning to do so, compared to more than 80% of North American, Australian and European investors. Interestingly, less UK investors (70%) plan to invest in assets to generate a regular income. Global investors are typically accessing income through funds (23%); direct equities (20%) or real estate – either as a direct investment or via real estate investment trusts or funds (10%).

Massimo Tosato concludes, “Retail investors around the world are considering income investing because of low bond and bank interest rates and the long-term and stable opportunities typically associated with dividend paying companies. They recognise the value of re-investment and portfolio growth as a cornerstone of income investing. It is also essential that retail investors diversify their investments across regions and asset classes.”

EFAMA Elects Alexander Schindler as Its New President

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EFAMA Elects Alexander Schindler as Its New President
Alexander Schindler es el nuevo presidente de la asociación de fondos europea. Foto cedida. Alexander Schindler: nuevo presidente electo de EFAMA

EFAMA, the European Fund and Asset Management Association, has elected Alexander Schindler with unanimity of votes as President for a two-year term (until June 2017). The election took place during EFAMA’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Lisbon last Friday, 19th June.

At the same meeting, EFAMA Members also unanimously elected William Nott, the Chief Executive Officer of M&G Securities, as its Vice-President (for the same two-year term) and a new Board of Directors for a two-year term.

Alexander Schindler, who served as Vice-President of EFAMA from June 2013, will succeed Christian Dargnat, who has been President since 2013. Alexander Schindler was elected as a member of the Board of Directors of EFAMA in May 2012 and as a member of the management committee of the Board of Directors of EFAMA in June 2012. He became a member of the Executive Boardof Union Investment in January 2004 and was appointed Vice-President of EFAMA in 2013. Alexander has also been a member of the Board of Directors of BEA Union Investment Management Limited, Hong Kong since 2007. He is a qualified banker and lawyer.

The new Vice President, William Nott, is Chief Executive of M&G Securities, the combined Retail Business covering the UK, Europe and Asia, a post he has held since March 2006. He was previously Chief Executive Officer of M&G International, overseeing the development of M&G’s fund distribution into Europe.

Will has served as a member of the Board of Directors of EFAMA for six years and has been on the board of the UK’s Investment Association since 2007. He has been a member of the Consultative Working Group of the European Securities and Markets Authority‘s Investment Management Standing Committee, having previously served as a member of CESR Consultative Working Group on Asset Management.

In his inaugural address as President of EFAMA, Alexander Schindlersaid: “I want to thank our Members and Board for giving me the opportunity of presiding such a widely respected and influential industry body as EFAMA.

Having been involved in this association for three years, I am a strong admirer of the work that my predecessors have conducted, and most recently what has been achieved under Christian Dargnat’s mandate during a particularly defining time for the European asset management industry. The far reaching EU agenda, after the renewal of the mandates of both the European Parliament and European Commission last year, presents both a challenge and an opportunity for our industry and its role in the long-term growth and financing debate.  I am very proud to get the chance to build on the strong progress and constructive dialogue process Christian and the EFAMA team have put in place for the past two years.

EFAMA is the voice of the asset management industry and strives to be considered as a valuable and reliable partner for legislators, regulators and market stakeholders. With our new Vice-President William Nott and the crucial support of all of our members, we will make sure this keeps being the case, and will continue our work with the European institutions to ensure that the legislative measures and long term goals that they formulate benefit the end-investor, industry and economy.”

As the representative association for the European investment management industry, EFAMA and its newly appointed Presidency are committed to an agenda that protects the investor and communicates on the crucial role asset managers can play in the financing of the economy. Their overarching priority themes for the next two years are:

  • To continue to rebuild investor confidence,  promote investor education, and support investor-centric legislation;
  • To promote market-based financing of the economy and actively help build up a well-functioning Capital Markets Union;
  • To foster a regulatory level playing field for investment products in the EU;
  • To help develop an EU-wide personal pension product and a true single market for personal pensions as a solution for the current savings and long-term financing gaps in Europe; 
  • To strengthen the competitiveness of the industry in terms of cost and quality;
  • To promote the asset management industry and increase global recognition of the UCITS and AIF brand on a European and worldwide level. 


BNP Paribas Investment Partners Expands Multi Asset Capability with Additional Portfolio Manager Appointment

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BNP Paribas Investment Partners Expands Multi Asset Capability with Additional Portfolio Manager Appointment

BNP Paribas Investment Partners announces the appointment of Matt Joyce as a Portfolio Manager within its Multi Asset Solutions group, headed by Charles Janssen. Based in London, Matt will join the Active Asset Allocation team led by CIO Colin Graham.

The Active Asset Allocation team consists of more than 20 dedicated professionals responsible for establishing active asset allocation strategies for a broad range of multi asset mutual funds and investment solutions offered to retail and institutional clients.

Matt has over 12 years’ investment experience, covering long-only and long/short strategies. Prior to joining BNP Paribas Investment Partners, Matt worked at Schroders Investment Management as a multi asset analyst and fund manager, focusing on equity and cross asset volatility research, and managing balanced products and volatility strategies.

His previous experience includes roles at Occam Asset Management, where he was an analyst and fund manager covering European equities, and at Polar Capital, where he was an analyst on UK and global equity long/short strategies. Matt has a BSc in Financial Economics from Birkbeck College, University of London, and an MSc in Applicable Mathematics from the London School of Economics & Political Science. He is a CFA Charterholder.

Charles Janssen, Head of Multi Asset Solutions at BNP Paribas Investment Partners, comments: “The addition of Matt Joyce to the Multi Asset Solutions group further demonstrates our commitment to expanding our multi asset offering as part of the strategic development of our business.  Demand for multi asset products continues to grow in line with the increasing need for retirement solutions among retail and institutional investors and this is a key part of BNP Paribas Investment Partners’ investment offering.  Given the ongoing environment of market uncertainty and low yields, we expect continued growing demand as investors look to outsource their asset allocation to meet their growth or income requirements.”

BNP Paribas IP Makes Hire in Italy

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BNP Paribas IP Makes Hire in Italy

BNP Paribas Investment Partners SGR has hired Federico Trianni as senior Sales manager within the External Distribution team.

The team is led by Andrea Succo, to whom Trianni will report.

Trianni joins BNP Paribas IP from Schroders, where he has been Sales manager for retail and wholesale clients since 2008.

Prior to that, he has worked in management and analysis for seven years both in Italy and abroad.

Succo hailed Trianni’s hire as pivotal to the company’s business development in Italy.

Six New Family Office Exchange Networks Target Key Family Office Challenges

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Family Office Exchange (FOX), a global membership organization of enterprise families and their key advisors, announced the introduction of FOX Networks, a new way for members to problem solve and gain expertise in six key family office disciplines. The six disciplines areTechnology Operations & Data Security, Human Capital, Private Family Trust Companies (PFTC), and three types of investing—Direct Investing, Strategic CIO, and Endowment Model Investing.

There are three aspects to these networks: leadership from a seasoned, subject matter expert, peer discussion to gain the experience of other members, and high quality research and educational content. These elements are delivered through an online community, in person meetings, and a series of scheduled webinars. Recorded webinars, research, and top industry white papers will be available for each network through the association online Knowledge Center.

“FOX has provided special interest work groups to solve specific problems for decades and now we are formalizing Networks to deepen this problem solving,” said Alexandre Monnier, President of Family Office Exchange. “FOX Networks provide a clear, easy way to reach the ideas and get answers to important topical challenges in family offices.”

The association has recruited a number of distinguished practitioners to run the Networks. Technology Operations and Data Security is headed by Steven Draper, who has served as a technology consultant in the wealth management industry for 25 years. The Human Capital Network is led by Kelley Ahuja, Director of Human Capital, who joined earlier this year from the Lyric Opera of Chicago. The PFTC Network is run by Ruth Easterling, a Managing Director for 16 years. The Direct Investing Network is run by Linda Shepro, Managing Director, who joined from FDX Capital earlier this year. The Strategic CIO Network is headed by David Toth, Director of Advisor Research, who joined from PNC, and the Endowment Model Network is led by Karen Clark, Managing Director, who recently joined FOX from Sandaire, a leading multi-family office in London.

Access to the Networks is included in core membership for current members. Non-members are able to access membership in one Network on an a la carte basis. 

Robeco Launches Multi-Factor Credit Fund

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Robeco Launches Multi-Factor Credit Fund

Rotterdam-headquartered asset manager Robeco has announced the launch of a multi-factor credit fund, aimed at offering investors access to a factor-based investment strategy.

The fund will be managed by Robeco’s Credit Team, with Patrick Houweling as portfolio manager. Houweling joined Robeco in 2003 and has also been managing Robeco’s conservative credits strategy since 2012, which exploits the low-risk anomaly in credit markets.

The fund will have 150 to 200 names in its portfolio. Although it  mainly consists of  investment grade credits, it can hold a maximum of 10 percent in BB in order to  benefit from the attractive characteristics of fallen angels and rising stars.

Patrick Houweling comments on the launch: “At Robeco, we have been closely studying the possibilities of bringing our factor investing offering beyond the traditional equity markets. I am delighted that we have put theory into practice by introducing this factor investing fund to credit investors. This fund is driven by our proprietary quantitative multi-factor model, which offers balanced exposure to the low-risk, value and momentum factors.”

The Sweet Spot of Equity Investing

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The Sweet Spot of Equity Investing

It seems the jury is still out over the future direction of the US equity market. Not even a month ago the S&P 500 index flirted with all time-highs, prompting the bulls to wonder if investors really could be the beneficiaries of a seventh successive year of share price gains. Up until then the bears appeared to have had the upper hand – cue recent downward revisions to Q1 GDP numbers, softer than expected retail sales in April and the havoc wrought on company results from a stronger dollar.

I’d counter this pessimistic sentiment. While exporters were hit in the Q1 results season (and yes 45% of S&P companies are overseas earners) domestic companies fared relatively well. Regarding softening GDP numbers, we bulls prefer not to talk about output but national aggregate income which, for the first quarter, registered 1.4% annualised growth. Economists still think there’s no reason for the US not to register 2.5%-3.0% growth in the second quarter annualised.

For me it seems as though we are still in the sweet spot of equity investing. The risk of the US Federal Reserve tightening has been kicked a little bit further into the long grass and, if the IMF has its way, is likely to stay there for some time to come. Yet raising rates is a sign that the economy is not only off life-support but recovering well in the process.

So let’s focus on what we know so far. Knock-out non-farm payroll numbers for May aside, if ever there was a sign of confidence returning to the US economy it’s in the escalating value of M&A deals. In May alone these totalled a staggering US$ 243bn, which if this rate continues could well top 2007’s record. If management didn’t believe the economy was stable they wouldn’t be committing such large amounts of cash to buying other businesses, surely?

And corporates are right to be optimistic. The US economy is one of just three to experience self-sustaining growth in 2014 – the other two being India and the UK. Corporate margins are nearing 50 year highs and, unlike many, I see no reason for them to revert to the mean given the double tailwinds of a fall in oil prices and advances in technology. So while optimistic on the economy, my only real concern is that the rate of corporate investment spend needs to increase. Companies are still in the ‘let’s return cash to shareholders’ mind-set, rather than ‘let’s invest in plant and machinery mentality.’

Unsurprisingly, given the concerted actions of central bankers to drive down bond yields and whip up demand for equities, risk appetite has increased substantially from its October 2014 lows, with investors favouring growth stocks over value. Although, as most US equity investors will know from bitter experience the rotation from growth to value styles and back to growth could change anytime soon.

The recent correction in global bond markets suggests that point may not be too far away. While style volatility has been less pronounced in the US than Europe that’s not to say it doesn’t exist. Watch this space. The trick is, as ever, to keep alpha returns diversified.

Ian Heslop, Head of Global Equities and Manager, Old Mutual North American Equity Fund.

Managing Risk and Generating Return in Complex Market Environments

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Managing Risk and Generating Return in Complex Market Environments
Foto del Annual Investment Management Summit 2014 - foto cedida. Gestionar el riesgo y generar retorno en mercados complejos

The 6th Annual Investment Management Summit: Managing Risk and Generating Return in Complex Market Environments will bring together leading investors, financial advisors and market experts to discuss the recent developments and evolving trends that are shaping the industry.

Against the backdrop of a strengthening US economy and a slowdown in the pace of growth abroad, the summit will provide a comprehensive overview of today’s global economic climate and explore the various factors influencing investment strategy as investors adjust to the end of zero interest rates in the US. Attendants are welcome to participate in lively discussions to better inform asset allocation and risk management decisions.

The Summit will also highlight new trends in investment management and implications for the industry as a whole. From new entrants offering automated online investment advice to increased investor appetite for smart beta and liquid alternatives, the traditional asset management industry is facing a multitude of headwinds that are sure to challenge the status quo. Attend to hear senior industry leaders discuss the changing landscape and offer guidance for the road ahead.

For additional information, you may use this link

The majority of the FMS panel sees a negative resolution of Greece talks: 57 percent predict Grexit, or default without exit

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The majority of the FMS panel sees a negative resolution of Greece talks: 57 percent predict Grexit, or default without exit

Global investors have moved out of equities into cash ahead of an expected U.S. Fed rate hike, according to June’s BofA Merrill Lynch Fund Manager Survey (FMS). Investors have also shown concern about a Greek default and a possible bubble in Chinese equities as they have scaled back risk.

  • Cash levels rise to 4.9 percent of portfolios, up from 4.5 percent in May; proportion of investors overweight equities falls to net 38 percent from 47 percent.
  • Expectations of higher rates are the highest since May 2011, with a net 80 percent of the panel forecasting a rise in short-term rates.
  • The majority of the FMS panel sees a negative resolution of Greece talks: 15 percent predict Grexit, and 42 percent predict default without exit.
  • China worries: seven out of 10 investors say China’s equity market is in a “bubble.” A net 50 percent see China economy weakening.
  • The proportion of investors expecting to underweight global emerging markets surges to a net 21 percent from net 6 percent in May.
  • Corporate operating margins will fall in the coming 12 months, say a net 17 percent of investors – up from net 5 percent in May.
  • The U.S. dollar is the most crowded trade as Fed tightening looms; 72 percent predict the euro will weaken vs. the dollar in coming year.

“Higher cash levels show how caution is in the air, with 65 trading days until we expect the Fed to tighten,” said Michael Hartnett, chief investment strategist at BofA Merrill Lynch Global Research.

“Investors remain bullish on European equities but are increasingly concerned about Greece and higher yields,” said James Barty, head of European equity strategy.