Investing Lessons from Baseball’s Active Managers

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Lecciones del béisbol para gestores activos
Photo: Mauro Sartori . Investing Lessons from Baseball’s Active Managers

As the popularity of passive investing continues to gain momentum, AB has taken a pause to think about a lesson from baseball. The question is: what kind of equity lineup creates a winning team?

Nobody can deny the increasing shift of equity investors toward index strategies. Net flows to passive US equity funds have reached $21.7 billion this year through June, while investors have pulled $83.7 billion out of actively managed portfolios, according to Morningstar. In this environment, active managers are increasingly challenged to prove their worth and justify their fees.

Building a Winning Lineup

Baseball provides an interesting analogy for the active equity manager. “Across all players in Major League Baseball, the batting average this season is .253, as of August 6. Yet even in today’s statistics-driven environment, you won’t find a single team manager who would choose to put together a lineup of nine players who all bat .253—even if it were possible”, explained James T. Tierney, Chief Investment Officer, Concentrated US Growth.

The reason is clear and intuitive. For a baseball team to be successful, it need to have at least a few hitters who are likely to get hits more often than their peers. And to create a really robust lineup, a manager wants a couple of power hitters who pose a more potent threat. “Of course, some hitters will trend toward the average and slumping players will hit well below the pack. That’s why you need a diverse bunch. A team comprised solely of .253 hitters is unlikely to have the energy or the momentum needed to win those crucial games and make the playoffs”, said Tierney.

False Security in Average Performance

So what does this have to do with investing? “When an investor allocates funds exclusively to passive portfolios, it’s like putting together an equity lineup that is uniformly composed of .253 hitters. This lineup might provide a sense of security because returns will always be in synch with the benchmark. But it’s little consolation if the benchmark slumps. A passive equity lineup won’t be able to rely on any higher-octane performers to pull it through challenging periods of lower, or negative, returns”, point out the CIO.

Still, many investors fear getting stuck with a lineup of .200 hitting active managers. AB believes the best strategy to combat that risk is to focus on investing with high conviction managers, who have a strong track record of beating the market, according to a research.

Passive and Active: The Best of Both Worlds

Passive investing has its merits. Investors have legitimate concerns about fees as well as the ability of active managers to deliver consistent outperformance. The appeal of passive is understandable.

Yet AB believes that putting an entire equity allocation in passive vehicles is flawed. It leaves investors exposed to potential concentration risks and bubbles that often infect the broader equity market. And with equity returns likely to be subdued in the coming years, beating the benchmark by even a percentage point or two will be increasingly important for investors seeking to benefit from compounding returns and meet their long-term goals

“There is another way. By combining passive strategies with high-conviction equity portfolios, investors can enjoy the benefits of an index along with the diversity of performance from an active approach, in our view. Baseball managers don’t settle for average performance. Why should you?”, summarized Tierney.

CTAs Outperform as Commodities Slump in July

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Julio ha sido un buen mes para los hedge funds
CC-BY-SA-2.0, FlickrPhoto: SuperCheeli. CTAs Outperform as Commodities Slump in July

Hedge funds are on track to deliver solid returns in July, up 1.4% month to date (0.4% last week). In line with our overweight recommendation, CTAs and Global Macro managers outperformed other hedge fund strategies.

Meanwhile, Event-Driven managers underperformed both last week and on a month-to-date basis, in line with our downgrade of the strategy from overweight to neutral early June. The event-driven strategy was negatively impacted recently due to its exposure to gold and energy related stocks. Asian event-driven managers have, on the contrary, delivered solid returns for a second week in a row, and contributed partly to compensate losses.

Philippe Ferreira, Senior Cross Asset Strategist Lyxor Asset Management enumerates the recent market developments have been supportive for hedge funds:

  1. The sharp fall in commodity prices in July has supported CTA managers. They have increased their short precious metals/short energy positions since end-May. CTAs also have no EM currency exposure. The slump in several EM currencies since mid- July is not having any meaningful implication for hedge funds (some Global Macro managers are long MXN/USD but this is compensated by short EUR/USD).
  2. CTAs are long GBP/USD and are thus capturing the hawkish tone of the Bank of England, which has expressed concerns over wage growth at its latest MPC meeting early July.
  3. Finally, the earnings season in the US has been a tailwind for L/S Equity managers for the time being. Technology, industrials and commodity related industries (oil, gas and materials) have disappointed, but the aggregate exposure of L/S Equity managers to these sectors has been significantly reduced since end-May (see chart below). Meanwhile, consumer cyclicals, financials and health care have all reported earnings in line with or above expectations and these are precisely the sectors where the bulk of the exposures are concentrated.

Overall, the hedge fund industry has recently demonstrated its nimbleness. It has been protected against falling equity and bond markets in May/June by adjusting exposures downwards quite rapidly. But it has also captured the rebound that took place in July. The beta exposure of equity strategies has recently been increased in line with the improving risk sentiment.

Henderson: Waiting in The Wings

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Henderson: Esperando para salir a escena
CC-BY-SA-2.0, FlickrPhoto: Hernán Piñera, Flickr, Creative Commons. Henderson: Waiting in The Wings

With Greece’s theatrics dominating the world stage, investors may have missed some compelling stories unfolding in the wings. Bill McQuaker, Co-Head of Multi-Asset at Henderson, spotlights three of his favourites: oil, emerging markets and job creation.

Oil: a new script

If investors thought oil’s slump was over, they were wrong. Rising US demand for petrol (gas) has been met by unfettered global supply, with prices heading south of US$60 again. Credible explanations include: an urgent need for foreign currency (Russia/Venezuela); the desire to re-assert control over the market (Saudi Arabia); and new supply (Iran). We also suspect innovations in horizontal drilling and re-fracking are only beginning to drive US oil field economics, pointing to over-supply in the immediate future.

Implications? We see three. First, the renewed sell-off may finally persuade consumers that low prices are here to stay. Expect the contributions to GDP growth from (particularly US) consumption to strengthen. Second, some oil producing countries may suffer further currency weakness, heaping pressure on their central banks to tighten policy; a financial shock to accompany an oil price collapse is a possibility, particularly if US rates rise soon. Third, price weakness is evident across the whole commodity complex. Investors who made a strategic allocation to commodities at their height may capitulate – posing opportunities for those who steered clear.

Wages: enter NAIRU

You know the world is a strange place when Conservatives announce “Britain needs a pay rise”, while an unpopular Chancellor is congratulated for announcing a new “National Living Wage”. Clearly, mounting political pressure to share the spoils of recovery is having an effect. And it is not just a UK phenomenon. US politicians are pushing for higher minimum wage levels, and state legislators and corporates are showing signs of responding. Walmart, which has a legendary reputation for cost control, is leading the way in raising wages for 500,000 of its lowest paid staff.

Calls for higher wages are not just the result of political processes. Rapid rates of job creation have seen unemployment rates collapse in the UK and US. Many economists believe we are very close to, or at, NAIRU: the rate at which falling unemployment begins to exert upwards pressure on inflation. Tight labour markets are leading to similar dynamics in Germany and Japan.

None of this is lost on policymakers, with central banks in the US and UK preparing the way for rate rises soon. Will a bull market built on generous liquidity conditions crumble if central banks are forced to raise rates? We suspect not, but do anticipate a pick-up in market volatility: good for those investors with some cash to invest.

EM: curtain call?

The outperformance of developed markets (DM) over emerging markets (EM) in recent years has been immense. The S&P 500 has roughly doubled since the US debt-ceiling debacle (August 2011), alongside MSCI EM’s c5% rise (USD terms). The explanatory narrative cited is: slow EM growth, weak commodity prices, and a desperate need for structural change. The fact that many of these points could just as easily be applied to DM is often ignored.

This cannot last: disenchantment with all things ’emerging’ looks to be approaching fever pitch, reminding us of the haste to be rid of ‘old economy’ stocks in H2 1999 and early 2000. We are not inclined to stick our heads above the parapet just yet, but when the liquidity-driven bull market gives way to a downturn, the best buys may well be found in EM, and in the unloved companies listed in the West that service them.

Market Opportunities Related to the Water Sector Are Expected to Reach USD 1 Trillion by 2025

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RobecoSAM prevé un tirón al alza del mercado mundial del agua, que podría alcanzar el billón de dólares en 2025
CC-BY-SA-2.0, FlickrPhoto: Steve Gatto. Market Opportunities Related to the Water Sector Are Expected to Reach USD 1 Trillion by 2025

Water is essential for life. But for years some parts of the world have taken their water supply for granted. And it’s easy to understand why. Crystal clear drinking water flows in abundance from the taps in our homes, schools, and workplaces. Many of us don’t give a second’s thought to the challenges that lie behind getting clean water to our taps or indeed how much of this finite resource we consume on a daily basis.

But for most of the world, clean drinking water is a precious commodity. Although water covers about 70% of the Earth’s surface, we must rely on annual precipitation for our actual water supply. About two-thirds of annual precipitation evaporates into the atmosphere, and another 20-25% flows into waterways and is not fit for human use. This leaves only 10% of all rainfall available for personal, agricultural and industrial use.

Moreover, precipitation is not evenly distributed: 1.2 billion people are living in areas of water scarcity. What’s more, pollution has made much of that water undrinkable and unsafe for use. Meeting the world’s increasing water needs has fast become one of the biggest challenges facing society.

But there is reason for optimism: in the past, a short- age of vital resources has driven the need to innovate, discover new materials and generate new technologies. The water challenge is no exception, and companies across the globe are seeking to find solutions to tackle the problem.

The RobecoSAM study ‘Water: the market of the future’ examines the key megatrends that are shaping the water market, and explores the investment opportunities that are arising from these trends:

  • Population growth
  • Aging infrastructure
  • Water quality improvements are necessary in many places
  • Climate change is altering the availability of water resources

Such trends generate risks and opportunities for companies and investors alike. Market opportunities related to the water sector are expected to reach USD 1 trillion by 2025. Companies that are early to respond and take steps to exploit the market opportunities associated with these water-related challenges are more likely to gain a competitive advantage and achieve commercial success.


GGM Capital Launches GGM Multistrategy, an IT-Centric Alternative Fund

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GGM Capital lanza GGM Multistrategy, un fondo alternativo centrado en tecnologías de la información
Photo: JImmyReu, Flickr, Creative Commons. GGM Capital Launches GGM Multistrategy, an IT-Centric Alternative Fund

GGM Capital, the investment banking IT focused boutique, is launching its new Technology-centric, open-ended fund under the umbrella of a Luxembourg SICAV-SIF. This new fund will have a target size above €50.0m and will invest in a diversified portfolio of equities, private equity/venture capital funds and corporate debt.

The objective is to achieve strong capital appreciation by investing in a diversified set of asset classes with various maturity levels, yields and risk profiles.

The asset allocation is outlined as follows: the equity portfolio, representing a majority of the invested assets at all times, will be composed of equities of technology companies listed in key financial markets such as NASDAQ, NYSE, LSE, Euronext and Xetra. For this purpose, GGM Capital will leverage on its extensive proprietary trading experience and in particular its strong track record developing successful intraday trading and short term swing strategies.

GGM Multistrategy will invest a smaller part of its assets under management in less liquid instruments, be it either investment funds or corporate debt, with generally a hold to maturity strategy. The objective of this part of the portfolio is to provide foreseeable returns with are not correlated with the equity portion of the portfolio.

GGM Capital will leverage of the combined 40+ years experience in capital markets of David Moix, Gabriel Padilla and Guillermo G. Morales as well as its positive track record achieved by GGM Capital managing venture capital investments in the technology space.

Guillermo G. Morales Lopez, Executive Chairman of GGM Capital said: “I’m excited to offer our investors a new innovative instrument leveraging on our experience and track record. We had been working hard in building up this amazing strategy during the last years and now we are pleased to offer this one of a kind investment opportunity to the market”.

Gabriel Padilla, Partner of GGM Capital added: “Our investors have asked us to develop an open-ended, diversified product to deepen their investment relationship with us. I believe we now have the right product for this purpose.”

Innovation and Demographics: Growth Opportunities From Global Themes

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Cinco ideas de Henderson para aprovechar distintas oportunidades en renta variable
CC-BY-SA-2.0, FlickrPhoto: Sasha Kohlmann. Innovation and Demographics: Growth Opportunities From Global Themes

Six years into a stock market recovery fuelled by coordinated and repeated bouts of quantitative easing, equities have arrived at a very interesting point in the road. The asset purchasing intervention by many of the developed world’s central banks drove bond yields to historic lows, forcing traditional yield-hungry fixed income investors to venture into the equity markets. While it is difficult to argue that, overall, valuations in equity markets are not now becoming somewhat stretched relative to historic levels, when compared to the meagre returns on offer from fixed income, the premium to historical averages looks easier to justify.

The Henderson Global Growth strategy applies a thematic overlay to identify areas of the market that are underpinned by a disruptive innovation or demographic trend, which is expected to drive long-term secular growth. Here, managers Ian Warmerdam and Ronan Kelleher analyse the themes of Energy Efficiency, Healthcare Innovation and Internet Transformation.

Higher growth has become overlooked

In recent years, there has been a keen focus and significant investment in high yielding equities, typically characterised by low growth and mature businesses, and this has led to a corresponding increase in relative valuations in this area versus the wider market. The knock on effect of this has been, in Henderson´s view, that parts of the higher growth areas of the stock market have become overlooked, resulting in attractive entry points for the longer term investor. This is precisely the area of the stock market in which we operate, scouring the globe for pockets of underappreciated long-term secular growth.

Thematic-based opportunities

On the Henderson Global Growth strategy Ian Warmerdam and Ronan Kelleher, managers at Henderson, apply a thematic overlay to identify areas of the market that may provide stock ideas that fulfil our long-term, fundamental investment criteria. Both maintain a focus on a small number of themes; each underpinned by a disruptive innovation or demographic trend that is expected to drive secular growth over the long term. Henderson current themes include: Energy Efficiency, Paperless Payment, Healthcare Innovation, Internet Transformation and Emerging Markets Growth. Here, we touch on three, but all provide a breadth and depth of investment opportunities.

Energy Efficiency: going Continental

“Energy Efficiency is a theme that has served us well in recent times”, said Warmerdam and Kelleher. The quest for greater energy efficiency is being driven by a combination of factors; environmental concerns, rationalisation of finite reserves of carbon-based fuels and governments’ pursuit of energy independence. Confronting these issues, governments in countries covering 80% of global passenger vehicle sales have set stringent targets for fuel economy or emissions.

In the US, for example, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has mandated that the average passenger car’s fuel economy must increase from around 35 miles per gallon (mpg) today to 56mpg by 2025. Continental, the German listed manufacturer of auto components and tyres, benefits from these trends. The company enjoys strong market positions across its powertrain division, which integrates innovative and efficient vehicle system solutions with a broad portfolio of engine parts from turbochargers to start-stop technology, geared towards increasing fuel efficiency and reducing emissions.

Healthcare Innovation: ‘MinuteClinics’

“Another fruitful hunting ground for long-term growth has been Healthcare Innovation. Here we are attracted by the demographic changes at play as an ageing global population, as shown in the chart below, struggles to contain ever rising healthcare costs. Increases in life expectancy mean that the global 60+ age group is expected to double by 2050 to two billion people. We are attracted to companies such as CVS Health, the US pharmacy chain, which provides an integrated health care service for its customers”, point out both managers at Henderson. For example, they said, CVS now operates around 1,000 walk-in “MinuteClinics” across its 7,800 stores where patients can get a variety of everyday illnesses and injuries treated at a fraction of the time and cost of going to see a GP.

Internet Transformation: moving online

Finally, Warmerdam y Kelleher explained that Rightmove, a long-term holding within our Internet Transformation theme, is a stock we continue to like. The leading online UK property listings company has had a turbulent 18 months following a period of uncertainty surrounding the impact of a third entrant into its market. “We believe the proficient founder-led management team at Rightmove has done an impressive job at the helm, and the company has rightfully emerged as a more dominant leader in a market that should continue to benefit from the structural shift in advertising spend from offline to online”, concluded.




An Absolute High?

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¿Un máximo absoluto?
Photo: Dave Kellman. An Absolute High?

UK equities remain elevated, with muted volatility, but the next ‘macro shock’ could quickly change this backdrop.

The FTSE 100 Index broke through its all-time high when it moved above 7,000 in spring this year. It has since retreated but remains at elevated levels. Investors are rightly wondering whether the market can advance further or if they need to prepare for volatile markets.

The FTSE 100 Implied Volatility Index (IVI) 30 Day measures volatility. It is derived from the prices of underlying FTSE 100 options, and can be considered a ‘fear gauge’ by investors.

Volatility trends

The chart plots the FTSE 100 IVI Index against the FTSE 100 Index. It is clear that rising markets are often characterised by periods of low volatility, while falling markets typically exhibit increased volatility. Euphoria appears to be accompanied by smoother markets than panic. Psychologically this makes sense; numerous studies have shown that humans feel losses more than gains of the same value. Economists call this “loss aversion”. When losses begin to accumulate in the market this can rapidly descend into self-reinforced panic as confidence in the prices of stocks evaporates.

Volatility is, therefore, not typically welcomed by investors. However, our strategy can exploit this volatility in share prices, aiming to convert it into a stream of absolute (positive) returns for investors. We blend two trading strategies within the Henderson UK Absolute Return Fund. ‘Core’ positions, typically one third of the fund, constitute long-term views on earnings growth potential of underlying companies. ‘Tactical’ positions, typically two thirds of the fund, take advantage of factors influencing stock prices over a shorter timeframe. Both strategies can either go ‘long’ or ‘short’.

Macro effects

It is these tactical positions, in particular, that equip us with the potential to generate positive returns whatever the market backdrop, and there are plenty of macroeconomic issues to keep investors concerned: the timing of interest rate rises; Greece; and Spanish elections in December, to name but a few.

We may not be able to consistently forecast what (or when) the next ‘macro shock’ will be, but it is a fairly safe assumption that there will be one, and that stock market volatility will spike. 

Case study

Volatility has been historically low in the last couple of years, although it picked up ahead of the UK general election in May 2015. In the run-up to the election, we took some tactical short positions in those sectors that were likely to be penalised if Labour won, such as selected bank, utility and transport stocks. Before the unexpectedly definitive result came through, we were able to close many of these tactical short positions, and in some cases, reverse them into long positions, generating strong returns for the strategy after victory for the Conservative party was announced.

Ben Wallace and Luke Newman are Co-Managers of the Henderson UK Absolute Return Fund.

Henderson Global Investors Launches Global Multi-Asset SICAV

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Henderson Global Investors lanza una SICAV multiactivo global
Photo: Hernán Piñera. Henderson Global Investors Launches Global Multi-Asset SICAV

Henderson has expanded its global multi-asset portfolio offering with launch of the Henderson Horizon Global Multi-Asset Fund (SICAV). This is Henderson’s first UCITS multi-asset fund and further broadens the range of global products offered by Henderson Global Investors.

The Fund will be managed by both Bill McQuaker and Paul O’Connor, with additional support provided by Chris Paine, Director of Research. The team has a 10 year track record in multi-asset investing.

The Henderson Horizon Global Multi-Asset Fund will launch upon the merger of the Henderson Diversified Growth SIF, and its initial assets under management will be around £100 million.

The Fund expects to build long term attractive returns with lower volatility than equity markets. This is achieved by making flexible, conviction-led asset allocation decisions across a broad range of asset classes and strategies.

Greg Jones, head of EMEA retail and Latin America says, “The launch of the Henderson Horizon Global Multi-Asset Fund allows clients based outside of the UK to access the skill set of our highly regarded multi-asset team in a structure that is more familiar to them.

“Following the launch of the All Asset Fund in our US mutual range almost three years ago, the new fund will effectively complete the footprint of our global multi-asset offering.”

Bill McQuaker, co-head of multi-asset adds, “The multi-asset market continues to grow, with the total market valued at around £126.5bn.

“The current environment of historically low interest rates and elevated asset prices exposes investors to a range of risks and opportunities.

“By actively managing allocations to a range of asset classes and strategies, we aim to capture returns while protecting investors’ capital during more difficult market environments.”

Pioneer Investments Posts Record €10.7 Billion Net Sales in First Half of 2015

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Pioneer Investments duplica sus ventas netas y alcanza nuevo récord en el primer semestre del año
CC-BY-SA-2.0, FlickrPhoto: historias visuales, Flickr, Creative Commons. Pioneer Investments Posts Record €10.7 Billion Net Sales in First Half of 2015

Global asset manager, Pioneer Investments, posted record inflows of €10.7 billion globally for the first half of the year, reflecting continued positive momentum across all regions and channels. Building on the first quarter of 2015, Pioneer Investments saw €3.6 billion positive net sales in the second quarter positioning the firm as one of the leading players in the industry. According to Morningstar mutual fund flows data, Pioneer Investments ranked 8th in Europe and 15th worldwide year-to-date through June.

The firm’s AuM increased by 19% YoY with assets under management standing at €221 billion as of June 30, 2015. Pioneer Investments’ product range attracted strong flows from markets such as Germany, Italy, Iberia and Latam amongst others, with the firm’s US and Asia businesses also recording positive momentum.

Commenting on these results, Giordano Lombardo, CEO and Group CIO of Pioneer Investments said, “We are extremely pleased to have again ranked amongst the industry’s top players in terms of fund flows, reflecting our clients’ trust in Pioneer’s investment process. We are seeing especially strong growth in our liquid alternative and outcome-oriented strategies. Our multi-asset mutual fund range attracted particularly strong inflows ranking third worldwide year-to-date through June.”

He added, “While our macroeconomic outlook remains reasonably optimistic for the rest of the year, we do expect market volatility to remain heightened, largely driven by geopolitical factors. Our priority remains to deliver strong investment results and industry-leading service and support to our valued clients.”

A Bipolar Economy in USA: Strong Consumer Economy vs Weak Industrial Economy

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La economía bipolar de EE.UU.: consumo fuerte e industria débil
CC-BY-SA-2.0, FlickrPhoto: dpitmedia, Flickr, Creative Commons. A Bipolar Economy in USA: Strong Consumer Economy vs Weak Industrial Economy

Janet Yellen and her colleagues at the U.S. Federal Reserve (Fed) will spend the coming weeks and months contemplating the timing of an increase in short-term interest rates. While a cynic might describe the Fed’s behavior as “reactionary,” the Fed itself prefers the term “data-dependent.” As the Fed monitors incoming data, it will be searching for signs of the overall strength of the economy and any associated inflationary pressures. In so doing, the Fed is likely to find a two-speed economy, with the general health of the U.S. consumer improving rapidly, while the industrial side of the economy continues to struggle, says Eaton Vance in a report.

Part of the explanation for this seeming disconnect in economic data lies with energy prices. Over the past 12 months, the price of a barrel of oil has fallen 43%, from $105 to $60. This has led to a drop in average U.S. gasoline prices from approximately $3.70/gallon to $2.75/ gallon. With more money in their pockets, U.S. consumers (at least those who drive) are apparently feeling somewhat better about things. Accordingly, the University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index recently neared its five-year high.

While the collapse in oil prices has been good news for the consumer, it’s bad news for many industrial companies. Oil and gas is an important end market for capital goods and equipment manufacturers. “We have been struck by how rapidly the energy sector cut expenses at the beginning of 2015. North American exploration and production companies tell us they have cut capital spending by roughly 35% this year. This has had a ripple effect throughout the supply chain, well beyond the direct exposure of oil and gas equipment. The softness in the industrial part of the economy has begun to manifest itself in the form of lower utilization rates at U.S. factories”.

Aside from lower energy prices, another big reason for the greater optimism on the part of many consumers is the recent improvement on the jobs front. After topping 10% in 2009, the U.S. unemployment rate has steadily fallen since then and is now at what many would consider a more “normal” level – 5.3% as of June 2015. Perhaps even more telling is that wage growth has finally begun to pick up after years of stagnation.

Bringing it back to equities

Understanding the relative health of different segments of the economy is important, but for equity investors, the key question is always, “What’s not priced in?” Looking at the trailing 12-month performance of the consumer discretionary and industrials sectors within the S&P 500 Index, it seems clear that the U.S. equity market has begun to figure things out, as consumer discretionary stocks have handily outperformed industrials over the past several months.

“This divergence of performance between the two sectors has led to widening valuation differentials: Consumer discretionary stocks were recently valued at 19.5x forward EPS estimates, whereas industrials stocks were only valued at 16.3x. In the Eaton Vance Large-Cap Value strategy, we have recently been cutting back our consumer discretionary exposure and have been adding to industrials. Meanwhile, in our growth strategies, we have recently had underweight positions in industrials. Our growth team has continued to be optimistic about the outlook for companies that it believes to be benefiting from strong, secular growth trends in the areas of consumer, technology and health care, among others”.

Regardless of where there may (or may not) be opportunities in today’s equity market, their view remains that true bargains are far from plentiful. However, that could change in the months ahead. “In the interim, we continue to believe investors should selectively favor shares of companies with skilled management teams that allocate capital well”.