MFS, 100 Years Away From the Noise

Published in the September Américas Magazine


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Authors: Magdalena Martínez , Alicia Jimenez y Cecilia Prieto

Mike W. Roberge: "The next 30 years will not look like the last 30. And looking at the next five or ten years, we expect markets to be more difficult, with more volatility."

Rob Almeida, Global Strategist at MFS: "Central banks don’t create wealth. Companies create wealth."

Alison O'Neill, Co-CIO of Equity and portfolio manager, talks about the changes to MFS's century-old fund, the MIT: "When it started, there were a handful of people in Boston who made up that research team, but now we have a global presence."

Overall, MFS manages $600 billion on behalf of its clients, according to data as of December 2023