Adaptation to the Client and Social Commitment: BNP Paribas Wealth Management Tools to Ace the New Post-MiFID II Course

With Silvia García-Castaño


Author: Alicia Miguel Serrano

“Risk control has always been one of our strengths. We want to build durable relationships with our clients”

“Discretionary portfolio management and advisory are two services that can coexist and complement each other very well”

“At BNP Paribas we have always opted for funds of funds, under an open architecture scheme”

“The financial crisis has reinforced the relationship with our clients allowing us to get much closer to them and their needs ”

“The impact to punish Spanish Sicavs would be very negative not only for the private banking industry but also for the whole Spanish economy”

“In the advisory service, the client can choose between the payment of an explicit commission, eliminating retrocessions, or continue as before, without an explicit payment “