64% of Americans are inclined to invest, and most of the potential investors in 2025 belong to Generation Z and Millennials. They represent 55% compared to 42% from the “Pop Generation,” meaning Generation X and Baby Boomers+, according to a YouGov report on investment trends in the U.S. this year.
The study analyzes what Americans invest in, explores generational differences, and also highlights the most in-demand investment products and trending investment channels. The report reveals clear differences across various age groups.
One interesting finding relates to the crypto world. 83% of investors familiar with cryptocurrencies consider them a risky investment. However, more and more Americans are investing in cryptocurrencies. This is especially true among Generation Z investors, who are nearly four times more likely to own cryptocurrencies than to have a retirement account: 42% of them own crypto compared to 11% who have a retirement account. Despite the perceived risks, 65% of Generation Z plans to invest in cryptocurrencies in 2025.
Millennial investors are also more likely to own cryptocurrencies (36%) than to have a retirement account (34%). In contrast, 64% of Baby Boomers+ have a retirement account, and for Generation X, the percentage is 52%. These two older groups invest 24% (Gen X) and 8% (Baby Boomers) in crypto. Only 8% of Gen Z (aged 18 to 27) invest in mutual funds, compared to 44% of those over 60 (Baby Boomers).
The main reason why American investors do not invest is a lack of money (46%), more than negative experiences (5%). Another key finding from the study is that 15% are paying off debt instead of investing. These percentages rise to 24% and 25% for Generation X and those over 60, respectively.
On the other hand, just over half of Baby Boomer and Silent Generation investors (51%) work with a financial advisor, compared to 32% of Generation Z. Additionally, 66% of investors from this younger generation consider ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) criteria important when selecting a financial product. Among Millennials, the percentage is 63%, compared to just 26% of older investors (Baby Boomers+).
44% of American investors use banks or credit unions to acquire their investments, while 35% do so through brokers. However, almost half (48%) of the youngest generation (Z) primarily use cryptocurrency exchanges; banks come in second place, with 40%.
“While different generational life stages naturally correlate with different levels of investment capital and risk appetite, we are seeing this trend materialize around cryptocurrencies. Younger generations are especially eager to invest in a more diversified way,” said Todd Dupey, Senior Vice President of Research at YouGov America, in a statement.
The report also notes that real estate platforms represent the most popular investment channel across all generations, with a projected growth score in 2025 of +10.2 for Generation Z, +5.2 for Millennials, +3.1 for Generation X, and +0.5 for Baby Boomer+ investors.