Colchester has announced in a press release that its three flagship Irish UCITS funds (Colchester Global Bond Fund, Colchester Global Real Return Bond Fund and Colchester Local Markets Bond Fund) are now being offered to BNY Mellon Pershing’s clients.
The funds will be available to their introducing broker-dealers and registered investment advisors using BNY Mellon Pershing’s NetX360® platform upon the execution of an agreement with Colchester Global Investors’ Fund.
“We’re very pleased with bringing our core strategies to the Latin American and US offshore markets where we have had immense support to make this listing possible. The simplicity of our investment process and the exclusive focus on global sovereign bonds and currencies have resonated with investors in a heavily fixed income biased region”, said Global Head of Marketing and Client Services, Paul Allen.
In his view, their global sovereign bond strategies have experienced strong interest from advisers who are seeking both value and a defensive fixed income alternative for their client portfolios. “With our long track record of displaying negative correlation to risk assets including credit, we are sought out as the anchor in portfolios,” Allen explained.
He revealed that investors have also welcomed their expertise in local currency emerging markets to complement their “aggressive fixed income exposure” through the Colchester Local Markets Bond Fund USD Unhedged Accumulation Class – I Share class (ISIN IE00BQZJ1775), which has received a 5-Star Morningstar RatingTM as of 31/8/20211.
“Nuestro punto de diferencia es que solo invertimos en bonos soberanos físicos en nuestros fondos principales, lo que garantiza la liquidez en todos los mercados y una simplicidad que los clientes pueden comprender. En Colchester, nos enorgullecemos de nuestra alineación con nuestros clientes como inversores a largo plazo en lugar de realizar apuestas a corto plazo “, concluyó Allen.
Los fondos estarán disponibles de inmediato a través de varios acuerdos existentes con corredores de bolsa orientados a la gestión de patrimonios, asesores de inversión registrados (RIA) e instituciones.