The Taper Tantrum 2022 is Underway

Column by Gabelli Funds


Pixabay CC0 Public DomainDólares estadounidenses . Taper Tantrum
  1. So far, how does the May 2013 Bernanke quantitative tightening surprise compare? To date 2022, the S&P 500 is down 5.6% vs 4.9% in 2013 and the ten-year U.S. Treasury yield is 27% higher vs 35% in 2013.
  2. Job creation estimates for the January U.S. payrolls report released on February 4 were far below the actual data as the labor market recovery strengthened and the Omicron surge slowed. Bottom line: the U.S. job market is tight and wages are rising.
  3. With growth multiples moving lower, many equity sensitive convertibles moved lower with stocks in January. Additionally, with interest rates rising, the fixed income equivalents in the market trended lower as well. While this hurt performance for the month, we believe it presents an opportunity as there are now some convertibles trading at more attractive levels than they have in some time, and underlying equity valuations have become more reasonable.