Investors domiciled in Europe and Asia are shifting their attention in regards to sector allocation says trendscout, a service offered by fundinfo that measures fund interest based on online views of their 16+ million fund documents database.
According the their latest insight, Technology and HealthCare had attracted a lot of interest for quite some time, but the tide has recently turned. HealthCare has been losing steam since last fall, and Technology has corrected from its year-end rally. Investor’s focus is now shifting towards depressed cyclical sectors like Gold Mining and even towards Physical Gold ETFs:
Other trendscout highlights include that amongst the categories losing attention are Equity Europe, Equity Japan and Fixed Income Relative Value, while Equity World, Flexible Allocation and Equity Gold Mining are gaining attention with the
iShares Core and Comstage driving interest for Equity World.Other funds gaining attention according to trendscout are:
- Nordea Stable Return
- JPMorgan Global Macro Opportunities Fund
- Old Mutual Global Equity Absolute Return Fund
- ZKB Gold ETF
- BGF World Gold Fund