Convertible bonds are a well established asset class which has outperformed through the cycle over the last 40 years. During this time, convertibles have displayed lower volatility than equities and fewer defaults than high yield debt. The main attraction of this investment class is its potential ability to generate returns from both credit markets and rising equity markets.
Tarek Saber, Head and Lead Portfolio manager of the Convertible Bonds Team at NN Investment Partners, will present the strengths of the Dutch firm’s strategy in this asset class, under the title, ‘Convertible bonds: the fixed-income alternative to equities’, at the Second edition of the Funds Selector Summit to be held in Miami on the 28th and 29th of April.
The conference, aimed at leading funds selectors and investors from the US-Offshore business, will be held at the Ritz-Carlton Key Biscayne. The event-a joint venture between Open Door Media, owner of InvestmentEurope, and Fund Society- will provide an opportunity to hear the view of several managers on the current state of the industry.
The NN Investment Partners’ convertible investment strategy team, headed by Saber since 2014, seeks to capture the essence of the opportunities offered by the market for convertible bonds globally, focusing on balanced convertibles, backed by a process of in-depth research and concentrated on a select number of convertibles.
Prior to joining NN IP, Tarek Saber was CEO / CIO for Avoca Convertible Bond Partners LLP and Head of Convertible Bond Strategies in the management company’s London office.
You can find all the information about the Fund Selector Miami Summit 2016, aimed at leading fund selectors and investors from the US-Offshore business, through this link.