Daniel Pierce, New Partner at Accelerando Associates

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Daniel Pierce, New Partner at Accelerando Associates
Daniel Pierce, foto cedida. Daniel Pierce, nuevo socio en accelerando associates

accelerando associates, a European fund distribution consultant, strengthens its capacities with the hire of Daniel Pierce from Wells Fargo in London. Pierce joins as a partner and will work with Philip Kalus in accelerando’s offices in Valencia.

Daniel Pierce has more than 16 years experience in the asset management industry, on both sides of the Atlantic. Pierce joins accelerando from Wells Fargo, where he worked as Investment Management Specialist EMEA. Prior to Wells Fargo, Pierce has held various positions at Citi, including Cross Asset Group Fund Sales EMEA in London, and Smith Barney in Dallas. Pierce has relocated with his wife and his two daughters from London to Valencia. “accelerando associates has built a stellar reputation and has an impressive client book. However, there is still a lot of room to develop the firm and client solutions further, which is an exciting opportunity“ says Pierce. “I trust I can make a meaningful contribution to accelerando’s further development“.

“I am, as all of my colleagues truly excited about Daniel joining us. He brings in a lot of additional experience, thorough technical knowledge and most importantly the right mindset to think beyond and to challenge widespread beliefs and practices in asset management as well as in fund distribution,“ states Philip Kalus, founder and managing partner of accelerando associates. “Our team of five combines now 70 years experience in the asset management industry, with 48 years experience in fund distribution, which provides a major competitive advantage versus our peers,“ continues Kalus. “In addition we have four different nationalities in the team and we speak five European languages fluently, which helps enormously to dive deep into different European fund markets and to get the nuances in fund buyer trends and requirements right.“

accelerando associates, founded in 2004, is a leading European fund distribution consultancy with offices in Frankfurt, London and Valencia and provides European fund distribution research and bespoke strategic advice to asset management firms worldwide.

Online Alternative Finance Market in the U.S. Surges to More Than $36 Billion in 2015

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Online Alternative Finance Market in the U.S. Surges to More Than $36 Billion in 2015
Foto: Simon Cunningham . El mercado de financiación alternativa online en Estados Unidos supera los 36.000 millones en 2015

The online alternative finance market, including crowdfunding and peer-to-peer lending, is exploding in the U.S., generating more than $36 billion in funding in 2015, up from $11 billion in 2014, according to a new report published by KPMG, the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance and the Polsky Center at the Chicago Booth School of Business.

“The emergence of new FinTech companies will continue to transform the financial services sector,” said Fiona Grandi, National Leader for FinTech, KPMG. “The pace of disruption is sure to accelerate, forging the need and appetite for collaboration among incumbents and non-bank innovators.”

Breaking New Ground: The Americas Alternative Finance Benchmarking Report analyzed online alternative finance activity across the Americas. Among its key findings is that financial, financial innovations and the technologies that enable them have exploded by 9x in just two years, from a total market size of $4.5 billion in 2013 to $36.5 billion in 2015 – the U.S. makes up 99 percent of that. 

When analyzing the various funding models, the report found that marketplace/P2P consumer lending is the largest market segment in the U.S., responsible for more than $25 billion in 2015 and a total of $36 billion from 2013-2015.  U.S. Businesses are also increasingly tapping into alternative finance to the tune of $6.8 billion in 2015 alone, which is significant when comparing the total for 2013 and 2014 of $10 billion.

Between 2013 and 2015, U.S. online alternative finance platforms have provided $52 billion in funding to individuals and businesses, according to the report.  During that same time, these platforms facilitated roughly $11 billion of capital into 270,000 small and medium sized enterprises.  In addition to consumer and business funding, the report also found that real estate models are scaling rapidly, generating nearly $1.3 billion in 2015.

The report points to several game-changing drivers of transformation that are impacting the banking industry, including the following:

  • Speed:Using algorithmic technology, credit decisions and underwriting takes minutes, not days.
  • Transparency:Investors and borrowers alike gain visibility into the loan portfolios, including risks and rewards.
  • Customer-centric:Platforms bring the “brick and mortar” branch into the on-demand and mobile application generation.
  • Data:Platforms have re-engineered the definition of credit worthiness.  FICO may still be a factor, but it’s no longer the only factor.


Grandi added: “These changes are permanent benchmarks that banks must now rise up to meet. You may argue whether today’s unicorns will be here tomorrow; however, the shift towards the digital bank is indisputable.”


London Remains as the Number One Global Financial Center, Just Ahead of New York

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London Remains as the Number One Global Financial Center, Just Ahead of New York
Foto: Davide D'Amico . Londres se mantiene como mayor centro financiero mundial, por delante de Nueva York

Both cities gained four points in the ratings and London remains eight points ahead of New York. The GFCI, published recently by Z/Yen, is on a scale of 1,000 points and a lead of eight is fairly insignificant. The author continues to believe that the two centers are complimentary rather than purely competitive. A number of respondents commented that the uncertainty surrounding the possible exit of the UK from the EU is having a negative impact on London’s competitiveness at present.

London, New York, Singapore and Hong Kong remain the four leading global financial centers. Singapore has overtaken Hong Kong to become the third ranked center by just two points. Tokyo, in fifth place, is 72 points behind London. The top financial centers of the world are all well developed, sophisticated and cosmopolitan cities in their own right. Successful people are attracted to successful cities and it is perhaps no surprise that financial services professionals rank these centers so high.

North American centers fortunes in GFCI 19 are mixed. Of the financial centers in the USA, New York, Washington DC and Los Angeles rose in the ratings. The three leading Canadian centers fell in the ratings after strong rises in the past year. Toronto remains the leading Canadian center with Montreal in second and Vancouver in third.

Western European centers remain mired in uncertainty. The leading centers in Europe are London, Zurich, Geneva, Luxembourg and Frankfurt. Of the 29 centers in this region, 12 centers rose in the ratings and 17 centers fell. Rome, Madrid and Brussels, three centers closely associated with the Eurozone crisis have shown signs of recovery.

Latin America and the Caribbean suffer. All centers in this region, with the single exception of Mexico City fall sharply in GFCI 19. The offshore centers in the Caribbean (in common with the British Crown Dependencies listed under Western Europe) all suffered declines along with the Brazilian centers Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.

Seven of the top ten Asia/Pacific centers see a fall in their ratings. Singapore, Tokyo and Beijing rose slightly in GFCI 19. Of the top ten centers in this region, Seoul and Sydney showed the largest falls.

Centers in the Middle East and Africa also fell in GFCI 19. Having made gains in GFCI 18 all centers in this region, except Casablanca, fell in the ratings. Dubai remains the leading center in the region, followed by Tel Aviv and Abu Dhabi. Casablanca rose 11 places and is now fourth in the region.


Financial Literacy Should be Taught in Schools

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Financial Literacy Should be Taught in Schools
Foto: SalFalko. Los colegios deberían enseñar educación financiera

Is financial literacy an important-enough skill that it should be taught alongside reading, writing and arithmetic? Most Americans seem to think so, according to a recent survey from RBC Wealth Management-U.S. and City National Bank.

The survey, conducted in mid-March, found that 87 percent of Americans believe that financial literacy should be taught in schools. Of those in favor of incorporating financial literacy into the classroom, 15 percent said instruction should begin as early as elementary. The rest (72 percent) said it should be taught in middle and high school.

“Having a basic understanding of how money, investing and our broader financial system works is critical in our society today. Yet there is a growing realization, particularly in the wake of the last financial crisis, that many people don’t understand budgeting, investing or how simple financial products like loans work,” said Tom Sagissor, president of RBC Wealth Management-U.S. “That puts them at a disadvantage not only during their working years, but as they begin to contemplate retirement.”

The same survey found that more than one-third of American adults (35 percent) received no instruction on investing — whether from their parents, school or someone else. Another 39 percent said they simply taught themselves.

“Money has long been considered a taboo topic, even among family,” said Malia Haskins, vice president, wealth strategist at RBC Wealth Management-U.S. “We’ve seen many of our clients struggle with how to talk to their kids about money. In fact, many ask their financial advisor to have the conversation with their kids because they aren’t comfortable doing so themselves.”

But data suggests this trend may be changing. While 38 percent and 37 percent, respectively, of Baby Boomers (ages 55 and older) and GenXers (ages 35 to 54) said no one taught them about investing, only 29 percent of Millennials (ages 18 to 34) claim to have had the same experience. In fact, 29 percent of Millennials said they learned about investing from their parents and 22 percent said they learned in school. That’s a vastly different experience than that of Baby Boomers, only 10 percent of whom said they received such instruction at home and 9 percent of whom said they did in the classroom.

Sovereign Wealth Funds and Central Banks Emerge as Large Scale Collateral Providers

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Sovereign Wealth Funds and Central Banks Emerge as Large Scale Collateral Providers

Sovereign wealth funds and central banks are emerging as large scale providers of collateral, providing a much needed boost in liquidity to the global financial system, according to a new study by BNY Mellon and the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum (OMFIF).

The report, Crossing the Collateral Rubicon: A new territory of challenge and opportunity for sovereign institutions, notes the liquidity boost is coming at a welcome time when financial institutions face challenges from new regulations on risk mitigation and balance sheet management. Two dozen sovereign institutions with more than $2 trillion in assets under management took part in the study. Thirty-seven percent said they are in advanced stages of considering collateral trades or already implementing them. Sixty-six percent reported that enquiries from potential counterparties in the trades were increasing.

“Collateral is becoming the sole determinant of institutions’ ability to engage in financial transactions in the cash or derivatives markets,” said Hani Kablawi, chief executive officer of BNY Mellon’s Asset Servicing business in EMEA. “Since the financial crisis, new regulations have placed a premium on counterparties gaining access to high-quality collateral. Yet, central bank macroeconomic policies have reduced the supply of collateral. This has produced a great challenge for markets and a large-scale opportunity for official holders of these securities such as sovereign wealth funds.”

Quantitative easing programmes have resulted in central banks acquiring significant amounts of government securities, moving them away from traditional suppliers of liquidity such as banks and brokerage companies. These securities are among the most sought after for collateral trading. Governments that issue the highest-rated debt have had lower debt issuance in recent years, further constricting the supply, the report said.

“We now have a situation in which the lower-rated securities that cannot be used for collateral trading are circulating more freely than the higher-rated securities, which have been taken out of the markets,” Kablawi adds. “While the mismatch between demand and supply for credit is evident in the US and the UK, it has become particularly acute in continental Europe and has been a major factor behind the sluggish recovery. Sovereign institutions that provide collateral are playing an important part in overcoming these liquidity shortages and limiting market volatility.”

In turn, the falling oil price has helped to drive up demand for collateral from energy supplying nations. One chief risk officer for a Middle East sovereign fund who took part in the study said: “In the current environment of low oil prices, the liquidity framework becomes more important so investment activity can continue. We must make sure the liquidity profile is appropriate, prioritising liquidity over returns. In the future, maintaining the liquidity management framework is the key.”

You can read the full report in the following link.

J.P. Morgan Asset Management Launches Two Currency-Hedged Equity ETFs

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J.P. Morgan Asset Management Launches Two Currency-Hedged Equity ETFs
Foto: Perspecsys Photos . JP Morgan Asset Management lanza dos ETFs de renta variable con cobertura de divisa

J.P. Morgan Asset Management recently announced the expansion of its strategic beta suite with the launch of two new funds, JPMorgan Diversified Return Europe Currency Hedged Equity ETF (JPEH) and JPMorgan Diversified Return International Currency Hedged Equity (JPIH).

Both new funds offer a risk-managed approach to investing that can allow investors to capture most of the upside with a goal of providing less volatility in down markets. The ETFs diversify risk across sectors, while hedging FX exposure back to USD, providing investors with exposure to international equity markets with less risk.

JPEH tracks the FTSE Developed Europe Diversified Factor100% Hedged to USD Index and JPIH tracks the FTSE Developed ex-North America Diversified Factor 100% Hedged to USD Index which were thoughtfully constructed based on J.P. Morgan’s active insights and risk management expertise.

“As volatility and currency risk continue to worry investors, clients are increasingly turning to our strategic beta products for a new approach to address the drawbacks of market cap-weighted indices.” said Robert Deutsch, Global Head of ETFs for J.P. Morgan Asset Management. “We are thrilled to expand our investment capabilities with currency-hedged ETFs, complementing our existing strategies and offering clients more choices.”

“We are excited to be able to draw on our significant global index capability to design innovative new indexes to serve as the basis for ETFs provided by our global partners like J.P. Morgan,” said Ron Bundy, CEO of North America benchmarks for FTSE Russell.


Oil, the Dollar, Rates: Three Stars Align

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Oil, the Dollar, Rates: Three Stars Align

Last week my colleague Erik Knutzen wrote about today’s “show-me-the-money” markets. It’s an important element in our current thinking so I am going to expand on it a little here. But I also want to examine why the very mixed fundamental data we have been seeing, which may not appear to support the recent rally in risk assets, may also be favorable for fixed income credit.

The improvement in sentiment since mid-February, when it looked like the perfect storm was descending on financial markets, has been huge. But is it justified by better fundamental data? That’s not obvious—when you add up the news flow on growth, profits, central bank policy, global production, consumption and jobs, you end up with a pretty mixed bag. A lot of the re-pricing of risk since mid-February was fuelled simply by improved sentiment. We managed to sail around the worst of the storm.

So the big question now is whether the economy can sustain that with a significant improvement in corporate cash flows, earnings and profits: “Show me the money!”

We are cautiously optimistic because we believe the conditions for these improvements are relatively easily met and may already be evident. Four months ago when we took a step back to review 2015, two big themes stood out: We could see that better earnings in the second half of this year would likely result if the dollar stopped going up and oil stopped going down. In our view, it is no coincidence that U.S. corporate cash flow peaked in the second quarter of 2014, when oil was north of $100 per barrel and the dollar was 20% cheaper than today, but both were about to embark on enormous trends. Arrest those two trends and you likely stop much of the rot in both U.S. high-yield cash flows and U.S large-cap earnings. In our view, stable oil prices should relieve the drag the energy sector is exerting on S&P 500 profit margins. Normally a sector that generates above-average profits, the current gap between its margins and those of the rest of the index has never been bigger.

This is why the dollar cheapening by 5% and oil settling above $35 per barrel is a big deal for corporate earnings in the latter half of this year. Combine that with the base effect of coming off a terrible year for profits, and the fact that things have moved so fast that analysts’ assumptions probably haven’t yet taken all this into account, and the coming months could deliver some notable positive surprises in cash flows and earnings.

How do we make the moves we are seeing in U.S. Treasuries fit this thesis? Yields have been falling since mid-March, and some might see that as bond market skepticism about the scenario priced into risky assets.

We don’t think that is the case. There are negative central bank rates in Europe and Japan, and the potential of another summer flare-up of the Greek debt problem is pushing core Eurozone yields ever lower. It would have been impossible for U.S. Treasury yields to escape that gravitational pull even if the Federal Reserve had not become more explicit about the influence of global factors on its policymaking and moved its rate-hike projections substantially lower in March. If U.S. rates do not seem to be in line with U.S. fundamentals at the moment, the more complete explanation is that they are in line with global fundamentals.

Bring all of this together and we think you create a very interesting environment for fixed income credit. These assets eventually enjoyed one of their best quarters for five years in the first quarter, because a mixed bag of data drove rates down and credit spreads tighter—a combination that we haven’t seen much of lately. A similar combination of improving U.S. earnings and the continued gravitational pull of global rates on U.S. Treasuries yields could extend those conditions further into 2016. The contrast with where we were at the beginning of this year, when the Fed looked set to hike rates against a backdrop of faltering global growth, couldn’t be starker.

That is why we are cautiously constructive on risk today. And if the economy starts to show us the money over the next few months, we may be ready to lift some of that caution.

Four questions for Fabrice Kremer, fund manager at Banque de Luxemburg Investments: to play it safe

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Four questions for Fabrice Kremer, fund manager at Banque de Luxemburg Investments: to play it safe

With interest rates at an all-time low, investors are looking for alternatives to term deposits and traditional savings accounts. The fund of fund BL-Fund Selection 0-50 is suitable for those who want higher yields compared to a money-market investment while retaining the advantages of defensive investing. As the name indicates, the equity weighting of the fund cannot exceed 50%.

What are the aims of the fund?

To deliver stable and satisfactory long-term performance, to provide protection against volatile market conditions and to preserve capital in the medium term.

How is the fund managed?

The BL-Fund Selection 0-50 portfolio is both flexible and defensive. I invest in a selection of funds managed by internationally renowned fund managers with no regional, sector or currency restrictions. By investing in external funds, Banque de Luxembourg is able to focus on diversification and benefit from the expertise of good fund managers with solid management processes. No asset class is excluded; the portfolio can contain equities, bonds, commodities, alternative instruments and money-market investments in all currencies. The flexible allocation means I can invest up to 50% in equities. Generally speaking, however, the equity weighting does not exceed 25% of the portfolio. The risk index is 3 on a scale of 1-7.

What are the advantages?

This fund offers natural diversification in terms of both assets and strategies. It can form the basis of a comprehensive defensive wealth management approach.

Who is the target investor?

The BL-Fund Selection 0-50 fund is designed for careful investors who wish to benefit from active, non-benchmarked management that focuses on capital preservation over a 3-year period.

What type of assets does the fund invest in?

The portfolio consists of three main investment blocks: two traditional blocks and one ‘alternative’ block whose purpose is twofold.

Two traditional blocks: Equities, with a structural position in high-quality assets and segments that ‘outperform’ in the long term, with an emphasis on high-quality medium-value stocks. Bonds in niche segments, which generate higher returns than classic securities in today’s low-interest climate.

One ‘alternative’ block whose purpose is twofold: to generate regular returns, in all market conditions, that will offset low bond yields and to create neutral or negative correlation with riskier asset markets.

James Lindsay-Fynn Joins Schroders’ Global Multi-Sector Team

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James Lindsay-Fynn Joins Schroders' Global Multi-Sector Team

Schroders is continuing to strengthen its Fixed Income Global Multi-Sector team with the appointment of James Lindsay-Fynn who joins as a portfolio manager focusing on rates and currencies.
James joins Schroders from Rogge Global Partners where he was a partner and a global macro portfolio manager specialising in interest rates and currencies for global portfolios.

During his six years at Rogge, James co-managed fixed income total return, global aggregate and government strategies. Other previous positions include absolute return portfolio manager at GAM, associate director at Evolution Securities, part of Investec Plc group of companies, and vice-president in fixed income at Bank of America Securities.

At Schroders, James will be joining the well-established Global Multi-Sector team in London and will report to Paul Grainger, Senior Portfolio Manager.

Philippe Lespinard, Co-Head of Fixed Income at Schroders said: “We are delighted to welcome James to our team. James has extensive investment experience and will further strengthen our investment proposition with his background of independent analysis and idea generation.  James’ significant experience in the macro space will allow us to continue to grow this successful part of our business further.”

The Global Multi-Sector team is made up of six fund managers supported by eight fixed income analysts and strategist located across the globe.


Net Sales of Worldwide Investment Funds in 2015 Were of Almost 2 Trillion Euros

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Net Sales of Worldwide Investment Funds in 2015 Were of Almost 2 Trillion Euros
Foto: byrev / Pixabay. Las ventas netas de fondos de inversión en 2015 fueron de casi 2 billones de euros

According to the latest international statistical release from the European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA), which includes the worldwide investment fund industry results for the fourth quarter of 2015 and the whole year, investment fund assets worldwide increased 5.9% during the fourth quarter of 2015 to EUR 36.94 trillion at end 2015.  The year asset growth reached 12%.  In U.S. dollar terms, worldwide investment fund assets totaled USD 40.2 trillion at end 2015.

During the fourth quarter, all long-term funds (excluding money market funds) recorded net inflows, fueled by the strong quarter equity funds had. They attracted net inflows of EUR 174 billion, up from EUR 78 billion in the third quarter while bond  and balanced funds registered net sales of 32 and 120 billion euros, up from the outflows of EUR 21 billion in the previous quarter.

Money market funds registered net inflows of EUR 215 billion during the fourth quarter.

Overall in 2015, worldwide investment funds attracted net sales of almost 2 trillion euros (1,969 billion), up from EUR 1,532 billion in 2014. 

At the end of 2015, assets of equity funds represented 40 percent and bond funds represented 20 percent of all investment fund assets worldwide. Of the remaining assets money market funds represented 13 percent and the asset share of balanced/mixed funds was 18 percent. 

The market share of the ten largest countries/regions in the world market were the United States (48.4%), Europe (33.2%), Australia (3.8%), Japan (3.3%), China (3.1%), Canada (2.9%), Brazil (2.8%), Rep. of Korea (0.9%), India (0.4%) and South Africa (0.4%).

You can access the full report in the following link.