The Miami Industry Hopes for a Quick Resolution of U.S. Election Results

Experts Opinion


Impacto de las elecciones en EE.UU. en Miami

Author: Marcelo Soba

Ignacio Pakciarz, Founder and CEO of BigSur Partners, stated that he expects a "Red sweep" where Republicans win the executive branch and both chambers of Congress

Alejandro Behrens, Managing Director at MAXIMAI Investment Partners, warns that "the market will react depending on the clarity and speed with which the results are known."

Fernando de Frutos, CIO de Boreal, planteó tres escenarios: (i) quién gane finalmente y cuánto se haya anticipado ese resultado; (ii) si el partido perdedor impugna los resultados; y (iii) cómo quedará conformado el Congreso tanto en el Senado como en el Congreso