The Global Housing Market Bubble Risk Decreases for the Second Consecutive Year

UBS Global Real Estate Bubble Index


Autor: Rocío Martínez

Inflation-adjusted housing prices in the analyzed cities are, on average, about 15% lower than in mid-2022

The real prices in Frankfurt, Munich, Stockholm, Hong Kong, and Paris are at least 20% below the peaks they reached after the pandemic

On average, a skilled employee in the services sector can afford 40% less living space than in 2021, before the global rise in interest rates

The current price levels do not appear to be sustainable at all given the prevailing interest rate levels, especially in markets with high homeownership rates

The homeownership market in the United States is becoming increasingly less affordable, as the monthly mortgage payment as a percentage of household income is much higher than it was during the peak of the 2006-2007 housing bubble