Ben Bernanke and Madeleine Albright will Address Financial Advisors at Pershing’s INSITE 2015

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Ben Bernanke and Madeleine Albright will Address Financial Advisors at Pershing's INSITE 2015
CC-BY-SA-2.0, FlickrFoto: Ryan McKee . Ben Bernanke participa como ponente destacado en INSITE 2015, que este año cambia su sede habitual

The annual event for advisors – investment professionals, RIAs, dually registered and hybrid advisors as well as senior-level product and marketing executives- hosted by Pershing will take place June 3-5 at The Hyatt Regency Orlando in Florida. The factors that are rapidly redefining today’s business environment for advisors, broker-dealers and other professionals in our industry to exam: The growth of global wealth, new and wide ranges of investment solutions, changing client expectations and other important developments in the marketplace.

INSITE 2015 will feature nearly 40 sessions around technology, regulation and practice management.  Keynote speakers include Madeleine K. Albright, the first woman to be named Secretary of State of the United States and Chair of Albright Capital Management; Dr. Ben S. Bernanke, two-term chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; Derek Jeter, a five-time World Series champion and New York Yankees captain.  Mr. Jeter is pursuing philanthropic and entrepreneurial ventures; Leon E. Panetta, the 23rd Secretary of Defense and former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.

Presentations and sessions will center on: Management and Protection of Clients’ Wealth; Positioning Yourself for Growth; Rev Up Retirement Practices; How to Stay Ahead of the Regulatory Curve and Transformation Through Technology.

To learn more or to register, please visit

Pioneer Investments Organizes an Exclusive Due Diligence Event for Morgan Stanley and UBS Advisors

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Pioneer Investments organiza un exclusivo evento de due diligence para asesores de Morgan Stanley y UBS
Photo: Roberto Taddeo. Pioneer Investments Organizes an Exclusive Due Diligence Event for Morgan Stanley and UBS Advisors

Pioneer Investments will hold an exclusive Due Diligence international forum in Dublin from the 20th to the 22nd of May; this year’s forum is entitled “Navigating Uncertainty via Innovative Thought”. The event, which is aimed at 85 Morgan Stanley and UBS Wealth Management financial advisors, will be hosted by Pioneer Investments’ Senior Investment Team and will feature prominent speakers who will explore the challenges and opportunities within the current changing context.

In particular, Pioneer experts will discuss the following topics:

  • How central banks are changing our world
  • Preparing for lower returns and higher volatility
  • Identifying new investment solutions
  • New trends in product and asset management

Main highlights on the agenda include a presentation by Adrian Furnham titled: “Debunking the Myth that Intelligence is Gender-Based “. The forum will also be attended by Nigel Gifford, whose presentation is titled: “Game of Drones: Ascenta” and Ricardo Baretzky, who will talk about cyber attacks and cyber terrorism risk management.

 For further information, please contact


Spanish Real Estate: Burst, Bottom and Future

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Spanish Real Estate: Burst, Bottom and Future
Foto: daliphoto . Mercado inmobiliario español: explosión, suelo y futuro

Under the title Spanish Real Estate: Burst, Bottom and Future, a session on Spanish Real Estate has been organized by Arcano USA at Columbia University (NY) on April 14th, 2015 at 7 p.m.

The panelist include: Sonny Kalsi, Founder and Partner at GreenOak Real Estate; José María de Arcas, Managing Partner at Alpha Moonlight; Ignacio Iturriaga, Founding Partner at IREA and Guillermo Fernández, Real Estate Director at AXIARE. Mónica Vidal, Managing Director at Arcano Group will moderate the round table.

If there has been one market that has captured real estate investors’ imagination more than any other in 2014 it has been Spain. As big capital continues to pour into the country, the session wants to help investors to find the value opportunities in 2015.

The Master of Science in Real Estate Development at Columbia University in the City of New York will hold this monographic session on Spanish Real Estate Investment. The event will go into how Spain got to a real estate collapse like the one lived in 2008, why it bottomed and where it is now. The panelists will discuss about their experiences investing and advising on recent transactions with the new institutional stakeholders: SAREB, SOCIMIs and foreign private equity funds.











The Pension Fund Brazil Forum will Gather the Key Players in Latin America’s Pension Fund Community

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The Pension Fund Brazil Forum will Gather the Key Players in Latin America’s Pension Fund Community
Foto: Júlio Boaro. El Foro de Fondos de Pensiones Brasil 2015 reunirá a los principales protagonistas del sector brasileño e internacional

The Pension Fund Brazil Forum, that will take place in Sao Paulo on the 13th of May organized by Markets Group, is a specialized gathering for Brazilian and international pension funds to discuss the unique challenges and opportunities faced by the key players in Latin America’s largest pension fund community.

The Forum was designed in collaboration with leading Brazilian pension fund decision makers to support the Brazilian pension funds who are confronted with falling local interest rates, the threat of inflation at home and rapidly increasing liabilities tied to an increasingly robust but aging middle class. It is an opportunity for Brazilian pension funds, asset managers and industry experts to work together toward solutions in Brazilian pension fund portfolio construction, Brazilian pension fund asset allocation and investment strategy, as well as to develop innovative strategies for liability and lifecycle modeling for Brazilian pension funds.

Closing Keynote speaker will be Henrique de Campos Meirelles, Former President of the Central Bank of Brazil, who will be preceded by Cecília Mendes Garcez Siqueira, PREVI;Maurício Marcellini, Funcef; Gabriel Amado de Moura, Fundação Itaubanco; Jorge Simino, Fundação Cesp; Antonio J. Carvalho, PREVI; Ana Nolte, Valia; Fábio Mazzeo, METRUS – Instituto de Seguridade Social; Carlos Kawall, Banco J Safra; Arlete Nese, Banesprev; Reinaldo Soares de Camargo, Funcef; Flavio Pacheco Moreira, Petros; Edner Castilho, Fundação Cesp; Nairam Félix de Barros, AGROS; Adilson Ferrarezi, HSBC Fundo de Pensão; Giuliano Lorenzoni, FAPES and Luiz Mário Farias, Towers Watson.

Key discussion topics include:

  • Best Practices in Asset-Liability Management: Developed and Emerging Market Pension Fund Perspectives
  • Investment Strategies for Long Term Asset Preservation and Growth
  • Fiduciary Excellence: Evolving Responsibilities in Global and Emerging Markets
  • Trends and Macroeconomic Prospects in Brazilian and Global Economies
  • Accessing Alternative Investments & the Future of International Asset Allocation
  • Pension System’s Lifecycle and Educational Programs for Contributors
  • Current Brazilian Pension Fund Regulation, New Legislation & Considerations in Fundraising & Capital Allocation

For additional information on program or registration, please visit link


Arthena’s Inaugural Conference on Art Assets & Investment

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Arthena’s Inaugural Conference on Art Assets & Investment
Foto: Scott Rettberg . Conferencia inaugural de Arthena sobre Activos de Arte e Inversión

Arthena, the first equity crowdfunding platform to give individuals access to invest with leaders in the art world, will hold an inaugural conference on Art Assets & Investment on April 2, 2015, at 54 W 40th St, New York.  The conference will feature insights from leaders in the fields of art, finance, and technology, including the latest international art market trends, how to value art, and the importance of art as a both a financial investment and an investment of passion.

The panel on Art Assets & Investment will be moderated by Enrique Liberman, President of the Art Fund Association; opened by Louis F. Trevino, Senior Managing Director of Beamonte Investments; and will include the insights of Adrien Meyer, Christie’s, International Director of Impressionist & Modern Art; Alan Fausel, VP and Director of Fine Arts at Bonhams New York; James Martin, Founder of Orion Analytical; Javier Lumbreras, CEO of Artemundi Global Fund; Joseph Jacobs, Founder of  Jacobs & Morawska; and Madelaine D’Angelo, Founder of Arthena, will be in charge of the concluding remarks.

For additional information

5th World Strategic Forum: How to Engineer a Resilient Economy

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5th World Strategic Forum: How to Engineer a Resilient Economy
Foto: Ines Hegedus-Garcia. V Foro Estratégico Mundial: cómo diseñar una economía resistente

An initiative of the International Economic Forum of the Americas, the World Strategic Forum, will convene over 200 global leaders to discuss how to Engineer a Resilient Economy in the face of the myriad of political, economic and environmental opportunities and challenges confronting countries and businesses around the world. The event will take place April 13 and 14, 2015, at the Biltmore Hotel in Miami.

 The two-day conference seeks to foster a better understanding of the issues and trends driving the global economy in the areas of finance, innovation, energy and trade. Included among the topics to be discussed: What are the foundations for a resilient economy? What strategies are Central Banks implementing to boost inclusive economic growth and combat poverty and inequality? How can infrastructure investment best be financed at a time of tighter fiscal constraints? Will the price of oil stabilize or is volatility the new normal? How can the agri-food sector continue drive economic growth and employment in a sustainable manner? How will the rise of emerging economies change the global trade landscape?

 “As the Great Recession recedes into history, the global economic recovery remains an uneven work in progress that will require bold economic strategies and vision,” said Nicholas Rémillard, president and CEO of the International Economic Forum of the Americas and the World Strategic Forum. “This year’s Forum brings together an impressive array of political and economic leaders to help chart a path towards a more resilient global economy.”

Some of confirmed speakers for the event include: Fred P. Hochberg, Chairman and President, Export-Import Bank of the United States; Strobe Talbott, President, The Brookings Institution; Shaukat Aziz, former prime minister of Pakistan (2004-2007) and former executive vice president, Citibank; John D. Negroponte, Chairman of Council of the Americas and Vice Chairman of McLarty Associates; Rafael Moreno Valle, Governor, State of Puebla; José Miguel Insulza, Secretary General, Organization of American States (OAS); Wilfredo R. Cerrato, Minister of Finance, Republic of Honduras; Herman Daems, Chairman, BNP Paribas Fortis; Ernesto Torres Cantú, Chief Executive Officer, Grupo Financiero Banamex; Amadou Diallo, Chief Executive Officer, DHL Freight; Luis Robles Miaja, Chairman of Grupo Financiero BBVA Bancomer and President of Asociación de Bancos de México; Justin Chinyanta, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of The Loita Group and Executive Vice-President, Africa Business Roundtable; Julio Velarde, Governor, Central Bank of Peru; Carlos G. Fernández Valdovinos, Governor, Central Bank of Paraguay; Mario Bergara, Governor, Central Bank of Uruguay; Sergio Argüelles González, President and Chief Executive Officer, FINSA; Anne Fulenwider, Editor in Chief, Marie Claire; Wandee Khunchornyakong, Chairwoman and Chief Executive Officer, SPCG Public Company Limited; Sherife AbdelMessih, Chief Executive Officer, Future Energy Corporation; Leonel Fernández, President, Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) and Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE) and Former President of the Dominican Republic.

For additional information on speakers please visit

Morningstar’s Agenda for its Annual Institutional Conference Welcomes Richard H. Thaler

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Morningstar's Agenda for its Annual Institutional Conference Welcomes Richard H. Thaler

Morningstar has announced the agenda for the Morningstar Institutional Conference taking place March 5-6 at the JW Marriott Desert Ridge Resort & Spa in Phoenix, Arizona. The conference, formerly the Morningstar Ibbotson Conference, is Morningstar’s premier event for institutional investors and wealth managers featuring thought leaders from academic institutions, the financial services industry, and Morningstar. Attendees will discuss current investment trends, the latest portfolio strategies, and perspectives on the U.S. and global economies.

Morningstar is pleased to welcome back Richard H. Thaler, the Ralph and Dorothy Keller Distinguished Service Professor of behavioral science and economics at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. Thaler will discuss how investor behavior affects retirement plan design and how to apply behavioral principles to money management.

Additional speakers include:

  • Brad DeLong, professor of economics and chair of the political economy major at the University of California, Berkeley, will address investing for a 30-year horizon.
  • Roger Ibbotson, Ph.D., founder of Ibbotson Associates (which Morningstar acquired in 2006), professor of finance at Yale School of Management, and partner at Zebra Capital Management, will present new research that challenges long-held assumptions about the relationship between risk and return, and proposes a new paradigm for understanding investment performance—popularity.
  • Ben Inker, co-head of asset allocation, GMO, will explain his firm’s framework for determining an optimal retirement strategy that relies on dynamic asset allocation.
  • Kevin L. Kliesen, business economist and research officer, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, will share his outlook for the U.S. economy.
  • Sallie Krawcheck, chair, Ellevate, and former president, Global Wealth and Investment Management division of Bank of America, will share research-based insights into how to meet the needs of women investors, who represent $11 trillion in investable assets but are still considered a “niche” market in the financial industry.

Thought leaders from across Morningstar will present new research during a series of breakout sessions on topics such as:

  •     Annuities, retirement, and defined contribution plans.
  •     Automated portfolio construction.
  •     Efficient income investing.
  •     Financial wellness.
  •     Minimizing downside risk while preserving returns.
  •     Modeling individual stock risk.
  •     The Morningstar Analyst Rating™ for funds in action.
  •     New approaches to capital market forecasting and asset allocation.
  •     Preserving wealth with behavioral science.
  •     The U.S. labor market and global economic outlook.

“This conference is our premier event for institutional investors that provides attendees with intimate access to prominent academics, industry leaders, and researchers from across Morningstar,Daniel Needham, president and CIO of Morningstar’s Investment Management group, said. “The agenda touches on all the factors that contribute to the end investor’s financial outcome with an emphasis on long-term, ‘total wealth’ investing. We’re excited to present the latest research on such topics as behavioral economics, the drivers of market performance, dynamic asset allocation, and efficient income investing. We’ll also explore the future of the defined contribution market and the outlook for the global economy.

“Attendees will hear from researchers and business leaders about how they harness investor behavior and employ the latest asset allocation and portfolio construction techniques to create outcomes-oriented solutions for investors. We believe this new paradigm will come to dominate the financial services industry.”

Leading Entrepreneurs from U.S., Latin America and Europe will meet at eMerge Americas’ 2015

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Emprendedores líderes de EE.UU., América Latina y Europa se reunirán en eMerge Americas 2015
Wikimedia CommonsPhoto Luc Viatour. Leading Entrepreneurs from U.S., Latin America and Europe will meet at eMerge Americas’ 2015

eMerge Americas, a global technology conference focused on innovations transforming industries across the Americas, will host a world-class array of early and later-stage companies to highlight innovation and disruptive technology through its Startup Showcase to be held in May, 1st to 5th, in Miami Beach.

As part of the eMerge Americas 2015 program, the Startup Showcase takes place in front of hundreds of investors and industry innovators. The showcase will culminate with the top companies pitching on eMerge’s Center Stage for the chance to walk away with up to $150,000 in cash and prizes. The companies selected for the Startup Showcase will also gain valuable insight from mentors in the lead up to eMerge Americas through an innovative virtual boot camp followed by an live boot camp for entrepreneurs in Miami during the event.

Registration is currently open and until MArch 15th. Startups interested in participating can visit


The Role of the Advisor as Master Builder of the Integrated Wealth Plan

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A examen el papel del advisor como arquitecto de la estrategia global del patrimonio familiar
Photo: Jorge Royan . The Role of the Advisor as Master Builder of the Integrated Wealth Plan

Family Office Exchange (FOX), a global membership organization of private family enterprises and their key advisors, will celebrate the 2015 Wealth Advisor Forum at the Biltmore in Coral Gables, FL, April 27-29.

The event will show how the family’s key advisor serves as the architect and integrator for the advisor ecosystem, and how advisors can contribute meaningfully toward solutions for families by embracing the mindset of a master builder. Advisors that work in a mindful and complementary way with other advisors to create the integrated wealth plan serve their clients more effectively.

The Forum will reveal new FOX insights on what families say they want and need from their advisors and will document the critical factors for building an integrated wealth plan.

Speakers include NYU’s Ben Dattner and Yale lecturer Sarah Biggerstaff. They will be joined by FOX experts Alexandre Monnier, President, and Amy Hart Clyne, Executive Director of the Knowledge Center.

Registration for the event is open to FOX members and non-members, but seating is limited. Attendees are also encouraged to join FOX for the Michael Brink Memorial Golf Outing on April 27 at the Biltmore Golf Course.

Information is available at

Montevideo Will Host FIAP’s Traditional International Seminar to be Held in September

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La FIAP celebrará en septiembre su tradicional Seminario Internacional, con Montevideo como sede
Radisson Victoria Plaza Hotel, Montevideo. Montevideo Will Host FIAP’s Traditional International Seminar to be Held in September

The International Federation of Pension Funds, FIAP, changes the traditional date for the celebration of its International Seminar to September. As reported by the organization, the venue for the 13th FIAP International Seminar, to be held on the 24th and 25th of September 2015, is the Radisson Victoria Plaza Hotel in Montevideo, Uruguay.

As in previous occasions, the event will feature international experts who will discuss their experience and knowledge in different areas of interest, and participants from different global latitudes (FIAP members and others), including government officials, parliamentarians, officials from international organizations, representatives from pension fund management, mutual funds, and insurance companies, and other personalities related to the financial sector and social security.

The current pension system in Uruguay is a “mixed retirement system” where there are two subsystems, one called intergenerational solidarity and another based on individual savings. The covered employee makes contributions to both systems according to their income level. Contributions to the first are administered by the Social Security Bank, while the contributions to individual accounts make up the “Fondo de Ahorro Previsional” an independent Pension Savings Fund, which is the property of members and indefeasible, and which is under the administration of the Pension Savings Fund Administrators (AFAP).

For more information about the event, please contact FIAP through the following email: fiap@fiap.