Where Can You Find the Wealthiest Individuals in the World?

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Estados Unidos repite como país con más riqueza privada del mundo mientras Mónaco lidera la renta per cápita mundial
CC-BY-SA-2.0, FlickrPhoto: Kurt Bauschardt . Where Can You Find the Wealthiest Individuals in the World?

According to New World Wealth’s latest study, the United Stated is the wealthiest country in the world, followed by China and Japan. For them, total individual wealth refers to the private wealth held by all the individuals in each country. This includes all their assets (property, cash, equities, business interests) less any liabilities. Though they exclude government funds from their figures.


One thing to note is that Australia only has 22 million people living there, making its 9th place quite impressive. New World Wealth also highlighted that China was the fastest growing W10 country over the past 15 years (in terms of US$ wealth growth).

Besides the richest countries by total assets, the firm also ranked countries by per capita wealth. The wealthiest people in the world are found in Monaco, Liechtenstein and Switzerland.

Only Australia, the United States and the UK showed up in both lists.


Wine Investment Fund Posts 32.2% Four-Year Net Return

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Wine Investment Fund Posts 32.2% Four-Year Net Return

The Malta-domiciled Wine Source Fund, investing in a diversified portfolio of international fine wines and spirits, has recorded a net return of 32.2% since its inception four years ago (as at 31 August 2016).

The fund, also registered under the Alternative Investment Fund Manager’s directive of the European Union has outperformed wines and spirits’ industry benchmarks. The Liv-ex 100 and the Liv-ex 1000 indices have reported cumulative net returns of 7% and 15.6% respectively over the same period.

The Wine Source Fund’s portfolio currently comprises more than 1,000 different wines and spirits from the world’s top producers, primarily located in France, Italy, Spain and the US. Over half of the fund’s investments are made in Bordeaux and Burgundy wines while spirits account for almost 10% of the portfolio. Also the Wine Source Fund holds Macallan Lalique bottlings of aged whisky.

About 40% of the portfolio is made up of assets purchased directly from producers at preferential prices, hence differentiating from competitors according to the managers of the fund.

The value of the wines appreciates monthly at a fixed rate and the fund sells them at the cumulative index price to fine dining establishments around the world through its affiliate, Wine Source Group.

Philippe Kalmbach, CEO of wine services provider Wine Source Group and co-manager of the Wine Source Fund, said: “The fund’s performance highlights how we have a unique head start in identifying investment opportunities through our daily dealings with producers and international fine dining establishments. These first-hand market insights led us to fine tune our strategy by investing in select markets and benefiting from favorable price dynamics in an overall quite challenging environment.”

The Eagerly-Awaited Tax Bill Has Been Submitted to Colombian Congress… Finally

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The Eagerly-Awaited Tax Bill Has Been Submitted to Colombian Congress… Finally

Credicorp Capital’s, Daniel Valendia, Director of Research and Chief Economist, together with Camilo Andres Durán, Macro and Credit Analyst evaluate the consequences of the eagerly-awaited tax reform in Colombia.   

The Minister of Finance, Mauricio Cárdenas, finally submitted the long-awaited tax bill to Congress. According to the government, the proposal indeed represents a structural tax reform as it incorporates modifications to tariffs of direct and indirect taxes, the widening of tax bases for both corporates and individuals, measures to fight evasion and avoidance, and actions to simplify the tax code.

Therefore, according to the MoF, the submitted tax bill aims not only to raise new, fresh revenues to fill the fiscal gap created by the sharp drop in oil prices, but also improve the quality of the Colombian tax system in order to foster investment and formal employment. 

The tax bill came broadly in line with the overall proposal presented to the government by the Tax Experts Commission ten months ago as the main recommended changes were addressed (particularly the increase in VAT from 16% to 19% and the cut of the corporate tax to 32%), which is favorable, in their view. Likewise, some points of the reform would be implemented gradually (i.e. in several years), which is consistent with the fiscal rule and their long-held view.

The government expects the proposed bill to increase tax collection by 2.7% of GDP by 2022, above their estimate of 2.0% of GDP.

In any case, Credicorp Capital continues to acknowledge that the risk of dilution remains non-negligible after the ‘no’ victory in the peace deal’s plebiscite. Having said that, Valendia and Durán maintain the hypothesis that political incentives remain aligned for the approval of a tax reform: i) the 2017 budget, which excludes fresh revenues from a tax reform, represents no growth in real terms with investment falling 10%; thus, a tax reform would allow to introduce budget additions, which should be in the interest of Congressman; ii) considering that presidential elections will be held in May-18, political parties including those favored by the plebiscite’s results (e.g. Centro Democrático) will likely prefer to have the fiscal (big) issue solved by then.

In addition, Credicorp Capital believes that the tax bill submitted to Congress already incorporates the possibility of some dilution, providing the government room to negotiate with all political forces. Credicorp Capital would expect the current sovereign rating of BBB to be held should the size of a potential dilution not be significant.

The proposed tax bill would affect both their current 2017 GDP growth and inflation forecasts (2.7% and 3.8%, respectively) mainly as a result of the VAT increase while improving economic prospects in the longer term through higher competitiveness. Likewise, it could impact their current call for a rate cut cycle by the BanRep starting in December 2016 – first quarter 2017 to some extent, although maybe not material as the effect on inflation is a one-off. Credicorp Capital will estimate the potential effect of the proposed changes on macro variables and valuation models for Colombian equity issuers, and provide the results in upcoming reports. Undoubtedly, the debate in Congress and potential modifications to the bill will be relevant for the results:

The size of the reform. The proposed tax bill aims to increase tax collection by 2.7% of GDP by 2022 while additional resources for 0.6% of GDP from higher formalization would be also expected, so that total fresh revenues could amount about 3.3% of GDP by that year. For 2017, the increase in tax collection would be close to 0.8% of GDP, in line with the required decrease in fiscal deficit by 0.6% of GDP according to the fiscal rule.

VAT from 16% to 19% from 2017 onwards. The tax bill proposes to increase the VAT tax by 3pp to 19% as soon as in 2017, in line with the recommendations of the Experts Commission. Credicorp Capital expected a gradual implementation to avoid a material impact on both inflation and private consumption. That said, Credicorp Capital thinks that this decision was made considering that basic products such as food and education will continue to be excluded/exempted vs. a low but positive tariff proposed by the Commission (5%). In any case, Credicorp Capital does not rule out that a gradual implementation in the VAT hike may be the result after the debate in Congress. In that sense, the final one-time impact on 2017 inflation can be much lower than thought at first glance; likewise, the government estimates that the impact on the 2017 GDP will come primarily from lower private consumption growth by 0.3pp vs. the scenario without tax reform.

New home sales. The sale of new housing units exceeding COP 797 million will have a 5% VAT rate. At the same time, the government stressed that the social interest housing programs for low income individuals will not have any VAT.

Corporate taxes. Under the proposed tax reform, the corporate tax structure in Colombia will be simplified as there will be just one enacted tax compared to four different schemes under the current regime. In that sense, the wealth tax will disappear by 2018 as originally planned. Major firms (i.e. those with a net income above COP 800 million) will have a corporate tax rate of 34% in 2017 with a surcharge of 5% for a total rate of 39%. The corporate tax rate for 2018 will placed at 33% with a surcharge of 3% for a total rate of 36%. Finally, the corporate tax rate from 2019 onwards is expected to decline towards 32%. Recall that under the previous tax reform, the corporate tax rate for 2017 and 2018 was placed at 42% and 43%, respectively. Last but not least, the new tax reform considers an exemption of VAT tax on capital goods; in other words, companies will have a tax benefit for investing in new technologies, machines, and the overall expansion of the business.

The government also plans to foster job creation. The new tax reform sets a decline of the employer’s contribution towards health and pensions for those with a salary above 10 times the monthly minimum wage. The government’s total goal in terms of formal employment with the reform is the creation of 255,000 jobs.

Tax on dividends. The tax bill includes this provision as it was expected. Accordingly, local individuals will be charged (starting in 2017) with a tax rate of 5% if dividends reach between COP 17.8 million and COP 29.7 million per year, while the rate may increase towards 10% should dividends exceed COP 29.7 million. Meanwhile, the tax on dividends for foreign investors will be placed at 10%. Importantly, local firms will not be subject to the tax on dividends.

Income tax for individuals. The structure will be simplified through maintaining only one system (ordinary rent) vs. three currently (ordinary rent, IMAS and IMAN). As expected, the tax base would be increased for individuals, so that the income tax will be paid for those earning above COP 2.7 million per month vs. COP 3.5 million currently from 2018 onwards. Likewise, the cap to exemptions for individuals will be 35% of the total income with a maximum amount of COP 104 million. Overall, the reform aims to make the system more progressive.

Evasion. Among other measures, the tax bill proposes imprisonment between 48 to 108 months for those omitting assets or declaring non-existent liabilities above COP 5 bn and a penalty equivalent to 20% of the value of the non-declared asset or non-existent liability. Likewise, more inspectors will be hired in DIAN.

Financial transaction tax (4×1000). As broadly expected and in line with the Experts Commission recommendation, the 4×1000 tax will be permanent.

The non-profit organizations regime (ESAL). This measure aims to reduce tax evasion and avoidance through the use of this scheme, and to control the proper fulfillment of the social function of such organizations. Currently, non-profit organizations operate under a special tax regime. This regime will remain ahead, although a stricter classification and verification of such entities will be implemented. In particular, the DIAN will oversight non-profit organizations and the compliance of the requirements to remain under the special tax regime.  The government will create an information system in which non-profit entities should declare their organization charts, payments to executives, donations, investment programs, current and future projects, among others. Any direct or indirect distribution of income to shareholders or founders of these entities would be prohibited due to their non-profit status.

Monotax (Monotributo). It aims to formalize the small retailers and to simplify the transaction process of their tax dues. Retailers could choose between this new regime and the current income tax, as the Monotax does not imply an additional charge. The MoF declared that the main target of this tax is to create benefits to small retailers rather than to collect high additional revenues for the government. Formalization would allow small retailers to have access to the financial system, and a better social security.    

Sugar-sweetened beverages and cigarettes additional tax. The cigarettes’ price in Colombia is among the lowest in the world; the target is to converge towards the region’s average. Thus, the specific tax on cigarettes will triple in 2017, and will be indexed to inflation (inflation + 4%) from 2018 onwards. Moreover, the sugar-sweetened charge will be COP 300 per liter. Those taxes add to the VAT in each case. 

The eagerly-awaited reduction of the TES withholding tax for foreigners was not included in the tax bill, contrary to expectations. Credicorp Capital believes that this was mainly due to concerns regarding financial stability, as foreigners’ share on the TES COP market has increased from 24.7% in February 2016 to 32.8% currently. Thus, the withholding tax would remain at 14%.

Spanish Sicav’s Are in the Line of Fire

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Spanish Sicav's Are in the Line of Fire

Spanish Sicavs are under scrutiny following allegations that wealthy individuals are obtaining tax advantages through this type of investment vehicle.

Resident Spanish taxpayers typically pay capital gains tax rates of between 19% to 23%. However, those investing through a Sicav typically pay just 1%. Given this premise, all major political parties in Spain have pledged to revise regulation of Sicavs, which have become associated with tax avoidance strategies for wealthy individuals.

Sicavs, however, offer the same tax benefits as investment funds, which are used by more than 8 million investors, according to fund industry association Inverco. Thus, those fiscal advantages are not enjoyed by just a handful of wealthy families.

Investors using Sicavs or investment funds pay 1% tax on capital gains as long as they hold their investment, but when they sell their holding – whether in a Sicav or fund – they pay the same progressive tax rate of 19% (€0-€6,001), 21% (€6,000-€50,000) or 23% (over €50,000).

Sicavs in this case do not offer more tax advantages than popular investment funds – the difference is instead centred on operational issues. For example, major shareholders of a Sicav control strategic decisions on investments, while an investment fund is managed by a management team.

Collective Vehicle?

The minimum capital threshold for Sicavs in Spain is €2.4m, and it requires at least 100 shareholders. However, there is no maximum percentage a single shareholder can own. This supposedly collective investment vehicle can be therefore be controlled by a single family or wealthy individual by naming a series of surrogate investors, commonly known as “mariachis”.

Jorge Sarró, partner and head of Tax at Barcelona-based legal firm Rousaud Costas Duran (RCD) agrees that there are more Sicavs used as a tool for large fortunes rather than as an instrument of collective investment. “The figure of the Sicav, for its flexibility, taxation and low cost, is used as an investment vehicle from €2m or €3m to large fortunes,” Sarró says.

Spain’s Sicavs are generally linked to family groups, says Luis Rodríguez-Ramos, partner of the Tax Department at Ramón y Cajal Abogados. “This doesn’t mean these vehicles are not collective investments. In theory, you can buy Sicavs shares [on Spain’s alternative market MAB] and if there’s nothing available maybe the best solution, instead of demonising Sicavs, is to force them to issue paper so anybody can subscribe,” Rodríguez-Ramos argues.

As Sicavs are widely used by wealthy individuals and families to channel their savings, the collective nature of these investment vehicles has been questioned.

Political Pressures

Spain’s main political parties have all announced changes in regards to Sicavs, so this investment vehicle is facing increasing legal uncertainty.

While anti-austerity party Podemos has pushed to eliminate Sicavs, the largest opposition party PSOE and centrist Ciudadanos have opted instead for increased control. The ruling conservative
PP party, for its part, has suggested only those with a minimum participation of 0.55%, based on a minimum number of 100 shareholders will count as Sicav investors.

But this proposal has been criticised by industry players who say this measure is going to raise the minimum investment to the point of limiting private investor access to Sicavs.

“This formula will punish Sicavs that are genuine collective investment vehicles,” Sarró says.

As a result of this situation, more than 120 Spanish Sicavs have merged with an investment fund so far this year, compared to just three over the same period a year ago. However, recent binding responses from Spain’s General Directorate of Taxes (DGT) are limiting the investor advantages seen stemming from mergers, which seems to have slowed the merger momentum.

According to law firm Ashurst, Spanish Sicavs are planning to move to other jurisdictions for fear of greater tax pressures in Spain and also with the aim of finding more legal certainty. “Luxembourg has been chosen as the best destination, because its tax regime is advantageous. Luxembourg Specialised Investment Funds (SIFs) are taxed at a 0.01% CIT rate on net assets,” pinpoints a report from the firm.

The transfer to Luxembourg is usually done through a merger with a Luxembourg fund but, Sarró says, this alternative poses the risk of international tax transparency, especially following the final draft for the OECD Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) tax plan.

Patrick Dixneuf to Become Aviva’s New CEO in France

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Patrick Dixneuf to Become Aviva's New CEO in France

Patrick Dixneuf has been appointed as CEO of Aviva France, effective from 1 November 2016. Patrick Dixneuf will succeed Nicolas Schimel who, after four years as the CEO of Aviva France, will leave the organisation at the end of October.

David McMillan, CEO Aviva Europe and chairman of the Board of Directors of Aviva France, said: “I am delighted to welcome Patrick to Aviva France. Patrick has a clear mandate to set in motion the strategic ambitions of Aviva France, as well as to accelerate the transformation of the business. Patrick brings a wealth of international experience across several European countries, as well as a strong finance and operational background.”

Patrick Dixneuf said: “I’m proud to join Aviva France, a key business and strong contributor to the Aviva Group. I’m confident that, in collaboration with our employees, partners and distributors, we will be able to delight our customers both in a traditional and digital environment.”

Patrick joined Aviva in January 2011 as chief operations officer for Aviva Europe and member of the European Executive Committee. He has held a number of roles across the organisation, most recently finance design, innovation and change director at Aviva Group. Previously, he was CEO of Aviva Italy between 2012 and 2016, leading the turnaround and transformation of the business, bringing it back to growth. Prior to joining Aviva, he held a number of executive roles at Allianz and Paribas before it merged with BNP. He started his career at Alcatel in 1986.

Aviva’s asset management business, Aviva Investors, provides asset management services to both Aviva and external clients, and currently manages over £319 billion in assets.


Cohen & Steers Celebrates 30 Years

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Cohen & Steers Celebrates 30 Years

Cohen & Steers is celebrating its 30th anniversary. Over the past three decades, Cohen & Steers has achieved its vision of becoming a leading manager of real asset strategies, building on its long-standing renown as a pioneer in listed real estate investing.

Marty Cohen and Bob Steers launched the firm in 1986 and listed Cohen & Steers, Inc. on the New York Stock Exchange in 2004. As of September 30, 2016, Cohen & Steers managed more than $60 billion in assets and employed nearly 300 people in five offices across the U.S., Europe and Asia. Since its beginnings as a specialist investor in U.S. REITs, the firm has expanded its investment capabilities to include other liquid real assets, including listed infrastructure, commodities and natural resource equities, as well as preferred securities and other income solutions.

In commemoration of the 30-year milestone, the co-founders rang the opening bell of the New York Stock Exchange on October 10, 2016. At its initial public offering on August 16, 2004, Cohen & Steers, Inc. debuted at $13 per share with $15 billion in assets under management (AUM). Twelve years later, as of October 10, 2016, shares traded at $40.69, with September 30, 2016 representing a quadrupling of AUM during that period.

“I am excited and humbled to be celebrating this special milestone,” said Bob Steers, the firm’s Chief Executive Officer. “Seeing the firm grow and evolve over the years has been incredibly gratifying and I look forward to the tremendous possibilities that lie ahead. Just as we saw the opportunity in REITs 30 years ago, we believe investors are just beginning to recognize the potential of real assets.”

Cohen & Steers’ strategies are available through a wide range of investment vehicles, including institutional accounts, U.S. registered mutual funds, European institutional and retail funds, collective investment trusts, as well as limited partnerships.


Advisors Spend Less Than 20% of Their Time Making Investment Decisions

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Advisors Spend Less Than 20% of Their Time Making Investment Decisions

According to new research from global research and consulting firm Cerulli Associates, advisors spend less than 20% of their time making investment decisions.

“While investing is a key component of any financial plan, advisors spend more time tending to client-related activities such as acquiring new clients and meeting with current clients,” comments Emily Sweet, senior analyst at Cerulli. “They allocate the remainder of their time to administrative tasks, including office management and compliance-related work.”

Framing their role as relationship-focused could be difficult for many advisors because their value proposition has historically been investment-centric,” Sweet explains. “Our data shows that after tending to important client needs, time available to manage investments is limited. Outsourcing elements of investment management can enhance efficiency.”

“With so many outsourced resources available, and given the regulatory environment, it is time for advisors to consider how investment management fits into their day-to-day job description,” Sweet explains. “One method of outsourcing investment management is using models. Whether home office, proprietary, or third party, models serve as solid starting points for client portfolios. Models paired with shorter-term, tactical strategies help advisors set a baseline for client portfolios and lessen the time they spend making investment decisions.”

“Fewer investment decisions frees up advisors’ time, allowing them to focus more on the broad scope of their client relationships,” Sweet adds. Cerulli suggests that advisors view models and other outsourced resources not as a conflict to their value proposition, but as a complement to their investment process. Creating a standard starting point for investing client portfolios can help advisors scale their efforts while allowing room to tailor the end portfolio to suit individual clients’ needs.

These findings and more are from the 4Q 2016 issue of The Cerulli Edge – Advisor Edition, which examines the benefit of outsourcing and how asset managers are revamping distribution.

TD Ameritrade to Acquire Scottrade

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TD Ameritrade to Acquire Scottrade

TD Ameritrade and Scottrade Financial Services, have entered into a definitive agreement for TD Ameritrade to acquire Scottrade in a cash and stock transaction valued at $4 billion.

The transaction combines two highly complementary organizations with long histories of helping millions of people invest in their financial futures. For TD Ameritrade, the transaction adds significant scale to its retail business, extends its leadership in trading, and more than quadruples the size of its branch network.

The company expects to realize approximately $450 million in combined annual expense synergies, and more than $300 million in additional longer-term opportunities. The first 25 percent of the expense synergies are expected to be realized in Year 1 post-close and the remainder realized in Year 2. Furthermore, the transaction is expected to generate double-digit EPS accretion post-conversion.

The transaction, which has been approved by the boards of directors of TD Ameritrade, TD Bank Group (TD) and Scottrade, will take place in two, concurrent steps. First, TD will purchase Scottrade Bank from Scottrade Financial Services, for $1.3 billion in cash consideration. Under the terms of the proposed acquisition, Scottrade Bank will merge with and into TD Bank, N.A., an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of The Toronto-Dominion Bank. Additionally, TD will purchase $400 million in new common equity (11 million shares) from TD Ameritrade in connection with the proposed transaction, pursuant to its preemptive rights.

Then, immediately following that acquisition, TD Ameritrade will acquire Scottrade Financial Services, for $4 billion, or $2.7 billion net of the proceeds from the sale of Scottrade Bank.

The $2.7 billion will be comprised of:

  •     $1.0 billion in new common equity (28 million shares) issued to Scottrade shareholders; and
  •     $1.7 billion in cash, which includes TD Ameritrade cash ($900 million), a new debt offering ($400 million), and the proceeds from the sale of 11 million shares to TD ($400 million).

Additionally, following the transaction’s close, Scottrade Founder and CEO Rodger Riney will be appointed to the TD Ameritrade Board of Directors.

For the 12 months ended Sept. 30, 2016, TD Ameritrade and Scottrade, on a pro-forma combined basis, had $944 billion in total client assets.

“For more than 40 years, TD Ameritrade has been committed to breaking down the barriers that stand between American investors and Wall Street. That means delivering an investing experience grounded in technology and innovation that educates and enables investors with all levels of ability and wealth to work toward their financial goals,” said Tim Hockey, TD Ameritrade president and chief executive officer. “We’ve found in Scottrade a partner with an equally-strong passion and a proven track record for delivering exceptional client experiences. This combination will allow us to leverage our strengths and increase our scale, further accelerate our asset gathering capabilities and introduce our award-winning line-up of trading tools, products and education services to millions of new investors.”

“Since founding Scottrade in 1980, our mission has been to lower the cost of investing and trading while treating clients fairly and honestly. Over the last 36 years, thanks to the tireless efforts of our talented associates, we have expanded our services and evolved the business while maintaining our commitment to helping people overcome barriers to financial success,” said Rodger Riney, Scottrade founder and chief executive officer. “We are confident we have found a great partner in TD Ameritrade, who shares our client-first focus. Joining forces will enable us to offer clients an expanded array of trading tools, enhanced education resources and advanced option capabilities with broader geographic reach. Together, we will be well-positioned to compete in today’s rapidly evolving financial services industry.”

The transaction is subject to regulatory approval and customary closing conditions. The parties expect it to close by Sept. 30, 2017, with an anticipated clearing conversion to TD Ameritrade systems in 2018.

Hillary or Trump? How Much Does it Matter to Markets?

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Hillary or Trump? How Much Does it Matter to Markets?
Wikimedia CommonsFoto: BU Rob13 & Gage. ¿Hillary o Trump? ¿Cuánto le importa a los mercados?

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is leading Republican Donald Trump in opinion polls, though her edge over the billionaire has narrowed. What might the outcome, as well as all of the heated political rhetoric, mean for the global economy and financial markets? Are concerns mounting among investors? Is it time for investors to re-adjust portfolio allocations?

According to David Lafferty, Chief Market Strategist at Natixis, when speaking to investors both in and outside of the U.S., the presidential election is almost always the number one question on their minds. He mentions their first caveat is to remind investors that proposal differences pre-election are always bigger than implementation differences post-election; divided government ensures that presidents get only a small portion of what they want. In general, this means that investors tend to put too much weight on election outcomes vis-à-vis portfolio expectations. “Guessing whether Mrs. Clinton will be bad for healthcare stocks or Mr. Trump will be good for defense/military stocks is a poor way to build a durable portfolio.”

Second, there is still a lot of time left. Due to the Electoral College math and superior fundraising and organization, Mrs. Clinton seems the odds-on favorite to win. But we still have a few weeks left. We’ve got one more debate to go, and with these two candidates, the final weeks offer a higher-than-usual chance for more bombshells (perhaps something in Donald’s tax returns or Hillary’s missing e-mails?).

“For sport, we’ll continue to handicap the outcome like everyone else, but if Brexit has taught us one thing, it’s that betting on the conventional wisdom can be dangerous. With too many variables still unknown, including the election winner, the make-up of Congress, or how proposals will morph into policy, long-term market implications are uncertain. To be sure, neither candidate has presented a convincing pro-growth policy that would boost economic activity or the equity markets. Regardless of the winner, Washington gridlock won’t likely produce major policy changes, although some modest corporate tax reform is possible. While long-run return implications are uncertain, we still believe that Mr. Trump’s newcomer status and lack of policy history would make him the source of more short-term volatility.” concluded Lafferty.

Natixis’ latest 2016 Global Financial Advisor Survey top findings include:

U.S. advisors say neither candidate will be better

U.S. advisors appear to be ambivalent or unconvinced when it comes to who they think could have the most positive impact on five key factors: the stock market, bond market, global economy, global trade, and geopolitical risk.

Given the choice between Clinton, Trump, either, or neither, 40% of respondents in the U.S. chose “neither” for all factors with the exception of global trade, where 32% believe Clinton will fare better, and geopolitical risk where Clinton received the highest number of responses at 35%.

Globally, advisors say Clinton will be better

Outside the U.S., it appears that financial professionals believe Hillary Clinton would have a more positive impact on all five factors. Clinton’s numbers in each run in the mid-40s and mid-50s, while those believing Trump would result in better outcomes numbered in the mid-teens. Country to country there are some variances in responses. But overall, advisor sentiment was relatively consistent from country to country.

What advisors think about next U.S. President
-Stock markets
U.S. respondents over the age of 47 believe Trump will be better for the market
(34%) compared to Clinton (21%) while 37% answered neither.
57% of women advisors globally believe Clinton will be better for the stock market.
– Bond markets
47% of advisors globally give Clinton the edge for bonds compared to 14% who believe Trump will be best.
Colombia (65%), Chile (61%), Spain (57%), Italy (55%) and Panama (55%) report the strongest inclination that Clinton will be best for bonds. France is a significant outlier from this trend with 47% of advisors choosing “neither.”
– Global economy
43% of U.S. women advisors believe Clinton will be better for the global economy
compared to 19% who believe Trump will be better.
Globally, 44% of advisors favor Clinton on the global economy, 27% say neither, 16% favor Trump and 13% call it a toss-up.
– Geopolitical risk
42% of U.S. Independent Advisors and 45% of U.S. women advisors believe Clinton will be better on geopolitical risk. For women globally, the number reached 62%.

1% of advisors with books of business above average ($29.5 million is sampling’s average size) favor Clinton on geopolitical risk, 29% say neither and 23% say Trump. Those with books below average are more likely to say neither (39%).

Chris Wallis, CIO Vaughan Nelson Investment Management, recommends investors to ignore the election, reminding them that looking back at U.S. presidential history for over 180 years, one can see that the elected president has never really had a big impact on the financial markets. “There is no doubt about it – the U.S. has an interesting pair of presidential candidates this election season. They are offering very different policy choices across the board – from foreign, trade, tax, economic, healthcare to immigration policy. But that being said, I really don’t believe it makes any difference to the markets and long-term investors’ portfolios whether Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump wins on November 8.”


Ricardo Morean Joins Bolton Global

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Ricardo Morean Joins Bolton Global
CC-BY-SA-2.0, FlickrPhoto: fusion-of-horizons. Ricardo Morean se incorpora a Bolton Global

Bolton Global Capital has announced that Ricardo Morean has joined the firm. With this addition, Bolton hopes to leverage Morean’s successful career of growing the international wealth management businesses of Merrill Lynch, Wells Fargo, and RBC where he was in charge of major branch complexes in New York, Miami and Latin America. 

Morean will be responsible for business development for Bolton Global as well as GEA Capital, an affiliated advisory group based in Miami specializing in asset management for institutions and high net worth clients.

More recently, Morean was Senior Managing Director of RBC’s International Advisor Group, covering Latin America and Europe, as head of the company’s offices in Miami, New York and San Diego until the RBC closed its non-US client business in 2015.

Morean began his career as a financial advisor with Merrill Lynch in 1992. After holding senior positions in business development and branch management with Merrill Lynch’s Latin American operations, he was promoted in 2005 to Regional Managing Director for the firm’s international financial advisors in the New York, Miami and San Diego offices. After Merrill Lynch was acquired by Bank of America in 2008, he joined Wells Fargo as Regional Managing Director responsible for the firm’s international advisors in Miami and New York.

He is a graduate of Ohio State University and holds a Masters in International Management from the Thunderbird School of Arizona State University.