Toy Drive. El Comité de Liderazgo de Mujeres de FIBA prepara un Toy Drive para niños ciegos
The Florida International Bankers Association’s Women’s Leadership Committee (WLC), in partnership with the Next Gen and the Community Relations Committees, will be partnering with the Miami Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired this holiday season.
As they have done in the past three years, they will be sponsoring a Toy Drive, “so we humbly ask that you help us in our mission to bring holiday joy to the children served by this organization. The holiday events from the last years were true successes, which we would not have been able to accomplish without your generous support!”
All funds collected will be used to purchase the type of toys needed to fulfill the special needs of the children. The toys will be distributed by FIBA’s Committees to the children of Miami Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired during the December 21st Holiday event. They ask that you please make your donation by December 13th to allow them enough time to buy the toys for the children in time for their holiday event distribution on Saturday, December 21st.
Babies and children are among the most rapidly growing populations experiencing vision impairments in the Miami Lighthouse rehabilitation programs. The Miami Lighthouse has developed specialized programs for visually impaired children from birth through 13 years of age. This includes the recently launched new learning center for visually impaired children from birth through pre-kindergarten that will provide specialized early intervention and training to help “level the playing field” when these visually impaired children enter the public school system.
“Please assist us in bringing joy to the Miami Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired children this holiday season. We thank you in advance for your generous contributions. We wish you a blessed and joyful holiday season to you and your families.” Concludes the WLC.
Clients and friends of BNY Mellon met on November 1 at South Florida’s premier golf resort, Trump National Doral, to listen to Carlos Rodriguez, senior CPM of Newton IM, talk about the BNY Global Real Return and the BNY Global Equity Income Funds. Afterwards, they enjoyed a Scramble golf tournament on the iconic Red Tiger golf course. Networking conversation followed at the Champion’s Bar and Grill.
During his presentation, which followed a speech by David Ayastuy, Managing Partner of Unicorn-the firm that distributes BNY Mellon strategies in US Offshore and Latam, Rodríguez went over the capabilities and differentiators of each of the strategies, mentioning that, “considering that we are living the longest bull market in history, it makes sense to have strategies that can handle the possible end of this cycle… A strategy that not only takes advantage of the upside but protects your investment in difficult times.”
In his opinion, “there are many signs that show that we are near the end of the cycle, it does not mean that it is going to happen this month but we are close, and we prefer to miss the last two innings of the bull market that participate in the first of the bear.”
The specialist placed special emphasis on the fact that, despite the US’ positive outlook, one must look outside to anticipate the global situation, “since in the last almost 10 years, the United States has only contributed to 17 % of global growth, so it is very good that things are fine there, but we care more about what is happening in China, and that is not very positive right now.”
After the presentation, the attendees enjoyed a lunch and got ready to play a round of golf. The winners of the tournament were:
Norberto Quirno Costa – UBS
Ezequiel Sporleder – UBS
Agustín de Estrada – Aurora Partners (Bolton)
Carlos Rodríguez – BNY Mellon – Newton IM
Agustin de Estrada also won the longest drive and Carlos Marranzini of Merrill Lynch took home closest to pin.
In a massive boost for climate action and sustainability, leading banks and the United Nations launched on September 22nd, the Principles for Responsible Banking, with 130 banks collectively holding USD 47 trillion in assets, or one third of the global banking sector, signed up.
In the Principles, launched one day ahead of the UN Climate Action Summit in New York, banks commit to strategically align their business with the goals of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and the Sustainable Development Goals, and massively scale up their contribution to the achievement of both.
By signing up to the Principles, banks said they believe that “only in an inclusive society founded on human dignity, equality and the sustainable use of natural resources” can their clients, customers and businesses thrive.
With global leaders coming together to share the actions they are taking to attain the Sustainable Development Goals and address climate change this week in New York, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said at the launch event, attended by the 130 Founding Signatories and over 45 of their CEOs, that “the UN Principles for Responsible Banking are a guide for the global banking industry to respond to, drive and benefit from a sustainable development economy. The Principles create the accountability that can realize responsibility, and the ambition that can drive action.”
The Principles are supported by a strong implementation framework that defines clear accountabilities and requires each bank to set, publish and work towards ambitious targets. By creating a common framework that guides banks in growing their business and reducing risks through supporting the economic and social transformation required for a sustainable future, the Principles pave the way for the transformation to a sustainable banking industry.
“A banking industry that plans for the risks associated with climate change and other environmental challenges can not only drive the transition to low-carbon and climate-resilient economies, it can benefit from it,” said Inger Andersen, Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). “When the financial system shifts its capital away from resource-hungry, brown investments to those that back nature as solution, everybody wins in the long-term.”
While action on climate change is growing, it is still far short of what is needed to meet the 1.5°C target of the Paris Agreement. Meanwhile, biodiversity continues to decline at alarming rates and pollution claims millions of lives each year.
More ambition, backed by a step change in investment from the private sector, is needed to tackle these challenges and ensure that humanity lives in a way that ensures an equitable share of resources within planetary boundaries.
The banking and private sectors can benefit from the investment they put into backing this transition. It is estimated that addressing the SDGs could unlock USD 12 trillion in business savings and revenue annually and create 380 million more jobs by 2030.
“To transit to low-carbon and climate-resilient economies that support the goals of the Paris Agreement requires an additional investment of at least USD 60 trillion from now until 2050,” said Christiana Figueres, Convener, Mission 2020, who is credited as the architect of the Paris Agreement in her role formerly as Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. “As the banking sector provides over 90 per cent of the financing in developing countries and over two thirds worldwide, the Principles are a crucial step towards meeting the world’s sustainable development financing requirements.”
To coincide with the UN Secretary-General’s Climate Action Summit, one day after the launch of the UN Principles for Responsible Banking, 31 of their Signatories with over $13 trillion in assets announced a Collective Commitment to Climate Action. With this groundbreaking pledge, Founding Signatories of the Principles are taking tangible steps towards putting their commitment to align their business with international climate goals into practice. The commitment was announced during a full-day event on the implementation of the Principles for Responsible Banking, hosted by the thirty banks that led their development.
The Collective Commitment to Climate Action sets out concrete and time-bound actions the banks will take to scale up their contribution to and align their lending with the objectives of the Paris Agreement on Climate, including:
aligning their portfolios to reflect and finance the low-carbon, climate-resilient economy required to limit global warming to well-below 2, striving for 1.5 degrees Celsius;
taking concrete action, within a year of joining, and use their products, services and client relationships to facilitate the economic transition required to achieve climate neutrality;
being publicly accountable for their climate impact and progress on these commitments.
Carlos Hank González, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Grupo Financiero Banorte, said: “Banks have to assume a true social commitment and align ourselves with people’s priorities. Signing the Principles for Responsible Banking commits us to continue contributing to the sustainable development of our country and to face together Mexico’s greatest challenges”
Banco Santander Executive Chairman, Ana Botin, said “Every business has a responsibility to tackle today’s global challenges. At Santander we’ve worked together to deliver profit with purpose – ensuring that our day to day operations help more people and businesses prosper in a sustainable way. We have ambitious targets for areas like financial empowerment, green finance, and gender diversity among others. And now we need to do more by collaborating, sharing best practice, and encouraging more businesses and individuals to act in a responsible way to the benefit of all.”
For a complete list of all banks that have become the Founding Signatories of the Principles for Responsible Banking today and quotes from CEOs please click here.
Foto cedida. Apoya a Bahamas asisitiendo a una plática con Gustavo Zerbino, sobreviviente del accidente de los Andes
Andes survivor, Gustavo Zerbino, will share how embracing adversity changed his life forever in a conference, to be held in Spanish, where proceeds will help support the Hurricane Dorian Response Fund.
The event will take place on Tuesday, October 29th at 7pm. It will be held at the St. Agnes Academy Auditorium, located on 122 Harbor Dr, Key Biscayne, FL 33149.
Key Rats Rugby Club, has offered to assist the Freeport Rugby Football Club, in the center of the Bahamas, by accepting donations on their behalf. All donations made by U.S. residents could be tax deductible, since both Key Rats Rugby Club and Freeport Rugby Football Club are qualified not- for-profit institutions.
Entry to the conference is $100 per person, and can be paid using this link.
In case you cannot go to the conference but are willing to help, please use this link.
Julius Baer has signed a declaration to support the United Nations (UN) Principles for Responsible Banking making it the first Swiss bank to commit to them. The Bank will formally sign the principles on the occasion of the UN General Assembly in New York in September 2019.
The Principles for Responsible Banking have been developed by the UN Environment Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) and 28 banks from around the world and will be officially launched on 22 September 2019. The Principles set out the banking industry’s role and responsibility in shaping a sustainable future and in aligning the banking sector with the objectives of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement. The principles represent a single framework for the banking industry that aim to embed sustainability across all business areas.
Bernhard Hodler, Chief Executive Officer Julius Baer said: “We are very proud to be the first Swiss bank to commit to the UNEP FI Principles for Responsible Banking. At Julius Baer, we continuously include sustainability practices into our business, meeting a number of notable milestones in our pursuit of long-term value creation for clients, shareholders, and society as a whole. We see our responsibility as encompassing all aspects of sustainability: economic, social, as well as environmental. With our declaration to the Principles for Responsible Banking, we affirm our willingness to assume an active leadership role in sustainable changes.”
Pixabay CC0 Public DomainCourtesy photo. Aeromexico Launches Private Jet Card in Partnership with Delta Jets
Aeromexico Group has partnered with Aerolíneas Ejecutivas to launch Aeromexico Private Jets, an offering that will include a jet card product. For domestic U.S. flights, Aeromexico jet card customers will utilize Delta Private Jets aircraft and crews to avoid cabotage issues.
In a press release, Aeromexico said, “We are proud to present Aeroméxico Private Jets, a new private aviation service in conjunction with Aerolíneas Ejecutivas, which combines the best of both worlds: the experience and premium service of the Mexican flag carrier with the flexibility of Aerolíneas Ejecutivas, a leading aviation company private for more than 50 years.”
Aeromexico said the new product is aimed at corporate clients, entrepreneurs, and companies seeking personalized service at any time they need it. It notes, “The service will work through the Jet Card Aeromexico, a prepaid card where customers can make use of their flight hours in a private jet operated by Executive Airlines.”
Available jet types include the Hawker 400XP (8 passengers) and Beechcraft Premier A1 (6 passengers); Learjet 75/45 and Hawker 800XP (both 9 passengers), and Bombardier Challenger 605 (12 passengers).
Jet card users can also apply their balance for tickets on Aeromexico to more than 90 destinations the airline flies.
Pixabay CC0 Public Domain. The Winners and Pictures From Funds Society's 2019 Investments & Golf Summit
Earlier this month, the Streamsong Resort and Golf, in Florida, hosted an array of fund selectors, financial advisers, private bankers and all those professionals involved in making investment decisions for non-resident clients in the United States.
Between May 6 and 8, nearly 50 professionals from the sector gathered at the idyllic resort to hear nine asset managers’ investment solutions: Amundi, Allianz Global Investors, AXA IM, Janus Henderson, M & G Investments , Participant Capital, RWC Partners, Thornburg IM and TwentyFour AM (Vontobel AM).
They also enjoyed a competitive golf tournament and parallel activities such as clay pigeon shooting and archery (see photos on the carousel above).
The winners
The golf tournament was held on May 8 at the Streamsong Black field with an Individual Net Strableford format. Among those with a handicap lower than 18, Julio Guemes Jr took first place, while Roberto García won second place.
The winners of the second round (handicap over 18) were Fernando Pardo, in the first position, and Francisco Velasco, in the second.
The individual trophies were for:
Daniel Stapff, winner of the trophies Closest to the hole # 5, sponsored by AXA Investments Managers, with 5’10 “, as well as Closest to the hole # 15, sponsored by Vontobel, with 4’4”.
Juan Minana, with 9’5 “, won the Closest to the hole # 7, sponsored by M & G Investments.
Humberto Bañuelos, with 22’8 “, got the Closest to the hole # 17, sponsored by Thornburg IM.
Eduardo Cadenas won Long Drive # 1, sponsored by RWC Partners.
Ryan Allison won the Long Drive # 8, sponsored by Participant Capital.
Laura Viveros was crowned with the Long Drive # 11, sponsored by Amundi.
Rodrigo Soto won the Long Drive # 18, sponsored by Janus Henderson.
Martin Guyot won Straight Drive # 12, sponsored by Allianz Global Investors.
Pixabay CC0 Public DomainFoto cedida. Juega en el torneo de golf de la Cámara de Comercio en Miami
The Spain – US Chamber of Commerce in Miami, an organization whose main objective is to promote the internationalization of companies, as well as the investment and trade between Spain and the United States, is preparing its Golf Tournament at the Crandon Golf at Key Biscayne.
“Our Chamber of Commerce understands golf as a great generator of business, which encourages and improves relations between people who share a hobby that transcends the field of leisure. Therefore, the next May 2nd we will be celebrating a golf tournament in which more than 70 high-profile executives will enjoy a day of outdoor networking and sports. The goal of the tournament is to bring together professionals from different industries, to offer the opportunity to expand their network of contacts, their business relationships, and have a good time; all in an executive and relaxed environment.” Says the Chamber.
For more information or registration, follow this link.
Pixabay CC0 Public DomainFoto: ¿Eres el mejor en Fortnite? Compite por hasta 50.000 dólares
Ultimate Gamer, the first open multi-game e-sports festival built to test gamers in different genres, announced that Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Fortnite, Super Smash Bros.™ Ultimate and Rocket League are the four games featured at the upcoming event. Each game title requires players to utilize a range of game playing skills which will culminate in the crowing of the “Ultimate Gamer.” The individual winning player of each of the four games will also receive $5,000 and designation as “Game Champion.”
“This mix of games requires players to have a wide array of talents, everything from the strategy required in Fortnite to the quick thinking of Super Smash Bros.,” said Steve Suarez, president of ShowGlobe Entertainment. “We’re thrilled to have the biggest game in the world as part of the competition as well as Counter-Strike and the amazing Rocket League. And we aren’t just crowning a champion, but we’re providing the entire community with the first gaming festival ever. It’s a chance for experts, noobs, cosplayers and others in the culture to have a great time in Miami.”
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive expands upon the team-based first person shooter gameplay the original Counter-Strike pioneered when it launched in 1999. Ultimate Gamers can choose between three weapons, the AK-47, M4A1-S and M4A4 and will play two 10-minute rounds. Each single player will have a specific amount of time to eliminate other game players.
Global gaming phenomenon Fortnite pits players against each other within a shrinking island landscape. Ultimate Gamers will play rounds of Fortnite Battle Royale in a “100 Player PvP” mode, where single players compete against 99 others to come out victorious.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is the fifth installment in the wildly popular Super Smash Bros. crossover series which features a range of Nintendo game universe characters competing in an arena. Players will join 4-person free-for-all matches progress until one remains.
In Rocket League, players will leverage rocket-powered vehicles to hit a ball and score points. It’s like soccer, but with rocket-powered cars.
Players can register to participate in the tournament here, and Ultimate Gamer tickets are available through Eventbrite. First place is awarded $50,000. The tournament will be held at the Mana Wynwood Convention Center in Miami from March 9-10.
Pixabay CC0 Public DomainPamjpat. Asian Countries Dominate When It Comes to Passport Power in 2019
Japan goes into the new year holding 1st place on the Henley Passport Index, with citizens enjoying visa-free/visa-on-arrival access to 190 destinations. In a further display of Asian passport power, Singapore and South Korea now sit in joint 2nd place, with access to 189 destinations around the globe. This marks a new high for South Korea, which moved up the ranking following a recent visa-on-arrival agreement with India. Germany and France remain in 3rd place going into 2019, with a visa-free/visa-on-arrival score of 188.
The US and the UK continue to drop down the Henley Passport Index — which is based on authoritative data from the International Air Transport Association (IATA) — and now sit in joint 6th place, with access to 185 destinations. This is a significant fall from the 1st place position that these countries held in 2015. Denmark, Finland, Italy, and Sweden now hold joint 4th place, while Spain and Luxembourg are in 5th. As they have done for much of the index’s 14-year history, Iraq and Afghanistan remain at the bottom of the ranking, with access to just 30 visa-free destinations.
Turkey’s recent introduction of an online e-Visa service has resulted in some interesting changes to the overall rankings. As of October 2018, citizens of over 100 countries (including Canada, the UK, Norway, and the US) must apply for an e-Visa before they travel to Turkey, instead of being able to do so on arrival. While this specific change means that a number of countries have dropped slightly in the rankings, it does not alter the overwhelmingly positive effect of the wider global tendency towards visa-openness and mutually beneficial agreements. Historical data from the Henley Passport Index shows that in 2006, a citizen, on average, could travel to 58 destinations without needing a visa from the host nation; by the end of 2018, this number had nearly doubled to 107.
Dr. Christian H. Kälin, Group Chairman of Henley & Partners and the inventor of the Passport Index concept, says this latest ranking shows that despite rising isolationist sentiment in some parts of the world, many countries remain committed to collaboration. “The general spread of open-door policies has the potential to contribute billions to the global economy, as well as create significant employment opportunities around the world. South Korea and the United Arab Emirates’ recent ascent in the rankings are further examples of what happens when countries take a proactive foreign affairs approach, an attitude which significantly benefits their citizens as well as the international community.”
Citizenship-by-investment countries consolidate their respective positions
As in 2018, countries with citizenship-by-investment (CBI) programs continue to hold their strong positions. Malta, for instance, sits in 9th spot, with access to 182 destinations around the world. St. Kitts and Nevis and Antigua and Barbuda hold 27th and 28th spot respectively, while Moldova remains in a strong position at 46th place, with citizens able to access 122 countries. A recent agreement signed between St. Kitts and Nevis and Belarus, due to come into effect in the coming months, will further strengthen the St. Kitts and Nevis passport, and enhance the travel freedom of its citizens.
Dr. Juerg Steffen, the CEO of Henley & Partners, says: “The enduring appeal of investment migration programs shows that more and more people are embracing alternative citizenship as the best way to access previously unimagined opportunities and improve their passport power. Additionally, it is no surprise that countries are increasingly looking to launch CBI programs, which attract talented individuals and bring enormous economic and societal benefits.”
You can consult your country’s position in the following link.