Aberdeen Appoints Campbell Fleming as Global Head of Distribution

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Aberdeen Appoints Campbell Fleming as Global Head of Distribution

Aberdeen Asset Management PLC(Aberdeen) announced the appointment of Campbell Fleming as Global Head of Distribution.

Campbell will be responsible for Aberdeen’s global distribution platform encompassing 450 people across business development, product specialists, marketing and client service. He will also work closely with the senior management of all of Aberdeen’s investment capabilities.

Campbell is currently Chief Executive EMEA of Columbia Threadneedle as well as Global Chief Operating Officer. He joined Threadneedle from JP Morgan in 2009 as Head of Distribution. He has in-depth knowledge of markets in Asia, Europe and the Americas and has an enviable track record of successfully managing distribution teams across a range of client channels.  Last October, Campbell was named CEO of the Year at the Financial News Asset Management Awards.

Campbell succeeds John Brett who stepped down from the role late last year. He will report to Martin Gilbert, Chief Executive and will join Aberdeen’s Group Management Board.

Martin Gilbert, Chief Executive at Aberdeen Asset Management, comments: “We are delighted to attract someone of Campbell’s caliber – this reflects the appeal of our global platform and our full-service capability across asset classes and strategies. After an in-depth worldwide search process, Campbell was identified as the outstanding candidate given his expertise and experience across client channels globally, including North America which is a key focus for us.”

Financial Advisors Have the Most Power When it Comes to UHNW Investment Decision-making

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Financial Advisors Have the Most Power When it Comes to UHNW Investment Decision-making
Foto: Ged Carroll . Los financial advisors son los que más influyen en las decisiones de inversión de los UHNW

Financial Advisors have a bigger role in investment decision-making for North American ultra-high net worth families than any other family member, group or committee, according to a new study from Morgan Stanley Private Wealth Management and Campden Wealth Research

The study among 59 individuals from families with net worth in excess of $25 million asked specifically how they made decisions about overall asset allocation, investing in a specific opportunity and divesting from a specific vehicle. Respondents said these were most frequently decided by family advisors, family office executives and professional financial advisors. 

A professional financial advisor is used in 41% of cases for overall asset allocation, and a family advisor or family office executive in 38%.  These same non-family members also help make decisions about specific opportunities in 44% and 35% of cases respectively, and to divest in vehicles or companies 41% each of the time. 


“The fact that ultra-high net worth individuals appear to listen more to their financial advisors than their own family members shows the premium placed on good, professional investment advice,” said David Bokman, Head of Ultra-High Net Worth Resources for Morgan Stanley. 

The results are contained within the newly published ‘Family Decision-Making’ report, which examines decision-making within ultra-high net worth families in North America.  The influence of financial advisors is a recurring theme through the findings, but is particularly prevalent around investments. 

Asked how much influence key stakeholders inside and outside the family had on ultra-high net worths’ goals, 89% said their wealth advisors had either a strong (50%) influence or some (39%) influence. This was higher than any other stakeholder, inside or outside the family. 

Family business strategy or partners and affiliates were the second-most influential entity (44% strong influence and 40% some influence). Parents were a strong influence for a third of ultra-high net worth individuals and spouses for a quarter. 

Commenting on the findings, Dominic Samuelson, Chief Executive Officer, Campden Wealth said: “Financial Advisors play a very important role in family decision-making, and enjoy a special – and often very select – place at the table of these ultra-high net worth families.  In seeking to service them as best they can, Financial Advisors should look to gain as wide an understanding into families as possible and think about their complete needs.” 

“The more that Financial Advisors can understand, the more holistic advice they can offer, and the more families will gain from their interactions.  Financial Advisors may even wish to be explicit about their desire to gain more knowledge into the family from the outset to help fast-track this process,” added Mr. Bokman. 


EU-scepticism is Much More Serious Than the Short-term Volatility

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EU-scepticism is Much More Serious Than the Short-term Volatility

A number of political developments are likely to trigger volatility in 2016, especially around the month of June. However, and according to Maxime Alimi, Economist – Euro area at Axa Investment Managers, the real risk lies in the longer term. For the first time since the 1950s, EU-scepticism is threatening the European project not just to stall, but to step back.

In Alimi’s last paper titled “Political risk in Europe: the short and the long view,” the strategist mentions that amongst the issues that may resurface around June are:

  • The UK’s Referendum
  • The possibility of elections in Spain
  • The relationship between the IMF and Greece
  • Portugal’s budget implementation review

More serious however is the EU-scepticism. Alimi mentions that “Europe has always been the subject of debates in terms of the political direction it should take: more or less pro-market, more or less social policies, more or less federal integration. But things are different today as Europe is challenged on two distinct fronts: first, the legitimacy of Europe as a relevant level for policy-making; second, confidence of Europeans in the reliability and trustworthiness of their peers. Europe is challenged as a relevant level for policy making. The line of argument is the inability of Europe to deal with the challenges of today and the ‘one size fits all’ policies: Europe has been unable to protect populations against a double crisis; Europe has been unable to lay out a policy response to international threats.”

The sovereign crisis, the QE programme and negative interest rates, as well as the terror attacks and refugee crisis of 2015 have provided further fuel to this dynamic of mutual distrust. “For the first time since its creation, one pillar of the European project – the Schengen agreement – was suspended as governments were no longer trusting their neighbours to enforce borders controls.” The risk Brexit brings is that for the first time since the project was initiated in the 1950s, Europe could not just stall but step back. “Building scenarios around a European disintegration is difficult and highly uncertain, but its impact would certainly be large,” he concludes.

You can download the full report in the following link.

Janus Launches Adaptive Global Allocation Fund

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Janus Launches Adaptive Global Allocation Fund
Foto: Zorka Ostojic Espinoza . Janus lanza un fondo de retorno absoluto global y asignación dinámica de activos

Janus Capital Group recently announced the launch of the Janus Adaptive Global Allocation Fund that aims to provide investors total returns by dynamically allocating assets across a portfolio of global equity and fixed-income investments.

Ashwin Alankar, Global Head of Asset Allocation and Risk Management, and Enrique Chang, Chief Investment Officer, Equities and Asset Allocation, are the fund’s portfolio managers. Chief Investment Strategist Myron Scholes, Ph.D., co-led the research and development of the fund with Alankar and will contribute to the overall investment strategy.

The Janus Adaptive Global Allocation Fund is designed to adapt allocations actively based on forward-looking views regarding extreme market movements, both positive and negative.

“While most investment approaches look for average outcomes, this adaptive global allocation fund seeks to manage outcomes that have the largest impact on growth, namely left and right tail events,” Alankar said.

The launch of the Janus Adaptive Global Allocation Fund furthers Janus’ Chief Executive Officer Dick Weil’s diversification strategy, which included the July 2014 hiring of Alankar and Myron Scholes to begin designing asset allocation options for clients.

AXA IM to Sharpen and Accelerate Investment Decision-Making Process

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AXA IM to Sharpen and Accelerate Investment Decision-Making Process
Foto: Chris Shervey . AXA IM facilita y acelera el proceso de toma de decisiones de inversión

AXA Investment Managers announced a collaboration with State Street and MKT MediaStats to evaluate data-driven indicators that help analyse economic and market information.

MKT MediaStats is focused on financial market implications of increasingly available ‘big data’ from multiple sources, and is founded and led by well-known academic researchers. It leverages and extends into the commercial realm of considerable academic research done by its partners. The State Street PriceStats inflation series is a daily measure of inflation derived from prices posted to public websites by hundreds of online retailers.

“AXA IM, MKT MediaStats and State Street share a commitment to exploring new data sources that can enhance our ability to make timely and well-informed investment decisions,” said Joseph Pinto, chief operating officer at AXA Investment Managers. “Leveraging these big-data solutions will allow us to advance our client service on multiple fronts. Not only are we increasing the amount of knowledge available to us, but we are also cutting down on the amount of time spent manually sorting through information resources.”

Investor success in the coming years will continue to largely depend on the ability to rapidly access and synthesise an exponential amount of information. Our goal is to bridge the gap between financial decision making and academic thinking to help investors achieve their return and risk objectives.” said Jessica Donohue, chief innovation officer for State Street Global Exchange.

MKT MediaStats uses unstructured data from many sources, including 25,000 distinct media sources, to derive a wide variety of indications of market behavior, such as sentiment, price movements, risk, and liquidity of individual assets.

The State Street PriceStats inflation indices are generated using software that scans the underlying code on public websites to capture the full array of products sold by online retailers, including food, beverages, electronics, apparel, furniture, household products, prescription drugs, and over-the-counter medicines. The technology monitors price fluctuations on roughly five million items sold by hundreds of online retailers in more than 70 countries.


Can 2016 Earnings Justify Today’s Valuations?

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Can 2016 Earnings Justify Today’s Valuations?

Traditionally, equity people are supposed to be more optimistic than bond people, but I am prepared to buck the stereotype just a little as we enter day four of the Q1 earnings season.

Brad Tank, our fixed income CIO, followed Erik Knutzen in expressing cautious optimism that U.S. corporate earnings would recover enough in the second half of 2016 to justify much of the market rally that we’ve enjoyed since mid-February. They both wanted the economy to “show them the money” before dialing-up risk, as they put it, but they saw changes in the recent trends in the U.S. dollar and oil as the foundation for this recovery.

Truthfully, we are talking small degrees here. Brad and Erik both emphasized caution—as Erik put it, things were never as dark as they seemed on February 12, and they are probably not as bright as they seem today. Nor am I about to argue that we’ve inflated a bubble and stand on the brink of savage correction. Nonetheless, I think it’s fair to say that I am a little more circumspect.

The market pendulum tends to swing too far in both directions. Does the simple recognition that the world is not about to end explain why the S&P 500 Index went up more than 15% in 10 weeks? At 17.0-17.5 times forward earnings, U.S. large caps will not look particularly cheap should run-rate earnings for Q1 2016 come in at around $100-$105 per share, as seems likely. That’s a long way from the $120-$125 per share that we feel is required to support today’s multiples.

Amid the headline-grabbing extremes of pessimism, the more sober talk in January and February was of an earnings recession, and I don’t see anything that has fundamentally changed that narrative.

For sure, dollar strength has eased—but wasn’t that already underway by the second half of 2015? And yes, energy may be less of a drag this year—but does it follow that we are about to see break-out numbers from the financial, industrial, or consumer sectors?

Financials are especially important as it’s difficult to sustain a rally of this strength while banks are struggling to generate positive earnings. Q1 earnings from JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Wells Fargo and Citigroup have been released. We are used to the game in which analysts set expectations so low they’re almost impossible to miss: JPMorgan’s earnings per share beat the 13% slide that had been estimated. But the real takeaway was simple: the largest bank by assets in the U.S. saw its earnings fall by 7%. Citigroup’s, Bank of America’s and Wells Fargo’s reports told a similar story, with capital markets weakness hurting the first two and energy exposure the latter.

Elsewhere, some good news emerged out of Italy last week as a better-than-expected support program was thrashed out for its struggling lenders, but on the whole, European banks have performed poorly despite the expansionist policies announced by the ECB in March. Dealogic estimates that revenues in global investment banking are down 36% year-on-year, which would represent the toughest Q1 since 2009.

This background explains the elements of caution that underlie this rally in U.S. stocks. Small caps are still down year-to-date. The big value sectors that bore the brunt of the New Year sell-off, energy, materials and industrials, are up 6-8%, but the other big performers are defensive consumer staples and utilities.

I believe this is a “relief rally” that lacks a degree of conviction and is really a response to the excessive pessimism of the New Year. Again, to be clear, we are not talking about extremes in valuations. But the pendulum has swung far enough that I don’t feel compelled to chase this market, and I would need to see much firmer evidence of an earnings revival over the coming seasons to change my mind.

The Economic Mix in Russia is Very Supportive for Fixed Income Investors

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The Economic Mix in Russia  is Very Supportive for Fixed Income Investors

Despite suffering from the collapse in energy prices, and a -3.7% GDP growth in 2015, Russia’s financial assets have been having a positive performance, but can this go on?

According to Lars Peter Nielsen, Senior Portfolio Manager at Global Evolution and part of the team that In March 2016 visited Russia to evaluate if the recent strong performance of financial assets can continue, “the economic mix is very supportive for fixed income investors. We are increasingly convinced that inflation will come down strongly this year and be close to the 4% target next year which should provide further support for local currency denominated debt. The Russian Ruble should also be well supported as long as the oil price is stable around USD 40 per barrel. If RUB was to appreciate strongly we could see the Central Bank start to rebuild reserves, but they seem to prefer a stronger RUB for now to help combat the inflation.”

Global Evolution believes Russia’s Central Bank “will do whatever it takes” to get 4% inflation. they are also certain that Russia’s GDP will continue in negative territory in 2016, and “Without structural reforms longer term potential growth is at most 2%.” accompanied by a tight fiscal policy.

Investors look into Cash as Fears of Quantitative Failure Persist

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Investors look into Cash as Fears of Quantitative Failure Persist
Photo: eric chan. Los inversores se decantan por el efectivo, mientras continúan los miedos de que las políticas monetarias no funcionen

According to the latest BofA Merrill Lynch Global Research report, conducted from April 1-7, 2016, average cash balances jumped up to 5.4% from 5% in March, approaching the 15 year-high of 5.6% recorded in February  While the three top most crowded trades are Shorting Emerging Markets, Long US dollar, and  Long Quality Stocks.

“With valuations for bonds and equities at their seventh highest reading in 13 years, investors may be turning to cash to protect against the downside while shunning risk assets where valuations constrain the upside. Range-based trading is likely to continue,” said Michael Hartnett, chief investment strategist at BofA Merrill Lynch.

Regarding the US Monetary Policy, the vast majority of fund managers still expect no more than two Fed hikes in the next 12 months, while “Quantitative Failure” remains one of the biggest tail risks. Meanwhile in Europe, a record percentage of fund managers see EU monetary policy as “too stimulative” while confidence in this policy as an economic growth driver drops sharply to 15% from 24% in March

The survey also noted that investors have rotated into staples and cash, from Japan, discretionary, commodities and Eurozone. Allocation to Japanese equities marked its first underweight positioning since December 2012.

According to Manish Kabra, European equity and quantitative strategist, “Global investors highlight Quantitative Failure as the biggest tail-risk, followed closely by Brexit. However, despite significant convergence in previously extreme regional preferences, Europe remains the most attractive region globally.”


FIBA Wealth Managment Forum: “Transformation and Opportunities: The Consolidation Conundrum”

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FIBA Wealth Managment Forum: "Transformation and Opportunities: The Consolidation Conundrum”
Foto: Janie Coffey . FIBA Wealth Management Forum: "Transformación y oportunidades: el enigma de la consolidación”

One of the most prestigious Weatlh Managemet industry meetings in Florida, the FIBA Wealth Management Forum, organized by the Florida International Bankers Association, will be taking place this year at the Ritz Carlton Hotel, Coconut Grove, on May 5th and 6th. Under the title “Transformation and Opportunities: The Consolidation Conundrum” the event, in its 4th edition, will gather recognized industry professionals, regulators, and experts to discuss, share, and update the perspectives of the industry.

During this two-day conference, challenges and opportunities in the current and future wealth landscape will be analyzed in roundtable discussions, interactive role focused workshops and open debates that bring the industry’s players together to learn from each other, network and share best practices.

Specific case examples will be provided by the US Secret Service highlighting some of the local, federal and transnational arrests of these criminals as well as some of the methods they are currently utilizing to target High Net Worth Individuals and Corporations.

The Keynotes speakers will be Eduardo Mora, Director, Head of the Latin America Offshore Wealth Business, Blackrock, who will talk about “The Voice of the Investor”; And Tej Vakta, Senior Leader – Global Capital Markets Practice, Capgemini, who will do it aboutGenNext: The Future of Banking – The Impact of Technology & Social Media.

Among the speakers, David McWilliams, Head of Wealth Management Transformation, UBS; James Walker, COO and Head of Business Development – PB Americas, Credit Suisse; Roberto Martins, Chief Information Officer, Itaú Private Bank; Jacobo Gadala-Maria, President and CIO, Unimar Financial Services;  Will discuss about the topic: “Transformation. How the players and the markets have moved but the wealth is still there. What does it mean for the industry, participants and most importantly, the clients?”

For registration or additional information you may use this link.










Jörg Asmussen joins Generali Investments’ Board of Directors

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Jörg Asmussen joins Generali Investments’ Board of Directors

Generali Investments Europe appointed Jörg Asmussen as an independent director to the company’s Board of Directors, since April 1st.

Santo Borsellino, Chief Executive Officer of Generali Investments, says: “On behalf of everyone here at Generali Investments, I am delighted to welcome Jörg to our Board of Directors. His outstanding expertise, and the wealth of experience in international financial markets he brings to the Board, will be instrumental in reinforcing our international footprint and further driving our expansion in the European markets”.

Jörg Asmussen (49) has been State Secretary at the German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs between 2013 and 2015. Prior to that, he had been a Member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank (ECB) from 2012 to 2013, and State Secretary at the German Federal Ministry of Finance (2008-2011), where he held a succession of positions before.

Asmussen replaces Antonella Baldino, who resigned as independent member of Generali Investments Board of Directors in March.