“The Only Way To Truly Stand-Out Is By Real Active Management, Uncorrelated To Market Indices”

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“La única opción posible de diferenciarse es hacer una gestión activa real y descorrelacionada de los índices de bolsa”
Quim Abril, Courtesy photo. "The Only Way To Truly Stand-Out Is By Real Active Management, Uncorrelated To Market Indices"

Independent asset management in Spain is currently booming and most of these newly-focused funds are either set up as UCITS or structured as hedge funds.  At the recent ForoMed Cap in Madrid, an annual event that brings together European investors and small and medium cap companies that are prime investment candidates for these independent funds, we caught up with Quim Abril, Founder and Hedge fund manager of the Global Quality Edge Fund, a project that just celebrated its 1st year anniversary.

In this interview with Funds Society, Quim Abril, Founder and PM takes a look back at his 1st year experience since launching the fund, the advantages it offers investors and the goals he has outlined for himself in the year ahead; including his on-going search for “extraordinary companies overlooked by the markets” and “growing the fund size to 10 million euros to start to attract institutional investors”.

The fund has recently celebrated its 1st year anniversary: What is your assessment of these months gone by and how has your fund performed?

I think my assessment could not be more positive. In the last 12 months, I successfully managed to set up and launch the fund, I have spoken to and met up with the senior management of our portfolio companies while also continued to raise funds by travelling in and out of Spain; visiting and privately talking to would-be investors in other main European capitals.  In terms of total return, the fund has grown by 6.6% since inception or 4.5% year-to-date – even though our strategy is aimed at mid-to-long term growth.

Why should an investor choose Global Quality Edge Fund?

Global Quality Edge fund offers some unique characteristics that are not common in other funds in Spain or in the rest of Europe, outside the UK market:  Firstly, Portfolio Concentration (UCITS do not allow for this); secondly, it invests in small companies overlooked by the market but nonetheless qualify as extraordinary investment opportunities; thirdly, it’s less correlated to equity market indices and lastly, we hedge our portfolio of shares when the economy begins to show signs of recession through tail hedging strategies.

Setting yourself apart from competition is one of your top priorities, why would you say this is even more relevant in today’s context?

ETFs have grown exponentially and their lower commissions are putting the banking sector under a lot of pressure; especially when the larger players sell passive-like management products under the impression that they are actively managed.  The only way to truly stand-out is by real active management, uncorrelated to market indices. This is what Global Quality Edge Fund has set out to propose.

Would you define yourself as a value investor?

I’m not sure if I am but what I would say is that quality companies with sustainable competitive advantages do not trade at a 7-8x price to earnings, let alone in today’s economic cycle.  Global Quality Edge fund therefore differentiates itself by buying true quality companies, below 15x its earnings in today’s environment and perhaps 10x during an economic recession.

In what type of companies do you invest? Why are the mostly small and mid cap?

The fund largely invests in extraordinary companies with solid and long-standing competitive advantages that are leaders in their niche markets with low or null competition threats, low broker analyst coverage, proven sound capital management, high ROIC and a clear interest alignment between the company and its shareholders.  In terms of size, we do mostly invest in micro&small and mid&cap stocks.  The reasoning behind this can be broken down into 10 points:

Firstly, 80% of the investable equity universe across the world is made up by companies with a market cap below 2.5 billion euros.  These businesses are easier to understand, analyze and monitor given the fact that they focus and operate in niche markets.  Thirdly, they are more approachable and you have a greater chance of speaking to their top and most senior management (the CEO) than you would do in a larger cap company.  They also offer higher earnings growth and longer term returns that don’t always have to be at the expense of higher volatility. Their lower or non-existent broker analyst coverage, their uncorrelated price performance against benchmark indices, their higher percentage of insider trading, their increased likelihood of being M&A targets and the positive effect they experienced from the recent U.S. tax reform are other reasons why we draw our attention to these companies.

You state you do not invest in all sectors, which of these do you leave out and what advantages does this decision bring to the fund?

Even though now some value investors have commodity-driven businesses in their portfolios, I can categorically state that Global Quality Edge Fund will not invest in them.  The reason behind it is because these companies are cyclical businesses, where the company has no control or pricing power on their products and services, since the supply and demand of these commodities (oil, copper, gold…) largely influences and dictates the companies’ performance.  The fund only invests in anti or low-cyclical companies, achieving a higher forecasting certainty when mapping out the evolution of future earnings and lower expected volatility.  The main goal is to be capable of analyzing the results of a company across an entire economic cycle, not only during current periods of bonanza.  Airlines and restaurants are other industries in which we do not foresee investing.

You have a concentrated portfolio of companies, would you say this is an advantage or an inconvenience in asset management?

Portfolio concentration is one of 2 reasons why we chose to operate as a hedge fund, ruling out the UCITS structure – a more commonly adopted approach in Spain.  To explain our reasoning, I always say that ‘a fund manager may have 5, 10 or 15 good investment ideas but never 50 or 60 good ideas. For that matter, you might as well choose an ETF’.  At the same time, a concentrated portfolio allows for a better understanding and knowledge of the companies in a fund, reducing the likelihood of mistakes, as well as volatility.  The American gurus in the business all have funds with 5 or 10 shares only but in Europe this level of concentration is hardly seen.  Global Quality Edge Fund will invest in up to 25 different shares and the top 10 and 20 holdings will represent more than 50% and 80% of the fund’s capital.   There are a number of academic papers that highlight how adding one more stock to a fund with more than 20 different investments [that do not necessarily have any sectorial correlation between them] does not substantially reduce the fund’s volatility.

You also insist on avoiding red accounting flags when investing, what are these red flags?

After reading and analyzing 10-Ks (ie: annual reports), you can clearly identify potential risks and creative accounting practices that could diminish or conceal the true earnings potential or the cash flow position of a company.  The difficulty lies in the fact that these filings are long and complex to understand and without a solid knowledge base in accounting, these could be overlooked. They, therefore, require a detailed and manual analysis to uncover them. To quote an example, one of the most common red flags is an impaired goodwill adjustment, when the company is forced by its auditor to recognize the loss on its income statement after the acquired asset or business failed to meet the company’s expectations.  In order to see if there is an underlying risk or red flag of this sort, we would have to determine if there is a direct high relation between ‘Goodwill’ and the company’s market cap.  If there is one, we would immediately refer ourselves to the company’s 10-K filing to read up on the Goodwill and estimate the value of the adjustment – for example – check to see how cash flow projections were calculated; how the business units are split and reported on; how the macro hypothesis are implicit in the cash flow forecasts; see if there are any changes in methodology and analyze the transaction price composition on their material recent transactions.

Some other accounting Red Flags could be: Delay the earnings report date, change from conservative accounting policies to a more aggressive ones, extend an asset’s depreciation period life or increase residual value, too much off-balance sheet assets and not computing off-balance sheet assets like operating lease as a real debt , aggressive revenue recognition policies, not taking in account restricted cash, capitalize cost to the balance sheet (interest cost, software development and inventory),not threat pension deficit as more debt, etc.

One of your differentiating factors is how you choose to hedge, could you explain how these work and the benefit?

The idea behind hedging through options is to protect the tail-risk of the market, a practice that is also known as Tail-hedging. Throughout history, most drops in equity indices above 20% have been recorded when the economy enters into recession.  Our most recent evidence of this is the dot-com bubble in 2000 and the financial crisis in 2008.  To avoid or diminish the drop, we buy out-of-the-money put options on market indices to protect our fund from market downturns greater than 20-25% whenever there is a significantly high chance of this occurring throw the reading of US Conference Board indicators (Leading, Coincident and Lagging indicators).

Reaching out to companies is key when deciding to add them to your portfolio, why would you say this is a necessary step and how many companies do you meet throughout the year?

The main reason behind getting in touch with companies is to get a deeper understanding of the business and a broader sense of their market.  In order to achieve this, you have to speak to the CEO; especially when a small cap sized company has low analyst coverage and information about their business is limited.   Once we make contact, we gather useful insights that are not widely known. We find that they tend to share more information about themselves than a larger and more guarded listed company would. The lower the market cap, the higher the chance we have to speak to the CEO.  However, reaching out to them requires preparation beforehand. We would only do this after running our own thorough analysis on the company’s numbers ensuring we make the most out of the call, listing a specific set of questions and doubts we may have come across.  In 2017, we spoke to 45 companies’ senior management teams and during the first half of 2018, we are slightly ahead, compared to last year, on a year to date period.

Would you be able to tell us about a company you have invested in your fund?

Victrex plc is a British specialty chemicals company and global leader in engineering thermoplastics. Their signature polymer solution, PEEK, is an essential value-added component and key material used in different manufacturing industries. Their competitive advantage could not be beaten with a 65% market share; well ahead of the second, third and even from the rest of the players (25%) that make us this fragmented market, allowing Victrex to continue growing organically and inorganically.   In terms of entry barriers, these come in the form of research and development investment (6% of Victrex’s total revenue) and, above all, high switching costs. Victrex’s clients would find it hard to replace PEEK with a substitute of lesser quality that would not compromise the quality of their own products. Their client retention is therefore very high helped by the fact that they personalize each of their products for their clients. To this day, Victrex continues to produce new products and uncover even more critical use cases where this material can prove essential for other industries.  This has led the company to increase their market share even further, particularly in those segments where margins are higher and price increases are not hard to deliver.   We bought Victrex at an average price of £18.5 in June last year and we sold it in January 2018 at £27, after reaching our target price and finding other investment opportunities with a higher safety margin.

Where and how to you find new investment ideas?

There are different ways to generate new investment ideas, from the most common approach by building out a screen and narrowing down to a list of companies to more interesting options like participating in investment forums and idea exchanges with other fund managers, especially those in the U.S.

In today’s environment, how do you deal with volatility and how do you react to it?

Our exposure to volatility is low, given the fact that our fund is made up of mostly small companies that are not as liquid and have low analyst coverage.  In terms of liquidity, whenever there is a correction in the market (a downturn less than 20%), fund managers tend to sell their most liquid stock because most of the time there are very few securities available in the market.  On the broker analyst front, earnings releases have little or no effect on the small companies’ share price, compared to larger listed companies that are exposed to higher volatility when broker estimates fail or exceed broker consensus expectations.  If we look at our fund, the last twelve month volatility is 7% and the downside risk is below 5; numbers that are ways below comparable funds in the global market.

There is always a ‘but’ and in this case, an economic recession hits smaller companies the hardest, making their share price drop even further than bigger listed companies.  Global Quality Edge Fund therefore uses Tail Hedging strategies to protect and preserve the total return of the fund compared to others that do not and find themselves immersed in significant losses during recession periods of the economy.

What are you objectives for next year?

Firstly, find extraordinary companies overlooked by the markets and the general public and patiently wait until they come across an adverse situation that temporarily drops their share price, making the point of entry of our investment more attractive with a reasonable margin of safety.  I will also continue holding private discussions with would-be Global Quality Edge Fund investors, highlighting the reasons why they should invest in our fund; not only under the current macro-environment but under our broader and longer term view full economic cycle. Thirdly, I want to grow the fund size to 10 million euros to start to attract institutional investors by the end of this year.

Convertible Bonds Gain Popularity Given Volatility’s Return

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Los bonos convertibles ganan popularidad gracias a la vuelta de la volatilidad
Pixabay CC0 Public DomainPhoto: Monsterkoi. Convertible Bonds Gain Popularity Given Volatility’s Return

During the first quarter of the year, convertible bonds were one of the most attractive assets, especially after seeing the first signs of the return of volatility to the market. In this second quarter of the year, this type of asset has continued to please investors.

As explained by Arnaud Brillois, Head of Convertibles at Lazard Asset Managementand and manager of its long-term convertibles, the main advantage of this asset is that it allows investing in attractive and volatile stocks, limiting risks.

“The greater the volatility of the underlying stock, the greater the value of the convertible bond. In addition, due to its main virtue, convexity, convertible bonds increase their exposure to equity with a rise in the underlying, and market exposure decreases with the fall of the underlying,” says Brillois.

Undoubtedly, the return of volatility and the investor’s certainty that it has come to stay, drives the popularity of this fixed income asset. According to RWC Partners, “the market has been assessing a level of volatility that is too low for the current level of stock valuations and the point in the economic cycle.”

Finally, Brillois points out as another positive characteristic of this asset that they have a short average life of 2.5 years and, consequently, “the impact of interest rate hikes is limited”.

More Issuances

Convertibles are among the very few asset classes that offer positive exposure at increasing levels of volatility. According to RWC Partners, this has also led to increased issuances within the convertible bond market.

“This increase in issuance is a trend now and is expected to continue as rates increase further. January 2018 saw spectacular increase of 120%, compared to the same period last year,” he says.

“The Quantum Revolution Fund”; The First European Investment Fund for the Quantum Technology Industry

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Llega The Quantum Revolution Fund: el primer fondo de inversión europeo de la industria tecnológica cuántica
Photo: Naro2, FLickr, Creative Commons. “The Quantum Revolution Fund"; The First European Investment Fund for the Quantum Technology Industry

Private Advisors VC has launched the Luxembourg based “The Quantum Revolution Fund” to invest in industrial applications of the second quantum mechanics revolution. It is the first private specialized, thematic, European VC fund for new applications of quantum technologies.

The fund invests in different stages of the quantum industry, from research to direct investment in new start-ups. It follows the model outlined by the European Commission for the quantum industry, that plans to invest 2 billion Euros in the next decade. Quantum is the next technology wave, but in fact there are already multiple examples of current applications of quantum physics in fields such as quantum chemistry; the pharmaceutical sector, with breakthroughs in the fight against diseases such as cancer; finance analytics with advances in quantitative analysis and the training of deep artificial neural networks; molecular simulation of new materials for aerospace design; optimization of scheduling problems for advanced logistics and flow management of people and goods; and finally advanced computing for disruptive cryptographic solutions side by side to truly private communications.

“Our professional and institutional clients will find the best specialized strategic investments focused on frontier scientific technology. We’ll look for long-term results that will place our investors in a privileged position in the context of the geopolitical and technological race that the main world powers are quietly undertaking. There is no doubt that applied quantum technologies will change the world as we know it today. Staying out of this race is not an option” says Jaume Torres, CEO of the promoter company.

The Quantum Revolution Fund is structured as a RAIF SICAV of Luxembourg exclusively directed to qualified investors (minimum ticket of 125K) and is managed by the ManCo (AIFM) Selectra Management. The fund’s promoter is the Barcelona based company Private Advisors VC, and the Investment Advisor is its subsidiary in London Quantum Ventures. There is a specialized investment committee of international experts under the coordination of economist Marta Areny and physics PhD Samuel Mugel. The fund is supported by professional partners KPMG, Amicorp and ING Bank and has a European commercialization passport.

According to the company, the Quantum Revolution Fund’s team has deep scientific expertise, proven industry knowhow and strong funding mechanisms credentials for innovative projects. It works with an extensive network of advisors and experts among which are José Ignacio Latorre, PhD and Professor of Physics at both the University of Barcelona and at the University of Singapore, and Víctor Canivell, MBA and  Physics PhD with a wide management experience in the international high tech industry. The objective is to raise 150M Euros to invest in new applications of quantum technologies without geographical restrictions, investing between 100K and 3.000K per project. “The approach is for our network of experts to work closely with the invested start-ups, whatever the stage of development they are in. Without a doubt, the future is quantum.” They conclude.


EMD in Local Currency Should Remain Resilient in the Coming Quarters

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La deuda emergente en moneda local debería seguir siendo resistente en los próximos trimestres
Photo: David Wheler. EMD in Local Currency Should Remain Resilient in the Coming Quarters

According to Daniel Wood, Senior Portfolio Manager EMD Local Currency at NN Investment Partners, after an eventful start of the year, it is a good time to review how Local Currency has performed both on a stand-alone basis and against the other sub-asset classes in emerging markets. In his view, this year can be divided in two sentiments: 

31 December – 25 January: an optimistic start to the year

Inflows into Emerging Markets Debt (EMD) were strong in this period. Optimism was high, driven by synchronized global growth and elevated investor appetite for EM exposure. During this period LB returned 5.1% in USD unhedged terms, compared with 3.3% for LC and 0.25% for HC. To him, two things stood out during this period:

  • LB yields were remarkably resilient even as US Treasury yields increased substantially. 
  • Narrowing spreads offset the rise in Treasury yields.

In a risk-on environment, LC enjoyed strong positive returns over the period, with the FX component of the return only narrowly lagging that of LB. “At this stage, investors in both LB and HC were not punished excessively for holding higher duration, in spite of rising developed markets (DM) rates risk signalled by the higher US Treasury yields across the curve.” He says.

26 January – 31 May: markets turn sour 

As market fears began to grow about rising trade and geopolitical risks and as economic surprise indices in both Europe and EM tracked lower, asset prices began to fall. During this period HC spreads widened from 263bp to 344bp, contributing to year-to-date total losses of 4.06% for the asset class. Having previously demonstrated strong resilience, yields on LB also tracked higher, rising by over 35bp to 6.41% at the end of May. From its 25 January peak, LB dropped more than 9%, bringing total year-to-date losses to 4.55%. Emerging market equities also registered heavy losses, falling more than 10% from their January peak. In contrast, LC ended May down only 1.81% year-to-date, again demonstrating resilience to a more volatile global market environment.

Why has LC been so resilient to recent market dislocations?

Wood believes that the low duration of the LC benchmark would insulate the asset class from the growing risk of rising developed market bond yields and that the more favourable, higher quality currency composition of the LC benchmark would deliver strong returns in favourable market conditions while offering some protection to investors if risk sentiment deteriorated. This has been for three main reasons:

  • LC has a lower exposure to the twin deficit countries (Turkey and Argentina).
  • LC has a higher exposure to Asia.
  • The more representative nature of LC has added to its stronger risk adjusted returns.

“We continue to believe that the low duration and more favourable currency composition of LC will enable it to continue outperforming LB over the coming quarters. The sensitivity of both HC and LB duration risk to rising rates has picked up significantly in recent months as interest rate differentials with US Treasuries have narrowed. With upward inflation surprises in European data it is only a matter of time before the ECB begins to halt its QE program leading to higher bund yields, buttressing an upward trend in DM yields. Evidence of this year supports our case for strong returns in LC when risk appetite is positive and limited drawdowns when the risk environment shifts. With an estimated average rating of A-, a large benchmark weighted current account surplus, strong growth and a set of central banks generally looking to raise rates we believe the currency composition of LC will drive strong returns for investors over the coming quarters without the need to take duration risk.” Wood concludes.

Léa Dunand-Chatellet, New Head of Responsible Investment at DNCA Finance

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Léa Dunand-Chatellet, nombrada directora de inversión responsable de DNCA Finance
Léa Dunand-Chatellet, Courtesy photo. Léa Dunand-Chatellet, New Head of Responsible Investment at DNCA Finance

DNCA Finance – an affiliate of Natixis Investment Managers -recently created a Responsible Investment department, led by Léa Dunand-Chatellet. According to the company, and after the signing of the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI) in 2017, this move clearly reflects DNCA Finance’s aim to take its responsible investment approach a step further.

She is tasked with setting up a Responsible and Sustainable Investment team as part of the broader portfolio management team, with the aim of providing in-house research for all fund managers, particularly for the SRI fund range, which will be available from September 2018.

“I am delighted to join this vibrant team and gain greater insight into the portfolio managers’ renowned expertise, as we work together to develop an exacting and pragmatic approach. We will aim to deliver high value-added extra-financial research, making it impactful for our portfolios and driving their performances” said Léa Dunand-Chatellet.

Eric Franc stated “We are very proud and pleased to welcome Léa to our team – responsible investment is one of DNCA Finance’s key strategic goals going forward”.

Léa Dunand-Chatellet, 35 years old, is a graduate of the École Normale Supérieure (ENS), with an agregation in economy and management (university highest-level competitive examination for teachers’ recruitment), and is also a member of various committees on the Paris financial market. She teaches courses on responsible investment in some of France’s major business schools and coauthored a key publication in 2014 “SRI and Responsible Investment” (published by Ellipse).

Léa started her career in 2005 at Oddo Securities’ extra-financial research department, and then became portfolio manager and Head of ESG research at Sycomore Asset Management in 2010. She spent five years at the company, setting up and managing a range of SRI funds with AUM of €700m, achieving a top AAA ranking from Citywire. Working within the investment management industry, she developed a pioneering extra-financial model that includes sustainable development issues in the fund management approach. In 2015, she joined Mirova as Equity CIO, managing a team of ten equity portfolio managers, with AUM of €3.5bn.


Europe Still Has Upside

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Investec considera que Europa todavía tiene potencial
Photo: Nasa. Europe Still Has Upside

As we approach the middle of the year, with sluggish stockmarket returns so far in 2018, Investec believes that it makes sense to assess where we are with regard to the investment case for European equities. In their opinion, a volatile year so far for European equities hasn’t put a stop to the region’s fundamental equity drivers and each of the 4Factors on which they analyze stocks are showing encouraging signs for the region: earnings growth, fundamentally sound profitability, attractive valuation and technical momentum.

“Despite this recent moderation, we believe the current environment still offers plenty of scope to continue the strategy that has served our investors so well in recent years: finding areas of the market where earnings recovery is evidenced but not yet priced in.” Says Ken Hsia, Portfolio Manager, Investec European Equity Fund.

Looking at their 4Factors, Investec continues to see plenty of attractive opportunities in Europe. “Our experience on the ground shows that Europe’s earnings recovery is still very much under way. Analyst consensus still expects 8% EPS growth for 2018 and 2019 in Europe. Return on equity continues to improve with several drivers playing their part –revenue growth, margin expansion, financial deleveraging/share buybacks and some tax cuts. As some parts of the world are already seeing margins peak, this would indicate that Europe’s current business cycle still has room to run.”

Besides, they believe that Europe’s monetary policy will deliver a similar situation to the US, where the pace of recovery has been more gradual over a longer period of time than previous cycles. “As we are less than two years into the most recent uptrend– compared with over four years for the US – we believe there is room for European corporate revenues to recover further.”

In their opinion, the key risks are around global geopolitics. The Brexit negotiations continue to drive uncertainty for UK businesses and individuals – but that hasn’t stopped UK companies from investing for growth. 

The ongoing talk of a global trade war also loomed large over the market, especially in the commodities sector. “However, as bottom-up stock-pickers, we will approach this on a company-by-company basis. This holds true for both the direct impact of the trade tensions, as well as indirect effects, such as decreases in commodity or metal prices if tariffs tilt supplies towards Europe”. 

Their process is also showing positive improvements on the strategy front, where they focus in on companies that can generate shareholder wealth above and beyond the cost of invested capital. “As it currently stands, European companies have been delivering improving returns on equity, due in part to the improving revenue trends and the resulting operational leverage. All the while, improved capital discipline and cost cutting exercises undertaken during the previous earnings downturn are also starting to bear fruit.” 

Looking at sectors, they believe the materials one is benefiting from higher commodities prices, as well as a newfound capital discipline. Meanwhile in financials – more specifically banks – they currently see good opportunities to invest “in a sector that is starting to recover from a decade of structural regulatory and economic headwinds. With the uncertainty around Basel IV regulation now resolved, banks have the possibility to use the excess capital sitting on their balance sheets to lend, creating additional revenues that can further fuel returns.” They also like the recent Strategy improvement in the UK food retail and are currently seeing some weakness in telecoms,healthcare and retail, which Investec believes are all at the low end of their historical profitability ranges. 

As ever with equities, positive earnings momentum and solid profitability don’t necessarily guarantee returns as this often increases the risk of overpaying. However, Investec believes that although we have seen European equities trade more richly over the last 18 months, European equities do not look overvalued and technicals are showing no cause for concern.

“In summary, we continue to be constructive on European equities due to our investment thesis: that earnings and returns are benefiting from the economic recovery and the recent round of self-help measures undertaken by companies. Meanwhile, valuations do not reflect the full extent of the earnings recovery. Downside risks are common to equities, but we remain focused on the upside potential, especially if European banks are able to show lending growth.” Hsia concludes.

The Time for Global Desynchronization in Monetary Policy, Taxation and Growth has Arrived

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Llegó la hora de la desincronización global en la política monetaria, la fiscalidad y el crecimiento
Erick Muller, Head of Strategy at Muzinich. The Time for Global Desynchronization in Monetary Policy, Taxation and Growth has Arrived

Much has been said about the unique phenomenon of global synchronized growth, the unanimity of a lax monetary policy, and the objective of having common fiscal policies by geographical regions. But what if all this had come to an end?

According to Erick Muller, Head of Strategy at Muzinich, an asset management company specializing in corporate fixed-income or credit, this may be the next market reality. Muller believes that a new macroeconomic environment is emerging in which the European and North American economy begin to take different paths. “2017 marked a new turning point since the great financial crisis as it brought about a scenario characterized by synchronized growth between emerging and developed countries, a stronger banking sector, very positive and growing corporate results, and a lower unemployment rate. Since then three things have changed: monetary policies, fiscal policies and the pace of global growth,” says Muller.

In Muller’s opinion, these three trends are the ones that are breaking the great synchronization that we had until now. Analyzing each one of them, Muller firstly points out the fiscal policy undertaken by the US and its announcement of tax cuts. In this regard, he stressed that these measures are not succeeding in making the US economy any more efficient; however, it could cause an increase in the budget instead.

“Donald Trump’s decision to redesign trade policy in order to benefit the US, could produce a certain shock in the market or short-term uncertainty in the business sector,” Muller points out, and points to protectionist policies as the clear difference with other economies. In this regard, he acknowledges that growth has slowed down, especially in developed countries, but it isn’t alarming because global and fundamental indicators are positive.

Finally, Muller refers to the fact that this desynchronization is more evident when it comes to talking about the monetary policies of central banks. “Inflation is not rising at the rate expected by central banks, which has a clear effect on the rate hikes they plan to make. The Fed has already started more firmly along this rate hike path, while the ECB is delaying the rate hike and lengthening the cuts to its asset purchasing program,” explained Muller.

Opportunities on the horizon

In this context of “desynchronization”, he sees investment opportunities in corporate bonds, mainly denominated in Euros. “We are convinced that the focus is on short duration and on being very selective, we believe that floating bonds, syndicated loans and private debt are interesting, although the latter has less liquidity,” says Muller, who explains that they have seen a growing interest in private debt by institutional investors.

When talking about geographical areas, Muller admits that they prefer Europe over the US. “It’s true that US high-yield can offer somewhat higher interest, but the currency exchange hurts it,” he concludes. In terms of emerging markets, he points out their attractive yields, especially in short durations.

Finally, Muller points to flexible strategies as the type of strategy that best adapts to an environment like the current one; In this regard, he also acknowledges that strategies of short durations and absolute return are among the most demanded, especially by conservative profiles. Instead, institutional investors have become more sophisticated, he added.

Record Number of Aspiring CFA Charterholders Sit for Exams as Program Marks 55th Anniversary

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Récord de aspirantes al examen CFA Charterholder en el 55 aniversario del programa
Pixabay CC0 Public DomainPhoto: Jarmoluk . Record Number of Aspiring CFA Charterholders Sit for Exams as Program Marks 55th Anniversary

CFA Institute, the global association of investment management professionals, announced that a record 227,031 candidates registered for Level I, II, and III CFA exams at 286 test centers in 91 countries and territories. The exams, administered on June 23, mark the 55th anniversary of the first CFA exam, which was held in June 1963. Since then, the CFA Program has seen steady annual growth, with a notable 20% increase in exam registrations in the past year alone.

“From our humble beginning in 1963 when we administered the exam to 284 candidates, CFA Institute has grown dramatically around the world in pursuit of its mission,” said Paul Smith, CFA, president and CEO, CFA Institute. “We fervently believe that charterholders raise the standards of the investment management industry and contribute to making finance a noble profession, and we are gratified and humbled that so many candidates share that belief. The examination is the first step to a professional life dedicated to client service, continuing education, and engagement with regulators to protect investors and clients.”

The Asia Pacific region continues to generate the highest number of candidates, with 120,436 registered for the June 2018 exam, accounting for 53 percent of the total. Registered candidates numbered  63,368 in the Americas, 28 percent of the total, and 43,227 candidates registered in Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA), accounting for 19 percent of the total. The exam was administered at 286 test centers around the world, including new test center locations in Barcelona, Spain; Dalian and Hangzhou, China; Hyderabad, India; Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; and Lagos, Nigeria.

CFA Institute has more than 154,000 charterholders who work in some of the industry’s most prominent firms. In 1959, the Financial Analysts Federation (FAF) formed the Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts (ICFA) to establish standards of ethics and competence for security analysts, develop the exam, and bestow the title of Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA) on those who passed. The FAF and ICFA eventually merged to form what is now known as CFA Institute. On June 15, 1963, the inaugural exam was administered at 27 test centers in the United States, Canada, and London to 284 candidates, six of whom were women. Today, over 84,000 (37%) candidates are women.

“A Stronger Dollar Should Benefit the Emerging Markets Export Engine and Their Liquidity Should Be Less Vulnerable Than in the Past”

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"Un dólar más fuerte debería beneficiar al motor de exportación de los emergentes, y su liquidez debería ser menos vulnerable que en el pasado”
Nick Timberlake, courtesy photo. "A Stronger Dollar Should Benefit the Emerging Markets Export Engine and Their Liquidity Should Be Less Vulnerable Than in the Past"

Despite the challenges in the form of monetary tightening in the United States or geopolitical factors, emerging market equities this year have everything to gain. The reason? Levers such as valuations, earnings growth expectations and the confidence of investors. This is what Nick Timberlake, responsible for Global Emerging Equities of HSBC Global Asset Management, states in this interview with Funds Society.

Is the global synchronized growth scenario in danger? If this is the case, how could this impact the emerging world?

Global growth remains strong, though there has been a slight loss in momentum recently. Emerging Markets continue to be the key driver of global growth, and we expect them to contribute about 70% to total GDP growth in 2018. Many Emerging Markets remain in a “Goldilocks” environment of strong growth and low inflation. Some countries have scope for monetary easing, while some countries are taking advantage of growth acceleration to implement long-term economic reforms. Different inflation levels across countries is leading to policy divergence. This can affect relative interest rates and currency strength, particularly resulting in higher US interest rates and a stronger USD.

What will be the impact in emerging markets of a higher inflation, a cycle of rate hikes in the developed world, and a potential greater strength of the dollar?

Inflation remains relatively low in most Emerging countries, despite cyclical inflation in the US. A stronger USD should benefit the Emerging Markets export engine. Emerging country liquidity should be less vulnerable to a stronger USD than in the past, given that governments have reduced the proportion of short-term USD debt and improved their current account deficits. This makes the country’s liquidity position less sensitive to foreign exchange movements. Many emerging countries have improved their fiscal positions, and increased macro credibility provides them a degree of monetary policy flexibility if needed.  Certainly countries with a twin deficit are likely to be more sensitive than others.

Nonetheless, many experts are positive regarding emerging countries fundamentals, do you agree and why?

We are also positive on the fundamentals of Emerging countries. Fiscal budgets are better managed. For example, Russia has reduced the “oil breakeven” of its budget to reduce its sensitivity to fluctuations in oil prices. Monetary policy is more credible. A lower inflation environment in Brazil has allowed its Central Bank to implement aggressive monetary easing. Government reforms continue to strengthen the foundations for long-term economic growth. For example, Brazil is reducing its fiscal deficit through economic and anti-corruption reforms, while Mexico has a broad, long-term reform programme including energy, labour, and education. China is reducing capacity at state-owned enterprises and deleveraging.

Do the stock markets of emerging countries have potential to grow in 2018? At what pace or at what levels?

It is difficult to specify how the equity market will move, but, from my experience, this is the type of environment that should be positive for Emerging Markets equities and for active managers specifically.

Earnings drive equity markets. What is important for investors is that strong economic growth is translating into corporate earnings growth. Earnings growth expectations remain in double digits for 2018 and 2019, across most sectors and a majority of countries, though earnings revisions have moderated from a high level.

Valuations look attractive relative to profitability, though valuations are not as cheap as they were at the beginning of last year given the strong equity market returns. Emerging Markets equities offer a similar return on equity compared to Developed Markets equities while trading at a lower price-to-book valuation.

Investor sentiment has been positive. We have seen strong flows into the asset class over the past two years, yet global equity investors remain underweight Emerging Markets.

What is the biggest strength of emerging markets equities this year? The attractive valuations, corporate results outlook ….?

The biggest strength for Emerging Markets equities this year is that all the drivers we just discussed are present at the same time. We believe this combination of factors creates a positive and attractive environment for Emerging Markets equities.

What could be the impact of Fed’s rate hikes on the equities of the emerging world?

Investors should expect cyclical inflation at this point in the economic cycle. The current pace of Fed rate hikes has been well-flagged and has been priced in by the market. We are monitoring how high capacity utilisation, potential trade tariffs, and deficit spending could lead to higher prices and could cause the Fed to raise rates faster than expected. A much faster pace of rate hikes could lead to more volatility in equity markets in general, not specifically to Emerging Markets.

Currently, the volatility is stronger… Is this going to be the case in the stock markets of emerging countries.  Which are the potential consequences?

Volatility in Emerging Market equities reached the lowest point in a decade in January 2018 and has been near pre-financial crisis levels, so a pick-up in volatility was expected and has not come as a surprise to us. There are any number of reasons why uncertainty increases or investors begin to have differing views of the future. Inflation, trade tariffs, and geopolitical tensions are the first examples that come to mind. As active managers, we need to monitor these issues and incorporate our perspective into our stock selection and portfolio construction. I should note that higher volatility can be advantageous, as it can create investment opportunities where we see our fundamental outlook has been mispriced by the market.

Which are the more attractive markets? (Africa, Latin America, Eastern Europe, Asia …)

Our region and country positioning is driven by our stock selection. This allows our portfolio positioning to be guided towards the areas of the market with greater opportunity. On a regional basis, we are overweight Eastern Europe and underweight Asia and Latin America.

On a country basis, we are most overweight Russia, given a stable macroeconomic backdrop, accelerating growth, and attractive valuations.

Regarding Latin America: with which markets are you more positive and why?

We are less positive on Latin America relative to other parts of Emerging Markets. On a country basis, we are somewhat neutral in Brazil, and we are underweight Mexico, Chile, and Peru. Mexico valuations are high relative to other Emerging Markets, and there is election uncertainty. Chile has fundamentally attractive companies but valuations are again high. Peru has a limited universe, and valuations are not attractive.

The situation in Argentina is complex following the support requested to the IMF … are you positive on that country?

Our Frontier Markets has exposure to Argentina. The country has been implementing structural reforms that we feel should support long-term growth. Any IMF support would help to reinforce that path. Our Global Emerging Markets fund currently does not have a position in Argentina.

Aitor Jauregui (BlackRock): “Growing Demand in Europe and Sustainable Investment will Make the ETF Market Grow Over the Next Few Years”

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Aitor Jauregui (BlackRock): “La creciente demanda en Europa y la inversión sostenible harán crecer el mercado de ETFs durante los próximos años”
Aitor Jauregui, courtesy photo. Aitor Jauregui (BlackRock): "Growing Demand in Europe and Sustainable Investment will Make the ETF Market Grow Over the Next Few Years"

The ETF business continues to increase after three years of record growth figures. For Aitor Jauregui, Head of Business Development for BlackRock in Iberia, the outlook is much better in the long term: “With an average annual growth of 19% over the past few years, at BlackRock, we expect that in 2023 the ETF industry will reach 12 trillion dollars and 25 trillion dollars by 2030.”

These positive forecasts are also positive for the ETFs market in Europe which, according to Jauregui, will be “one of the main drivers of the investment fund business during the coming years”. According to this executive, and as shown by the Greenwich Associates European ETF Study commissioned by BlackRock, European institutional investors will have a prominent role in this growth, as the average of their allocation to exchange-traded funds increased by 10.3% of its total assets in 2017, from 7.7% in 2016.

“European institutional investors are adjusting their portfolios to a more volatile environment, given the return of volatility to the market and the end of stimuli from central banks. In this context, European institutional investors have found in the ETFs an investment vehicle that adapts to their needs,” says Jauregui before delving into this survey’s data, which was compiled from the responses of 125 investors, mainly pension funds, asset management companies, and insurance companies.

The survey shows the trends that make the ETF business set a positive trend in Europe. First of all, there has been an increase in the use of smart beta ETFs, which, at present 50% of respondents admit to using. Secondly, there is a greater demand for ETFs by multi-asset funds: In fact, 79% of asset managers admit to using them, as well as their intention to increase their use during the next year.

Finally, the survey shows two further trends: The use of fixed-income ETFs is a source of growth in the ETFs universe, and socially responsible investment (SRI) has a leverage effect on this business. Regarding the latter, it is worth noting that 50% of the respondents admit having invested part of their assets following sustainable investment criteria.

The attractiveness of ETFs

For Jauregui, these four trends are, “sources of forward ETFs market growth.” And they will be a driver because European institutional investors appreciate the value that this vehicle brings to their portfolio. For example, according to the aforementioned survey, ETFs are used to substitute direct investments, such as bonds, shares or derivatives. The survey shows that 50% of respondents say they use ETFs to substitute derivatives, compared to the 30% who acknowledged doing so last year.

In this regard, Jauregui points out that, regardless of the economic environment, investors value the characteristics they offer positively. “In Europe, in particular, I believe that the implementation of MiFID II makes institutional investors appreciate transparency, cost, and operational simplicity more. This is also going to be an argument that will sustain its growth in the coming years,” he says.

Speaking in terms of strategies, the ETFs that arouse most interest among European institutional investors are those of minimum volatility, dividends, factors and, finally, multifactor strategies.

Finally, should we carry out this same analytic exercise by asset allocation, the survey would show that fixed income is the type of asset where ETFs are most likely to grow. “In the case of equity ETFs, 86% of respondents admit to using them and 43% expect to increase their use throughout 2018. In fixed income, 65% expect to invest in this type of ETF as compared to the 48%registered last survey. Once again, the main criteria of European institutional investors when deciding on their use are: their liquidity, their cost, their performance and, finally, the choice and composition of the index they follow.

Debates within the Sector

In the midst of the strong development that this market is experiencing, the sector faces two debates: Possible overheating in the ETFs market and the argument between active management and passive management. In both cases, Jauregui has a solid position that he defends coherently. “It‘s clear that the weight of the ETFs in the market as a whole, and the assets that are there, is too small a part for their behavior to affect the progress of the underlying markets,” he said in relation to the first debate.

Regarding the second debate, Jauregui argues that the approach of two different types of confronting management does not make any sense. “I think that every investment decision is an active decision, even when a manager chooses to use an indexed vehicle in his portfolio. At BlackRock we believe that we have to think about indexed management as one more element when managing our clients’ capital and offering investment solutions,” he points out.

And while the sector continues debating this, BlackRock has advanced over all its competitors and has become the leading provider of the European market in terms of ETFs. According to the survey, 91% indicates iShares as its main provider.

In this regard, the asset manager believes they are on the right track. “We will continue working on new launches, while always being very selective about the solutions we provide in the market and betting on the indexes without leverage and without using derivatives. Likewise, we will focus on smart beta and factors ETFs. There is a general interest on the investors‘part, but we believe that managers of multi-active strategies are very interesting potential investors. In the long term, we will also focus on the trends we see, such as fixed-income ETFs and socially responsible investment,” concludes Jauregui