This Past Year Has Been a Lesson and a Test of BTG Pactual’s Strength; They See Opportunities in Chile and Peru

Interview with Marcos Pimentel


Author: Fórmate a Fondo

Marcos Pimentel is Global Head of Fixed Income Sales at BTG Pactual and Managing Director Partner since 2014

"When the crisis made its appearance, the company’s partners and executives worked hard to strengthen the firm and establish a clear definition of the business areas in which we would like to grow"

The bank is attracting assets for two funds in which the company holds an exclusive distribution mandate. One is focused on private equity and the other in absolute returns

Fund management companies wanting to come to Latin America will be better positioned if they do so through a partner that offers a solution throughout the entire region

BTG Pactual has a platform in the region’s major economies and provides international fund managers with access to solutions developed internally by the bank

BTG believes think that there is room for distributors to have access to other distribution channels in Chile such as asset managers, wealth management companies, and insurers