This is What Going Back to the Office is Like for IPG

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Courtesy photos. harp

IPG openned its offices’ doors, both in San Diego and Miami, since last week. This reopening was the result of hard planning work that began the day they closed, seeking to flatten the curve.

Rocio Harb, director at IPG and in charge of the Miami office, spoke to  Funds Society about how their organization and having everything well planned before the opening were key to their return.

In her opinion, it is very important to “plan, talk to the building, talk to the employees, do research, see how daycares are working -since you cannot open and expect mothers to return to work when there is no day care or school.” ipg

Overall, they are “super excited to be back in the office. Despite the fact that working from home worked fine, being face-to-face and from an emotional point of view, knowing that you are reaching normality, makes you feel good,” she says.

The San Diego office opened with 10 people and Miami with three, and “little by little we expect to add between 5 to 10 in San Diego and in Miami, the doors are open for when advisors want to return.” The executive expects to be at its peak by mid-July, “if everything continues as before and there has not been a second wave of infections,” of course.ipg

When arriving at the building, some measures must be followed, for example, there can only be two people in the elevator. Upon entering the office one finds thermometers, gloves, masks and antibacterial gel. The process to follow is to put on hand sanitizer, then take your temperature and write down your name, date and temperature. Afterwards, you must change the mask and used gloves for new ones and only after that, access the office.

ipgThe premises were redecorated to maintain social distancing, including the use of plexiglasses in open areas, Harb tells us, adding that since they started preparing for the return, months ago, they have been able to build a significant stock of prevention supplies such as gloves, face masks and antibacterial gel.

Also, although most people in Miami have private offices, “when you leave your own office, to go to the bathroom or whatever, you should wear a mask.”

For Harb, going through the experience of working remotely was enriching from the point of view that “we learned that we worked quite well and that we could continue working from home, but opening was more emotional than necessary. Having a date to open an office and the advisors know that they can return serves everyone emotionally, ” she says, commenting that new tech tools have also been incorporated into the day-to-day business of the company.

For her, face-to-face was what she missed the most. “This office is three years old but the team has known each other for more than 10. We are friends, we are a family and the truth is that we missed each other, seeing each other, chatting and sharing our experiences. With San Diego we have a call with all the staff every two weeks so there is a lot of contact, but seeing us is totally different.”

To other companies planning to open, Harb reiterates that what worked best for them was to start planning early and have fairly detailed guidelines, which were sent to everyone beforehand followed up via call with all employees to answer their questions. “A lot of work must be done, like research, guidelines and surveys to give your coworkers peace of mind,” she concludes.

David O’Suilleabhain Joins Compass Group in Miami

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David O’Suilleabhain. David O'Suilebhain

Looking to strengthen its Miami office, Compass Group has added David O’Suilleabhain to its team. He will serve as Head of US Intermediaries.

With this new addition, Compass Group seeks to consolidate Wellington Management funds’ position in the US Offshore market.

“We are very excited about the positioning we have achieved for Wellington Management funds in the Offshore market and we are confident that David’s experience will allow us to further expand this business and thus be able to reach more clients to offer them Wellington’s top notch investment capabilities,” indicated Santiago Queirolo.

O’Suilleabhain, has more than 12 years of experience in the financial industry and in the offshore market. He began his career in 2008 at Wachovia Securities, Latin America Group. In 2009, he joined Wells Fargo Advisors, Alternative Investments as Product Manager. In 2016 he assumed the role of Business Development Manager at Carmignac LATAM, in Miami.

O’Suilleabhain has a BA in Finance and Spanish from North Carolina State University.

Pictet Asset Management: Their Capabilities

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Donald Giannatti Telescope Unsplash
Pixabay CC0 Public DomainPhoto: Donald Giannatti. Photo: Donald Giannatti

Pictet Asset Management’s (Pictet AM) range of investment capabilities is pioneering and differentiated. Pictet AM does not do everything, rather they focus on the areas where they can add value for their clients.

Fixed income capabilities

Pictet AM has been building their fixed income business since the early 1980s, expanding their capabilities over time to meet client needs.

Today Pictet AM offers their institutional clients a broad spectrum of fixed-income strategies encompassing global strategies and absolute return approaches, investment grade and high yield developed credit, Swiss bonds, emerging market bonds, hedge funds as well as money market funds.

Pictet AM

Pictet AM’s approach

Pictet AM does not impose a central investment style on their fixed income teams. But each team adheres to three broad principles:

  • Diversification, which is at the core of all of Pictet AM’s fixed income portfolios.
  • A free exchange of ideas generated by their experienced analysts and encouraged by their team-based approach, followed by the clear ownership of investment decisions by the portfolio managers.
  • Risk management, which is key to achieving investment objectives. Pictet AM’s fixed income platform benefits from a dedicated risk management function whose forward-looking analysis helps their managers to calibrate the risk exposure of each client portfolio. Pictet AM’s risk team’s scrutiny of portfolio exposure helps drive transparent and precise feedback to their clients on how their assets are truly faring.

Responsible investing

Responsibility has long been central to Pictet AM, which is why they are at the forefront of the industry in incorporating environmental, social and governance (ESG).

All of Pictet AM’s long-only fixed income strategies incorporate ESG criteria into their investment processes. For investors who want to go further, they can offer best-in-class approaches.

The pillars of their responsible approach:

Pictet AM


Below are some of Pictet AM’s key fixed-income strategies: emerging bonds marketsabsolute return and hedge funds

  • Emerging bonds markets

Pictet AM has been managing emerging market debt assets since the late 1990s. Over time, they have developed their expertise in all segments of the asset class, with team members located in London and Singapore.

Today, Pictet AM offers emerging market debt exposure through several investment approaches, covering sovereign and corporate issuers on a global and regional basis.

In their sovereign teams – where Pictet AM has the longest track records – their goal has always been to provide meaningful exposure to emerging markets with a defensive profile in down markets.

Please click here for more information on Pictet AM’s fixed income emerging market capabilities.

  • Absolute return fixed income

Pictet AM’s fixed income absolute return strategies aim to provide investors with steady, risk-adjusted absolute returns despite a diverging yield environment. They are not constrained by any market benchmark and can invest globally across all fixed income sectors. Each strategy is differentiated by its risk-return profile. Pictet AM places a particular focus on reducing volatility and ensuring liquidity for their investors.

Pictet AM’s absolute return fixed-income strategy is a flexible and unconstrained approach to bond investing. It follows a fact-based investment process underpinned by three principles: long term, value and robust. The team seeks to build a liquid portfolio, diversified across rates, spreads and foreign exchange strategies globally.

The strategy’s risk and return objectives can be adjusted, depending on client requirements.

Please click here for more information on Pictet AM’s absolute return capabilities.  

  • Fixed income hedge funds

With Pictet AM’s strong experience in fixed income and hedge funds, expanding their investment offering to fixed income hedge funds was a natural progression.

Pictet AM started with the launch of Kosmos, a global long/short credit strategy, in 2011. Since then, they have also launched the Sirius strategy in 2019, which follows a liquid global macro emerging market long/short fixed income approach, as well as a long/short distressed and special situations debt strategy at the end of 2019.

Please click here for more information on Pictet AM’s hedge fund capabilities.



Important notes

This material is for distribution to professional investors only. However it is not intended for distribution to any person or entity who is a citizen or resident of any locality, state, country or other jurisdiction where such distribution, publication, or use would be contrary to law or regulation. Information used in the preparation of this document is based upon sources believed to be reliable, but no representation or warranty is given as to the accuracy or completeness of those sources. Any opinion, estimate or forecast may be changed at any time without prior warning.  Investors should read the prospectus or offering memorandum before investing in any Pictet managed funds. Tax treatment depends on the individual circumstances of each investor and may be subject to change in the future.  Past performance is not a guide to future performance.  The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise and is not guaranteed.  You may not get back the amount originally invested. 

This document has been issued in Switzerland by Pictet Asset Management SA and in the rest of the world by Pictet Asset Management Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, and may not be reproduced or distributed, either in part or in full, without their prior authorisation.

For US investors, Shares sold in the United States or to US Persons will only be sold in private placements to accredited investors pursuant to exemptions from SEC registration under the Section 4(2) and Regulation D private placement exemptions under the 1933 Act and qualified clients as defined under the 1940 Act. The Shares of the Pictet funds have not been registered under the 1933 Act and may not, except in transactions which do not violate United States securities laws, be directly or indirectly offered or sold in the United States or to any US Person. The Management Fund Companies of the Pictet Group will not be registered under the 1940 Act.

Pictet Asset Management Inc. (Pictet AM Inc) is responsible for effecting solicitation in North America to promote the portfolio management services of Pictet Asset Management Limited (Pictet AM Ltd) and Pictet Asset Management SA (Pictet AM SA).

In Canada Pictet AM Inc is registered as Portfolio Managerr authorized to conduct marketing activities on behalf of Pictet AM Ltd and Pictet AM SA. In the USA, Pictet AM Inc. is registered as an SEC Investment Adviser and its activities  are conducted in full compliance with the SEC rules applicable to the marketing of affiliate entities as prescribed in the Adviser Act of 1940 ref. 17CFR275.206(4)-3.

Luca Paolini (Pictet Asset Management): “There Is a Permanent Loss of Economic Activity that Is Not Fully Priced in the Markets”

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Luca Paolini Pictet AM

According to Luca Paolini, Pictet Asset Management’s (Pictet AM) Chief Strategist, the investor’s renewed optimism in the past 6 weeks is based on three assumptions. The first one is that the COVID-19 pandemic has peaked, and it is now under control. As the lockdown measures are eased and the global economy is showing signs of recovery, the market has assumed the vaccine will be the next step to normalcy and this crisis will be a temporary one, only momentarily hitting corporate profitability.

“The narrative of the market is telling us that the pandemic has been a horrendous crisis, that is still bad, but it is getting better. On the economic side, data for the second quarter is expected to suffer one of the biggest declines in recent history, with 35-40% GDP decline and unemployment rate rising well above 20%. However, we have already learned from the Global Financial Crisis that the market does not trade on whether economic data is good or bad, but on whether expectations improve or worsen. Here, the market assumption is that the economy is recovering and that the worst is behind us”, explained Paolini.

The second assumption is that the fiscal and monetary policy stimulus will work, and if they do not; there will be more stimulus to support the economy. Meanwhile, the third assumption is that the tensions between China and the US are only rhetorical. Although there are several fronts in this dispute: the tech side, the blame game on the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic or Hong Kong, the markets are assuming these are “more barks than bites”, since there is a presidential election in the US in November this year, and an escalation of the conflict could influence the outcome.

These would be the assumptions made by the markets, but are they sensible? Are investors in a new multi-year bull market already? Although this is probably the deepest recession in living memory, global markets (measured by the MSCI All Country index as of May 26th) are down roughly 9% year to date. Some sectors are even in the positive terrain, like Information Technology and Healthcare, with returns year to date being 3.5% and 1.3%, respectively. By countries, China, the first one to be affected by the pandemic is the second-best equity market year to date, only after Switzerland. On the economic growth, Pictet AM is forecasting -3.6% in real GDP growth by the end of 2020, but by the end of 2021, this figure should have already rebounded up to a 6.3%.  

“Our view is that growth will be probably normalized next year, but before we can return to a certain level of trend, economic activity will have to wait a couple of years to recover. In our opinion, there is a permanent loss of economic activity that is not fully priced in the markets”, claimed Paolini.

Real-time indicators for the main economies

During the pandemic, there has been a stronger focus on real-time indicators. Thanks to Google, Apple, and other Big Data providers, Pictet AM has been able to track the evolution of daily activity for the main economies. This has allowed them to monitor changes in mobility; getting to know whether people were getting back to work or they stayed at home.

“There has been a significant recovery in daily activity, which would have probably touched its trough by the end of March. But, at the same time, the level of this recovery is still moderate. China has almost come back to the level it was before the crisis started six months ago. And again, they are just at the same level, not higher. In the US and Japan, daily activity is still 15 points below its pre-crisis level, and Europe is close to 25 points below. It is important to keep in mind that the global economy has been in hibernation for a couple of months, and this alone means significantly lower income, earnings, and wages for the entire year. This will obviously have a substantial implication going forward”, commented Paolini.  

Global fiscal stimulus to fight COVID-19 damage

Considering that developed economies are still far from recovering their previous level of daily activity, why have the markets been so optimistic? The main reason is the global fiscal stimulus, which now represents a 4.2% share of potential global GDP, well above the 2.4% reached in 2008 and 2009.   

Both fiscal and monetary stimulus have fostered the recent rally among asset classes, but they have also provided a significant support for business and consumer confidence. In terms of monetary stimulus, the amount of equity that has been generated during this crisis is twice as big as the amount generated during the Global Financial Crisis.

However, the game changer here is the recovery fund being discussed by the European Union. So far, the fund could represent a 6% share of GDP, about 650 billion euros in a mix of grants and loans for the EU countries that have been hit the worst by the crisis. This recovery fund is still discussed for approval and will not significantly change the outlook for the EU economy, but it will change the degree of confidence from foreign investors and European citizens on the ability of the European Union to survive the crisis, specially for periphery countries.   

“This is a giant step in the right direction, but as always in the European Union, there are 27 member countries on the table making it incredibly difficult to agree on anything. Therefore, I do not want to be excessively optimistic, but this could be a game changer”, said Paolini.

Asset class valuations

In terms of asset class valuations, the market has gone back to normal. Considering the historical percentiles for the last 20 years, this crisis has made the dispersion between asset valuations even larger that it was before. The US Equity market, which was already expensive before the pandemic, is now by far the most expensive market globally. Some sectors, like discretionary consumer, IT, or healthcare, that were already relatively expensive are also more expensive now. On the other hand, sectors that were cheaper are even getting cheaper.

However, valuations alone are not the reason to buy a risk asset in the portfolio. Investors should buy equity if they consider that the recession is over, that there is no risk of a second wave and that the fiscal and monetary stimulus in place are going to work. The key point here is whether people will be willing to spend once they get back to work. And, the same applies to companies, would they be willing to embark on significant investment spending in a phase where there is scarcity of cash, a high level of debt and much uncertainty about the recovery? According to Paolini’s opinion, it is quite probable that this is not going to happen.

Earnings Consensus

Before the crisis, the EPS (Earnings-Per-Share) expectations on the MSCI All Country Index for this year were around 10%. As for now, the growth consensus for the global EPS is around -17.4%. This is roughly a 30% cut in expectations year to date.

This consensus, which considers a drop of approximately minus 20% on earnings expectations, seems optimistic when compared to the fall in earnings during the Global Financial Crisis, which was approximately 40%. According to Paolini, the market is underestimating the long-term impact of the pandemic in terms of costs, as this crisis has not only reduced revenues, but also raised costs for companies.

“If you think about airline companies or restaurants, they are having to implement social distancing measures that are understandable but will represent an additional cost for their business. That´s why I think investors should expect more cuts in terms of earnings expectations”, explained Paolini.

Government bonds

Equity may seem risky. However, government bonds in developed markets do not seem to offer a good alternative to stock markets, as the real yields – once the inflation rate is subtracted- for their 10-year bonds are negative. This implies that investors are guaranteed to lose money if they invest in these types of bonds. The only exception is the case of the Italian bonds, which involve more risk due to the level of indebtedness of the country.

In emerging markets, some government bonds are offering better opportunities, like Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico, or Russia. But, here, investors need to be more selective as the coronavirus is now strongly hitting the Latin American region. In that sense, Emerging Asian assets may be better positioned, since this part of the world is almost out of the pandemic.   


Now that there is some positive news on the pandemic side, markets have responded showing an overly optimistic behavior. Nevertheless, investors should consider being more cautious on risk assets in the short-term as the risk of a second leg down due to disappointment over the recovery is rising.  

Therefore, in their multi-asset strategies, Pictet AM remains relatively cautious. They are overweight in gold, defensive equities, and US Treasuries. They are more positive on investment grade corporate bonds in developed markets, mainly because of the substantial support from central banks. However, they are less positive on Emerging Market assets. Additionally, Pictet AM is overweight in Swiss equities and francs.

In a medium to long-term horizon, there is a case to strategically favor equities over bonds. If inflation rebounds investors will probably have more protection investing in equities than in bonds, but there some potential long-term secondary effects that should be considered, like the increase of state interventionism and equity dilution, a lower pay-out to shareholders, de-globalization and Euro-area instability, and debt sustainability issues.    

“There are still some big question marks for this rally. We want to wait at least for the dust to settle before making a more kind of aggressive move in terms of asset allocation”, concluded Paolini.

Important notes

This material is for distribution to professional investors only. However it is not intended for distribution to any person or entity who is a citizen or resident of any locality, state, country or other jurisdiction where such distribution, publication, or use would be contrary to law or regulation.

Information used in the preparation of this document is based upon sources believed to be reliable, but no representation or warranty is given as to the accuracy or completeness of those sources. Any opinion, estimate or forecast may be changed at any time without prior warning.  Investors should read the prospectus or offering memorandum before investing in any Pictet managed funds. Tax treatment depends on the individual circumstances of each investor and may be subject to change in the future.  Past performance is not a guide to future performance.  The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise and is not guaranteed.  You may not get back the amount originally invested. 

This document has been issued in Switzerland by Pictet Asset Management SA and in the rest of the world by Pictet Asset Management Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, and may not be reproduced or distributed, either in part or in full, without their prior authorisation.


The Sharpest and Shortest Recession on Record?

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Lifeofbreath Noria Fair Ferris Wheel Pixabay
Pixabay CC0 Public DomainLifeofbreath. Lifeofbreath

U.S. equities took a roller coaster ride on economic recovery hopes vs a second wave of virus fears during June that ended on the plus side for both the month and the second quarter, which scored the best return since the 4th quarter of 1998.  

On June 8th, the National Bureau of Economic Research, a private economic research group recognized as the arbiter for determining the start and end dates of U.S. business cycles, announced that its Business Cycle Dating Committee “has determined that a peak in monthly economic activity occurred in the U.S. economy in February 2020. The peak marks the end of the expansion that began in June 2009 and the beginning of a recession. The expansion lasted 128 months, the longest in the history of U.S. business cycles dating back to 1854.” 

Fed Chair Powell concluded his June 30 testimony saying: “We understand that the work of the Federal Reserve touches communities, families, and businesses across the country. Everything we do is in service to our public mission. We are committed to using our full range of tools to support the economy and to help assure that the recovery from this difficult period will be as robust as possible.”

If U.S. growth continues to recover from here, the current recession may turn out to be one the sharpest and shortest on record. Some of the near term catalysts that will likely determine whether the U.S. economy has entered a sustainable expansion include the sequence of results during the second quarter (June better than May better than April), the leading indicators traceable to the all-important service sector, the phase 4 stimulus bill estimated at one trillion dollars, infrastructure spending, employment dynamics, a COVID-19 second wave and vaccine progress, China’s economy, and November U.S. Presidential Election dynamics with a focus on corporate and individual tax rates.

Column by Gabelli Funds, written by Michael Gabelli


To access our proprietary value investment methodology, and dedicated merger arbitrage portfolio we offer the following UCITS Funds in each discipline:


GAMCO Merger Arbitrage UCITS Fund, launched in October 2011, is an open-end fund incorporated in Luxembourg and compliant with UCITS regulation. The team, dedicated strategy, and record dates back to 1985. The objective of the GAMCO Merger Arbitrage Fund is to achieve long-term capital growth by investing primarily in announced equity merger and acquisition transactions while maintaining a diversified portfolio. The Fund utilizes a highly specialized investment approach designed principally to profit from the successful completion of proposed mergers, takeovers, tender offers, leveraged buyouts and other types of corporate reorganizations. Analyzes and continuously monitors each pending transaction for potential risk, including: regulatory, terms, financing, and shareholder approval.

Merger investments are a highly liquid, non-market correlated, proven and consistent alternative to traditional fixed income and equity securities. Merger returns are dependent on deal spreads. Deal spreads are a function of time, deal risk premium, and interest rates. Returns are thus correlated to interest rate changes over the medium term and not the broader equity market. The prospect of rising rates would imply higher returns on mergers as spreads widen to compensate arbitrageurs. As bond markets decline (interest rates rise), merger returns should improve as capital allocation decisions adjust to the changes in the costs of capital.

Broad Market volatility can lead to widening of spreads in merger positions, coupled with our well-researched merger portfolios, offer the potential for enhanced IRRs through dynamic position sizing. Daily price volatility fluctuations coupled with less proprietary capital (the Volcker rule) in the U.S. have contributed to improving merger spreads and thus, overall returns. Thus our fund is well positioned as a cash substitute or fixed income alternative.

Our objectives are to compound and preserve wealth over time, while remaining non-correlated to the broad global markets. We created our first dedicated merger fund 32 years ago. Since then, our merger performance has grown client assets at an annualized rate of  approximately 10.7% gross and 7.6% net since 1985. Today, we manage assets on behalf of institutional and high net worth clients globally in a variety of fund structures and mandates.

Class I USD – LU0687944552
Class I EUR – LU0687944396
Class A USD – LU0687943745
Class A EUR – LU0687943661
Class R USD – LU1453360825
Class R EUR – LU1453361476


The GAMCO All Cap Value UCITS Fund launched in May, 2015 utilizes Gabelli’s its proprietary PMV with a Catalyst™ investment methodology, which has been in place since 1977. The Fund seeks absolute returns through event driven value investing. Our methodology centers around fundamental, research-driven, value based investing with a focus on asset values, cash flows and identifiable catalysts to maximize returns independent of market direction. The fund draws on the experience of its global portfolio team and 35+ value research analysts.

GAMCO is an active, bottom-up, value investor, and seeks to achieve real capital appreciation (relative to inflation) over the long term regardless of market cycles. Our value-oriented stock selection process is based on the fundamental investment principles first articulated in 1934 by Graham and Dodd, the founders of modern security analysis, and further augmented by Mario Gabelli in 1977 with his introduction of the concepts of Private Market Value (PMV) with a Catalyst™ into equity analysis. PMV with a Catalyst™ is our unique research methodology that focuses on individual stock selection by identifying firms selling below intrinsic value with a reasonable probability of realizing their PMV’s which we define as the price a strategic or financial acquirer would be willing to pay for the entire enterprise.  The fundamental valuation factors utilized to evaluate securities prior to inclusion/exclusion into the portfolio, our research driven approach views fundamental analysis as a three pronged approach:  free cash flow (earnings before, interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization, or EBITDA, minus the capital expenditures necessary to grow/maintain the business); earnings per share trends; and private market value (PMV), which encompasses on and off balance sheet assets and liabilities. Our team arrives at a PMV valuation by a rigorous assessment of fundamentals from publicly available information and judgement gained from meeting management, covering all size companies globally and our comprehensive, accumulated knowledge of a variety of sectors. We then identify businesses for the portfolio possessing the proper margin of safety and research variables from our deep research universe.

Class I USD – LU1216601648
Class I EUR – LU1216601564
Class A USD – LU1216600913
Class A EUR – LU1216600673
Class R USD – LU1453359900
Class R EUR – LU1453360155

The information and any opinions have been obtained from or are based on sources believed to be reliable but accuracy cannot be guaranteed. No responsibility can be accepted for any consequential loss arising from the use of this information. The information is expressed at its date and is issued only to and directed only at those individuals who are permitted to receive such information in accordance with the applicable statutes. In some countries the distribution of this publication may be restricted. It is your responsibility to find out what those restrictions are and observe them.

Some of the statements in this presentation may contain or be based on forward looking statements, forecasts, estimates, projections, targets, or prognosis (“forward looking statements”), which reflect the manager’s current view of future events, economic developments and financial performance. Such forward looking statements are typically indicated by the use of words which express an estimate, expectation, belief, target or forecast. Such forward looking statements are based on an assessment of historical economic data, on the experience and current plans of the investment manager and/or certain advisors of the manager, and on the indicated sources. These forward looking statements contain no representation or warranty of whatever kind that such future events will occur or that they will occur as described herein, or that such results will be achieved by the fund or the investments of the fund, as the occurrence of these events and the results of the fund are subject to various risks and uncertainties. The actual portfolio, and thus results, of the fund may differ substantially from those assumed in the forward looking statements. The manager and its affiliates will not undertake to update or review the forward looking statements contained in this presentation, whether as result of new information or any future event or otherwise.

CFA Institute First Virtual Annual Conference Attracts more than 12,000 Virtual Attendees

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CFA Institute, the global association of investment professionals, wrapped up its 73rd Annual Conference last week, which, for the first time, was hosted virtually due to COVID-19. The conference, historically held in person with more than 1,500 attendees, was “attended” by more than 12,000 registrants from around the globe. The forum, condensed to suit the virtual format and made available free of charge, still brought together noted investors, geopolitical experts, best-selling authors, coaches, psychologists, leading researchers, and successful practitioners.

“Our mission at CFA Institute is to promote the highest standards of ethics, education, and professional excellence in the global investment industry. Our annual conference is always a shining example of that work,” said Margaret Franklin, CFA, President, and CEO of CFA Institute. “I thoroughly enjoyed the incredible lineup of innovative thinkers that covered topics ranging from navigating the current economic and geopolitical realities to implementing mindfulness to stay effective during this time.”

This year’s conference focused heavily on strategies to navigate the evolving marketplace and fast-changing world in light of COVID-19. The most well-attended sessions included Howard Marks, CFA, co- chairman of Oaktree Capital Management who discussed the global macro outlook in uncertain times. Daniel Crosby, chief behavioral officer at Brinker Capital presentation focused on psychology and personal advice for living and working through a crisis, and Aswath Damodaran, Kerschner Family Chair Professor of Finance at the Stern School of Business at New York University, presented strategies for investing through the crisis. Following each session, attendees were polled and some of the main findings included:

  • The global and macro market outlook in uncertain times
    • More than 60% of attendees felt that things will change drastically with new national alliances and new trading partners
  • Psychology and personal advice for living and working through the global crisis
    • 88% of respondents said they thought they would try out mindfulness practices to calm the brains, relieve stress or be more effective at work.
  • Strategies for investing through the crisis
    • When asked which investing cliché seems most appropriate right now, 53% chose “Don’t fight the Fed.”

The recorded sessions of the 73rd Annual Conference can be found following this link.

Only Time Will Tell Whether the Revival in the Market is Too Optimistic and How Severe Any “Second Wave” of COVID-19 May Be

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Pxhere CC0. Pxhere CC0

After one of the worst months in stock market history, equities rebounded sharply in April, with the S&P 500 posting its largest monthly gain since January 1987 as it began to discount a phased-in reopening the economy, the massive monetary and fiscal policy response, and some encouraging COVID-19 treatment developments. The snap-back in the market is, however, fairly concentrated, with mega cap technology stocks being the prime beneficiaries.  Most small capitalization companies and businesses with any exposure to “BOTL” (banks, oil, travel & leisure) continue to trade at prices significantly lower than pre-crisis levels.

The impact of COVID-19 continues to take its toll on the US economy. Since mid-March, over 30 million Americans have filed for unemployment. The continued economic shutdown has pressured more companies to lay off or furlough employees. The ramifications of strict stay-at-home orders from state officials has forced many companies to suspend financial guidance for 2020 as they reassess their businesses. As lockdown measures ease, government officials and economists are hopeful that a large portion of these temporary unemployed Americans will be able to quickly return to paid employment.

The Fed has responded by expanding its balance sheet, with estimates that it could exceed $12 trillion by the end of the year. Congress continues to fund the coronavirus support package in order to replenish money for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) as well as ramp up testing for COVID-19.

Only time will tell whether the revival in the market is too optimistic and how severe any “second wave” of COVID-19 may be. In these unusual times, we remain hopeful that advancements in COVID-19 testing and treatments (and eventually a vaccine) will allow the economy to at least partially recover and operate in a greater capacity in the near-term. We continue to believe that strong companies with healthy balance sheets and positive free cash flows will be able to withstand these times of economic uncertainty.

Looking specifically at merger arbitrage for April, closed deals bolstered performance and other transactions made significant progress towards closing. These positive dynamics spurred investor confidence across the current pipeline of deals. While pending deal spreads remain wider than pre-COVID levels, they have narrowed from levels experienced in March. We are still encountering attractive opportunities to selectively deploy capital where there are clear paths to closing and we are highly confident of a deal’s success. While April was an expectedly quiet month for new deal activity, a number of new deals were announced in May, including Alexion’s acquisition of Portola Pharmaceuticals for $1.4 billion and A Menarini’s acquisition of Stemline Therapeutics for $700 million.

Column from Gabelli Funds, written by Michael Gabelli


To access our proprietary value investment methodology, and dedicated merger arbitrage portfolio we offer the following UCITS Funds in each discipline:


GAMCO Merger Arbitrage UCITS Fund, launched in October 2011, is an open-end fund incorporated in Luxembourg and compliant with UCITS regulation. The team, dedicated strategy, and record dates back to 1985. The objective of the GAMCO Merger Arbitrage Fund is to achieve long-term capital growth by investing primarily in announced equity merger and acquisition transactions while maintaining a diversified portfolio. The Fund utilizes a highly specialized investment approach designed principally to profit from the successful completion of proposed mergers, takeovers, tender offers, leveraged buyouts and other types of corporate reorganizations. Analyzes and continuously monitors each pending transaction for potential risk, including: regulatory, terms, financing, and shareholder approval.

Merger investments are a highly liquid, non-market correlated, proven and consistent alternative to traditional fixed income and equity securities. Merger returns are dependent on deal spreads. Deal spreads are a function of time, deal risk premium, and interest rates. Returns are thus correlated to interest rate changes over the medium term and not the broader equity market. The prospect of rising rates would imply higher returns on mergers as spreads widen to compensate arbitrageurs. As bond markets decline (interest rates rise), merger returns should improve as capital allocation decisions adjust to the changes in the costs of capital.

Broad Market volatility can lead to widening of spreads in merger positions, coupled with our well-researched merger portfolios, offer the potential for enhanced IRRs through dynamic position sizing. Daily price volatility fluctuations coupled with less proprietary capital (the Volcker rule) in the U.S. have contributed to improving merger spreads and thus, overall returns. Thus our fund is well positioned as a cash substitute or fixed income alternative.

Our objectives are to compound and preserve wealth over time, while remaining non-correlated to the broad global markets. We created our first dedicated merger fund 32 years ago. Since then, our merger performance has grown client assets at an annualized rate of  approximately 10.7% gross and 7.6% net since 1985. Today, we manage assets on behalf of institutional and high net worth clients globally in a variety of fund structures and mandates.

Class I USD – LU0687944552
Class I EUR – LU0687944396
Class A USD – LU0687943745
Class A EUR – LU0687943661
Class R USD – LU1453360825
Class R EUR – LU1453361476


The GAMCO All Cap Value UCITS Fund launched in May, 2015 utilizes Gabelli’s its proprietary PMV with a Catalyst™ investment methodology, which has been in place since 1977. The Fund seeks absolute returns through event driven value investing. Our methodology centers around fundamental, research-driven, value based investing with a focus on asset values, cash flows and identifiable catalysts to maximize returns independent of market direction. The fund draws on the experience of its global portfolio team and 35+ value research analysts.

GAMCO is an active, bottom-up, value investor, and seeks to achieve real capital appreciation (relative to inflation) over the long term regardless of market cycles. Our value-oriented stock selection process is based on the fundamental investment principles first articulated in 1934 by Graham and Dodd, the founders of modern security analysis, and further augmented by Mario Gabelli in 1977 with his introduction of the concepts of Private Market Value (PMV) with a Catalyst™ into equity analysis. PMV with a Catalyst™ is our unique research methodology that focuses on individual stock selection by identifying firms selling below intrinsic value with a reasonable probability of realizing their PMV’s which we define as the price a strategic or financial acquirer would be willing to pay for the entire enterprise.  The fundamental valuation factors utilized to evaluate securities prior to inclusion/exclusion into the portfolio, our research driven approach views fundamental analysis as a three pronged approach:  free cash flow (earnings before, interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization, or EBITDA, minus the capital expenditures necessary to grow/maintain the business); earnings per share trends; and private market value (PMV), which encompasses on and off balance sheet assets and liabilities. Our team arrives at a PMV valuation by a rigorous assessment of fundamentals from publicly available information and judgement gained from meeting management, covering all size companies globally and our comprehensive, accumulated knowledge of a variety of sectors. We then identify businesses for the portfolio possessing the proper margin of safety and research variables from our deep research universe.

Class I USD – LU1216601648
Class I EUR – LU1216601564
Class A USD – LU1216600913
Class A EUR – LU1216600673
Class R USD – LU1453359900
Class R EUR – LU1453360155

The information and any opinions have been obtained from or are based on sources believed to be reliable but accuracy cannot be guaranteed. No responsibility can be accepted for any consequential loss arising from the use of this information. The information is expressed at its date and is issued only to and directed only at those individuals who are permitted to receive such information in accordance with the applicable statutes. In some countries the distribution of this publication may be restricted. It is your responsibility to find out what those restrictions are and observe them.

Some of the statements in this presentation may contain or be based on forward looking statements, forecasts, estimates, projections, targets, or prognosis (“forward looking statements”), which reflect the manager’s current view of future events, economic developments and financial performance. Such forward looking statements are typically indicated by the use of words which express an estimate, expectation, belief, target or forecast. Such forward looking statements are based on an assessment of historical economic data, on the experience and current plans of the investment manager and/or certain advisors of the manager, and on the indicated sources. These forward looking statements contain no representation or warranty of whatever kind that such future events will occur or that they will occur as described herein, or that such results will be achieved by the fund or the investments of the fund, as the occurrence of these events and the results of the fund are subject to various risks and uncertainties. The actual portfolio, and thus results, of the fund may differ substantially from those assumed in the forward looking statements. The manager and its affiliates will not undertake to update or review the forward looking statements contained in this presentation, whether as result of new information or any future event or otherwise.

Will CERPIs be Better Than CKDs?

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Photo: bertomic, Needpix CC0. Needpix CC0

Today is too early to tell, given the short life of both. CERPIs have barely two years investing globally and are barely in the investment phase. The CKDs, for their part, only invest in Mexico and only two have expired.

Although both instruments were issued in Mexico, it is very likely that the CERPIs present results in dollars to their investors, while the CKDs do so in pesos. However, the AFOREs will record the returns in pesos for the purpose of their portfolios. The IRR in dollars or pesos must be indifferent as long as they are compared in the same currency.

Out of a total of 146 CKDs and CERPIs, 107 (73% of the total) have a net IRR positive in pesos where 30 of them (21%) have a net IRR greater than 10% and 41 (28%) have a net IRR between 5 and 10% according to data as of April 30. Many of these results are due to the fact that the assets and investments made by them reflect the movement in the peso-dollar exchange rate. Only in the last 4 months (December 31 to April 30), the exchange rate has changed by 29.4%.

The IRR that the CKDs and CERPIs carry so far may change depending on the capital calls and distributions of each one, so they only reflect the results to date.

It is important to mention that 19 of these 107, are CERPIs who invest 90% of the resources globally and 10% invest it in Mexico. 10 CERPIs observe an IRR higher than 10% and were issued between 2018 and 2019, therefore, they have benefited from the depreciation of the peso. In total, 32 CERPIs have been placed and have a market value of $1.5 billion dollars and committed resources of $7.6 billion dollars, having only called 24% of the commitment so far. The 9 CERPIs that appear with the best IRR, for example, have only called 20% of the capital and were recently placed.

There are 114 CKDs issued as of April 2020 and have a market value of $10.5 billion, totaling $21.5 billion of committed resources and have made distributions of $4.2 billion according to their own estimates as of April 30.

When making the investments of the CERPIs globally, they will have a strong exchange component, which will force comparisons of results not only in pesos, but also in dollars, regardless of whether the exchange hedging is done.

When wanting to make comparisons of CKDs and CERPIs with respect to global private capital funds, IRRs must be calculated in dollars in order to make comparisons and this is done by converting each of the capital calls and distributions to the corresponding exchange rate at the date of each one of them.

When doing this exercise for the 146 CKDs (114) and CERPIs (32) we have that 33 of 146 (23%) have a positive net IRR in dollars, 10 exceed 5% and only 2 have an IRR greater than 10%. Interestingly, all those who have a positive IRR in dollars are CKDs.

Whether it is a TIR in pesos or in dollars, there will now be more competition for the resources of institutional investors in Mexico.

Column by Arturo Hanono

Allianz Global Investors Relies on Active and Flexible Management in its Most Successful Bond Strategy

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Mike Riddell, courtesy photo. Allianz Global Investors apuesta por la gestión activa y flexible en su estrategia de bonos más exitoso

One of the main objectives of active asset managers is that their portfolio is able to offer attractive returns even in times of high market volatility, such as the current environment. This investment approach was discussed by Mike Riddell Portfolio Manager, Allianz Global Investors, and Jack Norris, Associate Portfolio Manager, Allianz Global Investors, during the latest webcast organised by the manager, which addressed the Allianz Strategic Bond.

Allianz Global Investors explains that Allianz Strategic Bond is an active strategy and has an unconstrained approach  to managing a portfolio designed to behave as a bond fund should during a market crisis, seeking to deliver attractive absolute returns during periods of intense volatility while providing a return stream uncorrelated to equities. Here are the key takeaways from the event

 “Allianz Strategic Bond is an actively managed fixed-income strategy designed to deliver attractive returns in any market environment. The Strategy has consistently outperformed its benchmark since its inception in 2016 and aims to target three objectives. First, it’s outperformed the Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Index (hedged to US dollars) over a three-year horizon by pursuing four potential sources of alpha – rates, credit, inflation and currency. Second, it acts as a portfolio diversifier, targeting a correlation (max +0.4) with global equities (MSCI World Index) over a three- year horizon. And finally, It is asymmetric. It means that it delivers an asymmetric return profile by pursuing opportunities that have the potential to capture greater upside than downside”, explain Mike Riddell and  Jack Norris.

One of its main features is its flexibility, which allows the portfolio to be repositioned according to market conditions. Mike Riddell and Jack Norris explain that at the beginning of the year, the Strategy was positioned for rising inflation and lower rates amid strong economic momentum globally. “However, we grew increasingly concerned at the end of January and beginning of February that the coronavirus posed a material risk to the global economy and our investment thesis. In response to these concerns, we began to position the portfolio for a more “risk-off” environment, becoming more cautious toward credit, as we expected spreads to widen, inflation to fall and volatility to rise”, they claim.

Managers acknowledge that as market conditions worsened in March, their credit and currency positions contributed favorably to the strategy. “Later in the month, as the Federal Reserve (Fed), US government and policymakers in Europe and Asia launched unprecedented responses to the crisis, we aggressively shifted the Strategy to a more “risk-on” posture (outside of our currency exposure) to benefit from a potential economic recovery in the second half of 2020 (as of April 30)”, they add.

Another key element in Allianz GI’s bond strategy is liquidity. Managers recognize that liquidity is an element that has been of great concern to them during this market environment. “The International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) recent Global Financial Stability Report (October 2019) highlighted heightened risk for fixed income fund liquidity, estimating that half of the world’s high-yield funds do not have enough liquidity to meet redemptions in a stressed environment. As credit spreads have narrowed from recent peaks, we have seen some normalization in liquidity. However, we believe liquidity remains fragile in the current environment, and a resumption of fears could spark another liquidity event. Within our Strategies, liquidity remains a critical risk-management component, and we assess liquidity on an issue-by-issue basis to ensure we can meet client redemptions and change our positioning”, Mike Riddell and Jack Norris comment. 









FIBA is hosting its second Regulation Best Interest webinar with members of the SEC

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Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 Alpha Stock Images. CEO

Reg BI will shake up the private wealth securities industry and goes effective in June. FIBA has been instrumental in its advocacy on behalf of the cross-border industry in the implementation of Reg BI. From its advocacy in effecting change from Proposed Rule to Adopting Release and most recently in procuring clarity through the FAQ process, FIBA has been the cross-border industry’s leading voice on Reg BI, and on May 29, FIBA is hosting its second Regulation Best Interest webinar with members of the SEC.

Lourdes Gonzalez, a leading author of Regulation Best Interest and a Miami native will be on the panel. She will be joined by Ben Tecmire from the SEC who will address issues pertinent to family offices, asset managers and other non-broker dealers who are impacted by Reg BI.

Kim Prior and Greta Trotman from Shutts & Bowen and Sergio Alvarez-Mena from Jones Day, will guide the audience through CRS requirements, Investment Advisor impact and the four core requirements of Reg BI compliance. Special attention will be given to the cross-border business and how cross-border firms of all sizes can meet the Reg BI challenge.

Topics in the timely one hour webinar which will recap the latest developments for Regulation Best Interest compliance, include:

  • How introducing firms can satisfy CRS.
  • Is the Plain English requirement  really English-Only?
  • Are PIC’s and similar structures excluded?
  • What is a recommendation?
  • Are commissions inherently a conflict?
  • How can firms recruit in the Reg BI era?
  • Are offshore securities exempt from Reg BI?
  • … and more.

To subscribe to Regulation Best Interest Countdown: What you absolutely, positively must have in place!, follow this link.