Changes in Santander‘s international business: According to what Funds Society has learned, Alfonso Castillo has been appointed head of Santander BPI (his international private bank) and CEO of BSI (the bank’s international business in the US).
In his new role, he will continue to develop the business and consolidate Santander Private Banking as a global platform for the entity’s clients worldwide. Castillo will report to Víctor Matarranz (in his role as head of BPI) and Tim Wennes –CEO of Santander US- and Matarranz as CEO from BSI.
Castillo will replace Jorge Rosell, who is to leave the bank in search of new projects.
Alfonso Castillo joined the ranks of the global Wealth Management division created by Santander in late 2018, a few months after the bank created that division, which integrates private banking and asset management, and is headed by Víctor Matarranz.
Castillo came from Bankinter, where he was Managing Director, responsible for their Private Banking division. In his almost 20 years of experience, he has also worked at firms such as Barclays Wealth, Credit Suisse or EY.
Get used to children screaming in the middle of a work call, incorporate over the course of a week remote work systems that otherwise would have been implemented in months, try new tools and test existing ones… As in many sectors, the Latin American financial system is undergoing accelerated changes due to the spread of the coronavirus.
Large Latin American Firms Adapt
From Credicorp Capital, Rafael Castellanos, Executive Director of Asset Management, points out that “following the states of emergency in the different countries in which we are located, our support teams organized a fairly comprehensive business continuity plan where the majority of people are working from home. We are using technological tools with VPN to access our files, Bloomberg everywhere, videoconference systems, emails, all in order to continue making the necessary coordination. We have focused on being close to customers, which is very important in these volatile markets, to closely inform them of our analyzes and results.”
The effort is enormous, as SURA Group‘s statement shows: “Preventive isolation and remote work of more than 90% of the 30,000 SURA employees in Latin America; flexible conditions for underwriting policies and handling claims; advance payment of pensions and digital transactional channels; expansion of capacities in health services (Colombia) and contributions to strengthen hospital infrastructure and improve health care. These are some of the actions undertaken by Grupo SURA, its subsidiaries Suramericana and SURA Asset Management, and the SURA Foundation to help contain and overcome the situation generated by COVID-19.”
Aiva has announced a series of measures such as the suspension of trips or visits to its offices. The Latin American firm based in Montevideo has opened a new communication channel “Aiva MarketWatch”, to share the latest market news and provide support to its clients. “We maintain all of our customer services remotely. 5.50% of our staff is already working remotely and we will continue to increase this measure gradually,” the firm says on its website.
Miguel Sulichin, CEO of Advise Wealth Management, explains that more than two weeks ago a home office policy was decided for everyone: “we enhanced communications, sent the report to the regulator, the team is adapting and the trading systems are working good.”
Sulichin points out that these days companies in the sector are fighting two battles: “The main one, which is the disease and the spread of the coronavirus, and then the fall of the markets, the worst we have experienced since 2008 and the Lehman Brothers crisis.”
At Chile, LarrainVial has just launched its Spotify channel to “to be closer to our customers and the public with timely information inlight of Covid-19.”
The New Normal
Giovanni Onnate, Head of Mexico Institutional Business at BlackRock summarizes the immense transition that is taking place in companies in the sector.
“We have been adapting to this new dynamic of working from our homes and around our families. So while we are far away and operating virtually with our clients and with our work teams, we are more connected than ever. For the past couple of weeks we have been coordinating a series of calls with our clients around different topics such as market prospects, investment strategies in moments of volatility, and more,” he points out.
“Personally, I try to follow a routine, we divide the living room and dining room as work spaces between my wife and me. We try to do yoga everyday and take turns to take care of our daughter at specific times. It is normal now to hear a dog bark or a baby cry while on calls, and it feels good. It is the new normal, for now”, adds Onnate.
Mauricio Giordano, Country Manager of Natixis in Mexico explains that Natixis IM has a presence in various countries in Europe, Asia and Latin America, “so remote work is part of our day to day.”
“On this occasion we knew that it required a greater commitment, especially so as not to jeopardize the health of our collaborators or that of their families, which is why we started working remotely two weeks ago. Although in Mexico an extreme situation was not yet been reached, after having a conversation with our colleagues from other countries we decided to take preventive measures and start working from home as soon as possible,” Giordano points out.
“With clients we have weekly calls to know their concerns and to be able to give them the certainty that we are here to support them. Although we are going through difficult times we know that this too, shall pass, we are not sure how long it will last, but if we all do our part, things will move faster.”
According to Simon Webber, Lead Portfolio Manager at Schroders, “The behavioural changes that the coronavirus is forcing on people in such dramatic fashion are likely to lead to a re-evaluation of the necessity of many face-to-face meetings. Many businesses have moved to remote working, and business meetings and conferences are being switched to virtual ones.
Here at Schroders, for some time now we’ve had an emphasis on video conferencing where viable, instead of business travel. This underpins our focus on sustainability.”
Chilean AFPs with Reduced Hours
In Chile, the quarantine became mandatory on Thursday, March 26 at 22:00. But many companies already had a first experience with teleworking after the social outbreak in October, when public transport was clearly affected.
The 4 main Chilean AFPs, which control most of the market share, are promoting the use of remote channels, have closed the branches affected by the quarantine and those that they keep open do so with reduced hours.
Individual strategies differ slightly by entity, for example, AFP Habitat has extended the hours of its call center from 8:30 to 23:00 at night from Monday to Friday and Saturday mornings and AFP Cuprum recommends changing the modality of cash payment by the bank account to avoid risk of contagion.
After a couple of weeks of battling, Congress finally agreed on a stimulus package thought to total 2 trillion dollars (9.2% of GDP). Meanwhile, 3.3 million people in the U.S. registered for unemployment benefits in a single week. The previous record was 695,000 in a week in 1982.
David Page, Head of Macro Research at AXA Investment Managers, believes that “despite the eye-watering scale of the package, there are questions over whether this will prove sufficient to deal with the material shock coronavirus looks set to deliver to the US economy over the coming months.The package is also designed to offset the sharp tightening in financial conditions. In this respect the 10.5% rise in the S&P 500 index over the last two sessions is a positive reception.”
The median estimate for jobless claims was to rise to 1.64m, while the actual 3.28m number almost doubles estimates, which Page believes “would suggest a double-digit fall in real disposable incomes in Q2, which would in turn exacerbate a sharp fall in domestic spending not just in Q2, but over the coming quarters. The stimulus package is designed to prevent such a deterioration, particularly by providing direct support to firms and incentivising them keep workers on payrolls, and to individuals through direct payments. This complements the Fed’s actions to facilitate lending to businesses to keep afloat while the virus-related drop in demand passes. But only the coming weeks will show how successful these measures will prove.” He mentions.
The package began as a Senate Republican proposal estimated at around $850bn, but over the ensuing time has morphed into a package that is estimated to more than double the combined GFC packages – the Economic Stimulus Act 2008 and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (2009).
The stimulus package contains:
$500bn in bank loans and direct assistance to US companies, states and local governments affected by the virus (including $75bn to large corporates including airlines).
$377bn to small businesses (sub-500) to help fund payrolls in coming months. These payments will be structured as up to $10m interest free loans to businesses but will be ‘forgiven’ proportionate to the number of workers kept on payrolls.
$250bn in direct checks to US individuals ($1200 per person, $500 per child).
$260bn in expanded unemployment insurance, raising payments by $600 per week and extending coverage duration by four months.
$150bn funding for states
$340bn additional Federal government spending
The US Treasury Secretary Mnuchin stated that these payments would come quickly. He stated that loans to small businesses would be made next week and that individual payments would be paid within three weeks. Democrats secured more precise oversight for the distribution of stimulus funds to large corporates after accusations surrounding the distribution of TARP over a decade ago. An independent Inspector General will be appointed who will work with a panel of five members picked by Congress. A weekly report on the disbursement of funds will be produced.
Foto cedidaFoto de la Federación de Bancos de Alimentos de España.. BlackRock destina 50 millones de dólares para apoyar a ONG y paliar el impacto del COVID-19 entre los más desfavorecidos
BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager, on Monday committed $50 million to relief efforts as the coronavirus pandemic leads to job losses and unexpected medical costs.
“We are committing $50 million to relief efforts, helping meet immediate needs of those most affected right now and by addressing the financial hardship and social dislocation that this pandemic will bring,” the company said in a statement.
Blackrock said a first tranche of $18 million in funding has been deployed to food banks and community organizations across America and Europe working directly with vulnerable populations.
BlackRock’s commitment includes plans to support various global charitable initiatives aimed at helping those impacted by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, including $5 million to Feeding America, $2 million to the UK’s National Emergencies Trust, and $500,000 to the Global FoodBanking Network, “which will serve as our partner in meeting ongoing needs in Asia and the emerging crisis in Latin America.”
Furthermore, BlackRock is supporting its employees’ efforts and has said it will match employee contributions to local organisations addressing the crisis in their communities.
“COVID-19 is a stark test to companies everywhere. BlackRock Is working hard to support all of our people through this crisis,” the firm said. “There’s no doubt that there is much uncertainty ahead as we continue to address this fast-moving global challenge, an effort that we believe will require unparalleled global cooperation… We’ll keep all our stakeholders informed of what we learn as we tackle this crisis together.”
The global pandemic COVID -19 has, in a few short weeks, altered our life as we knew it. This is true for our younger population being homeschooled; for parents working from home; and especially for the many who have tested positive and are recovering or have lost their lives to this invisible enemy.
As we watch the hourly updates with great concern and borderline panic, current and potential life insurance policyholders all over the world, afraid for their own lives and the security of their families, are wondering—what impact could the outbreak of COVID-19 coronavirus have on my life insurance policy or am I still eligible to purchase a life insurance policy in the midst of this chaos?
Feel free to cheat and scroll down for the Top 3 Frequently Asked Question!
If You Already Have Life Insurance…
If you already have life insurance, you don’t need to worry about COVID-19 coronavirus affecting your existing life insurance policy. Having said that, you should be concerned about catching the virus or spreading it. Therefore, by all means keep washing your hands and abide by expert advice about social distancing and restricted travel.
But in the universe of worries ushered in by COVID-19 coronavirus, including plummeting stocks, limited resources and an alarming economic outlook, threats to your life insurance policy can be crossed off of your worry list.
In the words of Ana Gomez, President of American Fidelity International Ltd:
“A life insurance policy is designed to offer us peace of mind and provide protection to our loved ones at the time of our death. Our life insurance product portfolio is designed to offer a death benefit to the designated beneficiaries in the policy, in the event of the insured’s death, even if the death is caused by a virus such as Coronavirus (2019-nCoV).”
Global pandemics do not void your death benefit, even if you reside in, work in, or intend to travel to COVID-19 hotspots. Life insurance is underwritten prior to issuance. The terms and conditions of the policy are locked in and no subsequent event can alter them.
Although COVID-19 coronavirus is a reason to worry over your health, it is definitely not a reason to worry about the health of your life insurance policy. Even if the worst happens, your beneficiaries will be taken care of.
If You Are Considering Buying Life Insurance…
If you’re considering buying a new policy in the midst of the outbreak, both U.S. and international insurance companies are accepting new applications and you should be able to acquire a highly rated, competitively priced life insurance policy. As this situation evolves, however, it may become more challenging to be underwritten under the same terms within a reasonable time frame.
As of now rates and conditions remain the same specifically in the term life space. It is important to note that life insurance underwriters set policy terms based on a risk assessment. The factors that affect this risk assessment include your health, lifestyle, and age relative to the average life expectancy.
The COVID-19 pandemic has added uncertainty to the risk assessment equation, which insurance underwriters hate. Major insurers have already taken steps to reduce the number of coronavirus fatalities that end up as liabilities on their balance sheet.
Lincoln Financial Group (LNC) just announced a 30-day waiting period on applications submitted by applicants who have traveled into pandemic “hot” zones like China and Italy. American International Group (AIG) has similarly held all applications for recent hot-zone travelers until 30 days after their return from the US. Other companies have added a short COVID-19 coronavirus questionnaire to their application package.
Residents of Latin America or the U.S.A. considering the purchase of a new life insurance policy should not hesitate to contact their insurance advisors before the acceptance applications close off altogether.
————————————————————————— TOP 3 Frequently Asked Questions
Question #1: Does my life insurance policy cover death from a global pandemic like COVID-19 novel coronavirus?
Answer: Yes. No exclusions apply to global pandemics. Valid life insurance policies cover beneficiaries even in the event of the policy holder’s death in a global pandemic like COVID-19.
Question #2: I have not visited China, Europe or other country heavily impacted by the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. Can I still get life insurance?
Answer: Absolutely, but you should act quickly since other variables may impact the process of working
Question #3: Will the COVID-19 global pandemic undermine my insurer’s ability to pay out claims?
Answer: Not with a reputable insurer. Top-rated insurers earn such ratings by maintaining substantial liquidity and re-insurance, safeguarding their ability to pay their claims liabilities.
Between February 27-28, 2020 over 525 experts and thought-leaders from around the world gathered at the Omni Orlando Resort at ChampionsGate to participate on INTL FCStone’sVisión 20/20: Global Markets Outlook Conference.
After the welcome remarks given by INTL FCStone Financial’s founder Sean O’Connor, attendees listened to Keni Thomas, retired Army Ranger involved in Black Hawk Down and Award-Winning Country Music Artist. He spoke about leadership and responsibility in his Get It On! What it Means to Lead the Way, keynote.
Steven zum Tobel and Roger Shaffer, Correspondent Clearing Managing Directors at INTL FCStone Financial, told those present about their passion to “provide them with as many tools and capabilities as we can so you can better serve your clients.”
Aberdeen Standard Investments presented its Product Spotlight, which was followed by a presentation on the current state of cyber security and regulatory oversight concerns, by Paul Allegra of INTL FCStone Financial.
Investec Asset Management, now Ninety One, also introduced its products, followed by an update by Jennifer Morello of INTL FCStone Financial on new and future features for Vulcan Pro, INTL FCStone’s proprietary broker workstation.
After the meal, Steven Feldman, CEO of Gold Bullion International talked about how as the macro landscape changes, old investment paradigms may become ineffective, focusing on what an investor should do to bolster their financial (and emotional) resilience.
Sandra Powers Murphy, Founder and CEO of Noble Ark Ventures held a workshop on how to maintain and increase your assets under management, followed by a presentation by Carmignac.
Bao Nguyen, from Kaufman Rossin‘s risk practice, gave a talk on how to comply with Reg BI, which was followed by a presentation by MFS IM and the dinner.
On February 28, after Franklin Templeton‘s presentation, Joshua S. Siegel, CEO of StoneCastle Cash Management, spoke about some groundbreaking ideas about monetary policy, the challenges with global interest rates, and why slow growth will be persistent. This was followed presentations from GAM Investments, Vestmark and Schroders.
Yousef Abbasi, Global Market Strategist at INTL FCStone spoke about the global dynamics that affect markets today, while Tobel and Shaffer were in charge of the closing remarks.
Photo: Peakpx CC0. De cara al COVID-19, adultos y niños pueden acceder a cursos gratuitos
Staying at home in the face of the challenge presented by the spread of the COVID-19 virus for the Health sector is the most prudent thing. Whether it was the individual or the government that decided upon this measure, changing one’s routine and spending time in isolation from the rest of the world but living with the whole family is something, let’s say “challenging”.
Thinking about this, various organizations have decided to offer free courses and activities to make spending time in quarantine more bearable.
For people who must work remotely, LinkedIn has published a series of videos with tools to make remote work more efficient, either individually or in groups, as well as some to help to better manage stress.
For those with children at home, Kids Activities Blog has a list of educational companies that due to the current situation, decided to offer free subscriptions.
Wells Fargo & Company announced that Ellen Patterson will join the company as its senior executive vice president and general counsel, effective March 23, 2020. Reporting to CEO Charlie Scharf, Patterson will be responsible for all legal affairs at the company and will serve on the company’s Operating Committee.
“Ellen is a seasoned lawyer with extensive experience in the financial services industry, where she has had responsibilities for managing and advising on global legal and regulatory compliance risks,” Scharf said. “She will play a critical leadership role on our Operating Committee as we continue to work on our company’s top priority of meeting regulatory expectations.”
Patterson joins Wells Fargo after more than seven years at TD Bank Group, where she most recently served as group head and general counsel responsible for leading the bank’s global Legal, Compliance, Anti-Money Laundering, Corporate Secretary, Global Security & Investigations, and Fraud Risk Management teams. Earlier, she served as general counsel for TD Bank’s U.S. banking operations. For the past two years, she has chaired TD Bank’s global Women in Leadership program, supporting programs and practices to advance the careers of a diverse group of female employees.
Prior to joining TD Bank, Patterson was a partner at the New York law firm of Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP, where she focused on advising financial institutions on mergers & acquisitions, capital markets, and corporate governance matters.
“I am excited to join Wells Fargo during a transformational time in the company’s history,” Patterson said. “I look forward to collaborating with leaders across the company to shape the culture, help businesses innovate, and produce the best outcomes for the customers and communities Wells Fargo serves.”
Patterson is a graduate of Columbia Law School and received her undergraduate degree from Harvard University. She has been recognized as one of 25 “Women to Watch” by American Banker in each of the past four years.
Funds Society held its first Investments & Rodeo Summit 2020 in Houston, Texas on March 5.
Over 35 people attended the event, including bankers, advisers and fund selectors, as well as representatives of the four participating managers (Aberdeen Standard Investments, Carmignac, Ninety One / Investec and Vontobel).
Tam McVie, CIO at Aberdeen Standard Investments, noted that we are in an environment where we need to protect capital.In general, the manager mentioned that long-term performance expectations have been compressed, and although a global recession is not part of his base scenario, he emphasizes that having a diverse portfolio is the best way to protect yourself through investments.
To him, “a diverse portfolio should also have diverse return sources, and a diverse income stream.”So, when building their portfolio, they seek “for diversification from return streams and cash flows that are not dependent on the same economic environment.”McVie is also looking to benefit from the illiquid market but using liquid vehicles, such as listed alternatives, which, in his opinion, “actually have less volatility than REITs.”
Bradley George, Managing Director in the US Institutional team at Ninety One (previously Investec Asset Management) mentions that given the uncertainties we live in (which in his opinion has COVID-19 in the first place, followed by tensions between the US and China, and the trade relationship between the UK and the EU after Brexit), the current outlook for global growth is low, creating a situation where “some people say it’s better to do a flight to safety and others say it presents an opportunity.”
At this time and with the increase in global debt, which will increase even more due to easing, he believes that among high-quality companies, the most important quality to have is a healthy balance and low capital intensity. Regarding regions, he points out that “an EM allocation costs more due to high fees, but it is a high growth area, so our portfolio has over 30% revenue exposure to EM, with US compliance and such”.
Didier Saint-Georges, Member of the Strategic Investment Committee and Managing Director at Carmignac,said in his presentation that in fixed income you have to analize if the market is right when you buy, because unless it goes bankrupt you will get it in the end, but that they do not expect interest rates to rebound soon. “Crises never happen in a vacuum, they happen in a context and the current one is one of low growth, deflationary pressures and one in which central banks have been using a lot of ammunition to push forward the recession and there is not so much left…”
With regard to the COVID-19 situation, the specialist mentions that since January we saw cases in China “and it is important to realize that an epidemic works with a bell shaped curve, it accelerates first before hitting a plateau and going down, And outside China we are still in the acceleration phase. There is going to be a big economic cost. Our central scenario does look like a recession because this type of crisis cannot be contained but by stopping activities, so that becomes a cash problem.”
To protect their investments in this context, Carmignac has reduced portfolio risk and upped duration. “In fixed income now we have low levels of yield, increased volatility, and scarce secondary liquidity. Sensitivity to interest rates have skyrocketed because of very low low interest rates.” One way to fight this is by using a global approach, given that “the quality of issuers has gone down and yields are low but dispersion creates opportunities.” He concludes.
For Felipe Villaroel, portfolio manager at TwentyFour Asset Management, a boutique from Vontobel Asset Management, who specializes in a multi-sector bond strategy, the coronavirus situation became a “gamechanger” for the duration portion of fixed income portfolios, as they did not plan to increase theirs but did so after the first unexpected move by the Fed, in which a cut of 50 basis points was made.
“The Fed wanted to bring calm to the markets by doing something they did not do since Lehman Brothers fell and this is not the same. In my opinion, what it did was introduce more volatility in the market,” he says, adding that “this is going to be a big shock to the growth of the world in a quarter, maybe two, but it is going to be something temporary.”
In his opinion, and seeing that China has reached a plateau in the contagion curve, and that after a month and a half its PMIs are at historical lows, he reminded the audience that the most important thing is to see what will happen with March’s numbers: “if they show a rebound, a new fall or remain flat, that will allow us to see how long it takes for an economy to recover after the crisis.”
At night, and from Funds Society’s box, attendees enjoyed traditional Texan food at the Houston Rodeo, which included a concert by Becky G.
Courtesy photo. FLAIA realizará su primer "Foro Digital de Bienes Raíces, Direct Lending & Private Debt"
The Florida Alternative Investment Association (FLAIA) will host its First Digital Real Estate, Direct Lending & Private Debt Forum 2020 on March 26th, between 10am and 4pm.
According to Michael Corcelli, Founder & Chairman from FLAIA, the event “focuses on the intersection of direct lending and real estate as the opportunities offered for successful investing are abundant. Real estate is a pillar of US & Global economy and the world has an abundance of opportunities for wealthy real estate investors and institutional allocators. The goal of this forum is to provide a digital platform where different stakeholders can learn from key decision makers, build relationships and get capital flowing into their respective projects”.