Private Markets: An Accessible Promise of Profitability and Diversification for Private Banking Portfolios

IMPower Incorporating Fund Forum


Autor: Alicia Miguel Serrano

Stephanie Drescher (Apollo): "We have reached a critical point where the industry recognizes that the perception of public markets being safe and private markets being risky is changing"

George Szemere (Franklin Templeton): "We are in the early stages of adopting private markets, especially in Europe compared to the U.S. (...) As diversification goals, liquidity management, etc., are achieved and understood, alternative investments will increase. Education is key for this"

Markus Egloff (KKR): "Private equity has outperformed public markets over the past 25 years (...) but not all managers can weather the storms: in the U.S., there are more PE managers than McDonald's branches"

Romina Smith (Nuveen): "Greater availability of products and increased education are opening up the private markets space for private banking, which means more opportunities for the industry"

Jan Marc Fergg (HSBC Private Bank): "Open and closed structures are there for clients and will complement each other"

Pablo Martín Pascual (BBVA): "Semi-liquid funds are the elephant in the room. As an industry, we must be responsible to avoid past disasters, and thus it is crucial to perform good selection and due diligence, choose the most prudent funds, and educate private banking"

Thomas Friedberger (Tikehau Capital): "We also see opportunities in real estate, a sector that has been quiet in recent years but could now present an opportunity to buy at a discount"

Nicolas Forest (Candriam): "It makes sense to invest across the entire credit market spectrum, with a particular conviction in investment grade (IG) but also opportunities in assets like private credit"