Greece: Will It All End in Drachma?

UBS GAM Economist Insigth


Author: Fórmate a Fondo

Syriza had promised Greek voters that they could both keep Greece in the Eurozone and also roll back the austerity and reform measures as well as reduce Greece’s level of debt

Unfortunately for Syriza this dual mandate is turning out to be mutually exclusive

For Mr Tsipras to strike a deal and still survive politically, he needs to do it at the last minute

The people of Greece are becoming ever more worried about the possibility of ‘Grexit’

Not only have Greek banks had to cope with deposit withdrawals, but their lines of credit with other banks in the Eurozone are also being withdrawn

Most of Greece’s debt is in the form of bilateral loans, not bonds

If Greece goes, will the market simply target Portugal, Spain or even Italy?

The rest of the Eurozone would not escape unscathed, but they would survive. If anything, a Greek exit will likely push the rest of the Eurozone closer together