What can we learn from long-term trends when planning for the future? The next Robeco World Investment Forum focuses on the role played by long-term trends and their effects on investing.
Historically, the main drivers of long-term trends are threefold: demographics, globalization and technology. Take, for example, the growing middle classes in emerging markets. People there are increasingly buying smart phones, driving new cars and wanting IKEA furniture in their homes. Or take the example of a Polish doctor commuting to the UK as a result of cheap flight tickets now available worldwide. And finally, technology can create new industries and destroy others.
These drivers also have problems attached, however: managing demographic expansion, globalization and technological innovation requires a more sustainable approach to production, consumption and waste management. What are the main trends? Where in the economic cycle are we currently? What will be the next fluctuation or wave oscillation? And how will this affect our long-term growth path? These are key questions that demand an answer. And more importantly, how do these trends and cycles influence your asset-allocation questions? We will explore how these long-term trends relate to the shorter term business cycles and to decisions on your investment portfolio.
The Robeco World Investment Forum will bring together the world’s leading thinkers, who will speak on the most pressing economic issues of our times.