John Bennett: No Ordinary Cycle in Europe

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Henderson: "La vieja definición de ‘value’ y ‘growth’ ya no se puede aplicar porque no estamos viviendo en un ciclo normal"
CC-BY-SA-2.0, FlickrPhoto: John Bennett, Head of European Equities. John Bennett: No Ordinary Cycle in Europe

In this interview, John Bennett, portfolio manager of Henderson European Absolute Return Fund and Head of the European Equities, explains his view about european equities and the influence of the central banks policies in the stocks markets.

Do European equities offer value?

I’ve always been wary of the value versus growth thing. I think these are convenient labels. Value is in the eye of the beholder. For me, value is about the price you pay for cash flow. What I would say about value is that the old definition of value and growth no longer applies, because this is no ordinary cycle. This has not been an ordinary cycle since the financial crisis. It cannot be an ordinary cycle because of the debt mountain that built up. We are still dealing with the threat of debt deflation – that is really what central bankers are fighting.

In the old days of buying value, you might have looked at cement, banks, steel, cars or aluminium – traditional value sectors. This is not a good idea now, because of deflationary risks, and because of central banks’ response to deflationary risks, namely the QE experiment. You have overcapacity in so many industries that you used to call value. Until we get a change in the inflation dynamic, this probably won’t change.

Are European banks rightly unloved?

Banks have been the poster children of the value trap. Value is never in a ratio. Fund managers have become inured to the many calls from strategists on the sell side who have suggested that it is time to buy the banks. It has been a spectacularly wrong since 2008 because the banking model has been severely disrupted, if not broken, by QE.

What are your post-Brexit concerns for Europe?

I have been less worried about the FTSE 100 and the UK economy than the European periphery in the immediate aftermath of Brexit; because of course Britain flexed its currency, devaluing sterling significantly. I worried about the effects of that more on the European periphery, an already fairly uncompetitive area, where the euro has arguably been too strong since it was launched.

The euro in my view has been too weak for Germany and too strong for everyone else. I thought it was wrong that people were panicking on UK house builders, for example. I haven’t said ‘panic about the periphery’, rather ‘worry about the periphery’. I think it’s a patient that is still healing. Recent GDP numbers from Italy hasn’t been that good, which threatens Italian Prime Minster Matteo Renzi in the upcoming referendum – yet another noisy political event in Europe. I doubt I’ll ever stop worrying about the economies in the periphery.

How is the healthcare sector performing?

Pharma hasn’t really participated in the defensives rally. At best pharma has been dull; in some cases worse than dull. I went into 2016 thinking that this was a year for stocks, not markets. I was trying to say I’m not convinced that this would be an ‘up’ year for market indices. So far, unless you have been based in sterling, you haven’t had an up year in European equities. I would extend that to say even stocks not sectors (from stocks not markets). So, we have nuanced our pharmaceuticals view to say it is not just so much about buying the whole sector. You are now seeing clear stock dispersion within pharma, with pricing pressure in some clinical areas in the US.

Look at the news from Sanofi on its diabetes insulin product. And look at the news from Novo Nordisk. Yes; pricing is beginning to be a problem in the US – a headwind for some pharmaceutical companies, but not all. Where I take an issue with the ‘one size fits all’ approach was that, if you have innovative medicine meeting unmet clinical needs, you will have pricing power. This is why our names are big names in pharma like Roche and Novartis, and also Fresenius in healthcare. I think stock dispersion is back, even within sectors.

Investment Fund Assets Worldwide See 4% Increase in Q2 2016

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Los activos de los fondos de inversión aumentaron en un 4% a nivel mundial en el segundo trimestre de 2016
CC-BY-SA-2.0, FlickrPhoto: Martin Fish. Investment Fund Assets Worldwide See 4% Increase in Q2 2016

The European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA) has recently published its latest International Statistical Release, which describes the developments in the worldwide investment fund industry during the second quarter of 2016.

The main developments in Q2 2016 can be summarized as follows:

  • Investment fund assets worldwide increased by 4 percent in the second quarter of 2016.  In U.S. dollar terms, worldwide investment fund assets increased by 1.4 percent to stand at USD 42.3 trillion at end Q2 2016.
  • Worldwide net cash inflows increased to EUR 206 billion, up from EUR 154 billion in the first quarter of 2016.
  • Long-term funds (all funds excluding money market funds) recorded net inflows of EUR 217 billion, compared to EUR 192 billion in the first quarter of 2016.
    • Equity funds recorded net outflows of EUR 17 billion, against net inflows of EUR 50 billion in the previous quarter.
    • Bond funds posted net inflows of EUR 130 billion, up from net inflows of EUR 72 billion in the first quarter of 2016.
    • Balanced/mixed funds registered net inflows of EUR 58 billion, up from net inflows of EUR 35 billion in the previous quarter.
  • Money market funds continued to register net outflows in Q2 2016 (EUR 11 billion), compared to net outflows of EUR 38 billion in Q1 2016.
  • At the end of the second quarter of the year, assets of equity funds represented 39 percent and bond funds represented 22 percent of all investment fund assets worldwide.  Of the remaining assets, money market funds represented 12 percent and the asset share of balanced/mixed funds was 18 percent.
  • The market share of the ten largest countries/regions in the world market were the United States (47.1%), Europe (33.8%), Australia (3.8%), Brazil (3.6%), Japan (3.5%), Canada (3.1%), China (2.7%), Rep. of Korea (0.9%), South Africa (0.4%) and India (0.4%).

J.P. Morgan Launches First Active ETF

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JP Morgan AM lanza su primer ETF activo
CC-BY-SA-2.0, FlickrPhoto: ecosistema urbano . J.P. Morgan Launches First Active ETF

J.P. Morgan Asset Management recently launched its first alternative and actively managed ETF, the JPMorgan Diversified Alternatives ETF (JPHF).  The ETF provides investors with diversified exposure to hedge funds strategies including equity long/short, event driven and global macro strategies.

JPHF was designed and is managed by Yazann Romahi, CIO of Quantitative Beta Strategies at J.P. Morgan Asset Management. A pioneer in hedge fund beta investing, Romahi created the ETF with the support of a team of 17 investment specialists who have been focused on beta philosophy research and development for more than a decade.  In addition, the team manages over $3.5bn of assets in alternative beta with this ETF being the latest extension of their offering.

JPHF aims to democratize hedge fund investing by providing investors with institutional quality hedge fund strategy in a cost efficient, tradeable ETF wrapper. The ETF can serve as a core component of a portfolio’s alternatives allocation. The bottom-up approach results in a purer capture of the hedge fund exposure and better diversification than traditional hedge fund replication strategies, as it employs strategies that have true low correlation to traditional markets. 

 “In the past, alternative investments have been an exclusive option only accessible by a small portion of investors; however, JPHF now makes these investment vehicles available to a wider array of investors,” said Robert Deutsch, Head of ETFs for J.P. Morgan Asset Management.  “Alternative beta strategies provide investors with true diversification with attractive liquidity, transparency and cost.”

With the launch of JPHF, J.P. Morgan Asset Management’s Diversified Return ETF suite features nine product offerings.  J.P. Morgan manages more than $120bn in alternatives globally.

New Leak of Offshore Files from The Bahamas

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Nuevas informaciones de ICIJ sacan a la luz un registro de firmas offshore de Bahamas
CC-BY-SA-2.0, Flickr. New Leak of Offshore Files from The Bahamas

While most uses for offshore companies and trusts are legitimate and the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) does not intend to suggest or imply that any persons, companies or other entities included in the ICIJ Offshore Leaks Database have broken the law or otherwise acted improperly, their publication causes much scandal for those involved.

The latest revelations published by ICIJ reveal fresh information about a series of offshore companies in the Bahamas with the offshore activities of prime ministers, ministers, princes, convicted criminals, the UK’s Home Secretary Amber Rudd, and Neelie Kroes, a prominent former EU commissioner.

The Bahamas, which once sold itself as the “Switzerland of the West,” is a constellation of 700 islands, many smaller than a square mile. It is one of a handful of micro nations south of the United States whose confidentiality laws and reluctance to share information with foreign governments gave rise to the term “Caribbean curtain.”

Mossack Fonseca, the law firm whose leaked files formed the basis of the Panama Papers, set up 15,915 entities in the Bahamas, making it Mossack Fonseca’s third busiest jurisdiction.

In the case of Kroes, the former senior EU official, the records show that she was director of Mint Holdings, from July 2000 to October 2009. The company was registered in the Bahamas in April 2000 and is currently active. However, Kroes, through a lawyer, told ICIJ and media partners that she did not declare her directorship of the company because it was never operational. Kroes’ lawyer blamed her appearance on company records as “a clerical oversight which was not corrected until 2009.” Her lawyer said the company, set up through a Jordanian businessman and friend of Kroes, had been created to investigate the possibility of raising money to purchase assets – worth more than $6 billion – from Enron, the American energy giant. The deal never came off, and Enron later collapsed amid a massive accounting scandal.

The Bahamas has not signed the global treaty that helps countries share tax information. The OECD, the treaty’s governing body, calls it the “most powerful instrument against offshore tax evasion and avoidance.” In August, the number of participants hit 103, which includes tax havens and some of the world’s poorest countries.

Details from the Bahamas corporate registry, along with those of the Panama Papers and the Offshore leaks, are available to the public at the searchable ICIJ Database.

Credit Suisse Appoints Two New AM Heads

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Credit Suisse nombra a dos nuevos responsables para las divisiones de Asset Management de Américas y EMEA
CC-BY-SA-2.0, FlickrPhoto: Trade Mark Alex. Credit Suisse Appoints Two New AM Heads

Credit Suisse recently appointed Bill Johnson as Head of Asset Management Americas, and Michel Degen as Head of Asset Management Switzerland and EMEA, which includes all existing Core businesses, Alternative Funds Solutions (AFS) and Credit Suisse Energy Infrastructure Partners.

Johnson’s new appointment, in addition to his current role as Deputy Global Head of Asset Management, will oversee the Commodities Group, Credit Investments Group, Securitized Products Fund and Private Funds Group. Furthermore, Anteil Capital Partners, NEXT, and Mexico Credit Opportunities Trust (MEXCO), will continue to report to him, as well as the other Americas-based businesses that have done so so far.

Michael Strobaek, former Head of Asset Management in Switzerland, should remain Global Chief Investment Officer of Credit Suisse and Head of Investment Solutions and Products for International Wealth Management.

Stocks Are Not the New Bonds

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Las acciones no son los nuevos bonos
CC-BY-SA-2.0, FlickrPhoto: Jotam Trejo. Stocks Are Not the New Bonds

2016 has been notable for droughts in some places and floods in others. There has been a disconnect, if you will, in normal weather patterns. Lately, we have witnessed a growing disconnect in the financial markets too. Asset class after asset class continues to rise in value despite stagnant global economic growth and flagging corporate profits. Why are investors chasing the market higher? Extraordinarily accommodative central bank policies are the most likely explanation.

With a large fraction of the world’s pool of government bond yields in negative territory, flows that normally would have gone into high- quality fixed income securities are instead finding a home in dividend-paying stocks. This “chase for yield” has pushed up traditional high-dividend payers like real estate investment trusts (REITs), utilities and telecom stocks to historically rich price/earnings multiples. This is the most concrete evidence we have seen in years that investors are substituting stocks for bonds in investment portfolios.

Bonds: Accept no substitute

There are two powerful reasons why stocks are not a substitute for bonds. The first is the relative volatility of the two asset classes. Stocks are historically about three times as volatile as bonds. Investors therefore demand higher returns in exchange for holding these riskier assets. Second, dividend payments to stockholders are not a contractual obligation; there is no legal compunction for corporations to continue to pay dividends. Dividend payments can be — and often are — cut at the first hint of trouble.

Stock investors need to be particularly mindful of potential economic inflection points. History has shown that markets often become the most euphoric at the most perilous point in the economic cycle. The current US economic expansion is now in its eighth year, while the average business cycle typically lasts five years. The stock market has historically peaked 6–8 months before a recession begins, though forecasting recessions is always challenging. When recessions do hit, corporate profits have fallen by an average of 26% and stock markets have typically fallen by roughly the same amount. Failing to avoid late-cycle euphoria can have severe costs for investors, especially for investors who have been driven into equities for the wrong reasons. 

Don’t be late

Instead of being an equity market latecomer, yield-starved investors might want to consider adding “credit,” or corporate bonds, to their investment portfolios. Pools of investment-grade corporate bonds are currently not cheap by historic standards, but they are not at extremely rich price levels either.  Investors seeking yield can find attractive opportunities in corporate credit, which offers yields similar to or higher than equity dividends, but generally with far less volatility.

Global central banks have been providing novel forms of support for world bond markets with the aim of stimulating economic growth and inflation rates. But in my opinion, sound investment strategy does not include guessing where central bank policy is heading next. The guiding principles of preserving capital while generating growth are vigilance on the fundamentals, caution regarding gains, and the avoidance of fads. Don’t follow raw market emotion, especially when easy money causes the temperature of the markets to rise just as fundamentals fall.

James Swanson is MFS Chief Investment Strategist.

The Growing Role of Smart Beta In New Investment Strategies

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La creciente importancia del smart beta en las nuevas estrategias de inversión
CC-BY-SA-2.0, FlickrPhoto: Aiky RATSIMANOHATRA . The Growing Role of Smart Beta In New Investment Strategies

Lyxor Asset Management has led a research that highlights the growing importance of risk factors and other Smart Beta strategies in generating performance in the current challenging market conditions.

In this research piece, that considers the performance of 3,740 active funds representing €1.2 trn in AUM compared to their traditional benchmarks over a period of ten years, the firm found that European domiciled active funds had a more positive year in 2015, with an average of 47% outperforming their benchmarks, significantly more than 2014 where just 25% outperformed on average.

Looking at the source of this outperformance, the team found a significant part could be attributed to specific risk factors. These ‘risk factors’ describe stocks that exhibit the same attributes or behaviours. Lyxor has identified five key risk factors: Low Size, Value, Quality, Low Beta and Momentum, which together account for 90% of portfolio returns.

European active fund managers for example were overweight Low Beta, Momentum and Quality Factors in 2015, which all outperformed benchmarks. Another aspect of the research compared active fund performance with Minimum Variance Smart Beta indices, which are designed to reduce portfolio volatility. Here the results were even more compelling: whereas 72% of active funds in the Europe category outperformed a traditional benchmark in 2015, only 14% outperformed the Smart Beta index.

These findings demonstrate the increasing role played by Smart Beta strategies that are based on rules that do not rely on market capitalization, as an indispensable pillar of investor portfolio. Factor-investing is one of the various investment strategies referred to as Smart Beta. “In today’s markets characterized by very low interest rates, higher volatility and no market trend in risky asset markets, investors need to look at new forms of portfolio allocation in order to find diversification and generate performance,” Marlene Hassine, head of ETF research at Lyxor Asset Management; commented. “Smart Beta, which can be implemented, either with a more passive or a more active bias, is one of the new tools at the disposal of investors”, she added.

3 Emerging Markets Picks For Active, Fundamentals-Driven Investors

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Midcaps expuestas a cambios estructurales, valores "de pico y pala" y bancos en mercados frontera: oportunidades en emergentes
CC-BY-SA-2.0, FlickrPhoto: w4nd3rl0st, Flickr, Creative Commons.. 3 Emerging Markets Picks For Active, Fundamentals-Driven Investors

“Mid-cap stocks exposed to structural change, ‘picks and shovels stocks’ and undervalued frontier market businesses are three areas of investment that would likely slip below the radar of the more passive and large-cap focused emerging market investor”, says Ross Teverson, Jupiter’s head of strategy, emerging markets. “For active, fundamentals-driven investors like us, they represent a great opportunity,” he added.

Undervalued mid-caps exposed to structural change

Emerging market equities have enjoyed strong recovery since their low in January of this year. Despite this, the valuations of many emerging market stocks remain undemanding and we continue to find a number of compelling opportunities, particularly within the mid-cap universe, where strong growth prospects are not yet reflected in share prices. This is in direct contrast to certain EM large- cap stocks with well-recognised growth prospects, which in recent years, have become expensive relative to company earnings, as increasingly risk-averse investors crowded into a relatively small group of large cap stocks that are perceived to be of high quality.

Examples of these mid-cap opportunities are diverse by geography and sector. One stock that we hold in Jupiter Global Emerging Markets Equity Unconstrained is a Brazilian private university operator, Ser Educacional, which we believe is well positioned to benefit from structural growth in Brazilian education spending. Another is Indonesian property developer Bumi Serpong, a mid-cap stock that is exposed to structural growth in mortgage penetration in Indonesia, which is coming from very low levels. The company is a beneficiary of Indonesia’s very strong demographics: high rates of household formation are creating strong demand for the types of properties that Bumi Serpong are building.

‘Picks and shovels’ stocks

They say that in a gold rush, the ones that make the most money are the suppliers of the tools you need to find gold rather than the miners themselves. The modern equivalents of these businesses in EM are companies that give exposure to well-known and significant trends or structural changes like the growth of electric vehicles, the move towards industrial automation or the switch to renewable energy. Take BizLink in Taiwan. A key supplier of wiring harnesses to one of the most advanced manufacturers of electric cars, Tesla, it is held in Jupiter Global Emerging Markets Equity Unconstrained and Jupiter China Select. BizLink may be the less glamorous of the two businesses, but it is making high and consistent margins while Tesla itself, while ground-breaking, is some way from making a profit.

Or there is Chroma, another Taiwan-based company held in Jupiter Global Emerging Markets Equity Unconstrained. Chroma provides testing equipment to a number of different areas within clean technology and renewable energy, including solar power, electric vehicle batteries and LEDs. Because its management team has a culture of paying out free cash flow to shareholders, investors in the company typically receive a decent dividend. What’s more, because Chroma is a key supplier to manufacturers within its business areas, it can afford to make the pricing of the equipment it sells very stable.

Frontier-market banks

Large state-owned banks make up a big part of the Emerging Markets index, which means that these are the banks an investor in an EM ETF might own. Hanging over these largely government- controlled banks, however, is a great unknown. A history of undisciplined or politically incentivised lending has left many of these banks with a level of non-performing loans that is likely to be much higher than official numbers suggest. It is hard to quantify exactly how big the problem will be. A number of frontier market banks, in contrast, trade at similar valuations to their larger EM peers but with better asset quality, higher returns and superior long term growth prospects

Specifically, we like frontier markets banks which either have a strong deposit franchise or are building a strong deposit franchise. Depositors entrust these banks with their money because they provide a good branch network, easy access to money, and are considered a safe place for them to keep their cash. There are good examples in Georgia, where we own Bank of Georgia, in Pakistan, where we own Habib Bank, and in Nigeria, where we own Access Bank. By operating the traditional retail banking model, these banks make a high return by taking deposits on which they pay a low level of interest and then lending to blue chip corporates. It’s also less risky than an alternative model (which is to borrow money from the wholesale money markets and then lend to riskier borrowers). In frontier markets, this operating model has led to high returns and good growth prospects as a result of underpenetrated consumer credit.

How QE Distorts Prices

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¿Hasta dónde pueden caer los activos libres de riesgo?
CC-BY-SA-2.0, FlickrPhoto: Linus Bohman. How QE Distorts Prices

One of the main differences between free market and communist economies is the role of prices. In free market economies, prices play a central role as they aggregate valuable information over demand and supply in a single figure that guides economic agents – producers and consumers – to make their choices. In communist economies, on the other hand, prices do not incorporate any information, since what is produced and consumed is defined in a plan decided by a central authority.

A prime example of free market economies are financial markets, a virtual place where millions of sellers and buyers continuously exchange standardised products. In these markets, and more than in any other markets, prices play a key role. This is the very reason why trade takes place.

A Quantitative Easing (QE) programme, as decided by a central bank, is a plan that consists of buying large quantities of assets whatever the price is. As a conse- quence, prices lose their precious information content that normally enables investors to switch meaningfully between different asset classes. One example for this is the current development of government bond yields. It makes no sense that long-dated German government bonds have a negative yield, nor does the fact that Italian yields are lower than their US counterparts. Even more shocking is that the Bank of England wasn’t able to buy enough gilts during the first days of its new QE, even though the price offered to pay was high and above market prices. Furthermore, it is common knowledge that gilts are overvalued.

QE programmes are designed differently across central banks, including to various degrees sovereign bonds, corporate bonds, asset-backed securities and equities. They all have in common to purchase mainly sovereign bonds. The yields of these government bonds play a central role in asset allocation as they are seen as risk free rates and thus set the basis for the pricing of all assets. Consequently, the distortion in this specific market segment, reinforced by negative interest rate policies of central banks, has a cascading effect on other assets, thus leading to mispricing of all financial assets.

According to the Financial Times, the market value of negative-yielding bonds amounts to USD 13.4tn, a mind-boggling figure that shows the extent of the price distortion in this key market segment. In addition to central bank purchases of other above-mentioned assets which directly distort prices of risky assets, liquidity and risk premiums are further altered by investors’ thirst for yields, forcing them to take more risk for a given return.

No matter how strongly distorted each individual market price is, asset prices remain consistently priced vis-à-vis each other. For example, the yields of US treasuries and German bunds – two assets that share very similar risk characteristics in the investors’ eyes – become similar once the currency hedging costs are taken into account; and this despite different economic conditions and different central bank behaviours. Equity markets have all gone up significantly, even to new highs in the US, as the thirst for yields has obliged investors to buy equities despite an overall general pessimism and meagre growth prospects. The same is true for corporate bonds. Finally, the VIX Index, nicknamed the fear index, is close to its lowest level, as if the world economy would be looking forward to a blue sky outlook.

While mispricing can be observed in all asset prices, financial markets behave consistently, in sync, according to their own logic. We are asking ourselves how long this situation will last and how far it can go. The situation will last as long as central banks’ credibility remains intact, or in other words, as long as they are willing and able to act convincingly in the eyes of market participants. And it can go as far as the most powerful and thus most credible central bank will be able to set prices at ridiculous levels. If this proves to be true, risk-free yields are set to converge to the lowest level and risky asset prices to increase virtually in- dependently from economic fundamentals. Like in communist economies, the outcome is ultimately equality, not fairness.

Three potential symptoms could indicate that this situation is in its terminal phase. First, the credibility of central banks and governments is directly challenged, resulting in rising and diverging government bond yields as risk is repriced. Second, the currency market absorbs a part of the mispricing by rebalancing economies and markets via sizeable exchange rate adjustments. Third, the loss of credibility is directly reflected in the domestic loss of purchasing power, in other words inflation. This type of inflation, however, is not due to the usual too much money chasing too few goods, but to a lack of confidence in the government. This can potentially lead to hyperinflation, as extreme events such as Germany in the 1920s, Hungary in 1946, Zimbabwe in the late 2000s and Venezuela today remind us.

While we do not see any of these symptoms flourishing, a way to protect against this eventuality would be to invest in gold, an asset which is not under the direct control of institutions and an alternative to cash whose costs have increased dramatically with the introduction of negative rates.

In this context, the case of Japan is interesting in many respects and is a source of hope in the view of our analysis. For more than two decades, Japan has experienced a zero economy. This is an economy where growth, inflation and yields have been low. According to the IMF, government debt to GDP has been multiplied by 5 since 1980 to about 250% nowadays and is unsus- tainable. In addition, Japan has experienced various government and central bank policies with essentially no effect: yields have not repriced and growth and inflation have not come back. The Japanese yen has moved in the opposite direction to the Bank of Japan’s intention, indicating that investors are challenging the credibility of the Nippon central bank, but without triggering a full-fledged credibility crisis. Japanisation of financial markets and Western economies could thus be a benign outlook.

The wide use of unusual monetary policies in the Western world, in particular QE, has distorted massively all asset prices. While assets are mispriced, it remains true that they are consistently priced vis-à-vis each other. As long as central banks remain credible, this situation could last longer. Currently, no terminal phase symp- toms are observed, which means that the convergence in prices should continue. Gold is a good hedge against an abrupt end of this system, unless we all become Japanese.

Sayonara (さようなら) .

Yves Longchamp, is Head of Research at ETHENEA Independent Investors (Schweiz) AG.

Capital Strategies is Ethenea  distributor in Spain and Portugal.


WE Family Offices and MdF Family Partners Join Forces to Support the Launch of a London-Based Independent Family Office

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WE Family Offices y MdF Family Partners se asocian para lanzar un nuevo family office en Londres
Michael Parsons, CEO at Wren Investment Office - Courtesy photo. WE Family Offices and MdF Family Partners Join Forces to Support the Launch of a London-Based Independent Family Office

American based WE Family Offices and MdF Family Partners, an independent multi-family office advisor in Spain joined forces last year to broaden resources and enhance client service abroad. The two firms formed a strategic alliance – remaining separate companies but creating ways to collaborate and share resources.

These collaborations include their support of the newly launched Wren Investment Office, a London-based, independent wealth advisory firm serving ultra-high net worth families. The association and collaboration of WE, MdF and Wren represents a global alliance of independent family offices and comes at a time when wealthy families are seeking advisors that combine local roots and a global outlook and capability to help them manage their increasingly globalized wealth enterprises. Though WE and Wren remain separate firms, our association strengthens our ability to serve families all over the world.

Mel Lagomasino, CEO of WE Family Offices, and Michael Zeuner, managing partner of WE, will serve as non-executive directors at Wren. “The launch of Wren Investment Office is an exciting development. The philosophy of sustaining family wealth by managing it like a well-run company has been highly successful here in the US and it is a philosophy our colleagues in Europe fully subscribe to,” Lagomasino comments. “The team at Wren shares our commitment to independence, a simple fee structure and adherence to always putting clients’ interests first. We look forward to working with Wren. Our alliance with Wren is a significant step toward building a truly independent, aligned and global wealth advisory service platform for ultra-wealthy families.”

Wren Investment Office will serve as an independent family advocate, helping families to view their wealth as an enterprise and manage it as they would a business. The three firms, Wren, WE and MdF, will remain separate companies and will continue to advise and serve clients independently, but through their developing alliance will collaborate to leverage the investment opportunities, relationships and services of each firm. This will provide wealthy families access to a global platform with servicing options in the UK, Europe and the United States. This comes as WE Family Offices surpasses $5 billion in assets under advisement, while serving 70 global client families. MdF has assets under management and advice of approximately €1.5billion serving over 30 clients from its offices in Madrid, Barcelona, Geneva and Mexico.

Wren will be operating from its new premises at 8 Wilfred Street, London SW1E 6PL and has Michael Parsons as its CEO.