Battling Fake Goods in China

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Luchando contra las falsificaciones chinas
CC-BY-SA-2.0, FlickrPhoto: Greg Walters. Battling Fake Goods in China

Following some recent state findings, Chinese officials have been cracking down on a prevalence of counterfeit goods sold in the country, and asking firms to enhance their technology to combat this.

China’s State Administration for Industry and Commerce recently revealed survey results indicating that some of its most popular e-commerce sites are rife with product listings that allegedly infringe on intellectual property rights. Chinese e-commerce sites have already spent hundreds of millions of dollars over the past couple years to try to fight this persisting problem. 

This begs the question, if consumers are well aware of fake goods being sold online, why are China’s retail websites still growing at breakneck speeds? During our research trips across China, especially in smaller cities, the answer is painfully clear to us: Chinese consumers have even less faith in their local stores when it comes to recognizing counterfeit merchandise. Most shoppers we met in “lower tier,” or less developed, cities depend on popular e-commerce sites to research products as well as the credibility of merchants. A common bit of feedback is that with buying online, at least you have word of mouth to rely on and have the chance to get a refund if you are not satisfied with your purchase.

For those of us living in more developed countries, it may be difficult to imagine issues of trust while shopping at a Macy’s or Harrods. However, due to the rapid pace of urbanization in lower tier Chinese cities, many retail formats there are new to consumers, and thus lack credibility. 

With the convenience and anonymity of the Internet, developed market consumers are also increasingly making purchases online, and are also at risk of purchasing counterfeit products. 

The problem with counterfeit goods is not exclusive to China or Asia. In fact, it has become a global e-commerce issue. To gain perspective over the size of this problem, we reference the 2011 World Trade Organization (WTO) report. The WTO has estimated that 2% of all world trade involves counterfeit goods that value in the order of US$25 billion annually. Of these goods, 75% originated in China from 2008 through 2010. 

This may not be surprising: the same Chinese factories that produced genuine goods often have access to the exact same material that would allow it to make the unauthorized fake goods. Production of such fakes, along with authentic goods, makes law enforcement difficult. Even if counterfeiting criminals are caught, they often escape jail time, and thus, such crime can continue. In China, unless the police can prove sales or inventory value above roughly US$8,000 for producers and approximately US$24,000 for traders, counterfeiters are subject to fines, rather than imprisonment.

This is why the problem of counterfeit goods persists in China. If it is difficult for law enforcement to punish counterfeiters to any effective extent, even the most complex fraud detection software may not be able to prevent such criminals from using other aliases to try their luck again. This is very different from the U.S. where counterfeiters face up to US$2 million in fines or 10 years imprisonment if convicted of violating trademark laws. 

Perhaps in order to stem the root problem in China, tougher enforcement of trademark infringement laws and more severe penalties need to be in place. Weeding out fake goods listings on e-commerce websites simply isn’t enough.

Scott Powers to Retire from State Street Global Advisors in 2015

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State Street Global Advisors cambia de CEO
Photo: Ronald O'Hanley, new CEO and President at SSGA/CED Admin en YouTube . Scott Powers to Retire from State Street Global Advisors in 2015

State Street Corporation announced today that Scott Powers (age 56), president and chief executive officer of State Street Global Advisors, intends to retire later this year after more than seven years leading the firm and three decades in the investment management industry. Ronald O’Hanley (age 58) will succeed Powers at the beginning of April.

He and Powers will work together over the next several months to ensure a smooth transition of responsibilities. O’Hanley will report to Jay Hooley, chairman and chief executive officer of State Street, and will join the company’s Management Committee, its senior-most strategy and policy-making team.

“Although it is bittersweet to be retiring from SSGA, I know I leave the firm on a very solid footing, with even greater prospects ahead. It’s been a privilege to work with such a talented team of professionals and global clients.” said Powers.

Hooley said, “Scott has been a highly effective leader for our asset management franchise and I thank him for everything he has done to strengthen SSGA’s leadership position, talent and culture. We’re extremely fortunate to have such a strong successor in Ron, someone I have known personally for many years, as well as the talented and experienced management team at SSGA. Ron has a proven track record and extensive experience running a global multi-asset class investment management business.”

O’Hanley has nearly 30 years of experience in leadership roles within the industry and most recently served as president of Asset Management & Corporate Services for Fidelity Investments. Prior to joining Fidelity, O’Hanley spent 13 years in leadership positions at Mellon Bank and Bank of New York Mellon ultimately as president and chief executive officer of BNY Mellon Asset Management in Boston, vice chairman of Bank of New York Mellon Corp and a member of its Executive Committee.

Columbia Threadneedle Investments Brand Launched

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Threadneedle cambia de nombre: nace Columbia Threadneedle Investments
. Columbia Threadneedle Investments Brand Launched

Threadneedle Investments has now unveiled its new brand: Columbia Threadneedle Investments, representing a combination of resources of UK-headquartered Threadneedle and US-based affiliate Columbia Management.

The collaboration, which was first announced in January 2015, aims to strengthen both groups presence in the UK, Europe, North America, Middle East and Pacific. All existing investment strategies, teams and products will remain unchanged.

Campbell Fleming, CEO EMEA for Columbia Threadneedle Investments, said: “For Threadneedle it builds on our established businesses in EMEA and Asia Pacific. Under the banner of Columbia Threadneedle Investments we now also have a brand presence in North America, the largest investment market in the world.”

The firms, with combined assets of $505 billion, are owned by U.S. financial services company Ameriprise Financial and together form the world’s 30th biggest asset management group.

Lombard Odier and ETF Securities to Join Forces in Fixed Income ETF Offering

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Lombard Odier IM y ETF Securities unen fuerzas para lanzar una gama de ETFs de renta fija
Photo: Elias Gayles. Lombard Odier and ETF Securities to Join Forces in Fixed Income ETF Offering

Lombard Odier Investment Managers and ETF Securities have announced their cooperation offering a range of Ucits compliant fixed income ETFs.

Lombard Odier, which traditionally offered traditional fixed income funds, will now offer smart beta fixed income products via asset managers, financial advisors and investment platforms. The ETF’s will be listed on London Stock Exchange as of mid-April and will be available to both, retail and institutional investors.

Mark Weeks, CEO of ETF securities comments: “This dynamic partnership is based on complementary skills and experience of two market leaders. Distributing Lombard Odier IM’s fundamental fixed income strategies via ETFs offers an innovating smart beta solution for fixed income investors and helps us to build our reputation as pioneer in specialised investment solutions.”


Morningstar: 2014 Was A Difficult Year for PIMCO; Vanguard Still Thriving

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Vanguard, Fidelity y American Funds: las tres mayores gestoras del mundo, mientras PIMCO cae en 2014 a la novena posición
CC-BY-SA-2.0, FlickrPhoto: A Guy Taking Pictures. Morningstar: 2014 Was A Difficult Year for PIMCO; Vanguard Still Thriving

Indexing pioneer John Bogle’s company, The Vanguard Group, has grown into a global giant with almost $3 trillion in assets; it is the largest provider of mutual funds and the second-largest provider of exchange- traded products in the world. With a wide variety of accessible investment options, the ability to capitalize on economies of scale, and a philosophy of passing the results of efficient operations to its investors in the form of lower costs, Vanguard has built a solid reputation and continues to attract the highest flows.

In addition to its strong expertise in passively-managed investments, Vanguard has also managed to grow its business on the active side. As of the end of 2014, Vanguard was the third-largest active fund manager in the world, with active assets exceeding $900 billion.

On Sept. 26, 2014, “bond king” Bill Gross announced his decision to leave PIMCO, the asset management company he co-founded, sending a shockwave throughout the investment world and prompting unprecedented outflows from PIMCO in the days following his departure.

PIMCO experienced outflows of $176 billion worldwide in 2014, or 26% of their 2013 assets. Outflows from PIMCO Total Return amounted to $96.1 billion in the space of only five months.

Outflows from PIMCO benefited other funds in the intermediate-term bond category. TCW enjoyed consistent inflows to Metropolitan West Total Return Bond MWTIX, which has a Morningstar Analyst RatingTM of Gold, and Gold-rated Dodge & Cox Income DODIX attracted significant amounts of investor money for Dodge & Cox.

BlackRock and iShares combined (they are really the same company) turn out to be the world’s third-largest fund asset manager after Vanguard and Fidelity, with a total of $1,862 billion in assets. They were able to produce organic growth rates above 10% on both the active (BlackRock) and passive (iShares) sides of their business.


Old Mutual Global Investors Adds Emerging Market Debt to Its Skill Set

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Old Mutual Global Investors ficha a John Peta como nuevo director de renta fija de Mercados Emergentes
. Old Mutual Global Investors Adds Emerging Market Debt to Its Skill Set

Old Mutual Global Investors is pleased to announce the appointment of John Peta as Head of Emerging Market Debt. John joined the business on 2 March 2015 and reports to Christine Johnson, Head of Fixed Income.

Old Mutual Global Investors believes that John brings a wealth of industry knowledge and experience to the business. John previously worked at Threadneedle Asset Management, London where he was Fund Manager, Head of Emerging Market Debt since 2012. John started his career in Fixed Income in 1987 at Merrill Lynch, Seattle, before joining Chancellor LGT Asset Management, San Francisco in 1994.  John began specialising in managing dedicated emerging market (external and local) debt assets when he joined Standish Mellon Asset Management, Boston in 1997, moving to Acadian Asset Management, Boston in 2007 to assist in the launch of an emerging market local currency debt product.

John will initially manage the US$150 million¹ Old Mutual Local Currency Emerging Market Debt Fund with effect from 20 April 2015. The business will review the manager of the US$250 million¹ Old Mutual Emerging Market Debt Fund and may announce any recommended change at a later date. Both funds are sub-funds of the Dublin domiciled Old Mutual Global Investors Series plc and are currently sub-advised by Stone Harbor Investment Partners LP. 

Christine Johnson, Head of Fixed Income, comments: “We are delighted that John has joined us as his wealth of fixed income and emerging market debt knowledge will greatly enhance our investment capabilities. We believe that our clients will also benefit from John’s investment skills. Whilst we are looking forward to working with John, we would like to take this opportunity to thank Stone Harbor for their support in managing the Old Mutual Local Currency Emerging Market Debt Fund and for continuing to work with us on our hard currency fund, the Old Mutual Emerging Market Debt fund.”

Old Mutual Global Investors aspires to be a leading, modern asset management business focused on the needs of investors. Significant progress has been made to further the goal of being a top five player in the UK retail market. The business has restructured its global business and now has a strong distribution capability spanning Asia, Europe and Latin America, which currently generates 20% of revenues from outside the UK.

Old Mutual Global Investors is an investment focused business which strives to provide the very best investment talent and performance to clients. The business plans to grow its market share through investing in existing core investment skills and expanding capabilities where they are complementary to the business’s culture and focus.

Julian Ide, CEO of Old Mutual Global Investors, added: “From the outset, we have retained and attracted the best investment talent offering:  compelling and reputable investment processes and track records; ‘star’ quality; strong cultural fit within the business and incremental distribution benefits. In addition to enhancing our distribution capability, we have bolstered our Equities team with the appointment Richard Buxton and his team, including Ian Ormiston as European Smaller Companies Fund Manager, launched our Asian Equities capabilities with the appointment of a team of four under the leadership of Josh Crabb and, more recently, announced that Russ Oxley and his team of six will join us during the course of this year to form our Fixed Income Absolute Return team.

 “I believe that John’s appointment is further proof that Old Mutual Global Investors is a sought after destination for top investment talent. The addition of his expertise certainly enhances the range of products we can offer to our global client base and we are now seeking to bolster this investment capability by recruiting additional resource.”

Funds Society Successfully Held the Second Edition of its Golf Tournament

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Funds Society celebra con éxito la segunda edición de su Torneo de Golf
Photos: Pablo Blázquez. Funds Society Successfully Held the Second Edition of its Golf Tournament

The 2nd Funds Society Golf Tournament was held on Friday March 13th at the Miami Beach Golf Course, the tournament was attended by over 50 participants from the Asset and Wealth Management Industry in South Florida. On this occasion, we enjoyed the cooperation of Henderson Global Investors, MFS, M&G and Carmignac.

Although it seemed that the weather would be on our side this year, players had to contend with several of those storms so typical of Miami, bravely continuing with the game in spite of being soaked to the bone. Of course, no one gave up and all attendees continued the tournament, claiming that they were enjoying “a great day of golf.”

The session of golf was preceded by a panel in which each manager had the opportunity of sharing their strategy and prospects for 2015. Nicolo Carpaneda, fixed income specialist at M&G, reviewed the main triggers of the global debt market. Meanwhile, Malte Heininger, who manages Carmignac Euro-Entrepreneurs, a fund oriented towards small European companies, detailed the opportunities in European equities. Nicholas J. Paul, Director of Investment Products at MFS  spoke about the attractiveness of emerging equities in the current macro environment. Asian markets were covered by Andrew Gillan, portfolio manager for the Asian Equity team (ex -Japan) at Henderson Global Investors.

After lunch,  the championship’s shotgun start came at 13:30. As was the case last year, the game type was individual Stableford in two categories. The first category was for players with handicap 0 to 18.4 and the second for those with an 18.5 to 36 handicap.

Following is the list of Winners of the 2nd Funds Society Golf Tournament:

Flight 1:

  • 1st Place – Luis Cardenas – Sabadell Bank, Miami Branch
  • 2nd Place – Ignacio de la Maza – Henderson Global Investors

 Flight 2:

  • 1st Place – José Alfredo Ruiz Marcos – Agent
  • 2nd Place –  Carlos del Hierro – Sabadell Bank, Miami Branch

Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management First German Asset Manager to Be Awarded RQFII Licence

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Deutsche AWM se hace con la licencia de inversor institucional extranjero cualificado en renminbi
CC-BY-SA-2.0, FlickrPhoto: Elliott Brown. Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management First German Asset Manager to Be Awarded RQFII Licence

Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management has been granted a Renminbi Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor (RQFII) licence by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, allowing the German asset manager to apply for quota in order to invest in China mainland securities.

The award of the licence follows an agreement reached last year between Germany and China to establish a quota of RMB 80 billion (approx. EUR 11.2 billion) that German-based financial institutions can use to invest in China‘s domestic capital markets.

“Deutsche AWM has been at the forefront of providing international investors with access to China’s domestic capital markets, so we’re pleased to be the first asset manager in Germany to be awarded an RQFII licence. With China’s enormous growth potential this is a very important market for both our active and passive investment management clients,” said James Dilworth, CEO of Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management Investment GmbH.

DeAWM currently has €4.5bn AUM in funds with renminbi exposure, including approximately €2bn in China A shares ETFs. “We have been engaged as an investor in China ever since the market began to open up internationally, which is why Deutsche AWM is one of the world’s leading experts on providing investment solutions for Chinese exposure. Today, we focus on renminbi-denominated or renminbi hedged offshore bond investments. Going forward, and once we have received quota, we want to enable an extended opportunity set, including onshore and offshore bonds. Finally, this is not only about accessing this market – it is about creating added value and potential alpha for our clients,” added Dilworth.

Man Group Expands Quant Range with Launch of Man Numeric UCITS Funds

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Man Group amplía su rango de fondos de análisis cuantitativo con el lanzamiento de dos fondos UCITS
Photo: Droid Gingerbread. Man Group Expands Quant Range with Launch of Man Numeric UCITS Funds

Man Group has expanded its range of quantitative investment vehicles with the launch of two UCITS-compliant equity funds managed by Man Numeric, the Boston-based quantitative manager acquired by Man Group in September 2014.

Domiciled in Dublin, the Man Numeric Market Neutral Alternative fund and the Man Numeric Emerging Markets Equity fund are the first UCITS vehicles to be offered to the European market by the US fund manager, which has $16.7bn of assets under management (as of 31 December 2014).

The Man Numeric Market Neutral Alternative fund offers investors exposure to one of Man Numeric’s core strategies, the Numeric Alternative Market Neutral Strategy , which launched in 2001. The highly liquid strategy aims to provide consistent, low volatility performance uncorrelated to market indices and other quantitative vehicles.

Overseen by Man Numeric’s co-heads of hedge fund strategies Greg Bond and Daniel Taylor, the strategy uses a variety of models to deliver returns, broadly combining its value driven bottom-up stock selection process with a fundamental statistical arbitrage model. Using long and short strategies to express their views, the investment team seeks unique sources of alpha from a universe of more than 9,000 stocks globally, with holding periods ranging from around four weeks to a year.

Portfolio risk is carefully monitored and spread across the range of different investment strategies, with the strategy having delivered consistent performance over the long term with low volatility.

The Man Numeric Emerging Markets Equity fund is based on the Numeric Emerging Markets Core Strategy, which launched in June 2013. Aiming to outperform the MSCI Emerging Markets Index, the strategy is managed with a focus on quantitative, bottom-up stock selection via a systematic and disciplined process.

Attractive stocks are identified using two primary selection criteria – valuation and information flow – with a range of models within these groups identifying pockets of market inefficiency. Portfolio construction and risk management attempt to maximise alpha while minimising exposure to economic risk.

Portfolio managers Ori Ben-Akiva, Greg Bunimovich and Mickael Nouvellon provide oversight by evaluating all trades for data accuracy, as well as news flow and special circumstances.

The Man Numeric Emerging Markets Equity fund has been passported across Europe, while the Man Numeric Market Neutral Alternative fund is currently pending approval in nine countries including Switzerland, Austria and Germany.

Michael Even, President and CEO of Man Numeric said: “We are delighted to launch these UCITS-compliant funds, offering investors in the European market access to two of our core alpha-generating strategies for the first time. These launches have been made possible by becoming part of Man Group, enabling us to leverage the firm’s resources and expertise to reach an investor base we would not otherwise have been able to.”

Man Group acquired Numeric in September 2014, and together with Man AHL this created a diversified, global quantitative investment platform which offers clients a broad product range across alternative and long-only, trend following, technical and fundamental strategies. 


Amundi Hires Laurent Ducoin as Head of European Equities

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Amundi Hires Laurent Ducoin as Head of European Equities
Foto: Laurent Ducoin, new head of European equities at Amundi. Amundi Hires Laurent Ducoin as Head of European Equities

French asset management group Amundi has appointed Laurent Ducoin as head of European equities.

Formerly, Ducoin was head of European Equity team and fund manager at Carmignac from 2011 where he was responsible for rebuilding the investment process of the team.

Prior to that, he worked at BlackRock in London from 2004, where he became fund manager and participated to the management of several pan-European and Swiss only-products.

Ducoin began his career in 2000 at Oddo Pinatton Equities where he worked as a sell side financial analyst before holding the same position from 2002 to 2004 at CM-CIC Securities.

Amundi manages over €850bn of assets worldwide as at 31 December 2014 and is located in more than 30 countries.